The people looked down at the calm ground, their eyes full of confusion.


Ka Ka Ka!

The sound of wood cracking came out,

The crowd quickly raised their heads,

I saw that the wooden building was constantly cracking,

The swirling debris slowly swirls with a breeze.

In less than a moment, the breeze turned into a gust of wind that was visible to the naked eye.

Packed with sawdust, the building is the center, and it spins wildly.

A tornado is generated.

"what happened?"

Yu Huang stood beside Xin Menghan,

He is here for Li Qingshan.

"It should be Li Qingshan's breakthrough, right?" Xin Menghan said uncertainly.


The wind howled, turning faster and faster.

But the scope is not expanding, but shrinking.

A touch of blood was mixed in the gust of wind, making its power even more terrifying.

Wherever it goes, it's unstoppable.

in a blink,

The martial arts building was only in ruins.

The tornado also became smaller and smaller, and the scarlet blood became more and more vivid.


A little bit of income goes underground and disappears.

"what happened?"

Everyone present was at a loss.

He could only stare blankly at the ruins.

At this time,

At the back door of the former building,

A **** figure slowly walked out of the factory from the underground passage.

Chapter XNUMX Farewell

in front of the ruins,

The blood-colored figure came slowly, like Shura who came out of hell.

The surrounding people couldn't help but move their footsteps backwards, their faces turning pale.

However, there was still someone who was brave enough to call out tentatively.

"Wu Zhuangyuan, Li Qingshan?"


Li Qingshan raised his head and looked at everyone.

The blood in the eyes quickly disappeared,

The blood-stained True Essence is once again like an arm finger, rushing back to Dantian, returning to peace

The corners of his mouth twitched slowly,

The gentle smile is like the warm wind, blowing away the haze in everyone's heart.

"Yes, it's me!"

Even with blood all over his face,

But the smile is not a bit grim,

Pure incomparable!

All the people were stunned,

Then a trace of shame emerged from the bottom of his eyes.

They were ashamed of their cowardice just now.

The blood of monsters has always been the glory of warriors.

What's more, these monsters were killed to protect them!

However, when Wu Zhuangyuan came with a whole body of glory,

They backed away.

"Wu Zhuangyuan!"

A hysterical cry suddenly sounded.

Instantly detonated everyone's emotions.

They waved their arms excitedly and shouted.

He seemed to want to vent all his emotions.

"Wu Zhuangyuan!", "Wu Zhuangyuan!",

Screaming in a row,

resounded throughout the city center.

Li Qingshan looked at the excited people and was stunned.

The smile on the corners of his mouth softened.

"This is the meaning of the existence of martial artists."

Yu Huang sighed lightly and walked to Li Qingshan.

"Vice President Yu." Li Qingshan nodded in greeting.

"Tomorrow is the registration day for the martial arts conference. You should go to the capital."

Yu Huang's tone was emotional and his eyes were complicated.

A month ago,

Even if Li Qingshan beat Su Haoyu and became the champion of martial arts in Lin Sheng.

In his eyes, he is still young.

But at this moment,

He no longer dared to look at Li Qingshan with the eyes of a junior.

The strength of guarding the twenty-meter diameter space channel alone,

No longer than him.

Before, he was also guessing Li Qingshan's means.

But after the scene just now,

Yu Huang understands,

No matter whether Li Qingshan hides any means or not.

With this apparent strength alone, he can already surpass him.

"It's up to the vice president in the future."

Li Qingshan responded and turned to look at Zhang Xinyao.

"While I'm away, you can move to Zhong Ningyu's house!"

"Ah?" Zhang Xinyao was stunned, and said dissatisfiedly:

"Brother, won't you take me there?"

"I'm here to compete, not to travel."

Li Qingshan shook his head gently,

"Besides, you still have to go to No. XNUMX Middle School. Zhong Ningyu's place is just right."

His expression was serious, and there was no room for Zhang Xinyao to refute.

Directly cast his eyes on Zhong Ningyu aside.

"After you take my sister there, pack up and wait for me at the high-speed rail station."

"Waiting for you?" Zhong Ningyu wondered.

"Aren't you coming with us?"

"No, I'll go directly to the high-speed rail station later."

Li Qingshan turned his head and looked into the distance.

There is the direction of the Wuxie Grand Canyon.

"I'm going to say goodbye to Lord Hou."

The voice just fell,

He tapped his right foot, his body vacated, and quickly flew towards the Wuxie.

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