Gao Wu: Contract Twins School Girls Get Ten Thousand Times Return

Chapter 248 Massive harvest, Roland Dilos arrives

"That means there is a high probability."

Roland Dilos slowly got up, and his breath became more and more cold and biting.

The two Japanese sects turned their heads and ran away in terror.

What caught the eyes of the two of them was the densely packed silver star core.

Gray's scalp was numb when he was shocked, and he only felt that the three views of the whole person were completely refreshed.

The strength of the top bulk just matches that of Lu Chen, and it can also better disrupt the situation.

Lu Chen knew Gray, a top player in the Eagle Country.

Seeing the two of them rising into the air, Lu Chen reached out and grabbed it.

"Although there is still a little gap from Xiaocheng, it's okay to change his appearance.

"Even, even Lord Wuhou will give you additional rewards.


This has long made Roland Dilos and other high-level managers dissatisfied.


A pale golden qi rose up from Lu Chen's body.



Before Gray could react, Lu Chen smashed Gray's head with a punch.

"Bang! 35

Before the words were finished, Lu Chen punched him.

A hawk-nosed blond broke through the ice layer in front of him: "Shore, look here `||.

Lu Chen looked at the headless corpse on the ground, feeling a little ups and downs.

But with his unparalleled comprehension, Lu Chen can already try the second variation.

The nose also became a hooked nose.

Especially when the two sides jointly started the national war with the North Bear Kingdom last time, the Lielan Kingdom obviously did nothing.

Just when Lu Chen took off and flew into the distance.

Daenerys said while taking out the picture drawn on the road.

Xiao Er's face changed dramatically: "Hurry up and shout!"

Even if Lu Chen just used his Astral Qi and didn't use any martial arts, it would be easy to kill the middle stage of the big sect.

When the time comes, if you have anything to talk about or think about, just call.

After a moment.

A Lieland country sect hurriedly said: "Master Gray, the three of us have a total of 120 grams, you can take it...

Immediately afterwards, the purple-golden fist sunk Gray's chest down.

In the distance, a majestic and majestic voice came from behind, it was Roland Dilos!

Lu Chen took off Gray's space bracelet, found a piece of Gray's clothes and put it on his body, and then began to dig out the star core.

Lu Chen took the three-person space bracelet in his hand, and after counting it, it was really 120 grams.

The shape changes rapidly.

However, when the two sensed Lu Chen's aura, their expressions froze.

No alliance can be monolithic.

"`" is good!

Another bulk was caught off guard.

Therefore, Lu Chen intends to make the atmosphere thoroughly.

"If that's the case, then it's you!"

As for the two Japanese sects, Lu Chen naturally let them go on purpose.

After one of them was grabbed by Lu Chen's ankle, Lu Chen projected it as a weapon.

"Gray, you are going to make a contribution this time.

Waiting for him to kill the people of Lilan Kingdom as the great sect of the Giant Eagle Kingdom, tsk tsk.

Shore and Gray said while digging: "If Lord Tianzong knows about it, he will definitely praise you.

He had seen it when he was on the first floor of the Windless Land.

This is the most they have found so far.

They never dreamed that Lu Chen actually possessed the strength of a top sect?


However, the two Lielan Kingdom sects who were better than Yu trembled, with anger and murderous intent in their eyes.

Under the blessing of the immortal martial body, Lu Chen's basic combat power reached 20,000.

2 groups of blood mist exploded from the air.


Everyone's task is 30 grams, and he has overfulfilled the 300 grams.

Rolandillos' eyes narrowed.

Gray's pupils shrank and suffered cardiac arrest!

Before Lu Chen finished speaking, a white-gold immortal clone appeared behind him.

Immediately, Lu Chen and the clone performed the grand master martial arts at the same time!

"Want to run? 35

But just as the big shield condensed, it shattered with a click.

After the hook nose finished speaking, a strong black man came over and was ecstatic: "God! So many!

The next morning.

He turned into Sykes before, and this identity is really flawed.

"It's him."

But this is the first time for Lu Chen to kill a top human being.

"Well, let's turn it into a large sect of the Giant Eagle Kingdom. 35

When the purple-gold and platinum-gold qi disappeared, a big hole appeared in Gray's chest.

Gray seemed to have checked and slapped it with a backhand.

"In recent years, they have become more and more out of control. It just so happened that their Tianzong did not come, so let's grab their super-first-class sect and ask.

Lu Chen asked blankly.

Wushuang Xingliu Slash and Shenxiang Wushuang Fist hit both of them with incredible speed.

And just when the two were digging, a figure appeared behind them like a ghost.


Daenerys said a little excitedly: "Sir, you must kill that guy, this is his portrait.


Lu Chen got up, and the frost on his body disappeared instantly.

(Lee's) This punch was as fast as lightning, and instantly shattered the opponent's head.


Beneath the ice field, Lu Chen opened his eyes and exhaled a cold air.

Thinking of this, Roland Delos nodded: "Daenerys, I will catch him in front of you, and you will deal with him.

As for Xiao Er, he was only the peak of the sect. Facing this 240,000 terrifying combat power, his body exploded instantly!


When Gray and Shaw were about to stand up, Lu Chen appeared in front of them.

The expressions of the 5 people moved slightly, and they seemed to think of something, and their hearts suddenly tightened.

"Two grandmaster martial arts at the same time..."

Lu Chen's speed is too fast, plus all his combat power burst out in an instant.

Then, Lu Chen disposed of the bodies of the two Grays, and his mind moved.

"Thank you sir!

"The first top tier..."

Although the Black Winged Demon Spider was also a top sect before, and among the top sects, the top level was not far from the super sect.

"It's him?'

Moreover, this person is in the ranks of the country of Leland.

20 kilometers from here.

Gray and Shore also knew Lu Chen and were instantly ecstatic.

After all, it is an intermediate-level supernatural power, and even an immortal martial body cannot cultivate to a small success in one fell swoop.


Hook-nosed Big Grey was clearly delighted too.

"Sure enough."

at the same time.

Not far away, the three great sects of the Lielan country and the two great sects of the Japanese nation bowed slightly.

Before Lu Chen finished speaking, terrifying turbulent fluctuations swept away like a gust of wind and rain.

It is shorter than itself, but more burly.

“Top bulk!”

Soon, Lu Chen found a new target.

"How many star cores did you get?"

Although the Giant Eagle Kingdom and the Leland Kingdom have been in alliance for decades, they have intentionally moved with each other over the years.

Adding his own, the number of star cores has now reached an astonishing 500 grams.

"Lu Chen!"



After all, there are only 3 of them around here.

When Gray was shocked, he held both hands empty, and a large golden shield stood in front of the two of them.


The wind whistled all around, and Lu Chen looked extremely calm.

They are just ordinary sects, but Gray is a top sect and is much stronger than them.

As a rough estimate, the weight is at least 300 grams.

Gang Qi did not hit the target.

Although it is a little bit new to look like Lu Chen, it can still be seen in general.

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