Everyone's eyes widened in disbelief.


Giant aura cloud, ~ slowly rotating.

More and more spiritual energy was swept in.

A storm of terror is about to take shape.

Under the shocked gazes of everyone, Li Qingshan slowly flew towards the center of the storm.


The dull and loud noise is shocking.

The storm cloud suddenly collapsed toward the center.

In the blink of an eye, Li Qingshan disappeared from everyone's sight.

Only a rapidly rotating vortex is left, constantly swallowing the surrounding clouds.

The clouds that covered the sky and the sun quickly gathered towards the center.

On the viewing platform, the clouds and fog have disappeared.

The sun shone down from the sky again, shining on the heads of everyone.


A figure rushed from the direction of the back mountain.

A few jumped to the top of the mountain.

"what happened?"

After Xu Chengwang was settled, he asked anxiously.

He was attracted by the huge movement in the sky.

But no one answered him at the scene, and everyone stared blankly at the sky.

Xu Chengwang's brows were slightly wrinkled, and he followed the eyes of the crowd, suddenly stagnant.

The sky is cloudless.

A figure stood still in the air, looking at everyone from a distance, like an immortal.


Xu Chengwang screamed out,

Seventh-order master, flying in the flesh.

This is the realm that he has been struggling for half his life!

"President Xu misunderstood."

A clear voice rang in my ears,

When everyone was stunned, Li Qingshan had already landed on the platform.

The sixth-order martial artist has already involved spiritual power cultivation.

Half a month ago, Xu Chengwang found Li Qingshan's bottom with his spiritual power.

But at this time, let him find out how,

Li Qingshan is like Wang Yang's ocean, bottomless.


Li Qingshan also felt the spiritual power lingering around him.

However, the spiritual power of the sixth-order is too loose.

Only the shroud of spiritual consciousness is enough to shield it.

"You really haven't become a master?"

Xu Chengwang was still in disbelief.

Only half a month!

What kind of breakthrough can produce such a huge change in half a month?

"Seventh-order master, I'm still far behind."

Li Qingshan shook his head lightly and said indifferently:

"This time, it's just a breakthrough in talent."

Qi cultivation is regarded as an innate ability,

He's not lying either.

After half a month of cultivation, Qi and blood just took some medicinal pills, and the increase was not much.

At this time, he is still in the middle and lower ranks of the fifth-order warrior.

Coupled with the foundation-building true essence, the combat power should be barely enough to reach the sixth-order threshold.

However, it is only a threshold.

The sixth-order warrior, the combat power spans from 10 to 1.

He is still far from it.

"Innate ability?"

Xu Chengwang's eyes were complicated,

After many years of cultivation, his knowledge is not superficial.

But Li Qingshan's innate ability is beyond his cognition.

"President, now our Linxi City is not only a talented martial artist."

Li Qingshan smiled slightly, and his spiritual sense attracted the surrounding spiritual energy to gather.

Li Tao's body suddenly released a blue light uncontrollably,

And Xin Menghan frowned slightly, turning his palms,

A red flame ignited in his palm.

"Sure enough, it is a top-quality spiritual root!"

Li Qingshan sighed inwardly,

There is no difference between the flames and spells in Xin Menghan's hands.

Now, he is almost certain.

The so-called talent martial artist, "talent" is the manifestation of spiritual roots.

Blue Star's aura is abnormally active, and the spiritual root was activated by chance, which is the so-called "talent awakening".

However, there are high and low spiritual roots, and naturally there are high and low talents.

Therefore, Xin Menghan can condense flames, while Li Tao has only a little blue light.

"Top talent!"

Xu Chengwang stared at the flame in Xin Menghan's hand, his eyes fixed.

He is a senior sixth-order martial artist.

Except for Li Qingshan, there are very few people he can't understand.

Xin Menghan looked puzzled,

Li Qingshan was the first "talented warrior" she had ever seen.

Before that, she had only heard of it.

Unexpectedly, he would also have the day to awaken his talent.

Xu Chengwang shook his head, waved his hand to disperse the envious crowd, and prepared to explain the arrangement to Li Tao and Xin Menghan.

Many warriors walked down the platform reluctantly.

Li Qingshan was naturally not included in the expulsion.

However, he still stepped lightly, soared into the air, and flew down the mountain.

No matter how Xu Chengwang instructed the two to "explore talent", it was a waste in his opinion.

Refining Qi is the correct use of spiritual roots.


Before becoming mighty,

Li Qingshan will never spread the Qi refining method.

In the afternoon, Wei Hao's house.

"Brother Shan, can you just swallow it directly?"

Wei Hao looked at the glass bottle in his hand and hesitated.

In the bottle are more than twenty black pills.

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up."

Li Qingshan frowned and urged,

These body refining pills were made by him at noon.

Now that the foundation has been established, he naturally wants La Weihao.

But I didn't expect that this fat man would turn into a mother-in-law.

"it is good!"

Wei Hao gritted his teeth, directly stuffed the mouth of the bottle into his mouth, raised his head and poured it down.


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