However, when I first entered Peiyuan,

Cultivating Yuanjing is a process of accumulation.

The purpose is to condense the three flowers on the top and prepare for the condensed golden core.

No matter the early, middle, or late stage, there is no qualitative improvement in true essence.

"In the short term, it is difficult to break through in refining Qi. If you want to improve your combat power, you have to fall into the martial arts."

"Sixth level of martial arts, qi and blood refine the head, condense essence, qi, and spirit, and close the three doors of the body."

Li Qingshan's eyes moved slightly,

"This step is somewhat similar to condensing the top three flowers and forming a golden core."

"I wonder if there is anything in common?"

From Peiyuan to Jindan,

Even Yin Han takes more than ten years.

Although he has the help of Blue Star Spiritual Qi, he must have at least three years.

Now, in the description of the "Three Doors of the Flesh", he sees a glimmer of hope for speeding up the progress.

"However, everything has to wait until you enter the University of Martial Arts before you can get in touch."

Li Qingshan shook his head gently,

What he knew was just some simple descriptions.

Knowledge of the sixth-order martial arts is not available on the streets.

Especially when it comes to qi and blood refining the head,

One mistake, and the person is gone.

Therefore, the two martial arts universities in the capital city and the magic sea will become the holy places of martial arts.

Because there are the most professional tutors in it, they can help students to cross this world.

"Jindan Jiuzhuan, immortal golden body."

Li Qingshan remembered the description on the Heavenly Body Foundation Building Method, and there was a glimmer of anticipation in his eyes.

Then he closed his eyes, ran the "Book of Longevity", and started a new round of cultivation.

Regardless of whether "Three Flowers on the Top" and "Three Doors of the Flesh" are related,

The premise must have massive real yuan.

Only by cultivating to the peak of the Peiyuan period,

Only have the qualifications to achieve Jindan!

After a while

Zhong Ningyu and others came back,

After Li Qingshan's spiritual sense transmission, he continued to practice.

After establishing the foundation realm, he can go fast.

In the next few days, Li Qingshan plans to retreat and practice.

The camp is near the Shiwanda Mountain, and the amount of spiritual energy is even more than the deep valley of the martial arts association in Lin Province, so it cannot be wasted.

The next day, early in the morning.

Zhong Ningyu and others finished packing and were ready to go out.

Lin Province also has candidates who are ranked below XNUMX, and they need to participate in the battle today.

But the door just opened,

Countless flashes came on suddenly,

They can't open their eyes directly.

"What are you doing!"

Zhong Ningyu roared loudly, setting off a gust of wind.

Immediately, people turned their backs, and exclamations continued to sound.

And Zhong Ningyu and others were finally able to open their eyes.

I saw the darkness outside the door,

All reporters with microphones, and cameras with long guns and short cannons

"Why are you here if you don't go to the battle arena?" Zhong Ningyu said angrily.

The reporters looked behind Zhong Ningyu,

After confirming that there was no Li Qingshan's figure, they all showed disappointment.

The witch reporter was even more unwilling to say:

"Isn't Li Qingshan going out?"

Where is Li Qingshan important in the competition,

His name is firmly nailed on the first line of the giant screen,

Now audiences across the country are looking for Li Qingshan as soon as they turn on the TV.

Only when Li Qingshan is photographed can there be ratings!

"Don't think about it! He's been cultivating these days."

Zhong Ningyu closed the door, led the team, and left without looking back.

The reporters stared at the closed door and looked at each other.

break in?

As soon as the idea flashed, it was killed.

No one has such courage!

There were those who resigned and left in despair, ready to shoot the battle.

There are also those who are not reconciled, just set up the machine and continue to wait.

However, their waiting is doomed to be in vain.

until evening,

When Zhong Ningyu and others came back, the door was closed again.

Li Qingshan was still missing.

For the next two days,

The battle is in full swing,

On the national TV, there are only two pictures,

One is the battle scene, and the other is the closed door.

The strange thing is that 1.3, the attention on both sides is evenly divided.

In the evening, outside the door of Lin Xing's dormitory.

The magic sea camera guy crouched behind the machine and muttered.

"It can't go on like this!"

"The audience almost scolded us to death!"

squatted for three days,

Li Qingshan never appeared.

Audience complaints are also growing.

The female reporter was equally helpless and sighed softly.

"Wait a minute, the battle is about to end, and the top XNUMX should play the day after tomorrow."

The night was getting dark, and the red light of the camera was still flashing.

The two leaned against the railing behind them, dozing off.

at the same time,

Forest Province, the deep valley of the Wushu Association.


The beast roared, breaking the silence.

Chapter XNUMX Wind and rain!


The thunderous roar came from the depths of the canyon, resounding for miles around.

Outside the empty Wushu Association headquarters,

A group of figures quickly rushed through the gate of the Wushu Association and entered the canyon.

They are all warriors who stay around.

However, after reaching the entrance of the deep valley, everyone stopped.

The battle between several vice presidents and monsters is not something they can participate in.


"Bang bang bang!"

come near,

The roars of monsters and the clash of battles became more intense.

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