"That kid Nan Zhengming went to pick up Li Qingshan?"

The young man beside him hesitated and spoke carefully.

"Tutor, we are not good because of the relationship between the seniors and seniors"

"What's the matter with Guanli Wuji?"

Quan Mao frowned slightly and reprimanded:

"What is the grudge of the Holy Heavenly Martial Arts Hall?"

"There is no pattern at all."

"Teacher, I'll go get in touch with Li Qingshan?" the young man suggested.

"No, Li Qingshan is not the only good seedling this time."

"You don't have to be in a hurry like the Mohai gang."

Quan Mao raised his hand slightly and said solemnly:

"Young people, it's not a good thing to hold too high."

"Besides, Li Qingshan's anger is a little heavier."

"It still needs to be polished."

in front of the dormitory,

The off-road vehicle stopped slowly.

Nan Zhengming comforted Li Qingshan and said:

"When you get to the camp, you don't have to worry too much."

"Although King Pingshan is a bit old-fashioned, he represents the capital Wuda, and he will definitely not be favoritism."

"Besides, if there is a problem, my tutor will not ignore it."

"Then thank you, Senior Nan."

Li Qingshan smiled slightly, opened the door and got off.

The word "senior" represents his attitude.

At least at this moment, his heart is inclined to Mohai Wuda.

People are emotional,

Mohai Wuda takes the initiative to release goodwill, and he will naturally have a good impression.


As Li Wuji's mentor, can King Pingshan really be selfless?

Li Qingshan cannot deny,

But he was able to avoid risks in advance.

"Okay, Li Xuedi, I'm waiting to see you win the championship!"

Nan Zhengming laughed and clapped his hands,

The off-road vehicle sped away.

"Did he forget that he has a cousin?"

Zhong Ningyu was carrying a small bag with a depressed look on her face.

"Okay, let's go to the dormitory first!"

Li Qingshan shook his head and laughed,

Spiritual consciousness swept around inadvertently.

Since he got out of the car, many eyes have been cast over him.

After a few seconds, the spiritual sense was withdrawn.

The camp dormitory is not a whole building.

Instead, it is divided into more than XNUMX small buildings.

Each small building has the name of the province in front of it.

Ten candidates from the same province live together.

Li Qingshan looked at two of the small buildings, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

"Rongping Province, Xinluo Province?"

"It seems that there are still a lot of geniuses this year!"

In these two buildings, there are sixth-order warriors.

and until this time,

Eyes were still locked on him.

At this time,

"Li Qingshan, Zhong Ningyu!"

A boy with a sunny face waved his hand and ran to the two of them.

"Lei Yao, long time no see."

Li Qingshan nodded in greeting,

Lei Yao is the student of the special training class, second only to Zhong Ningyu, and the third in Lin Province.

"They've all gone to dinner, I'll take you to the dormitory!"

Lei Yao looked enthusiastic,

Li Qingshan did not refuse either.

The two followed behind Lei Yao and soon arrived at the dormitory.

After confirming your room,

Lei Yao was ready to take them to dinner.

However, Li Qingshan held him back.

"Lei Yao, how long have you been at the camp?"

"It's been almost half a month." Lei Yao wondered:

"what happened?"

"Tell me about the candidates from Rongping and Xinluo provinces!"

Li Qingshan's eyes flashed,

It is normal for some candidates to know him and to be curious about him.

But the eyes from those two places just now,

It's definitely more than just curiosity.

"Rongping Province, Xinluo Province?"

Lei Yao's face became serious and he said seriously:

"They are all disciples of Eclipse Martial Arts Hall and Feiyu Martial Arts Hall."

"All the candidates in a province are martial arts disciples?" Zhong Ningyu was surprised.


Lei Yao nodded and said helplessly:

"They can't be regarded as normal candidates, they are just hanging up a student status."

"I don't usually communicate with candidates from our other provinces."

"These two martial arts halls have become kings of the earth!"

Li Qingshan sighed softly,

It is a good thing for a province to prosper in martial arts.

However, the concept of the martial arts hall is different from that of the martial arts association.

Just like in Linxi City,

If they were all disciples from Lin's Martial Arts Academy, how many would go out to hunt monsters in the wild?


under these circumstances,

Candidates from the two provinces want to enter the capital and the magic sea, the only way to go is to join the martial arts hall.

It will definitely be influenced by the concept of martial arts.

The local martial arts association, I am afraid there are only empty shelves left.

However, at this level, he is not able to intervene for the time being.

Li Qingshan looked at Lei Yao and continued to ask:

"Are there sixth-order warriors among them?"


Lei Yao was startled, nodded and said:

"He Yushan of the Eclipse Sun Martial Arts Hall, Qi Feilan of the Feiyu Martial Arts Hall."

"They are all sixth-order, and they are very strong."

"But" Lei Yao paused and whispered:

"It's the other person you should pay attention to."

"Anything stronger?"

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