
Li Qingshan is galloping,

After being promoted to Peiyuan Realm, his speed became even faster.

The blood-colored real essence is more violent and powerful than before.

"My true essence still has its own characteristics after all."

Li Qingshan remembered Lu Zhenren's black real essence, cold and unruly.

There is also the constant chill around Yin Han's body.

"Perhaps, this is the real "Longevity Canon"!"

Li Qingshan converged his spiritual consciousness and sank into his dantian.

Take a closer look at the altered real element.

The true essence is not completely blood-colored, but is like the golden light in the blood.

There was only a touch of blood in it.

In addition to the blood, it is as normal and peaceful as usual.

In the blood, the frenzy is violent.

Li Qingshan thought about it,

The blood flowed, quickly dyeing all true essence red.

The blood-colored True Essence surged violently, and the meridians felt the pain of tearing.

The bloodshot gradually climbed up the eyeball,


a burst of sound,

Li Qingshan's figure quickly disappeared.

Wuxie Deep Valley,

Jiang Yunxiu and the other three vice presidents sit around the platform


The four of them raised their heads at the same time, looking at the sky in the distance.

A figure is approaching fast.


A vice president stood up immediately.

"and many more!"

Jiang Yunxiu stretched out her hand to stop it, her eyes narrowed slightly.

"It's Li Qingshan!"

Her "innate ability" sensed the aura fluctuations around Li Qingshan.

"Li Qingshan?"

Several vice presidents looked at each other in dismay, some couldn't believe it.

this flight speed,

has surpassed them.

But Li Qingshan has not reached the seventh rank!


Li Qingshan calmed his mind, and the blood in his true essence gathered again.

"Is this an explosion?"

Feeling the slightest pain from the meridians,

Li Qingshan made a judgment,

Although the consequences are not as serious as those in the film and television works,

But the effect is really like "exploding seeds".

When the true essence turns completely bloody,

He even felt that he could defeat the seventh-order master even without flying swords.

of course,

This refers to the seventh-order grandmaster who has just passed one million combat power.

Seventh-order, combat power spans 1 to 1.

The difference is comparable to the sky.

As you approach the deep valley,

Li Qingshan slowed down and wiped away all the blood on his body with his True Yuan.

When it landed, it was completely new.

come to the platform,

He immediately cast his gaze on the blood-colored wooden chair, and his spiritual sense probed to the ground. 1.3

"Go to the capital!"

Jiang Yunxiu stepped forward with a smile and said seriously:

"do not worry."

"By the time you triumph, Lord Hou may have already left the border."

Li Qingshan did not reply for a long time,

Just staring blankly at the wooden chair.

Until Jiang Yunxiu and others looked different,

He took a deep breath, and the corners of his mouth twitched into a smile.

"Yeah, I hope Lord Hou can get out of the customs soon and watch me win the championship of the martial arts conference."

"Vice President, farewell."

Li Qingshan finally glanced at the wooden chair, turned and flew into the air.

The corners of the raised lips were lowered a little.

Cement chamber,

The withered figure is more run down than it was a month ago.


This time,

His spiritual consciousness did not wait for the slightest movement.

Chapter XNUMX Licking the dog

After leaving the Wushu Association,

Li Qingshan stopped and turned to look in the direction of the deep valley.

he remembered,

Jingshanhou specially asked Jiang Yunxiu to bring him that sentence.

"Don't worry, I can't die!"

"I hope you can speak your mind!"

Li Qingshan let out a sigh, sealed all the thoughts in his heart, turned around and flew away.

In his eyes,

Jingshan Hou's physical condition is indeed getting worse and worse.

But as an eighth-order powerhouse,

It is impossible for the Marquis of Jingshan to not be able to predict his own physical condition.

Excessive worry does nothing,

All he can do now is to improve his strength as soon as possible,

And think of ways from "elsewhere".

Li Qingshan swept across the sky all the way, galloping with lightning speed.

After entering the city,

He did not go directly to the high-speed rail station, but landed outside a middle school.


Li Qingshan released his spiritual consciousness and swept towards the surrounding community.

On the side, a passing girl's eyes lit up, and she quickly pulled her bestie's arm.

"Look! There's a handsome guy there!"


The other girl turned her head to look, but only saw a row of street trees.

"No! He was standing under the tree just now."

"I think you're crazy."

Zhong Ningyu's home,

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