Gao Wu: Contract Twins School Girls Get Ten Thousand Times Return

Chapter 304 The basic combat power has risen sharply, and the standings have been announced!


At this time, the huge terrace was already full of people.

"How about you, Lu Chen?

The sky suddenly trembled slightly, and a pale blue light emerged immediately.

Lu Chen shook his head strangely: "No."

And next to Nalan Sheng is the heroic warrior Peter.

"With two high-level magical powers, my combat power may reach the peak of the king's realm, not bad. 35

"Don't talk about it.""

"Cough, brother, if you want, the royal princess can choose whatever you want. 35

Nalan Sacred Heart was relieved.


3 days are fleeting.

I couldn't help but sigh in my heart, with such strength, even Lu Chen's light has dimmed a lot.

Zu Xuan heard the words and said seriously: "The gene of emperor-level talent is too precious, not a drop can be wasted!

People like Lu Chen can only keep a low profile.

"The middle stage of the king's realm!"


And if it reaches the super-first-class level, then Lu Chen will just feed Lu Jingzhe Amethyst Star Nucleus every day.

480 turned and said: "Brother Di, then I'll go get the points first, and when the competition is over, let's add a Star News."

"This person has the mid-term battle strength of the King Realm, and he has robbed thousands of people's points by himself, and his points have also been robbed by him."

Lu Chen murmured.

After all, martial arts strong people have a long life span, and 100 years is just a flick of a finger for most strong people.

Lu Chen pursed his lips and smiled slightly: "I, anyway, a lot. 35

"By the way, my eldest sister, second sister, third sister, fifth sister, sixth sister and seventh sister have not been in love yet. 35

Wait, what the hell is Dige.

Lu Chen is in a good mood.

Lu Chen was shocked, and after searching for half an hour, he finally found a suitable one.

"If there is no amethyst star core, it is estimated that it will take 100 years to complete it. Even so, it will take a few months."

"Lu Chen?"

Lu Chen murmured.

Lu Chen had a chill, and the images of himself facing hundreds of women of different races appeared in his mind.

Sure enough, the higher the level of planetary genius, the more.

"Yeah, there is a lot of hope for the top 10 with your strength.

"The game is almost over, and the cooldown time of the contract is up."

After flying for a while, Lu Chen's eyes lit up.

Seeing Lu Chen's lack of interest, Zu Xuan didn't mention it anymore.

[Information]: The potential contract target will obtain the primary magical power "Tianji Mingyu Palm" at noon tomorrow.

When Peter saw Lu Chen again, he subconsciously stood up and said politely, "Marquis Shenwu.

Nalan Sheng's eyes lit up at the corner of the terrace, and he quickly waved his hand.

"The sixth-level Heavenly King, the seventh-level is estimated to be the emperor level, what about the eighth-level and ninth-level?

There is a huge terrace at the top of the mountain.

With this wave of fat, Lu Chen has completely flattened out and no longer has to worry about points.

Lu Chen laughed, the eighth floor is too long, so don't think about it for the time being.

Like last time, it is also a palm method.

Saying that, Lu Chen got up from the cave.

After Nalan Sheng finished speaking, he looked around, and then whispered: "You weren't there a few days ago, and this Hundred Stars Contest produced a super evildoer.

"By the way, Lu Chen, you haven't met that guy, he has blue skin, and many people guessed that he might be from an ancient star race.

For the next 3 days, Lu Chen found a hidden place and began to absorb the amethyst star core.

"That's a pity! But don't rush to make a decision, I'll take you to the royal family after the game, hehe, maybe you'll agree to it by yourself.

Fortunately, there are 60 trillion cells in the human body. Although the improvement in the future is getting smaller and smaller, Lu Chen estimates that when the sixth layer of the immortal divine tome is complete, he should also have the power of the king.

Lu Chen soared into the sky and overlooked the ground below.

Horrible to think about.

Suddenly, Lu Chen shivered involuntarily, not daring to think about it.

Saint Nalan asked.

【Name】: Picard

Nalan Sheng looked at Lu Chen and said.

There are fish-headed people, those with scales, and those with tentacles.

Then Lu Chen flew towards a mountain far away.

If you don't meet it, you won't be robbed.

In fact, the sixth floor in 100 years is already a good speed.

Peter smiled bitterly: "It should be incomparable to you, I only have 8,000 points, and there is no hope for the top 2,000. 99

Lu Chen opened his eyes and looked at the 30,000 golden immortal cells in his body and couldn't help but sigh: "The sixth level of this immortal tome is really not that difficult.

Peter nodded in surprise.

As soon as Lu Jingzhe came, he could contract with Lu Jingzhe and improve the cultivation progress of the immortal divine tome.

Zu Xuan smiled and said: "My sixth sister is so beautiful, even I am moved. There are 4 eyes on the forehead, and each of them is beautiful.""

However, if you count carefully, you will find that there are only 90,000 people in total, which means that the vast majority of the remaining 10,000 people will stay here forever.

Very far away, there is a yellow plus sign.

"There are still many princesses from noble families in the royal family, as long as you want, you can. 35

Marquis Yingwu also participated in the Hundred Stars Competition, but during this period, Lu Chen and Marquis Yingwu basically did not meet.


At this time.

One third, that's 20 trillion.

"The basic combat power is 110,000, and the improvement brought by the evolution of a cell is getting smaller and smaller.

Lu Chen didn't dare to think about it anymore, Mad had six eyes on his face, and he wouldn't do anything if he killed me.

Soon Lu Chen saw an acquaintance, Lie Lan Guo Ying Wu Hou.

Lu Chen nodded.

There was a sensation on the terrace, and someone exclaimed: "The standings will be announced!

Lu Chen was stunned.


So not much is known.

Saint Nalan sighed and sighed: "Isn't it, this Nookan star is still unfathomable."

Peter's face changed slightly, and he was a little shocked: "The Marquis Realm is comparable to the middle stage of the King Realm, what kind of evildoer is this!""

Lu Chen nodded towards him: "How is it, how is the harvest?

Lu Chen raised his brows and suddenly became vigilant, what do you want to do?

Zu Xuan said: "Even if you don't want to get married, you can contribute."

When Lu Chen flew over from a great distance, many people looked up, but they just glanced and stopped looking.


There are signs of battle everywhere on the ground below.

After contracting this Picard, the contract task was successfully completed.

At this time, Lu Chen did not use the Myriad Signs and Sentient Beings, but just showed people his original appearance.

"Haha, this shouldn't be possible, I won't give it a drop."

"Hehe, then your top ten is absolutely stable, and even the top five is no problem."

Zu Xuan said and gestured to Lu Chen.

After all the players arrive on the terrace, they can be sent directly after the game is over.

And Lu Chen has only completed 30,000 pieces so far, not even one in ten million.

The symbol of the sixth layer of success is that one-third of the cells in the body have completed the tempering of the origin of life, and have advanced to immortal cells.

The speed of absorbing star cores is very slow, which is far less convenient than the blood essence of foreign beasts.

"I will take over Jing Zhe and the others (aiaj) in a few days. Star Nookan has more spiritual energy, and there are many high-level heaven and earth treasures. Jing Zhe should soon be able to reach the super-first-class level.

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