"Thank you, Vice President!"

Li Qingshan's brows finally loosened, and a smile appeared on his face,

He slightly bowed his hands to the blood-colored wooden chair, turned and flew into the air.

under the cliff,

Zhang Xinyao and Zhong Ningyu had already got into the car.

Seeing Li Qingshan coming back, Zhong Ningyu warmly invited:

"Why don't you brothers and sisters come to live with me?"

"I have a house in the community next to No. XNUMX Middle School."

"No, we have a place to live."

Li Qingshan opened the car door with a smile and sat in the back row.

"Go to the city center, Shengtian Wuguan."


door closed,

The SUV roared out.

Half an hour later, the SUV entered the city.

The road into the city is very smooth, and there are few vehicles on both sides.

However, Zhang Xinyao frowned and looked at the opposite lane.

There, it's blocked.

A large number of drivers are anxiously honking their horns.

There are even more drivers and passengers who can't wait to abandon the car and run away from the city.

"Brother, what's the matter?"

"It's just a temporary riot."

Li Qingshan shook his head gently,


The news of the evacuation of the Shengtian Martial Arts Hall had already spread.

The space passage under the martial arts hall is not a secret.

Now that the martial arts hall has been evacuated, it is normal for ordinary people to panic.

"A passageway of twenty meters in diameter."

Li Qingshan put his right hand on the armrest and tapped the leather surface with his fingers.

Strands of golden light spilled from the cuffs from time to time.

Twenty meters in diameter, enough for some seventh-order monsters to pass.

Just relying on the strength he showed in the selection selection is indeed not enough.

But the power of the magic weapon Feijian has always been unreasonable.

Li Qingshan didn't believe that the seventh-order monster could block Feijian's edge.

"Brother, the street in front is blocked." Zhang Xinyao said back.

It's only one street away from the city center.

A towering fence crosses the street community ahead,

Outside the fence, many warriors are patrolling.

"It's from the Wushu Association, keep going."

Li Qingshan rolled down the car window,

Soon, a warrior approached.

But after seeing Li Qingshan's face, he quickly backed away,

The commander manually removed the fence and left a passage.

the windows are raised,

In the co-pilot, Zhong Ningyu turned back and smiled:

"I didn't expect you to have such a big face!"

"It's not that I have a big face, I just know me."

Li Qingshan raised his eyelids slightly, smiling but not smiling.

"When I first came to Bincheng, didn't you recognize me directly?"

Zhong Ningyu's face froze,

Reminds me of my various "performances" a few months ago.

His face immediately turned red, and he quickly turned his head away.


The off-road vehicle stopped at the side of the square,

Not far ahead is the Shengtian Martial Arts Hall.

At this time, the city center was deserted and deserted.

Li Qingshan suddenly moved his eyes and looked at the martial arts building.

One after another figure is constantly rushing out of the building,

Zhu Yuande, Jiang Chengzhou and other directors are also among them.

They are the backbone of the Wushu Association.

After everyone came out, they all surrounded the building, all with solemn expressions.

"elder brother?"

Zhang Xinyao just wanted to ask what to do, but found that the rear seat was empty.

"He's gone!"

Zhong Ningyu pulled Zhang Xinyao, and the two looked forward.

Li Qingshan had already walked to Zhu Yuande's side.

"Why are you here?" Zhu Yuande asked in surprise.

"Next, I will guard here."

Li Qingshan didn't explain much and walked directly to the door.

The "things" in the building are not simple,

He didn't want to live in the ruins for the next month.

"Be careful, it's inside"

Zhu Yuande didn't finish his words,

Li Qingshan's figure has disappeared.

"Director Zhu, what should I do?"

Jiang Chengzhou leaned over from the side.

"Why did Vice President Jiang send Li Qingshan here?"

"There is a seventh-order monster 'Crystal Rock Crocodile'!"

"If Li Qingshan makes a mistake"

Jiang Chengzhou couldn't speak any longer, and his expression became more and more worried.

Martial Dao Tianjiao should never be damaged before the wings are spread.

"Don't worry."

"At least, his strength is much stronger than ours.

Zhu Yuande sighed softly,

"Trust Vice President Jiang's judgment!"

at this time,

A gentle voice suddenly rang in the ears of the two of them.

"come in!"


Zhu Yuande and Jiang Chengzhou looked at each other and said uncertainly:

"Is this asking for help?"

"It doesn't sound like the tone, does it?"


The eyes of the two slowly widened, and an incredible thought rose.

"The monster has been killed?"

"But Li Qingshan only got in for half a minute!"

"And 590 didn't hear anything from the beginning to the end?"


The sound of stepping on the ground sounded,

The rest of the warriors had already shot out and rushed to the building.

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