Gao Wu: Contract Twins School Girls Get Ten Thousand Times Return

Chapter 249: The 3 Great Heavenly Sects Conspiracy

Lu Chen's heart was tight, but he immediately relaxed when he thought of the grade of Wanxiang Sentient Beings.

Then, Lu Chen stopped in mid-air and turned his head.

At this time, Rolandillos had appeared beside Lu Chen like a ghost.

"Daenerys was... hurt by the lord of Leland!

Rolandillos wanted to say an insult, but it hurt Daenerys' reputation.

Hearing this, Lu Chen's face changed slightly, and he was immediately furious: "These people from Lie Languo have become more and more excessive recently!"9

"That's right, so if you see them, kill them if you can.

Roland Dilos said lightly: "Also, if you see this person, let me know at any time."

"This person is very strong and may have reached the level of the top sect.

After Rolandiros finished speaking, he took out the portrait of Sikes.

Although Lu Chen is not very compliment to this painting, it is really vivid.

"Don't worry, my lord.

Lu Chen thought for a while and then said, "Where's the dynasty?"

He knew about the relationship between the Giant Eagle Kingdom and the Dynasty, so there was nothing wrong with asking at this time.

Rolandillos thought for a while and said, "If they don't go too far, just ignore it."

The implication is that as long as there is no major loss, leave them alone.

"Be careful yourself, if it's really what the country of Leland did, then they must have other backers. 99

After Rolandiros said these words, he traveled hundreds of kilometers in an instant like lightning.

"Tianzong is still strong."

Lu Chen murmured while looking at the figure of Roland Dilos.

"I wonder if I can grind to death a Tianzong 450 with my current strength?"5

It must be difficult to kill, after all, the basic combat power of Tianzong is 40,000.

If you add the primary supernatural power of Perfection Realm, it is 360,000 extreme combat power.

However, 360,000 combat power may not be able to break the defense of the immortal body!

Even if it can be broken, its recovery speed is very fast!

"Looks like I have to find a chance to try it."

After saying this, Lu Chen continued to fly forward.

at the same time.

"What, Gray killed the people of Leland?"

In a mountain col, several Japanese sects lit up in front of their eyes.

"Ino, it seems that even the people of the Giant Eagle Country can't help it for the sake of Star Core. 39

A dwarf country chief laughed.

The top sect known as Ino narrowed his eyes: "If necessary, you can help the Giant Eagle Nation to kill them, after all, we and the Giant Eagle Nation are hard-core allies.

"Yeah, Gray only killed the people of Leland, and didn't do anything to us."

A dwarf kingdom chief who saw Lu Chen with his own eyes before said.

"Hehe, that's right, the Giant Eagle Country is very friendly to our Japanese country.

Ino wiped the sword in his hand: "Let's go, let's work together with Gray, maybe we can get the line through Gray and Rolandillos.

Gray is a close associate of Rolandillos.

And Roland Dilos is also the Heavenly Sect of the Giant Eagle Kingdom. If they gain their favor by taking this, it will be a great benefit.

"What about the dynasty? I heard that Nakamura-sama has already fought with their top sect. 99

someone asked.

"Hehe, Nanga will help them, we don't need to intervene."

Ino said lightly.

Although there are many powerhouses in the dynasty, they are only one power after all.

Nanjia Kingdom has been unhappy with the resource monopoly of the Dynasty for many years. Now that the Grandmaster battlefield is coming, it is natural to try to eliminate the power of the Dynasty.

"I heard that Lord Tianzong and their Galois plan to join forces?"

At this time, a Japanese country with a mustache whispered: "Master Matsuda Musashi, wouldn't he want to take the opportunity to get rid of the emperor's emperor?

Ino looked around and said solemnly, "This is top secret.

"Actually... not only Master Matsuda Musashi, but also Master Roland Dilos.

"What! 99

Everyone's expressions changed slightly.

Immediately at the same time, he excitedly said: "Yo Xi, in that case, the royal power will surely die!

"Haha, if Wang Quan is killed together, the star cores of the rest of the dynasty can be shared equally by our three families.

Hearing everyone's excited conversation, Ino said with a smile: "The reason why the three families can join forces this time is thanks to one person."

"Who is it?""

People are puzzled.

Ino looked at the sky in the distance and said, "That guy named Lu Chen."

"It is because of his strength and talent that the Three Kingdoms feel a little pressure."

"The dynasty already has 4 Marquis, and if a fifth is born, the Three Kingdoms will be unlucky!

Hearing this, everyone looked solemn.

"Yeah, it's a pity that I haven't met him yet, otherwise I can kill him directly. 39

"Yeah, it's probably better than getting the reward of the star core.

While everyone was chatting in a low voice.

"someone is coming!"

Ino suddenly stood up and looked into the distance.

Tight (aiaj) Then, Ino's originally tensed body instantly relaxed, and an eager smile appeared on his face: "Grey! I am Saburo Ino, welcome you my friend!""

Lu Chen appeared in front of several people with a chill in his heart.

With the blessing of the immortal martial body, his hearing far exceeds his own combat power.

Although I didn't hear it clearly just now, I vaguely heard a few key words.

Three families, union, and kingship must die.

These few words are enough for Lu Chen to associate.

"Three families, the Japanese Giant Eagle Country and...Nanga Country?"

To be able to say that kingship must die, it must be the cooperation of the other three Heavenly Sects.

While the North Bear Kingdom and the Dynasty have a good relationship, it is unlikely that they will join forces with the Japanese Kingdom. Of course, nothing is 100% certain.

Also be on guard.

"Hello! 35

Lu Chen's mind turned, but his face was eager: "Lord Rolandillos came to me just now."

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of Ino and the others were all positive.

"Friend, what does Lord Tianzong of your country mean?"

Ino asked.

Lu Chen smiled and said with a chill on his face: "Our Daenerys was injured by the Grand Sect of Leland.

"You guys should know what to do, right?"

Ino looked at each other in dismay.

It was only then that the two Japanese powerhouses who had been with the Great Sect of Leland before understood why Gray wanted to kill the people of Leland, and they had this relationship for a long time.

"Friends, the Japanese nation and the giant eagle nation have been friendly for generations."

Ino said seriously: "Don't worry, we will help you!"

"As expected to be the eternal friend of the Giant Eagle Kingdom!"

Lu Chen warmly hugged Ino and said with a smile: "After the Grandmaster Battlefield is over, you must come to the Giant Eagle Country as my honored guests.


Ino's eyes suddenly lit up.

20 km away.


A burly old man screamed and fell into the glacial abyss.

"Hehe, it's really stubborn.

A top tycoon from Lieland took out a handkerchief and wiped off the blood stains on his hands.

A female sect on the side smiled and said: "I remember that this person seems to be in the top 20 of the Dynasty Battle Star Ranking. I didn't expect such a poor combat power."

"Lina is not because he is weak, but because we are too strong.

George gracefully threw the handkerchief into the abyss below: "Because of this, we can obtain these 200 nemesis cores.

Linna carried a Viking sword and said, "Then, let's continue the harvest haha!

As soon as Linna finished speaking, there was a sudden sound of footsteps in the distance.

Linna immediately grabbed the sword in her hand.

George also put down the gold wire glasses he was about to put on and looked vigilant.

When George saw Lu Chen, Ino and others, he suddenly whispered: "There are too many people, we have to be careful.

"Hehe, the people of the Giant Eagle Country really like the Japanese country, and they hang out with each other every day. 35

Linna has always had a bad impression of the Giant Eagle Nation. If it weren't for the high-level alliance, she would despise the Giant Eagle Nation's behavior.

"Don't talk nonsense with them, just kill them!"

Lu Chen had sensed that someone was here before, and seeing that it was Lie Lan, he couldn't help but say to Ino who was beside him.

"Okay, let's go together!"

Ino took out two swords from behind and rushed over with Lu Chen.

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