Over the star of Noukan.

The dazzling golden-red light almost covered most of the Noukan star.

In the golden-red starry sky, three black holes are slowly rotating, bringing supreme coercion and glorious celestial power.

Nokan Imperial City, next to the Emperor Star Artifact.

Emperor Storgo, Thunder Prison King Flotta and others clenched their fists almost at the same time.


The light rises again, and the fourth black hole appears!

Lu Chen, emperor-level four-star!

"Five stars! Five stars!"

Emperor Storgo roared inwardly.

Nine thousand eight hundred years ago, Nokan had an emperor-level talent, and that one was an emperor-level 4-star!

Now, this person has become a prince on the main star of Tianhe, and he has entered the emperor's realm, and the emperor's armor has been added, which is extremely glorious!

And now, the emperor-level 5-star is about to appear!


The beam of light expanded again, and the fifth black hole came into view.

Everyone's heart seemed to be hit by a heavy hammer, and they shook wildly!

Crazy ecstasy!

Crazy roar!

Baixing District.

District Chief Varian looked up at the sky with endless shock.

Aside, Rowley's eyes flashed brightly.

"Imperial five-star!

"Lu Chen has actually reached the level of an emperor-level five-star!""

Varian was shaking with excitement.

Looking at the entire Milky Way galaxy, there are few emperor-level five-stars!

Moreover, this is not necessarily the limit of Lu Chen.

"You...you say, Lu Lu Chen will not be able to reach the nine-star emperor level, right?"

Raleigh's voice was hoarse, and he was so shocked that he could hardly speak.

Emperor level nine stars, that is the level of the Milky Way Emperor!

Varian froze for a moment, he didn't know.

But, maybe maybe.

at this time.

The vast starry sky trembled, and immediately above the sky, a sixth black hole emerged!

"Six stars!"

"Imperial-level six-star!"

The Emperor Nokan, the Ten Heavenly Kings, and Zu Xuan were all shocked, and there was a monstrous look in their eyes.

When Lu Chen's drop of white-gold blood continued to rotate in the Emperor Star Tool.

The seventh black hole appears!

at the same time.

Yafeng District, in the office hall.

"Nookan star, still here.""

Yuan Wuhou Liu Yu was leaning on crutches and looked sighed.

He had only been here some time ago, he had bought everything he should have bought, and he had planned to come back after staying on Earth for decades.

But because the Dynasty Federation needs to purchase too many things recently.

And he and Zhanwuhou Yi Wuya were also emperors of the dynasty, with a high status.

So the matter of purchasing resources falls on him and Yi Wuya.

Yi Wuya nodded.

For the sake of the Dynasty Federation, he gave up his qualification to participate in the Hundred Stars Competition.

In fact, it doesn't matter whether you give up or not, because going with his strength will only increase the risk.

It's better to get the Dynasty Federation done, so that when Lu Chen comes back, he will trust himself more.

In fact, this is the choice of many Wuhou.

Participating in the competition may lead to death without results, so it is better to settle down the Dynasty Federation with peace of mind.

"Huh `||?"

Suddenly, Liu Yu and Yi Wuya looked out of the hall at the same time.

There, the crowd was tumultuous, and everyone looked up at the stars.

"What's the matter, is the hostile big star invaded?"

Liu Yu's face changed slightly.

Mad, this old man is here, so don't encounter this kind of thing.

Yi Wuya also had a solemn expression: "Go, go out and have a look. 35

Before Yi Wuya could finish speaking, Liu Yu trotted out all the way with a cane, where is the old-fashioned bell just now.

Whenever there are dangerous things, Liu Yu pays the most attention.

After leaving the hall, Liu Yu raised his head, and Yi Wuya followed.

Then, numb.

"This is..."

With endless shock and endless horror in Liu Yu's eyes: "Astral projection, black hole appears!

"Eight, eight black holes!

"Emperor-level eight-star! 9

Yi Wuya's face changed.

Like everyone else, they all fell into a great ecstasy and shock.

"I don't know which enchanting evildoer can have such talent!

Liu Yu leaned on a cane and looked up at the 8 black holes in the sky.

"It seems that Noukan Star hasn't been an emperor for many years, right? 35

Yi Wuya murmured.

In his eyes, even if the king's realm is extremely far away, not to mention the emperor above the king's realm.

And the emperor realm, that is myth, is the existence of the gods of the universe.

Yi Wuya did not expect that he would encounter such a rare event when he came to Nokan Star to do business.

"I heard that it hasn't appeared in nearly 10,000 years."

"This Nookan star has a profound background, and there are endless evildoers. 35

Liu Yu sighed: "Compared to Earth, Nookan Star is still powerful, not ordinary!

Yi Wuya nodded in agreement: "Emperor-level 8 stars...like gods, they are too far away from us. 39

"Yeah, the most enchanting person I have ever seen in this life is Lu Chen, the Marquis of God.

"However, even Lu Chen pales in comparison to this emperor-level nine-star, far inferior."

Liu Yu was overwhelmed with emotion, and he felt awe-inspiring as if he had seen the gods descend.

"Lu Chen... After all, it just came out of our earth, it can't be compared, it can't be compared.

Yi Wuya let out a wry smile, the gap between Earth and Nookan is probably as big as a star field.

Emperor-level 8 stars, this is the supreme existence that shines even in the entire Milky Way galaxy.

And Lu Chen, perhaps the most emperor-level, although the emperor-level talent is also very powerful.

However, compared with the emperor-level 8 stars, it is incomparable, incomparable.

And right now.

"`" Boom! 35

The sky shook, and the ninth black hole flew from the distant starry sky.

Then, with the other 8 black holes side by side into everyone's eyes!

"Emperor level 9 stars! Reached the limit of imperial star equipment! 99

Inside the palace.

King Storgo and others have been shocked and their scalps are numb.

Emperor level 9 stars, the talent comparable to the Milky Way emperor has appeared!

The strongest talent in the history of Noukan Star, and for countless thousands of years in the future, has appeared!

"The Emperor!"

Flotta and other heavenly kings looked at Storgo at the same time, and everyone was excited beyond words.

The Golden Wind King was full of tears, and he was full of emotion.

"Your Majesty, Star Nookan is going to be the Great Emperor."

The Golden Wind King's voice trembled.

After taking a deep breath, Noukan King Storgo was still unable to calm down his shocked heart.

He looked at Lu Chen's back, his eyes were infinitely soft and touching.

"Although the last one came from Noukan Star, he doesn't have much sense of belonging to Noukan Star. This time... I want to seize the opportunity."

Stogo thought to himself: "Even if his stage is not on the Noucan star, he must be as good as possible and give him a sense of belonging as much as possible.

At this time, the light of the Emperor Star Tool gradually dissipated.

Lu Chen shook his head secretly, the emperor star device is not good.

Lu Chen can clearly feel that his talent is far from reaching the limit.

As for where the limit is, Lu Chen doesn't know.

"Miracle, miracle!"

Taro's tears of excitement are about to come out, and the star of Nokan is finally going to be a great emperor!

The emperor-level nine stars are the symbol of the emperor-level, and then it is the supreme star of the star field.

Suddenly, Taylor seemed to have a feeling and turned back suddenly.

Then his pupils shrank and he hurriedly bowed: "See the emperor!"

Zu Xuan, who was immersed in infinite shock, also quickly turned around and knelt down with a plop: "Father.

Lu Chen was slightly taken aback, only to realize that there were more than a dozen people standing behind him.

And the one whose aura was as brilliant as a galaxy at the head should be the Emperor Nokan.

Storgo took a few steps forward and said eagerly: "Lu Chen, can you invite you to talk to me at the temple?" Chi.

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