Gao Wu: Contract Twins School Girls Get Ten Thousand Times Return

Chapter 259 The 18 year old Tianzong? Damn, I'm dead

"Fuck, Amethyst Star Core!

"This... at least 100 grams!"

Lu Chen was really shocked.

Amethyst star cores are rarer than dark star cores and hardly exist on Earth.

This Lieberon... has something!

"Lu Chen, although the amethyst star core is very precious, compared to my life, I believe our Lord Wuhou will agree!"

Lieberon said seriously.

"good friend!"

Lu Chen stepped forward and gave Lieberon a warm hug.

With these star cores, Lu Chen believes that his combat power will be greatly improved.

At that time, even if the advanced supernatural powers have not yet entered, if he encounters Miyamoto Jianzang again, he will be able to kill him.

And Lieberon was obviously very happy.

After all, compared to the North Bear Country, which has one less Tianzong, the Amethyst Star Core is really not that important.

"Rolandillos, there is a chance to have tea together."

On the other side, Wang Quan looked at Roland Dilos, who fled in embarrassment, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Although he didn't have time to kill Roland Dilos in this battle, he couldn't get up in the Grandmaster battlefield.

Not surprisingly, I am afraid that they will have to huddle together with Galoye.

In this way, this grandmaster battlefield is the world of the dynasty.

Immediately, the black and white qi behind Wang Quan subsided, and the black and white chess pieces around his wrist disappeared instantly.

The restoration of the kingship as before came quickly towards Lu Chen.

And this time. 450

In the dense forest, the large groups of Japanese people gathered together with fear and confusion on their faces.

They just saw Dynasty Lu Chen and Miyamoto Jianzang fighting together with their own eyes.

While shocked by Lu Chen's strength, he was also excited that Miyamoto Jianzang was about to kill a rising star of the dynasty.

But later, they discovered something was wrong.

Lu Chen... The ultimate move in the face of his own Tianzong has been carried down many times!

And still unscathed?

It was not until they saw their god-like Tianzong escape that everyone reacted.

After reacting, panic in his heart hit like a tide.

Can Tianzong win the top big?

I don't know how many people will laugh at me if I say this.

And when this incredible thing happened, everyone was shocked and puzzled.


Why is Lu Chen?

"Kurai-sama, what should we do?

At the same time, everyone looked at Ryu Aoi, a super-first-class sect.

The gray-haired Aoi Long thought for a while and said solemnly, "Let's get in touch with Lord Tianzong first! 99

He had no idea in his mind.

The original plan for the three countries to join forces should be 100% stable.

Facts have proved that this is indeed the case, but I didn't expect that Lu Chen of the Dynasty has progressed to this level.

Even Lord Tianzong can't do anything about him.

The appearance of Lu Chen completely disrupted everyone's plans and deployments.

"Okay, let's follow Kurai-sama's wishes.

on the grassland.

The giant eagle country's first-class sects, Caesar and Senlong, were penetrated by a coolness.

The two of them couldn't help but look at each other, and both saw the shock in each other's eyes.

The Lu Chen they were looking for appeared!

Not only appeared, but also fought on a par with the Japanese Empire Tianzong.

"Fake, how can he be so strong!"

Sen Long's cold eyes were full of horror.

If he had found Lu Chen before, he would have died long ago.

"Who knows, just now...Lord Rolandillos seems to be injured."

Caesar's breathing was a little short, and he always felt panic in his heart.

The strength of the kingship is also beyond imagination, even better than Roland Dilos.

Plus Lu Chen, a Tianzong-level powerhouse.

For a time, the dynasty actually occupied an absolute advantage?

And their meticulous planning has been completely in vain here.

It's hard to say whether you can even survive.

Beside Sen Long, Daenerys was completely dumbfounded.

The whole person was immersed in a great feeling and happiness that I was lucky that Lu Chen didn't kill me at that time.

"There are too many geniuses in the dynasty!"

Sen Long cautiously glanced at the sky, and when he saw that there was no abnormality, he trembled: "The Marquis of Emperor Wu, Wang Quan, and now Lu Chen, who is even more enchanting.

"Fake, why do they have so many amazing people.

Caesar was silent, and I wanted to know too!

Emperor Wuhou is almost the youngest among the Wuhou of various countries.

But its strength is the top.

Plus the kingship with the blood of a real dragon, and 18-year-old Lu Chen.

When they thought that the dynasty was about to give birth to two more Marquis of Wu, everyone had a feeling of fear (aiaj) and trembling.

"God of Yokogawa, bless our Lord Tianzong."

The super-first-class sect of the Nanga Kingdom, Murel, put his hands together and his voice trembled.

"Muriel, now is not the time to pray, let's meet up with a few adults first."

Senlong glanced at Murel coldly, thinking to himself, if your Tianzong had been able to kill Lieberon earlier, wouldn't there be so much trouble?

The people of Nanga country really drink too much water, Fake!

at the same time.

"Lu Chen... drove away Miyamoto Kenzo!"

Dongfang Qingtian and Lin Kaixuan looked shocked and looked like they were dementia.

The former murmured: "Lao Lin, when did Lu Lu Chen have the strength of a top sect?

"You ask me... how do I know that he is serving in your military region.

Lin Kaixuan's throat rolled, and he had never had such a shock in his life.

When he saw Lu Chen join the battle circle at first, he and Dongfang Qingtian ran over anxiously and wanted to help.

But as a result, people don't need help at all.

Even a fierce battle with Tianzong can still be unscathed.

"Lu Chen is only 18 years old?

Archer murmured.

Dongfang Qingtian and Lin Kaixuan nodded.

"Looks like it's been less than 2 months since the Dynasty Championship ended? 35

Dongfang Qingtian and Lin Kaixuan nodded again.

"He was better than us at 18? 35

After the bow battle, Dongfang Qingtian's expression froze, and Lin Kaixuan's breathing stopped.

Immediately, the two said quietly at the same time: "Don't talk about this."

After Lin Kaixuan looked dazed, before Lu Chen graduated from Imperial College, he also said that Lu Chen would adapt to life in the war zone in a few months.

Yes, people not only adapt.

Everyone has become a goddess!

And what is the identity of the army commander who has not yet taken office to meet the new Tianzong?

I dare not think about it, I dare not think about it.


Lu Chen put the star core given by Lieberon into the space bracelet.

"Lu Chen.

At this time, Wang Quan flew from a distance with a smile and sigh.

Lu Chen looked at Wang Quan and said with a smile, "Minister Wang."

"You...the speed of your progress is really beyond my expectations.

Wang Quan's mood was extremely complicated, but he was extremely happy.

From the first meeting in the training camp Valkyrie Tower, to the back Lu Chen has repeatedly created legends.

One achievement, one picture passed quickly in my mind.

If you only look at the strength, then it seems that many, many years have passed.

But in fact, it's less than a year, right?

To say shock, it is absolute.

But to say I am envious, it is also very envious!

Lu Chen said: "It's still far from Minister Wang."

"No no no, you will surpass me soon, maybe a few months... or maybe less than a month.

Speaking of this, the king gave a wry smile.

Madd, I'm a little bit taken aback.

"Wang Quan, I want to congratulate you in advance, the dynasty has added another Tianzong!"5

Lieberon said with a smile.

"Tianzong... Maybe Marquis Wu is soon too."

After Wang Quan finished speaking, he suddenly looked at Lu Chen, and then said, "Lu Chen, although this crisis has been lifted, we have to take precautions next."

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