"The organizer is Jingcheng Wuda, this time I just came with my tutor to select freshmen."

Nan Zhengming raised his eyebrows and said casually:

"But the process should be similar to previous years."

"It's nothing more than to first measure the qi and blood, eliminate a group of combat power, and then compete in the battle to determine the top XNUMX."

"Cousin, have you met the candidates from other provinces?"

Zhong Ningyu couldn't wait to ask,

"How are their strengths? Can I steadily enter the Mohai Wuda?"

"Whether you can enter the sea of ​​magic depends on your performance."

Nan Zhengming said perfunctorily,

His eyes fell on Li Qingshan, and he said seriously:

"Li Qingshan, I took the initiative to pick you up, just to give us the attitude of Mohai Wuda in advance."

"Trust me, Mohai Wuda is more suitable for you."

Li Qingshan nodded solemnly.

"I will seriously consider it."

Jingcheng Wuda, Mohai Wuda,

Although already famous,

But very few people actually know them.

As if a layer of mist shrouded them,

But one thing is definitely recognized by the Dragon Kingdom,

That is the two martial arts universities, which are the real holy places of martial arts.

They are the two guiding lights on the Wu Road.


Zhong Ningyu was a little depressed.

"Cousin, you don't need to be so obviously different, right?"

"That's because you don't understand the weight of Li Qingshan today!"

Nan Zhengming shook his head slightly and looked at Li Qingshan.

"Another reason I came to pick you up is to prevent some people from going dizzy and doing stupid things."

"After entering the camp, you'd better not go out again."

"There are many people who are 'curious' about you."

Nan Zhengming meant something,

Li Qingshan's expression moved slightly,

Spiritual consciousness pours out like a tide,

Taking the off-road vehicle as a radius,

Sweep all pedestrians and vehicles within a three-kilometer radius.

After a while, the spiritual sense was withdrawn.

The corners of Li Qingshan's mouth twitched into a smile.

"It's quite a lot!"

"Eight seventh-order warriors and fifteen sixth-order warriors, they really look down on me."


Nan Zhengming's eyes were shocked.

The number Li Qingshan reported was just a little more than the news he received.

It can't be rhetorical.


"Just sitting in the car, he can detect the enemy clearly?"

Nan Zhengming took a deep breath and suppressed the shock in his heart.

Li Qingshan's methods are more terrifying than he imagined

"what should we do?"

Zhong Ningyu immediately looked at Li Qingshan,

With the experience of sitting in the city center for a month,

She believed that Li Qingshan would definitely be able to handle it.

"Don't panic!"

Nan Zhengming waved his hand and looked out the window.

"This car represents the sea of ​​magic!"

"They dare not do it!"

Li Qingshan nodded,

In the sleeves, a touch of golden light appeared silently.

Your life must be in your own hands.

But the fact is exactly as Nan Zhengming said,

As the off-road vehicle entered the suburbs, the following warriors also evacuated one after another.

There was no chance for Li Qingshan to take action.

The camp gate is just ahead.

Nan Zhengming breathed a sigh of relief and speculated:

"It could be someone who eclipsed the sun or flew feathers."

"Eclipse sun, flying feathers?" Li Qingshan frowned slightly, wondering:

"Shouldn't it be Shengtian Martial Arts Hall?"

To know,

He stepped on the face of Shengtian Martial Arts Hall.

"It won't be the Sacred Heaven Martial Arts Hall."

Nan Zhengming slowly shook his head and said solemnly:

"Because the leader of this martial arts conference is King Hirayama, Quan Shigeru."

"Li Wuji is his student!"

"Li Wuji?" Zhong Ningyu raised her voice.

"Son of King Shengchuan?"

Nan Zhengming nodded,

1.3 Speaking of Li Wuji,

His eyes also darkened.

Li Wuji and him are actually the same one,

It is also the Tianjiao list, but Li Wuji's strength far exceeds them.

It's them this time,

The first to be expected to be a prince.

"Is there a history?"

Unlike the two who look different,

Li Qingshan just tapped his finger and said softly:

"He hasn't reached the eighth level yet?"

Nan Zhengming nodded subconsciously,

Then he reacted suddenly, and looked at Li Qingshan suspiciously.

"what happened?"

"It's nothing."

Li Qingshan showed a gentle smile,

The golden light disappeared from the sleeves.

less than eighth grade,

Should be able to kill! .

Chapter XNUMX Polishing?force?

The vehicle entered the camp gate,

It quickly attracted a lot of attention.

Nan Zhengming didn't pay much attention, and directly instructed the driver to drive to the dormitory.

main camp,

A burly old man stood outside the window, watching the off-road vehicle drive away.

He is the King of Pingshan, Quan Mao, in the mouth of Nan Zhengming.

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