Li Qingshan thought about it,

A line of water lines rose from the lake, connecting the body.

A huge amount of spiritual energy is continuously poured into the body, transforming into longevity true essence.

Although after the foundation was established, the amount of spiritual energy he absorbed was many times greater.

But at this moment, there is no scene like before.

Near the medium-sized space passage, it is unimaginable that the spiritual energy is abundant.

After the aura around Li Qingshan decreased, the surrounding aura quickly filled up, and no one paid attention at all.

No, to be precise, there was still one person who noticed.

"Xiaoyu, isn't your neck sore?"

Lu Shanshan stepped forward to ask curiously.

At this time, the students of the special training class have finished their registration.

Many students are wandering curiously near the entrance of the cave.

But Zhong Ningyu kept looking up at the top of the cliff,

Lu Shanshan followed her gaze,

A few hundred meters away, only a small reflective spot can be seen.

"Is it a floor-to-ceiling window?"

Lu Shanshan wondered:

"Xiaoyu, what are you looking at?"


Zhong Ningyu smiled softly and looked back.

But there was an undisguised excitement in his eyes.

Since the "innate awakening",

She knew how powerful and different her "ability" was.

Moreover, she can feel her power, which is the "mysterious gas" flowing out of the space channel.

"Mysterious gas" cannot be monitored by any means,

But Zhong Ningyu could really feel it.

Because her ability is nourished by "mysterious gas", it keeps growing.

Near the space channel, the "mysterious gas" is as vast as smoke.

In comparison, the "ability" in the body is not a drop in the ocean.

she can feel,

As long as more "mysterious gas" is absorbed, the "ability" will definitely grow rapidly.

But over the years,

No matter how Zhong Ningyu tried his best, he couldn't mobilize the slightest, and could only passively accept nourishment.

She was like a thief who was blocked from the treasure house, struggling to find the key.

but now,

The "key" seems to appear.

Zhong Ningyu can roughly perceive that the surrounding "mysterious gas" is constantly rushing towards the top of the cliff.

There, like a bottomless vortex.

"Could it be Li Qingshan?"

Zhong Ningyu's eyes flashed.

She also knows the news of Li Qingshan


"Xiaoyu, let's go eat together!"

There was worry in Lu Shanshan's eyes,

She found that her best friend had been a little weird since she came to the special training class.

All afternoon, staring at the cliff.

I don't even know what I'm looking at.

"Shanshan, I'm going out to see my cousin."

"Your cousin is also in Bincheng?"

Lu Shanshan was surprised,

Zhong Ningyu transferred from another province last semester.

The two of them have been at the same table for more than half a year,

I have never heard that Zhong Ningyu has relatives locally.

"My cousin just came here."

"You go to dinner first! I may be back later."

Zhong Ningyu smiled, then turned and walked out.

Lu Shanshan said worriedly:

"Then be careful!"


Zhong Ningyu responded gently.

"Hey, girls have to be a little more aggressive outside!"

Lu Shanshan looked anxious and deliberately put on a "fierce" look.

"Like me!"

"I can't learn it."

Zhong Ningyu smiled softly and said warmly:

"Don't worry, I'm also a Tier XNUMX warrior anyway."

"All right!"

Lu Shanshan finally felt relieved and walked in.

until her back disappeared,

Zhong Ningyu smiled and finally looked in the direction of the "key", turned and ran out of the deep valley.

Close to the fifth-order qi and blood, plus the blessing of "ability",

The speed is no longer slower than the previous Li Qingshan.

But Li Qingshan is just strolling in the courtyard,

She ran all the way, the smoke billowed.

At this moment, Zhong Ningyu no longer looks weak.

Totally a humanoid weapon.

at the same time,

On the top of the cliff, behind the floor-to-ceiling windows.

Li Qingshan slowly opened his eyes and looked at the setting sun in the distance.

"In half a year, we should be able to reach the Peiyuan period."

Feel the growth of true essence in the body,

He roughly estimated the time.

It's not too slow anymore.

To know,

The elders of the outer sect are all over a hundred years old, but they are still trapped in the Peiyuan period.

Even Yin Han, it took three years to build the foundation to cultivate Yuan.

In the distance, the sun has completely set.

Night came,

Li Qingshan stood up and picked up the Dragon Tiger Pill on the table again.

After practicing Qi for a long time, his body has recovered.

Without hesitation, he swallowed it directly.

The medicinal pill fell into the stomach sac and slowly rotated under the wrapping of true essence.

The red-red and ice-blue medicinal liquids flowed out from the medicinal pill respectively.

Qi and blood flowed spontaneously and began to "share" the two-color medicinal liquid.

After a while, the medicinal pill was completely digested, and the whole body's qi and blood were also dyed.

Crimson red and ice blue half each,

Not only the color, but the two types of qi and blood also have two attributes of extreme heat and extreme cold.

Li Qingshan's whole body suddenly tense,


A continuous tearing sound came from the body.

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