"Wait for Director Jiang to come, and I'll give you a recommendation."

Xin Menghan and Zhang Xinyao both frowned and glared,

Li Qingshan patted the back of their hands and did not look at Tang Yan.

Instead, he turned his attention to the "uncle" who was wearing a singlet.

The uncle took a sip of tea and greeted:

"Come here?"

Li Qingshan nodded and smiled without saying a word.

Since this "uncle" doesn't want to reveal his identity, he naturally has to cooperate.

"go in!"

The uncle picked up the remote control and pressed it at will, and the small iron door opened.

Tang Yan was stunned on the spot,

He sat upright in the security room for a long time, almost vomited by second-hand smoke.

As soon as the other party came, the uncle opened the door directly.


"Master, I'm afraid it's inappropriate to go through the back door like this?"

Tang Yan's face was ugly, and he couldn't help but threaten:

"Wait a minute, Director Jiang is coming."

He has already determined,

The other party must have come to the back door because he knew the doorman.

"Yes, it's inappropriate. You can't find your way in."

The uncle glanced at Li Qingshan, picked up the phone and dialed it.


The phone is instantly connected,

He was facing the microphone, and it was a burst of crazy output.

"If the surname is Jiang, if you don't show up within a minute, get out of here!"


hang up the phone,

Except for Li Qingshan, everyone was shocked.

When did the janitor get so rude?

Tang Yan touched his forehead and said uncertainly:

"Master, did you call Director Jiang just now?"

"Otherwise!" The uncle squeezed the butt of the cigarette and sucked it up happily.


An off-road vehicle ran wildly from the canyon, followed by a nice tail-flick, and stopped behind the guard booth.

The burly man jumped out of the car and went straight to the guard booth.

"Jiang, Director Jiang!"

The object of fawning is right in front of you,

Tang Yan didn't care about anything else, and hurried forward with the wooden box in his hands.

Unexpectedly, Director Jiang pulled him away directly.

Facing the gatekeeper, salute respectfully.

"Master Hou!"

"Master Hou Hou?"

Tang Yan looked back at the sloppy janitor.

There is only one Marquis in the Wushu Association, and that is the Marquis of Jingshan!

So, you were threatening Lord Hou just now?

Thinking of this,

Tang Yan felt his world spinning and fell to the ground.

boom! .

Chapter XNUMX Residence

"Master Hou!"

Zhang Xinyao was stunned, her lips trembling.

Aside, Xin Menghan was not much better.

Pretty face flushed red, ~ very excited.

The Marquis of Jingshan, but the idol of all Linxi City-warriors!


The Marquis of Jingshan twitched the butt of the cigarette again and took a sip.

Seeing this disheveled appearance,

Li Qingshan shook his head and laughed.

The shadow of the tree of man's name,

No matter how sloppy this prince is,

I am afraid it will not affect his "stalwart" image.

Seeing that the two girls were still in a daze,

Li Qingshan smiled and pulled the backs of their hands and whispered:

"Haven't seen Hou Ye yet?"


Both of them woke up suddenly, and quickly said respectfully:

"I have seen Hou Ye!"

Li Qingshan also took the initiative to introduce to Jingshan Hou:

"Master Hou, this is the captain of my hunting team, Xin Menghan."

"This is my sister, Zhang Xinyao."

Jingshan Hou first looked at Xin Menghan and nodded seriously.

"You can be a captain at a young age, not bad!"

Then he turned his eyes to Zhang Xinyao, showing a kind smile.

"Clever, good!"

After complimenting the two,

He just dropped his gaze to the ground.

Tang Yan was still lying there.

"With this quality, you still come to ask someone to do things?"

The Marquis of Jingshan smacked his lips, and reluctantly snuffed out the cigarette butts.

Then, with a toe pick, the wooden box came into his hand.

He handed the wooden box to Director Jiang and sneered:

"Jiang Chengzhou, take a look, this guy gave it to you."

Cold sweat dripped from Jiang Chengzhou's forehead.

He quickly cupped his hands and said sternly:

"Master Hou, this subordinate just had a meal with him, I don't know"

"I care what you eat!"

Jingshan Hou waved his hand to interrupt, and said softly:

"Don't be nervous, it doesn't matter what you do."

"The most important thing is only one thing, you should know?"

Jiang Chengzhou threw his chest out and assured.

"Don't worry, Lord Hou, your subordinates will not break the rules!"

"Just remember!"

Jingshan Hou nodded in satisfaction, looked at Li Qingshan, and waved:

"Okay, let's go in with him!"

"Master Hou, don't know the arrangement of this accommodation?"

Jiang Chengzhou hesitated to speak,

Although Lord Hou took great care of the group,

But he did not dare to arbitrarily arrange accommodation.

In the Wushu Association, every residence is extremely precious.

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