Reiki infusion does have the effect of stimulating spiritual roots.

However, Li Qingshan, who has already refined Qi to the ninth level, can see at a glance,

Lin Junhao has no spiritual roots at all!


Lin Yunqian's face was instantly filled with anger, and he shouted:

"You know shit, you dare to believe nonsense."

Back then, the words of the big man were always in his heart.

Therefore, this time he dared to take the risk.

It's just that the plan changes,

His goal was also to cultivate Tianjiao from the very beginning, down to a talented martial artist.

but now,

Li Qingshan actually said that his son has no talent at all?

"Believe it or not, it doesn't matter."

Li Qingshan shook his head slowly, and his voice gradually became colder.

"Anyway, you're going to die!"

The reason why he came so late was to clean up the monsters roaming the road.

Sit back and watch the space channel open, ignoring the life and death of the entire Jiguanshan residents.

Lin Yunqian, damn it!

"Do you want to start?"

Lin Yunqian's eyes narrowed,

Although he couldn't tell Li Qingshan's depth, but as a fifth-order martial artist, he wasn't afraid anymore.

However, Lin Junhao is "awakening" and he has to be concerned.

"Li Qingshan, the space channel is open, and no one can stop it."

Lin Yunqian's eyes moved slightly, and he said solemnly:

"You came here just to stop the monsters and save those ordinary people."

"I promise you, as long as my son's awakening is completed, I will guard the passageway with you, not letting go of a monster."

"no need!"

Li Qingshan was unmoved,

True qi slowly flowed from the dantian to the limbs, the pale golden qi and blood began to surge, and the air around him gradually distorted.

The inexplicable terror began to oppress all around!

"Talent power!"

Lin Yunqian's pupils shrank slightly, and he said coldly:

"Are you really going to do it?"

"Even if you can beat me, can you still kill me?"

"Li Qingshan, you seem to have a younger sister, right?"

"Young people, don't do something to get yourself after"


The violent air wave hit the door in an instant,

Let Lin Yun swallow the word "regret"

But in the end it is a fifth-order martial artist,

The fifth-order quenches the flesh and blood meridians, and the reaction speed of qi and blood is much higher than that of low-level warriors.

In the blink of an eye, a huge amount of blood was transported to his arms and blocked in front of his face.



The sound of collision sounded at the same time with the sound of bone cracks,

Lin Yunqian fell to the ground.

"how is this possible?"

Lin Yunqian looked at his arms in disbelief.

In just one fight, his two hands were abolished.

look up,

Li Qingshan's aura is no longer as restrained as it was before he started.

The terrifying air wave swept the whole body three feet,

Like a violent god of war.

"Li Qingshan, wait"


Lin Yunqian flew out again,

He vomited blood and fell to the ground.

This time, he couldn't even resist.

At this time, Li Qingshan finally spoke.

"Lin Yunqian, damn you!"

The cold killing intent stabbed Lin Yungan to chill all over.

He knew he was wrong.

The words just now have already touched the opponent's reverse scale.

"Let go, let go of my son, everything is arranged by me, he doesn't know anything!"

Lin Yunqian didn't dare to threaten anymore, so he could only beg in a low voice.

"Dad!" Lin Junhao was awakened by the sound of fighting and ran to the woods immediately.

Lin Yunqian looked up at the midair,

The space channel is about to take shape,

Lin Junhao has already endured a complete storm.

"Haha, cough, hahaha!"

Lin Yunqian laughed and coughed up blood.


Li Qingshan jumped up and stepped on his back.

Ka Ka Ka!


Lin Yun violently spurted out a piece of blood,

The internal organs have been completely broken, and the bones are broken from the spine below.

However, his 1.3 smile was still unabated, staring at his son, eagerly saying:

"Come on, what is your awakened talent?"

"Awakening?" Lin Junhao stopped abruptly, with a blank expression on his face.

He didn't feel any abnormality at all except that he felt comfortable.

"Not awake?"

Lin Yunqian's smile froze.

"As I said, your son has no talent!"

Li Qingshan's voice was cold and he stepped on it.

This time, he stepped on the head.

"Jingshan Hou, you lied to me!"

The unwilling roar stopped abruptly,

Lin Yunqian, die!

Li Qingshan closed his feet expressionlessly, and his eyes fell on Lin Junhao.

Lin Junhao suddenly slumped on the ground and kept moving back.

"Don't, don't come here!"

"It's really none of my business!"

"I don't know anything!"

"It doesn't matter anymore."

Li Qingshan shook his head gently, his figure flashed.

Next second,


Lin Junhao was directly kicked into the air and exploded.

Blood drips from the sky,

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