Gao Wu: Contract Twins School Girls Get Ten Thousand Times Return

Chapter 260 Harvest the star core soaring and kill Daenerys (please customize it)

"What's the meaning?

"Lu...Lord Lu, please enjoy.

Above a dense forest.

If it was before, Rolandiros and the others would definitely not dare to do this.

"18kg, not bad. 35

Lu Chen sighed with emotion.


Lu Chen rose into the air again.

After reaching the Tianzong level, Lu Chen no longer had any scruples in this battlefield.

Thinking of this, Wang Quan felt relieved instantly.

By then, he should have left the earth.

And the other one can kill him and Lu Chen.

"Unless the three of us go looking for it together, we will be ambushed by three people if we look for it alone, and it will be more troublesome at that time."

"The bulk of it is estimated to be on Miyamoto Jianzang and them, um... before the end of the Grandmaster battlefield, try to kill all three of them.

But now that Lu Chen is such a big monster, they use the star core to condense the blood of the real dragon, and then kill Lu Chen, even the Marquis of these countries will be very happy to know.

Wang Quan said solemnly: "I suspect that they will use the star core to improve their own strength, and then condense the blood of the true dragon~!

Lu Chen is too strong, too strong!

Before coming, she hoped to make a name for the Tanronli family.

But now your Tianzong has started to kill me, wouldn't it be funny if I'm polite to you again?

 …    …

At this time, there is no place for the large sects and top sects to still have the demeanor of martial arts powerhouses.

But anyway, these things do help Lu Chen.

If it goes well, Lu Chen estimates that the sixth level of his immortal tome is likely to be complete.


"Fake, how can he be so fast. 35

Ryu Aoi's eyes were about to split, and the qi in his body instantly turned into a sword and slashed at Lu Chen.

Immediately, many top sects and ordinary sects were caught off guard and let out a scream.



With so many of them working together, they still can't stop Lu Chen in the slightest!

"it's me.

In addition, there is also the meaning of wanting to curry favor with the future Wuhou of the dynasty.

He just killed the people of the Japanese country before, but he didn't take their space bracelets. Naturally, he wanted to repay Lu Chen's life-saving grace.

"Bang!" 5

After the sword fell, Aoi Long was dumbfounded.

"Yes, the one who killed Mora.

Before Aoi Long finished speaking, a purple-golden phantom fell from the sky.

Maybe Tianzong would not take action against these people due to some scruples such as status and strength.

"Oh, let's go.

As a result, a chasing and hunting drama was staged.

"Lu Chen!""


Lu Chen looked at Daenerys with a half-smile.

"I estimate that the three of them are now reporting to the group to keep warm and hiding somewhere."

On the opposite side, Sen Long's face was pale and his expression was extremely frightened.

"Sheet, Lu Chen is here!""

"Then find them and don't give them a chance!"

I said, how could Tianzong be able to hide from the investigation of the few of us.



At this time, Sen Long looked at Lu Chen as if he were looking at monsters.

Hope to make achievements as the daughter of Marquis Yingwu.

Wang Quan himself was condensed by years of accumulation and chance.

Wang Quan sighed.

"Hehe, just need a little attention."

"Hehe, Minister Wang, let's go harvest first."

After a while, this group of strong men were beheaded.

One by one, they turned their heads and ran away when they saw Lu Chen. Two of them even used their teammates as cannon fodder.

Daenerys trembled.

"Quick, let's go!

Wang Quan suddenly said: "Lu Chen, the sixth Tianzong we suspected before should be you, right?"

Condensing the blood of a true dragon will greatly increase the combat power. For example, the kingship has the possibility of beheading Roland Dilos.

They can only get a small share, and if the number of star cores is not enough, the blood of the true dragon cannot be condensed.

Aoi Ryu was in a hurry with dozens of Japanese sects.

"Is there a good solution for Minister Wang?"


"Lu Chen, these star cores are for you." Jiu.

Wang Quan shook his head: "This area is too large, and there are countless underground cracks and burrows, it is almost impossible for you to find them before the end of the Grandmaster battlefield.

After all, these star nuclei belong to the Marquis of various countries.

Lu Chen casually threw the super-first-class big-name Caesar whose neck he had snapped to the ground.


Wang Quan said: "That Miyamoto Jianzang can't leave the slightest wound on you despite his full strength. I suspect that even if he condenses the blood of a real dragon, he may not be able to kill you."

"Run, run quickly.


Lu Chen asked.

"We are also destined.""

If two of the three reach this combat power, the kingship can only hold back one.

But right now, Daenerys just wants to live, even if she lives.

Lu Chen slapped Daenerys out, and Daenerys fell directly to the ground without screaming.

Lu Chen took away these space bracelets one by one.

After all, compared to the Star Core of the Grandmaster Battlefield this year, beheading an enemy quasi Marquis is obviously more valuable.

Soon, Aoi Long also followed in the footsteps of the strong in the same country.

Sen Long just saw with his own eyes that Lu Chen's neck was slit and then recovered almost instantly.

And behind Sen Long, Daenerys was so frightened that her lips were trembling and her face was pale.

Lu Chen finished the count and smiled.

Lu Chen looked blank.

The three of Roland Dilos held a group, and the others would be lambs to be slaughtered without the protection of Tianzong.

They wanted to join up with Miyamoto Jianzang as soon as possible, but the meeting was unsuccessful, but they were beaten by a supernatural power of Lie Bolong and lost a small half of their masters.

Daenerys shuddered, and then began to perform the original scene again.

Daenerys closed her eyes in fright when Sen Long was knocked off by Lu Chen with a punch.

Lu Chen nodded, Wang Quan's expression froze when he saw this, the good guy is really you!

"Enjoy peat!"

Even Miyamoto Kenzo can't hurt Lu Chen, let alone himself?

Lie Bolong also said solemnly: "Yes, the three of them should have a lot of them, although it is unlikely that all three of them will condense the blood of the real dragon, but even if only two of them condense, we are not opponents here. .

If Lielan also has a Tianzong, then it is impossible for the four to join forces.

Among them are 300 grams of amethyst star cores and 1 kg of dark star cores.

Although the Giant Eagle Kingdom Nanjia Kingdom and the Japanese Kingdom had long been expected, but Lu Chen and Wang Quan, the two Heavenly Sect-level powerhouses, and the assistance of Lie Bolong, the pursuit of the three major Heavenly Sects was simply not something these people could resist by numbers.

In the past, star cores were all used by Wuhou.

"Lie Bolong is still kind.


The vast cosmic starry sky has more star core resources.

If nothing else, at least Lu Chen, the star core of these three countries, has to be decided.

Lu Chen said casually.

"Moreover, since they are in a group, the star core in this battlefield is ours."


This guy's body... is simply inhuman!

A large number of star cores were poured down, adding up to 5 kilograms.

Although the plan of the Three Kingdoms Heavenly Sect was unsuccessful, the siege of the Northern Bear Kingdom and the Emperor Heavenly Sect was already a war.

"Although you have the strength of the Tianzong, you have become a thorn in their eyes after this battle.

And at this moment, Wang Quan flew from a distance.

"The three of us should not be too far apart from each other, so that any party can be supported in time if they are besieged.

After the three chatted a few more words, Lie Bolong left.

"You...I feel like I can't see through you anymore.

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