Gao Wu: Contract Twins School Girls Get Ten Thousand Times Return

Chapter 305 The shock of Saint Nalan, the star of Nokan can't stay there

Everyone was shocked, and after so many days of hard work, it was finally time to reveal the list.

"I don't know if I can make it into the 1,000.

Nalan Sheng subconsciously clenched his fists and muttered.

As long as he can enter the top 1000, then Nalan Sheng is one step closer to becoming an excellent citizen.

At that time, the corresponding permissions will also be upgraded, and the progress will be faster.

At this time, in the sky.

The light blue beam was high in the sky, and then the beam slowly extended downward like a picture scroll.

Almost everyone is looking forward to it.

Some people are looking forward to whether they can enter the list, and some people are curious whether they can enter the top 100.

And more people are eager to know the name of the blue-skinned monster.

In the past few days, many people in the battlefield are talking about this matter.

But no one knew.

Zu Xuan was also watching. Lu Chen didn't tell him a few days ago. At this time, Zu Xuan was also curious.

In the crowd, Gibbard, Gu Kuang, Vic, etc. were all paying attention to who the invincible guy was.

When the blue light reaches a certain level, there is a swishing sound on it, and dense text appears.

The standings are as follows.

1st place・Lu Chen, 1 million points!

Second place, Zu Xuan, with 180,000 points!

The third place, Gu Kuang, points 140,000!

Eight hundred and ninetieth place, Nalan Saint, with 18,000 points.

Everyone's eyes are fixed on the first place.

Immediately, the audience exploded in an instant.

"Lu Chen!"

"That guy's name is Lu Chen! 33

"1 million points, it must be him! 95

"Does anyone know Lu Chen? Where is Big Brother Lu?"

Everyone looked excited, and finally knew the big guy's name!

Lu Chen? The big guy is the big guy. The name is different when you hear it.

Zu Xuan got up and looked around abruptly, he wanted to find Lu Chen and said hello to Brother Lu.

Beside Lu Chen, Nalan Sheng, Peter, and Long Mo's faces changed at the same time.

Nalan Sheng and Peter looked at Lu Chen like they had seen a ghost.

Especially the former, the brain was almost blinded by this sudden shock.

"Lu, Lu, was that blue-skinned you the other day?"

Nalan Sheng vaguely thought of something with a dull expression.

Lu Chen nodded.

"You, your battle strength in the middle of the king's realm?"

Lu Chen nodded again, and then looked at Nalan Sheng with some sympathy, thinking, in fact, I should be at the peak of the king's realm now.

Nalan Sheng suddenly gasped.

O Wary!

It's only been a few days, it's the middle stage of the king realm!?

It's a shame that I was worried for a long time before, for fear that you would be hit.

Damn it, I was the one who got hit for a long time!

When I thought of how I had been willing to give points to Lu Chen 3 days ago, and the awe-inspiring attitude on my face that was shocked by Lu Chen's invincibility.

Nalan Sheng suddenly blushed.

Mad, this Noucan star can't stay here!

When the game is over, go back to Earth to retire.

At the same time as his heart is shy, there are also waves of 100,000 meters high in Nalan Sacred Heart.

Lu Chen is 18 years old, and his combat power is comparable to that of the middle stage of the king's realm!

Before, at the age of 18, Lu Chen was comparable to surpassing Wuhou.

Earlier, at the age of 18, Lu Chen was comparable to Tianzong.

This guy, apart from the fact that his age has not changed, his combat power has been increasing all the time!

As for me, my age is getting older every year, but my strength is not increasing!

What's so special, everyone is from the earth, why is the gap so big?

"The evildoer of Nokan Star is actually the Marquis of God?! 35

Peter was also in a state of dementia.

He was still sighing just now, even if he was as strong as the Martial Artist, he had to keep a low profile in the Hundred Stars Competition.

Still shocked by the combat power in the middle stage of the king's realm.

But in the end, these two people turned out to be the same person!?

The middle stage of the king's realm! Only 18 years old, Shet, how did he do it?

For a time, Peter had more confidence in the earth's dynasty federation!

Such a monstrous person must be able to lead the entire human race to grow!

"Lu Chen is the first..."

Not far away, Long Mo's mouth was wide open, and his eyes were about to pop out.

The guy who made his heart palpitate and made him surrender was actually Lu Chen!

18 years old, in the middle of the king realm!

An emperor-level talent! This is definitely an emperor-level talent!

Wori, I almost beat an emperor-level talent at first!

Thinking of this, Long Mo couldn't help but be afraid for a while.

If he hadn't apologized for the bad relationship with Lu Chen at that time, then this star of Nokan would probably have no place for himself!

For a time, Long Mo felt both happiness and fear in his heart.

In the crowd, Zu Xuan was looking for Lu Chen's figure everywhere.

Not only Zu Xuan, but almost everyone is looking for it.

But because Lu Chen changed his appearance before, no one found it.

Zu Xuan glanced around and did not see the familiar appearance, and immediately knew that Lu Chen should also have changed his appearance.

So, Zu Xuan shouted directly, "Brother Lu!"

Only then did Lu Chen think of Zu Xuan, and when he heard the words, he smiled and said, "I'm here."

Immediately, 90,000 people watched at the same time.

0.・Ask for flowers0


Everyone was shocked, and the sound was roaring on the huge terrace.

"He's Lu Chen!?"

"It's completely different from before, it must have used some kind of magical power. 35

"It must be, so young, look at it, I don't know which starry sky ancient clan belongs to. 35

"Yeah, although she looks ugly, she looks too young."

"This is also called ugly? This is obviously handsome! Do you have any aesthetics?"

"The one with only one nose on the face is not ugly, but three noses is the perfect face value. 99

"Hehe, fuck you."

Everyone looked at Lu Chen with curiosity, fear, and awe.

In the middle stage of the King Realm, such a combat power will inevitably enter the star list in the future.

At that time, the status will be greatly improved.


"Brother Lu, so this is what you really look like!"

Zu Xuan stepped forward and said excitedly.

"Heh, what's your real face?

Lu Chen asked with a smile, he always felt that Zu Xuan was not his real face either.

Zu Xuan was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Since Brother Lu wants to see it, then I will show it to you."

Saying that, Zu Xuan scratched his face.

The mask disappeared, revealing its original appearance.

Lu Chen's expression froze, how does Mad's words sound weird?

"Fourth Prince!"

Not far away, Gu Kuang who was following Lu Chen suddenly lost his voice.

"What? He is the fourth prince!?"

"Fourth Prince Zu Xuan?"

"Fuck, no wonder it was so powerful at the time. After a long time, it was the fourth prince."

The crowd was boiling again.

"However, Zu Xuan seems to be very polite to Lu Chen.

"Nonsense, I'll be polite if it's me, Lu Chen's strength will definitely be the king in the future, and even the emperor should not be a big problem. 99

"Chenghuang...what do you mean?"

"You don't have a common language with your native."

"Hehe, fuck you.

Nalan Sheng and Peter looked at Zu Xuan in shock.

Fourth Prince... This status is too prominent and dazzling!

It's a level they can never reach in their lifetime.

However, this high-ranking fourth prince looked a little flattering in front of Lu Chen at the moment.

Even, there are faint signs of becoming a dog's leg.


At this moment, someone suddenly said with a sharp and incredible voice: "He, he is only 18 years old!


The scene exploded again!

This time, far more than the previous 2 times! Nine.

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