"You!" King Hirayama was even more angry.

At this time,

Hanhai Hou Xu Zhan also walked up and shook his head gently.

"King Pingshan, you really don't have to worry about it."

"Li Qingshan is already a special recruit of our Demon Sea."

"Special admissions?"

Everyone was stunned,

I have never heard of the saying that the capital city and the magic sea have special admissions.

King Hirayama turned even redder, and scolded angrily:

"Where did you Xu Zhan get the qualifications to make the special move?"

"¨〃 Naturally I'm not qualified."

Xu Zhan shook his head with a smile, and gently waved to Nan Zhengming.

Nan Zhengming stepped forward and solemnly presented an admission notice.

Xu Zhan took the notice and opened it slowly.

In an instant, the surging waves appeared in front of him.

Everyone seemed to be in the ocean of Wang Yang.

King Wu'an and King Jingshan looked at each other and became serious.

"Spiritual Imprint!"

This is a method unique to the tenth-order powerhouse.

"This notice is personally signed by my vice-principal of Mohai."

The waves disappear,

Xu Zhan closed the notice, turned to Li Qingshan, and said with a smile:

"Li Qingshan, welcome to Mohai Wuda!"

"Thank you!"

Li Qingshan sincerely thanks,

Obviously, the notice in hand was specially prepared by Mohai for a long time.


Bloody flames rose from around King Hirayama's body,

His eyes were red and full of anger.

"Xu Zhan, do you have to be in trouble with my capital?"


A light drink echoed in the sky.

The illusory big hand stretched out from the depths of the mountain, quickly formed, and grabbed it downward.

King Pingshan was like a chicken, and was taken directly back to Shiwanda Mountain.


King Jingshan regretfully slapped his mouth and rubbed his fist.

Li Qingshan shook his head and laughed, stepped forward and said:

"Master Hou, it's time to go back."

Everything that needs to be done is done, and there is no point in staying in the capital.

Along the way with King Jingshan, the speed can be much faster than the plane.

"Okay no!"

King Jingshan glanced at Marquis Hanhai, then turned and walked towards the sky.

"The nine-forged golden body is not a legend, stick to it."

"Thank you!" Xu Zhan thanked him solemnly.

After Li Qingshan rushed off the stage and Zhong Ningyu nodded,

Also turned around and flew high into the sky.

On the playground, the cameramen moved their cameras to follow.

On the TV screens of thousands of households in the Dragon Country,

A back figure disappeared into the sky.

The XNUMXth chapter first arrived in the magic sea, a new medicine pill

August XNUMXst.


In the endless wilderness, a train galloped fast and galloped fast.

On both sides of the rails, the ground had already turned dark red.

From time to time, there are figures with war knives, passing by.

On the train, a girl around the third year of junior high pressed her face against the window.

Whenever a warrior figure appears,

Her eyes lit up and she waved excitedly.

But the train was so fast that no one noticed the little face in the window.

"Xiao Xi, look ahead, there's a handsome guy sitting there, even more handsome than Xiao Jun!"

Another flower girl finished using the toilet, and when she returned to her seat, she excitedly tugged at her best friend's sleeve.

"Lingling, I don't chase stars."

Xiaoxi rolled her eyes,

Best friend Lingling is a groupie, and Xiaojun is the husband she talks about all day.

"What's the point of chasing stars!"

Xiaoxi pointed out the window and said bitterly:

"Look at the warriors guarding outside, aren't they much more handsome than the stars?"

"Really?" Lingling was absent-minded, her eyes never leaving the front aisle.

The handsome guy I saw just now is sitting there.

"Don't believe it!"

Xiaoxi is in a hurry,

He did not dare to say other martial artists,

But there is one person who absolutely crushes those stars.

"Let you not watch this year's martial arts conference."

"Let me tell you, when you see Li Qingshan, you will definitely abandon your 'husband'."

"What husband?"

"I have divorced him."

Lingling waved her hand indifferently, but she still refused to take her eyes back.

"Too lazy to care about you! 607"

Xiaoxi laughed angrily,

Continue to lie back to the window and look for the warrior figure.


The train continued to drive, and the two girls in the flower season were looking for their idols.

Two hours later,

"Dear passengers, the train's terminal station, Mohai City, has arrived."

The announcement sounded, and the train slowly slowed down.


"Xiao Xi, do you want me to ask the handsome guy for contact information?"

Lingling's palms were sweating, and she was a little uneasy.

Xiaoxi sneered silently,

"Look at it, don't forget you're here to go to school!"

"But if you miss it this time, you may not see it again."

Lingling became more and more tangled,

On the aisle ahead, the handsome guy has already stood up.

But this time, there was no more voice from the girlfriend.

She turned to look,

I saw Xiaoxi's eyes widened, and the light in her eyes,

She was countless times crazier than when she was chasing stars before.

"Li Qingshan!"

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