Li Qingshan is very familiar with this lingering rhyme, or Yun.

Tao, infinite and endless.

And in this strand of Dao Yun, is his own Dao.

Persistence, stubbornness, effort, protection

Li Qingshan's mind was gradually immersed in Taoism, and his spiritual consciousness scattered into countless thoughts.

Every thought is like a fragment of memory, recording the moment of his growth.

All thoughts poured into the Dao aggregate.

The road is endless,

Li Qingshan needs to find his own way from it, and build a foundation with this.

In a flash,

The mind was completely silent, without thinking.

Just at this time,

A pretty figure appeared at the end of the plank road not far away.

Xin Menghan stepped onto the viewing platform, glanced left and right,

He soon locked his gaze on the mountain top behind him.

"Sister, wait for me!"

Zhu Hua was sweating profusely and panting.

He is only a first-order martial artist, and it is not easy to catch up with Xin Menghan's footsteps.


Xin Menghan put his finger on his lips, his eyes stern.

Zhu Hua immediately fell silent.

At this time, more footsteps came from down the mountain.

Xin Menghan's figure flashed and appeared on the opening of the plank road.

After the warriors came up, they all received a "warning" from her eyes and shut up immediately.

for a short moment,

More than a dozen guardsmen gathered on the viewing platform.

All the warriors looked to the top of the mountain behind,

Li Qingshan sat cross-legged on the boulder, silently,

It's like being one with heaven and earth.

Although I don't understand what Li Qingshan is cultivating,

But the temperament of the other party at this moment,

Let the word "Xiao Miao" suddenly appear in their minds.


Tick ​​tock!

The mysterious sound of water drops sounded,

Like in the ear, like in the heart.

The crowd stared blankly,

Finally, he turned his attention to the boulder on the top of the mountain.

The sound of water droplets came from Li Qingshan.


Li Qingshan's body.

Aura of light emerged from all over the body, illuminating the flesh and blood meridians.

In the dantian, the thick infuriating energy is like a cloud.

The center of the cloud has been sunken, like a funnel.

Below the funnel, a drop of True Essence is spinning.


Another drop of True Essence formed under the funnel and dripped.

Massive infuriating energy continued to flow into the center of the funnel.

Tick ​​tock!Tick ​​tock!

True Qi liquefies and begins.


The aura that originally surrounded Li Qingshan, cheered and poured into his body.

The liquefaction of true qi also vacated a place for spiritual qi.


This time, it was no longer the breeze, but the howling of the wind.

The warriors turned around in amazement,

I saw that the sea of ​​clouds on the horizon was already surging,

With a monstrous momentum, he came whistling.

There is a warrior who moves and wants to withdraw from the top of the mountain.

But thinking of what Li Qingshan said before, they still held back their actions.

In the next second, a massive amount of spiritual energy drowned out all the warriors.

Spiritual energy swept through the whole body continuously,

All the warriors showed a relaxed expression.

Their expressions at the moment were exactly the same as when Lin Junhao stood at the entrance before.

The aura wind pressure at this time is no weaker than when the space channel was first opened.


A cyan light lit up from Li Tao.

"Talent awakening!"

Wei Feng exclaimed next to him.

Just as everyone looked sideways, a red flame suddenly appeared out of thin air.

"Miss Han!"

Zhu Hua exclaimed anxiously and wanted to save.

The center of the flame is Xin Menghan.

The surrounding warriors quickly grabbed Zhu Hua and whispered:

"It's okay, this is an awakening vision!"

"An awakening vision that only top talents have!"

In the envious eyes of the people,

The flame gradually subsided, Xin Menghan opened his eyes, and a red light flashed from his eyes.

However, there was no joy in her eyes, instead she was full of worry.

She was worried that the movement just now would disturb Li Qingshan.

"Not bad!"

A light sigh rang in his ears,

Xin Menghan and the group of warriors raised their heads suddenly, only to see Li Qingshan stood up at some unknown time.

"I didn't expect Xin Menghan to be a top-quality spiritual root!"

Li Qingshan shook his head and sighed, withdrawing his gaze.

When the first drop of true essence appeared,

His mind returned.

Daoji, mysterious and mysterious.

Li Qingshan couldn't find any trace in his body.

But he knew that he had successfully built the foundation.

Because he understands his own way! .

Chapter XNUMX Talent?Linggen!

"However, it's not over yet."

Li Qingshan looked at the massive amount of spiritual energy swarming around him,

At this moment, he was considered a success.

But only when all the True Qi in the body is liquefied can it be regarded as the initial stage of foundation building.

Left foot lightly, body slowly off the ground.

"Flying! Li Qingshan is flying!"

Flying is exclusive to the seventh-order grandmaster!

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