Gao Wu: Contract Twins School Girls Get Ten Thousand Times Return

Chapter 307 Astral Projection! The Black Hole Comes! The Vibration of Emperor Storgo

"it is good."

Next to the Golden Wind Heavenly King, the Thunder Prison Heavenly King and the Ice Extreme Heavenly King all trembled.

The test is not complicated, Lu Chen nodded.

The light in Taro's eyes skyrocketed, this talent has surpassed the emperor!

But if it is not the emperor level, even if it reaches the emperor level nine stars, it will not help.


Only then did Lu Chen remember the matter of his immortal martial body, and then he directly used his Gang Qi.

Nalan Sheng's voice trembled lightly, and the powerhouses and high-level executives of the Nokan royal family were attracted by Lu Chen!

At this moment, strong men from all directions in the palace came quickly.

Just when he was about to say welcome the emperor, the Noukan emperor Storgo gently waved his hand to signal everyone to be quiet.

The old man is the Golden Wind Heavenly King, the eldest among the ten kings of the royal family.


"It's changed, it's going to change!"

Storgo is covered in hair!

Under the nervous and curious gazes of everyone, a drop of white-gold blood fell on the Emperor Star Artifact.

In the dazzling beam of light like a galaxy, a dark black hole appeared!

Together with Wuming Tianwang Tailuo, now the ten kings of the royal family are here!

The second person of the Noucan star had ecstasy, emotion, and an exciting look in his eyes.

You are the king of heaven, and your palms are sweating? This is such an outrageous thing, but it really happened to Taylor.

In his eyes, there is only excitement and enthusiasm.

Taylor's aura uncontrollably leaked out, and his hanging heart was instantly put down!

"Good. 55

However, now they appear here together, watching Lu Chen quietly.

"Royal 1 star."

Peter is stupid.

Moreover, it is said that some extremely powerful and ancient stars already have their own consciousness, which is quite miraculous.

08 finally broke a little skin.

He stared at the growing purple-gold light beam and the nine big stars that were rapidly merging in the beam, his heart raised in his throat.

Saint Peter of Naran glanced at each other, all seeing the dream from the other's eyes!

However, so many people landed without making any sound.

A pale golden beam of light rose through the dome into the sky.

Only emperor-level 3 stars and above can trigger astral projection, so that the starry sky where the tester is located has a black hole manifestation!

A rickety old man standing beside Nalan Sheng, his eyes were cloudy and tears filled his eyes.

Taro and Zu Xuan roared in excitement.

Beside the Emperor Star Tool, Lu Chen looked at the beam of light that began to turn from blue-gold to purple-gold, and couldn't help but wonder.

At this moment, almost everyone is looking up.

It is also the second person of Nokan Daxing after the emperor.

This... is the head of the ten kings of the royal family!

Thunder Prison Heavenly King, Ice Extreme Heavenly King and others bowed and saluted at the same time.

Lu Chen walked to the Emperor Star Tool and asked.

"Everyone is here..."

At this moment, with the royal family as the center, the radius of millions of kilometers can be clearly seen.

Emperor Storgo clenched his fists violently, his heart seemed to be caught by a pair of invisible hands, and his breathing stopped directly!

And they are all here for Lu Chen!

Zu Xuan froze directly.

Nalan Sheng was stunned!

Astral Projection! Black Hole Descends!

The brilliant golden beam of light suddenly changed into a blue-gold color.

Hearing this, he hurriedly said: "Little friend Lu, you can drop a drop of blood on the Emperor Star Artifact, and then inject your Astral Qi."

A beam of gold and silver light fell from the sky.

Saint Naran and Peter looked up.

Immediately afterwards, the white gold Astral Qi fell into the Emperor Star Artifact at the same time.

Any one of these supreme beings can be shaken by the Noukan star.

In an instant, the light on the Emperor Star was bright.

Zu Xuan is the same, the third eye is wide open, and he can't wait to pull out the eyeball and press it on the emperor star.

The blue-golden beam of light spread instantly, and the diameter reached a kilometer.


The terrifying existences that Saint Nalan knew or did not know descended one after another.

Nalan Saint and Peter's faces changed dramatically.

However, even the Thunder Prison King Flotta did not make a sound at this moment.

The diameter reaches 10,000 meters in an instant! The height is millions of meters!

At this moment, the purple-golden beam of light emitted a burst of 480 beeps.

"Boom boom boom!"

It is a super existence that has entered the galaxy star list!

The momentum that belongs to the emperor almost burst out uncontrollably, and he kept shouting in his heart: "Crush! Rush to the emperor level 5 stars!

"The King of Thunder Prison!"

"Royal 9 stars!

"Uh, how to test?

If Lu Chen tests out an emperor-level talent, even if it is only an emperor-level 1 star, Noukan's star position will be preserved.

"Emperor! Emperor! Emperor!"

The red-golden light that enveloped most of the Nookan star shot directly into the sky.

My talent should be an emperor-level nine-star, right?

Everyone didn't make a sound.

Taylor's excited goosebumps rose, his fists clenched tightly, and he roared in his heart: "Keep going! 35

"Emperor level, this is the emperor level without a doubt.

There was also an inexplicable sizzling sound, which Lu Chen knew should be the pulsation of a big star.

Immediately afterwards, a majestic man with a majestic figure, wearing a golden robe and surrounded by phantoms of big stars appeared in front of everyone.

The original blue sky disappeared, replaced by a red and golden starry sky, and three black holes with supreme majesty and oppression in the starry sky!

"Royal five-star!"

Not only came, but also stood 1 meter away from yourself!

At the beginning, it was the emperor-level 1 star, and the emperor-level hope is very big!

The thick beam of light seemed to pierce the sky, reaching a height of tens of thousands of meters.

The King of Nookan, the first person in Nookan who rules over ten thousand life planets and controls hundreds of millions of lives and deaths, is here too!

At this moment, a middle-aged man wearing silver armor with silver hair and majestic demeanor landed.

Can make countless people crazy and shocked.

"Longyu Heavenly King! Ancient Mountain Heavenly King! Golden Wind Heavenly King!"

Emperor 1 star!

“Royal 9 stars!”

Taro was so nervous just now that he forgot to tell Lu Chen the method.

And the light has changed from purple gold to the ultimate red gold!

After seeing a bright star in the pale golden beam of light, Tai Luo and Zu Xuan were shocked.

Then he pinched his index finger, but there was no response.

"Nookan... is going to be an emperor again..."

Nalan Sheng's scalp was about to be shaken off: "Ice, Ice King is here too!

Lu Chen looked up curiously, the pale golden light beam has now turned into a brilliant golden color, and the golden light shone, illuminating the nearby area.

And the number of big stars in it directly reached 8!

Yet at this moment.

And the big star phantom in the beam of light has changed from 1 to 5.

Taro kept breathing deeply, and Zu Xuan's nervous heart almost jumped out beside him.

After getting closer, Lu Chen could hear the heartbeat-like sound in the Emperor Star.



Behind him, King Jinfeng looked at the black hole in the beam of light, his eyes filled with tears, and his body trembled slightly.

Two more black holes appear quickly in the red-golden light beam!

"Royal eight-star!"

Taro and Zu Xuan stood behind Lu Chen and looked at the beam of light intently.

Basically every planet in the universe has a similar sound.

Powerhouses in all directions carry different beams of light, like bright meteors.

Thinking of this, Zu Xuan didn't even dare to look at it.

However, at this moment, even the Emperor Storgo became nervous.

"Om! 35

There is endless light in the eyes of Emperor Nokan, and the hanging heart is also put down.

Taylor's tense palms were sweating.

Zu Xuan clenched his fist tightly, staring at the beam of light, for fear of missing any detail.

at this time.

The two people who were too focused did not even notice the emperor Storgo behind them.

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