Her eyes fell to the ground under the wooden chair,

The ground is uneven and has refurbishment marks.

The underground is where the retreat of the Marquis of Jingshan is located.

"Even in retreat, are you still thinking about guarding the space passage?"

Li Qingshan looked silent,

Spiritual consciousness penetrates through the ground and penetrates downward.

Ten meters, twenty meters, thirty meters

His face turned pale, and cold sweat oozes from his forehead.

It is not easy to penetrate real objects,

Consciousness is about to reach its limit.

at last,

Nearly XNUMX meters underground,

His spiritual sense suddenly loosened, and he wandered in a small secret room.

The secret room was poured with cement, and it was dark and dark.

A figure is entrenched in the center of the secret room,

For the visit of spiritual consciousness, the figure did not respond at all.

The body is as thin as wood, as if it is about to die.

"Master Hou!"

Li Qingshan's eyes were shocked and he couldn't believe it.

Yesterday, the Marquis of Jingshan was as strong as a mountain,

Now it has turned into a rotten stake.

"No, no"

Li Qingshan muttered to himself,

Spiritual Sense did not dare to come forward to disturb, and could only wait quietly around.

He just wanted to wait for a move,

A "movement" that can prove that the Marquis of Jingshan is still alive.

as time flows,

Li Qingshan was still, and his eyes gradually became dazed.

"Li Qingshan, what's wrong?"

Jiang Yunxiu patted Li Qingshan's shoulder with concern.

"It's okay!"

Li Qingshan reluctantly recovered,

Several vice presidents do not know Hou Ye's state,

And all this was arranged in advance by Lord Hou.

He didn't want to arbitrarily disrupt the Lord Hou's arrangement.


A slight fluctuation of Qi and blood was captured by spiritual consciousness.

Li Qingshan was refreshed and quickly recovered his spiritual knowledge.

The tense mind finally relaxed a little.

At least, Hou Ye is still alive!

He solemnly faced the wooden chair, bent down and bowed.

Ding Ding Ding ~!

The bell rang suddenly,

Jiang Yunxiu took out her mobile phone and connected.

"okay, I get it."

Within a minute, the phone hung up.

The call is not shy,

There are high-level warriors present, and they can naturally hear the content of the call.

Jiang Yunxiu and the other four vice presidents frowned at the same time.

The call was made by Jiang Chengzhou, and the news was very simple.

This morning, Shengtian Wuguan completely withdrawn from Bincheng 1.3.

They frowned, not because they didn't want to leave the Shengtian Martial Arts Hall.

But Shengtian Martial Arts Hall is gone,

There is no one to guard the underground space channel.

There, but Bin City Center!

"It's not too late, I'll go!"

Vice President Yu Huang stood up,

A space channel with a diameter of twenty meters,

There is no seventh-order strength, and it is impossible to guard at all.

five of them,

Except for Jiang Yunxiu, the other four have similar strengths.

It's the same no matter who goes.

Jiang Yunxiu nodded and agreed.

Although this will make the deep valley even more dangerous,

But the space passage in the city center cannot be left unguarded.

At this time,

A firm voice suddenly sounded.

"I'm going to guard!"

Li Qingshan slowly straightened his waist,

In the dark pupils, a blood-colored wooden chair was reflected.

Chapter XNUMX Back view

"You go?"

Yu Huang and the other three vice presidents frowned at the same time,

Although they were not present yesterday, they also followed the live broadcast the whole time.

Li Qingshan's strength is indeed very strong,

Even among the sixth-order warriors, they are considered to be the top group.

But the sixth and seventh orders are different,

Seventh-order warriors start with at least one million combat power.

Jiang Yunxiu can fight beyond the ranks,

It is also because it stood in front of the seventh-order threshold, and the talent ability was developed to the extreme.

Compared with Jiang Yunxiu,

Li Qingshan is obviously a lot worse.

In the face of doubts from several vice presidents,

Li Qingshan did not explain, and could not explain.

He could only turn his head to look at Jiang Yunxiu and said seriously:

"Vice President, trust me."

Jiang Yunxiu pondered for a moment, and finally nodded slowly.

"One month, you can go to guard for a month."

"One month later, the martial arts conference will be held in the capital."

"When the time comes, no matter whether the Marquis leaves the customs or not, you must go to the capital!"

"Martial Arts Conference?"

Li Qingshan frowned slightly.

Compared with the safety of Lin Province,

The martial arts conference was not that important to him anymore.

The big deal, stay for another year!

"Don't think about it, the last sentence was ordered by Lord Hou before retreating."

"Also, Lord Hou specially asked me to bring you a message."

Jiang Yunxiu looked strangely 25, pinched her throat, and said in a rough voice:

"Don't worry, I can't die!"

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