"Gossip?" Zhong Ningyu raised her eyebrows and transported the "ability" to her ears.

The chatter not far away suddenly entered the ear.

"Hey, Zhong Ningyu is back."

"It's Li Qingshan's sister's car."

"With so many bags, she is really willing to pay for it."

"It's a shame that I saw her weak before, and I still sympathize with her!"

"They want your sympathy? She probably only sees the Li Qingshan brothers and sisters, right?"

"What's the use of flattery alone, you still have to rely on your own martial arts."

"There are only 10 places in the province for the Martial Arts Conference, can Li Qingshan give her one directly?"

"Heh, for her? Even if Li Qingshan wants it himself, he has to come out and compete with us. If he wants to get the spot directly, he will dream!"

"Yes, tomorrow will be the first month's assessment of the camp, and I will see the real seal under my hands."

"It is estimated that after tomorrow, Zhong Ningyu will regret wasting a month's time."


Zhong Ningyu was amused, seeing her best friend in front of her still looking worried.

She smiled softly, showing a look of pity I saw.

"It's alright, Shanshan."

"I just want to make friends, let them talk!"

Zhong Ningyu was not angry with those "gossip".

Because those students were right,

She just wants to curry favor with Li Qingshan!

And it's almost a success!

"Oh, you!" Lu Shanshan didn't know what to say.



The roar of the terrifying beast resounded throughout the deep valley,

On the surrounding cliffs, the gravel rustled.

Oh oh oh!

The piercing alarm sounded suddenly.

"Hidden, all hidden in the hole!"

Zhu Yuande rushed out of the cave and roared anxiously.

the top of the cliff,

Li Qingshan stood behind the floor-to-ceiling windows and looked at the space passage.

A giant sharp horn with a length of more than twenty meters and a thickness of five or six meters slowly protrudes from the passage.

The head of the monster has not yet been drilled out,

Just the corner of his head has already brought him a sense of terror and oppression.

"At least a seventh-order top monster!"

Li Qingshan's eyes narrowed and he looked at the empty chair in front of the passage.

The Marquis of Jingshan is not here!

He didn't have time to think about it, he smashed the glass and jumped off the cliff.

When Zhang Xinyao came back, he was already captured by his spiritual sense.

At this point, all the students went into the hole to hide.

"Yaoyao, come with me!"

Zhong Ningyu pulled Zhang Xinyao up and was about to run into the cave.

However, Zhang Xinyao was not afraid, but looked up at the top of the cliff.

A figure is falling fast.

"My brother is here!"

"Your brother?" Zhong Ningyu was taken aback.

In the blink of an eye, a tall and straight figure fell in front of the two of them.

Li Qingshan!

Zhong Ningyu rolled her eyes, her face turned pale instantly, her feet became weak, and she fell forward.

In front, it is Li Qingshan's back.


The body hit the ground, and the dust was raised.

"Sister Xiaoyu, what's the matter with you?" Zhang Xinyao asked with concern.

Zhong Ningyu raised his head and wiped the dust on his face,

Looking at Li Qingshan who was standing next to Zhang Xinyao, he showed a weak smile.

"It's okay, maybe I was frightened by the monster, and the old problem has been committed again."

"Warriors, you can't be scared by monsters."

Li Qingshan shook his head lightly, with a smile that was not a smile.

"Right, monster!" Zhang Xinyao exclaimed, looking at her brother.

"Brother, can you fight?"

On the ground, Zhong Ningyu rolled her eyes secretly.

Are you ignorant, or are you too confident in your brother.

Just listening to the sound is not something you can deal with below the seventh order!

"do not know."

Li Qingshan slowly shook his head,

If it were yesterday, the answer would definitely be unbeatable.

But now that I have Feijian, I really don't know the result if I don't try it.

To die for face?

Zhong Ningyu moved in his heart and secretly wrote it down.

This is also a weakness of Li Qingshan.

"Brother, let's run!"

Hearing that her brother was not sure, Zhang Xinyao finally panicked.

"Need not!"

Li Qingshan chuckled and pointed to the sky.

"Master Hou is here."

The red light of qi and blood was mighty and spread rapidly from outside the valley.

In the blink of an eye, red light illuminates the entire Deep Valley Factory.

Chapter XNUMX Watching a play?

The red light shone, instantly sweeping away the confusion in the deep valley.

The siren also stopped.

Zhu Yuande walked out of the cave and nodded to Li Qingshan.

Then, more students came out.

"Hahaha, I finally caught a big fish."

Accompanied by wild laughter, Jingshan Hou flew over the cliff and fell into the deep valley.

"Master Hou!"

All the students were excited, and all the stars were shining in their eyes.

The Marquis of Jingshan, the well-deserved idol of all martial artists in Lin Province.

Li Qingshan smiled, bypassed many students, and walked to the entrance of the cave.

"Director wish, please find someone to help me fix the window."

Director Zhu looked up in the direction of Li Qingshan's house, his eyes narrowed.

The floor-to-ceiling windows were broken.

So Li Qingshan jumped directly?

He understood in an instant, nodded and said:

"Don't worry, I'll find someone to deal with it in a while."

The surrounding students couldn't help rolling their eyes.

Sure enough, Mr.

It's been a while, and I'm still thinking about fixing the windows.

Moreover, Director Zhu is still so used to him!

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