Arrange it at will, it is easy to break the rules of Hou Ye!


The Marquis of Jingshan rubbed his temples and said doubtfully:

"Did I forget to tell you that he is Li Qingshan!"

Li Qingshan!

Jiang Cheng Zhou Zhenzheng, immediately bowed and said:

"My subordinates understand!"

After all,

He took the three of Li Qingshan to the off-road vehicle.

The Wushu Association is located in the Grand Canyon of the Fracture, with a huge range.

From the entrance to the main building of the association, there is still a lot of distance.

The off-road vehicle drove slowly on the main road,

Jiang Chengzhou held the steering wheel in his hand, and his eyes were aimed at the young man next to him from time to time.

On New Year's Eve, he heard Li Qingshan's name from Jingshanhou.

Now that I met for the first time, I was naturally very curious.

"We are new here, so please take care of Director Jiang."

Li Qingshan smiled slightly and took the initiative to open the chat box.

"Brother Li, you're welcome, you're welcome!"

Jiang Chengzhou hurriedly answered the call, not daring to care.

A person who can block the beast tide alone, where can he take care of him!

You are really polite!

Xin Menghan and Zhang Xinyao looked at each other with regret in their eyes.

If Tang Yan saw this scene, it would be comfortable.

Although Li Qingshan didn't look back, his spiritual sense had already caught the reaction of the two people in the back row in his eyes.

He shook his head and laughed and asked another thing.

"Director Jiang, has Lord Hou arranged a place for us?"

The conversation between Jiang Chengzhou and Lord Hou just now made him a little confused.


"But Lord Hou has given orders."

Jiang Chengzhou turned his head and said word by word:

"After Li Qingshan arrives, you can choose any place to live."

"Well, thank you!"

Li Qingshan nodded lightly and leaned back in his chair.

Of course it's best if you can choose.


Jiang Chengzhou was speechless when he saw the other party's light-hearted appearance.

It's a newcomer indeed,

He didn't understand how precious the Lord Hou's command was.

To know,

Some places with good locations, even sixth-order warriors, have to steal their heads.

Thinking of Lord Hou's orders,

Jiang Chengzhou did not dare to neglect, and took the initiative to say:

"Brother Li, you just arrived, you may not know how to choose."

"Let me introduce you first!"

"No, thanks."

Li Qingshan smiled and shook his head, closing his eyes.

However, he is not closing his eyes and resting.

The spiritual sense is protruding, and the sight is much clearer than the eyes.

He knew very well how to choose.

"It's young and famous!"

Jiang Chengzhou shook his head secretly, slandering from the bottom of his heart.

"If you don't listen to the old man, you will suffer in front of you!"

Inside the car, it was quiet again.

After a while,

Li Qingshan opened his eyes, raised his hand and pointed to the east.

"Director Jiang, is there a residence there too?"

"Of course!"

Jiang Chengzhou turned his head in surprise and looked out the window.

That direction is where the space channel is.

In the entire martial arts association, the best batch of residences are all there.

However, looking at it from the inside of the car at the moment.

The towering cliffs in the distance completely blocked the view.

Can't see anything at all!

Jiang Chengzhou was even more confused.

"How did you know?"

"Behind the cliff is the depths of the canyon, where the space channel is."

"A group of cave dwellings have been carved out of the inner cliffs, and they are the best residences for the association."

Li Qingshan nodded lightly and smiled.


Consciousness is also intuition.

His spiritual knowledge was still unable to detect the cave dwelling in Jiang Chengzhou's mouth.

But only near the cliff,

He had already noticed the sky-high blood light behind it, as well as the majestic spiritual energy.

There is only one place like this in the Wushu Association, and that is the space channel.

The space channel is the source of spiritual energy, and the closer the residence is, the better.


Jiang Chengzhou was shocked.

It really lives up to its reputation!

The first time I came, and the person was still in the car, I confirmed the best place to live?

How could such a genius be underestimated?

Jiang Chengzhou's face turned positive,

The little bit of contempt just now suddenly put away the factory.

Chapter XNUMX Trouble?

After ten minutes, the car stopped.


Jiang Chengzhou opened the car door and got out of the car first.

The three of Li Qingshan also got off the bus one after another.

"so high!"

Zhang Xinyao stood by the door and looked up at the building in front of her.

Li Qingshan and Xin Menghan were also shocked.

In front of them is a behemoth that is over a hundred meters high and a few hundred meters wide.

"Shock! This is the main building of our association."

Jiang Chengzhou introduced with a smile.

The reactions of several people were not surprising.

Only when you actually stand in front of this building can you feel its grandeur.

After a few people returned to their senses, he walked to the front to lead the way.

"Let's go!"

The hall of the Wushu Association is equally huge.

There are many warriors in and out.

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