Li Qingshan stopped and whispered:

"There are some things that can't be said casually!".

Chapter XNUMX The Beast Tide!

call out!Bang!

Blossoming fireworks exploded into the sky, blooming beautiful patterns.

At the foot of the mountain, the red lanterns in front of the porches on both sides of the street were all lit up.

On the street, children waved fireworks in their hands and played recklessly.

The adults sat around and enjoyed the rare comfort.



The piercing siren rang through the town,

Dazzling searchlights swiped across the sky.

Including those playing children,

Everyone stopped their movements and looked up blankly.

Fear gradually emerged from his eyes.

In Blue Star, everyone has been taught the meaning of this siren since they were sensible.

When it rings, it means the monster is coming.

Their home will soon be gone!

mountain bungalow,

"Ji Tingru! Ji Tingru!"

The deafening roar overwhelmed the alarm and woke everyone up.

Ji Tingru looked at Wei Feng who rushed in and said in surprise:

"Big Brother Wei!"

Wei Feng looked anxious and waved his hand:

"Okay, don't talk about it, everyone from the inn will come out, don't bring anything."

After the alarm sounded,

Li Tao has organized official people to start evacuating residents from the streets.

Because of Li Qingshan's relationship,

He was worried about Ji Tingru, so he came to take them out in person.

During the Chinese New Year, there are no other tourists in the inn.

Ji Tingru quickly took her uncle and aunt, followed behind Wei Feng, and ran to the street.

on the street,

The ground is full of thrown fireworks, toys, food,

Their owners have been held in the arms of their parents.

At this moment, apart from the child, there is nothing else to bring.

All the residents looked nervous, and many even trembled and cried.

However, under the comfort of relatives and the official organization, the evacuation was orderly.

The flow of people kept pouring in towards the entrance of the ancient town.

There, is the long-distance bus station.


Seven or eight giant mice with fangs rushed over from a distance.

"Monster! A monster is coming!"

The screams sounded, causing a chain reaction in an instant, and the crowd began to riot.

"It's over, I can't run away!"

"The Cockscomb Mountain is over!"

"Mommy mommy!"

On New Year's Eve, cries filled the streets.

Li Tao's expression changed, and the commander Fang went to appease the crowd.

Then he took five uniformed warriors to stand in front of the crowd,

They are all local martial artists, but they are only at the first- and second-order level.

"Captain, it's the ivy!"

Wei Feng stood beside Li Tao and spoke in a low voice.

"We must evacuate as soon as possible!"

Of course they are not afraid of seven or eight ivy-toothed mice.

But Li Qingshan's news is that there is a space channel appearing,

The space channel means, the beast tide!

"Block it for as long as you can!"

Li Tao clenched his sword tightly, dodged and split open an elephant-toothed rat.

"At least, until all the residents get on the bus!"

Wei Feng nodded and rushed forward as well.

In less than three minutes, all the ivy fell to the ground.

Another five minutes passed,

The evacuation process was far smoother than expected, and most of the residents had already boarded their cars.

"Captain, something is not right!"

Wei Feng looked towards the far end and wondered:

"Since the ivy have appeared, where have the other monsters gone?"

Li Tao also frowned,

He was also puzzled.

Even if the beast tide is just a precursor, it is impossible to have only a few ivy-toothed mice.

At this time,

After Ji Tingru put her uncle and aunt in the car, she folded it back.

"Captain Li, do you know where Li Qingshan went?"

Ji Tingru's tone was a little anxious,

I originally thought that Li Qingshan was also organizing an evacuation here, but after coming here, he never saw anyone.

Li Tao and Wei Feng were stunned at the same time.

Yes, where did Li Qingshan go?

At that time, Li Qingshan said a few words and hung up the phone.

Space channel, this is shocking news!

They instinctively began to do things according to Li Qingshan's instructions,

Notify Jin Kong, sound the alarm, and prevent the evacuation.

Until now, the two have reacted.

"Captain Li, there are three shadow raccoons!"

The warriors in the rear screamed, awakening Li Tao.

He immediately squeezed the sword tightly, his eyes alert.

Before, he was injured in the hands of the shadow raccoon.

"No, there are people over there!"

Li Tao's eyes narrowed, and he looked at the end of the street, where it was going down the mountain.

Seven or eight figures were besieged by the shadow raccoon, and they fought and retreated.

One of them kept blocking the shadow raccoon attack,

But in order to protect the people behind him, he is also clumsy.

"Juchi! 543"

Li Tao and Wei Feng both recognized it, and immediately stepped forward to help.

Zhu Qi's strength was about to be stronger, and with the help of the two, he quickly killed the three shadow raccoons one by one.

"Let's go, Li Qingshan let me help you evacuate!"

Zhu Qi exhaled and led the students to the station.

"Have you seen Li Qingshan?"

"That's right!"

Zhu Qi stopped and nodded.

"He went to the back mountain."

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