"28 times the combat power, not bad."

Li Qingshan nodded lightly,

Zhong Ningyu's "ability" is not even true qi.

It can be blessed to be close to 30 times of the sixth order,

Enough to surpass most fifth-order warriors.

At this time,

"Li Qingshan! Li Qingshan!"

Screams sounded from all directions,

Countless reporters rushed forward like hungry wolves.

Li Qingshan quickly gave Zhong Ningyu and Lei Yao a wink,

Soon, a wall of people stood in front of him.

"Li Qingshan, do you still remember me?"

The witch reporter was blocked in front of Zhong Ningyu, jumping and waving frantically.


Li Qingshan smiled slightly and shook his head gently.

"But I'm sorry, there are too many reporters to be interviewed."

After all,

He turned to look at the giant screen.

The surrounding reporters all looked at the female reporter with admiration.

At least, Li Qingshan had spoken to her.

However, the female reporter was full of depression, and her bowels were about to turn blue.

She hates herself, why wasn't she firm before.

Obviously there is such a good interview opportunity,

Just missed it!

No one paid attention to the combat power tester,

However, the remaining candidates still have to be tested one by one.

On the giant screen, the handwriting is constantly changing.


After 380 names, they all brought combat results.

The tests are all completed, and the first round rankings are completely determined.

Li Qingshan scanned the rankings and nodded lightly.

"Including me, Lin Xing has a total of six in the top XNUMX, which is not bad."

Although there is still a chance to compete after the XNUMXth place,

But rankings are based on combat power after all.

It is not easy for the people behind to win the top XNUMX.


Majestic shouts swept across the audience, suppressing the restless reporters.

The Marquis of Hanhai walked to the microphone with an elegant smile.

"The test is over, and the ranking results are also on the giant screen."

"In the next few days, the top XNUMX candidates will stay at the camp to rest."

"For the next candidates, we will draw lots to decide the order of battle."

"The specific game time will be notified separately."

"Okay, let's go back and rest today!"

On the playground, the atmosphere suddenly relaxed.

The reporters were restless again.

Li Qingshan frowned, tapped his right foot, and flew into the air.


He stopped.

Because a figure hovered in front of him.

King Hirayama, Quan Mao!

on the high platform,

King Wu'an walked to Xu Zhan, Marquis of Hanhai, and teased:

"I didn't expect him to sit still."

"Aren't you going?"

"No!" Xu Zhan shook his head slowly and smiled.

"I believe in Li Qingshan."


King Hirayama looked serious and spoke directly.

"Li Qingshan, come to our capital Wuda, I can"

"Thank you, my lord, for the invitation."

Li Qingshan cupped his hands and interrupted directly.

"However, I prefer the scenery of the magic sea!"

Smiled slightly,

Li Qingshan turned and flew away.

Different road non-phase plan.

He still does not have the strength to reason with the King of Peace Mountain.

But he has the right to choose!factory.

Chapter XNUMX: Three Flowers on the Top, Three Doors on the Flesh

Li Qingshan is going to the sea of ​​magic?

Looking at the flying back,

All the reporters were stunned at first, and then immediately began to report to the camera.

Anything about Li Qingshan today will become a hot topic.

The witch reporter even jumped with excitement, her eyes glowing.

Picking up the microphone is an output.

For a time,

The entire playground was filled with news that Li Qingshan was going to Mohai Wuda.


King Hirayama's face gradually darkened.

This is live,

Li Qingshan openly rejected him, and directly stated that he was going to the Devil Sea.

This puts him where the capital of Wuda is!

"Brother Quan, calm down!"

Wu'an Wang Fei stepped forward with a strange smile on his lips.

"The reporters are still filming, but don't lose the 'pattern'!"


a cold hum,

The figure of King Hirayama disappeared.

King Wu'an and Marquis Hanhai looked at each other, shook their heads and laughed.

In the Lin Province dormitory,

After Li Qingshan came back, he went straight back to his room and sat cross-legged.

"With the blessing of blood-colored true essence, the increase in combat power can actually reach 5 times."

to be frank,

After calculating this multiplier,

Li Qingshan himself was also shocked.

1x is the starting point of the master, and 3x is the eighth-order category.

"However, it can be increased by 5 times now, which does not mean that it will be 5 times after the seventh order."

Li Qingshan is very clear,

The increase in own combat power is the result of the combined effect of martial arts and Qi refining.

Everything depends on his cultivation progress.

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