Qi and blood, whose two attributes are mutually exclusive, began to constantly confront each other in the body.

In the dark room, the light of blood and blood reflected outside the body.

The crimson and ice blue rays of light are constantly intertwined.

Intertwined again and again, the red and blue colors gradually faded from the light.

A hint of light golden light, but more and more dazzling factory.

Chapter XNUMX News?

Bincheng, the first hospital, in the ward.

Shao You was lying on the hospital bed with bandages all over his body.

Next to him, Hua Yuan's injury was much less severe, but his legs were still in plaster casts, and he leaned against the head of the bed.

Li Qingshan's last kick was not so easy to bear.

The injuries of both were not minor.

"Senior brother, how can Li Qingshan be so strong?"

Shao You stared at the ceiling, stunned.

"Maybe it's an innate ability?"

Hua Yuan let out a long sigh, with inexplicable confusion in his eyes.

Since becoming a martial artist, he has experienced many battles along the way.

It was the first time that he felt so powerless.

Before meeting, he knew that Li Qingshan was very strong.

But he didn't understand until he saw it.

Li Qingshan's strength was beyond his imagination.

"It's just that the master doesn't know how to explain it?"

When Shao You heard this, his face suddenly became bitter.

Yu Feibai's order was to ask them to invite,

Now this is clearly screwed up.

Suddenly, footsteps sounded from the corridor outside the door.

A tall and tall boy pushed the door and entered.

"Junior Brother Bai!" Shao You greeted in surprise.

Hua Yuan's face was a little apprehensive.

Bai Lie can come here,

Obviously the martial arts hall has received the news.

But Bai Lie didn't care what they thought,

After entering the door, his eyes were like scanners, constantly scanning the bodies of the two.

"Brother Shao, Brother Hua, how are your injuries?"

Shao You is speechless,

He's lying on the bed now, and it's hard to move. Do you need to ask?

Hua Yuan endured the pain in his chest and waved his hand gently.

"No problem!"

Bai Lie nodded and said no more.

Just asking a question out of politeness.

His real purpose was to judge Li Qingshan's strength through the injuries of the two.

After all,

There was no real comparison, and he was still unconvinced in his heart.

However, after reading it.

Bai Lie's eyes flickered,

These injuries are not serious for a warrior at all.

It can take up to a month to recover.

If it were him, and faced two senior brothers at the same time,

Definitely more serious injuries.

"Senior brother, didn't Li Qingshan do his best?"

"All strength?"

Shao You exclaimed,

If Li Qingshan made a full effort,

They are no longer in the ward, but in the morgue!

"Ha ha."

Hua Yuan sneered, his eyes cold.

He saw what Bai Lie was thinking.

"Junior Brother wants to know Li Qingshan's strength, why don't you try it yourself?"

"Why come to see us two trash."

Bai Lie was not at all embarrassed, and shook his head gently.

"Senior brother is joking."

"I'm here to speak to Master."

As soon as these words came out, both of them on the hospital bed turned serious.

"Sister, please speak."

Bai Lie glanced at the two of them, turned and walked out the door.


The two words lightly spit out.

This is what he said for Yu Fei's leucorrhea.

Nan's martial artist mall, office.


The call is connected.

"General manager, a young lady came to see you. She said it was your relative."


Nan Zhengyang frowned and said to the microphone:

"Let her in."

hang up the phone,

After a while, the door was pushed open.

A weak figure walked in.

Nan Zhengyang's expression changed, and he said in surprise:

"You are actually in Bincheng!"

"Cousin, don't you want to see me?"

Zhong Ningyu slumped and fell on the sofa next to her, she was about to cry and said:

"It's pity that I left my hometown alone. I finally saw a relative, but I didn't see any affection at all."

"Zhong Ningyu, don't give me this set!"

Nan Zhengyang slapped the table and scolded angrily:

"It was you who promised to marry the Lu family back then, but you escaped from the marriage privately!"

"Do you know that uncle is about to get sick from anger!"

"Haha, when can a seventh-order warrior get sick?"

Zhong Ningyu's brows stretched, and she changed her weak appearance, and laughed like a little witch.

"I can't blame me for running away from marriage."

"At the beginning, Mrs. Lu boasted that their third young master had innate abilities that surpassed the top level, so I agreed."

"The result? He can also be an electric fan!"

Nan Zhengyang had a black line and retorted:

"What electric fan! That's the top talent of the wind element!"

"He can fly now with fifth-order strength!"

Zhong Ningyu shook his head and said indifferently:

"I don't care what talent he has, it's not what I want anyway."

"Then what do you want?" Nan Zhengyang was helpless to the wayward cousin in front of him.

"I want Li Qingshan!"


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