Yes, complete!

Although there are some twists and turns in the middle, at least the ending is good.

The situation will also be completely reversed and not so embarrassing anymore.

And, time is long enough to smooth it all out.

Years later, with the rise of Zhuang Ya and Li Qingshan.

All will only remember,

They are geniuses from the same martial arts conference.

And that martial arts conference was supervised by King Hirayama!

Thinking of this,

There was even a hint of excitement in King Hirayama's heart.

"Champion badge?"

Li Qingshan's eyes were calm, his right hand slowly stretched out to the wooden box.

Chapter XNUMX There is no champion in this martial arts conference!


Many students looked strange,

Indeed, the championship badge should belong to Li Qingshan.

However, it shouldn't be such a child's play, and it should be decided by King Hirayama.

The dark cloud shrouded in the headspace of the Martial Arts Conference just changed its form and did not dissipate at all.

in front of the TV,

The audience stared at the hands in the screen, a little bit closer to the championship badge.

at last,

Li Qingshan picked up the championship badge,


At this moment, there was not the slightest cheer.

Thousands of households in the Dragon Kingdom fell into a strange silence.

Everyone looked inexplicable.

Li Qingshan appeared,

He also got the championship badge that should belong to him.

But the audience found that they were not as happy as they imagined.

It seems that such a martial arts conference is not what they want to see.

"It seems that everyone doesn't really want to see this scene!"

A clear self-deprecating voice suddenly sounded.

On the high platform, Li Qingshan suddenly laughed.


King Pingshan was excited, and his eyes swept over everyone in the audience.

The meaning is obvious,

At this time, it's time to applaud.

Let the martial arts conference come to a successful conclusion with cheers!

Unfortunately, no one responded to his eyes at all.

The audience was silent, and everyone looked complicated.

Li Qingshan smiled even more as he approached the microphone and said:

"Actually, I don't want to either!"

With this remark,

Whether it was the audience in front of the TV or the candidates on the spot, they were all shocked.

All eyes were on Li Qingshan, waiting for the following.

Under the spotlight,

Li Qingshan slowly raised his right hand,

The badge shone with golden light in the sunlight.

"I once said, it's not worth it!"


King Pingshan's expression changed, and he said angrily:

"Li Qingshan, what are you doing!"

As soon as he moved, he was about to stop Li Qingshan from speaking.

"Wait quietly. 々!"

King Jingshan suddenly appeared beside King Hirayama, with a hand on his shoulder.

King Hirayama's movements were stagnant, as if frozen.

Only his red eyes remained, staring fiercely at Li Qingshan.

Li Qingshan shook his head and laughed, facing the audience, gently shaking the badge in his hand.

"What you say, it counts."

The voice fell, the right hand held the badge, and the fist was closed.

Then the fingers opened, and a pool of gold powder appeared in the palm.

Li Qingshan raised his palm lightly, and the gold powder was scattered with the wind, and the golden light appeared in the sun.

at the same time,

The clear words resounded throughout the playground and thousands of households in the Dragon Country.

"I announce!"

"This martial arts conference, there is no champion!"

Everyone at the scene and in front of the TV fell silent.

Staring at the scattered gold powder,

The dark clouds shrouded in the sky of the Martial Arts Conference were swept away by the beautiful golden light little by little.

In the next second, the clouds cleared and the fog dispersed.

"Li Qingshan!!!"

Zhentian cheers resounded throughout the playground, and resounded through thousands of households in the Dragon Country.

on the high platform,

Li Qingshan turned around with a smile and walked towards King Jingshan.

"Master Hou, I have disappointed you."

"Hahaha, I am very happy!"

King Jingshan picked up a cigarette and laughed.

Beside him, King Hirayama also got out of the restriction.

His face was gloomy as water,

Every cheer around him was like a slap, slapped hard on his face.

His "big picture" was completely shattered.

The "Martial Arts Conference" without a champion,

It is destined to be remembered in the annals of the Dragon Kingdom.

And he, King Hirayama.

He was also nailed to the pillar of shame.

"Li Qingshan, giving up the championship means you quit the martial arts conference!"

King Pingshan stared at Li Qingshan and said fiercely:

"This year, you are not eligible to enter any martial arts university!"

"A year wasted in vain, and one day, you will regret it!"


Every bit of time is precious, once caught up and surpassed by peers,

The name of the so-called "Tianjiao" was also lost.

"Don't worry about Laoping Mountain King."

Li Qingshan shook his head and laughed,

King Hirayama's so-called "threat",

In his eyes, it was really just a joke.

a year?

To know,

It has been less than a year since he started cultivating.

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