How can it be!

The off-road vehicle drove all the way to the business district,

Zhang Xinyao and Zhong Ningyu are like good girlfriends, constantly shuttle between stores.

In the afternoon, the two walked to a men's clothing store.

"Sister Xiaoyu, do you think this dress looks good?"

Zhang Xinyao fiddled with the black training clothes in her hand and couldn't put it down.

Zhong Ningyu praised with a smile.

"I bought it for your brother? It's quite suitable."

"I knew it was the right choice."

Zhang Xinyao nodded vigorously, stars flashing in her eyes.

She was already imagining her brother's dashing appearance after wearing this training suit.

Zhong Ningyu shook her head and chuckled, and walked to the suit area next to her to choose.

"Miss Xiaoyu, do you want to buy it too?"

Zhang Xinyao was stunned for a while,

Only men's clothing is available here.

"Yes!" Zhong Ningyu smiled and chose carefully.

"Oh, are you going to give it to your cousin?"

Zhang Xinyao suddenly realized,

She remembered that Zhong Ningyu had said that there was a cousin who worked in a martial artist mall.


Zhong Ningyu continued to smile and shook her head slowly.

"No, I'm picking clothes for your brother."

"My brother!" Zhang Xinyao raised her voice, as if she couldn't believe it.

"Yes, we've known each other for so long, and I haven't officially met your brother yet!"

Zhong Ningyu came over with a suit.

"I just bought a suit as a gift, can you say it?"

"not good!"

Zhang Xinyao blurted out instinctively.

After a pause, he stuttered and explained:

"I mean this suit doesn't look good."

Zhong Ningyu tried her best to keep a smile, but her expression changed again and again.

Looking at the way this girl kowtows, it doesn't look like she has acting skills?

Then why didn't she want me to see Li Qingshan?

Taking a deep look at Zhang Xinyao, Zhong Ningyu smiled.

"It's okay, we can choose again!"


Suits were picked up and put down again.

All were rejected by Zhang Xinyao.

Zhong Ningyu was not impatient, but Zhang Xinyao began to feel embarrassed.

"Sister Yu, actually"

"Actually, my brother doesn't like suits."

"is it?"

Zhong Ningyu frowned slightly.

Zhang Xinyao breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that the meeting ceremony has come to an end.

There is no "meeting ceremony", naturally there is no need to meet!

But before she could breathe a sigh of relief,

"Hey, this store also has Tang suits, Zhongshan suits, and casual clothes. It seems that there are all kinds of styles!"

Zhong Ningyu was full of surprise and walked to the door of another area.

Turning back, he looked at Zhang Xinyao with a meaningful smile.

"Yaoyao, can't your brother wear training clothes all the time when you go out?"

"Well, you're right."

Zhang Xinyao resigned and nodded,

At this point, she has nowhere to go.

She just instinctively didn't want such a beautiful little jade sister to break into her and her brother's life.

But after a month,

But it still didn't drop.

Chapter XNUMX Monsters come out of the cage

After the clothes were purchased, the two women continued to go shopping.

Zhong Ningyu's mood was obviously much better, and even the melancholy that had appeared between his brows all the year round disappeared.

"Yaoyao, do you think this bag looks good? I'll give it to you."

"Thank you Miss Yu, no need."

Zhang Xinyao smiled reluctantly and was not in high spirits.

Instead, Zhong Ningyu laughed even more happily and insisted on buying a lot of gifts.

Soon, the SUV trunk was almost full.

The two are also ready to return to the Wushu Association.

in the car,

"Sister Xiaoyu, my brother can't cook, and my craft~ is not good either."

"How about I go back and make an appointment with my brother, let's go out to dinner together one day?"

Zhang Xinyao still wants to struggle to the death - for a moment.

As long as today can be pushed aside, then her brother will be able to "can't come if something happens".

"It's okay, I can cook and it's delicious."

Zhong Ningyu lightly smiled and shook his head, looking at the side and wanting to speak, and continued:

"Don't worry about the ingredients. If it's not enough, I can get it from the training class."


Zhang Xinyao only felt a breath in her chest, and her breathing was not smooth.

Just slam on the accelerator.


The off-road vehicle drove fast, entered the gate of the Wushu Association, returned to the deep valley, and stopped at the gate of the special training class.

Today happened to be a break for the special training class, so Zhong Ningyu was able to go shopping.

At this moment, there are also many students from the special training class gathered at the entrance of the cave.

Or gossip and brag, or practice hard.

The arrival of the off-road vehicle immediately attracted everyone's attention.

As soon as Zhong Ningyu got out of the car, he saw a figure running over.

"Shanshan, how's your practice going?"

She greeted with a smile and pulled out a bag from the car.

"Look, I bought you a bag, and it looks good."

Lu Shanshan wiped the sweat from her forehead and didn't look at the bag.

Instead, he pulled his girlfriend aside and whispered:

"Xiaoyu, what's the matter with you recently?"

"What do you mean?" Zhong Ningyu frowned, not understanding.

"You hang out with Li Qingshan's sister every day, and now the class is gossiping."

Lu Shanshan looked embarrassed and anxious at the same time.

In the past month, my girlfriends have lost all the elegance they used to be.

Everyone could see that she was deliberately approaching Li Qingshan's sister.

Although the students of the special training class still don't know the details of Li Qingshan,

But from Zhu Yuande's usual attitude towards their brothers and sisters,

Everyone can guess that the identity of the two must be very high.

If it weren't for the "Jingshan Hou" surname Yan, some people would even guess that Li Qingshan was the son of Lord Hou.

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