Gao Wu: Contract Twins School Girls Get Ten Thousand Times Return

Chapter 236 Mortals are all mortal, but Tan Longli's daughter is extraordinary

(The flowers are still 5,000 to 300,000. I don’t know which hero can help me realize my wish and practice it for Lu Chen haha)

Prior to this, everyone will collect information on important figures such as Tianjiao in various countries in advance.

"Hehe, let's talk about it later.""

A closer look, the arm has become a charred black.


Lu Jingzhe smiled.

Wang Quan walked in the front and said calmly: "Everyone, be careful, don't touch the light curtain."

If it is not inside, then you can only travel through the battlefield.

"Looking back for a chance to try, just to see where the limit of my self-healing ability is. 99

"The light of Brahmins will surely illuminate the world.

If you really run into that Lu Chen, you don't have to worry about Daenerys.

"Boom! 55

"Later the battlefield will open a gap, and we will enter through it.""

Lu Chen and his group of 281 people stepped out of the battleship one after another.

the other side.

"Yeah, Daenerys, if you end, the danger is too great."

Immediately, the man couldn't help exclaiming, and with a frightened expression, he quickly pulled out his hand.

Rapide said respectfully.

Galoye looked at another super-first-class sect with a peaceful demeanor.

Less than ten minutes.

If the eighth-order alien beasts are not controlled on a stable line, these alien beasts will enter various war zones to wreak havoc in the future, and the losses will be much greater at that time.

Of course, a Garul is not enough insurance, Rolandillos has other backers.

The Windless Land is a bit like the Dark Rift of the First Legion.

"Chen Dazong, this is the battlefield world, covering the entire Grand Master battlefield, with a thickness of 5,000 meters. 35

For Lu Jingzhe's talent and strength, he was full of admiration.

Lapid was not originally from Nanga, but he was shocked by the supreme power of Galaya and converted to Brahman.

"Aunt Hong, you know a lot."

Although Garul is the first of the younger generation of Giant Eagle Country.

Lu Jingzhe asked curiously.

Galul, who is just 30 years old this year, already has a lot of late-stage combat power.

"After the Grandmaster Battlefield is over, we will come out again, and then the Battlefield World will return to seclusion, um, it's the same as being invisible, but it still exists.

To be honest, he has some headaches for this one, but Daenerys is also a late-stage sect. Although she is only 38 years old, her talent is undeniable.

"It's like you, you are very moisturizing every day.""

If this is not eliminated, the dynasty will have another Marquis in the future.

But it can make people let go of all worldly things and convert to Brahman.

Roland Dilos said with a smile.

The air carrier Yinglong crossed countless thousands of miles at an unimaginable speed.

"My lord, I have a crush on Lu Chen, let me deal with him. "Four Five Zeros""

The Grandmaster Battlefield has different entrances, and all countries can enter from their own location.

Staying in it, there will be endless eighth-order peak alien beasts and so on.

Lu Chen's desire to try it became stronger and stronger.

There is a faint divine light flashing all over its body, and there are red and yellow paint symbols on its brown cheeks.

He is the well-deserved first person among the young people under the age of 40 in the Giant Eagle Country.

The battlefield in front of you shines brightly.

This is the Nanga Kingdom Tianzong Jiaraye.

The daughter of Marquis Wu, this is noble and extraordinary no matter where it is placed.

Even Roland Dilos must be treated politely.

"Boom! 99

In addition, every night in Lu Chen's room, Xiao Hongyu's body was hot, and Xiao Hongyu admired it even more.

Then combine in a windless place.

Lu Jingzhe knew what Xiao Hongyu was referring to, and smiled without saying a word.

"Muriel, your task is to convert the first-class talents of other countries as much as possible.

On the opposite side of the light curtain, is the famous Grandmaster Battlefield!

"I don't know if my immortal martial body can stand it."

The immortal martial body is immortal and immortal. Even if the lethality of the battlefield is amazing, it can't even wipe out the immortal martial body, right?

Super first-class big Caesar also said.

The woman's bearing is extraordinary and graceful, and she exudes the temperament of an aristocratic princess in every gesture.

A white-bearded man wearing a yellow turban and withered like an ascetic was suspended in the battleship with his knees crossed.

Lu Chen nodded, which is why he would die if he didn't come out after the battlefield was closed.

Roland Dilos said: "You are the only daughter of Lord Tanronli, you just need to follow me to understand.

Galoye opened his eyes, and his turbid eyes were extremely calm: "With one lamp, all lamps will be passed on, and finally all lamps will be famous."

Xiao Hongyu heard the words and said: "It doesn't seem to be the case. After the Grandmaster Battlefield is opened, the battlefield world will appear."

At this time, a woman with a bumpy figure and long white-blond hair stood up and said.

Looking at the blue light curtain in front of him, someone curiously stretched out his hand.

Daenerys Tanronli is the only daughter of Tanronli, the Marquis of the Great Eagle.

This scene also shocked many grandmasters and sects who wanted to touch them, and they all subconsciously stayed away from the blue sky.

The super-first-class sect Rapid of Nanga country asked respectfully.

He is also known as the evildoer who is about to become the fifth Marquis of the Giant Eagle Kingdom.

After learning that Lu Chen actually had a large mid-term battle strength, even Roland Dilos had a terrifying feeling.


The bright blue light curtain slowly opened like a door, revealing a gap.


Xiao Hongyu grabbed Lu Jingzhe's arm: "You are the best sister. Aunt Hong is like a bird in a cage compared to you."

Nanjia State has a primary supernatural power that has a long history, and this supernatural power is not offensive.

Soon, the Yinglong stopped beside a huge blue light curtain.

Daenerys puffed up her chest, and her face was filled with divine light: "Mortals are all mortal, but the woman of Tanronli is extraordinary."

Lu Chen murmured.

After the incident of Chen Deping, no one dared to approach, one by one, they formed a long line and stepped into the light curtain.

The Land of No Wind is also the area with the most Tier 8 alien beasts in the Grandmaster Battlefield.

The crowd didn't wait long.

When the gap is open enough to accommodate 2 people walking side by side.

The dazzling blue light spots are like stars shining brightly.

Just now, she really wanted to touch it, after all, this "curtain" as blue as the cosmic starry sky is really beautiful.

On the side, Dongfang Qingtian said: "In the battlefield world, even if the Lord Tianzong crosses, it will fall, you can't try it blindly.

But this thing can even injure a big sect like Chen Deping in an instant. If he wants to cross the 5-kilometer battlefield, he may be gone within a few steps.

At that time, when the top-level combat power is out of balance, they will be in trouble with the great powers of the dynasty.

"Lord Tianzong, what instructions do you have this time?"

On the first 2 days, Xiao Hongyu and Lu Jingzhe also often chatted 0.9.

"Has the battlefield world always existed?

Chen Deping gave a wry smile: "I thought there should be no problem with my peak strength, but it seems that the old man took it for granted.

But when it comes to dignity, of course it is Daenerys.

The light green eyes are even more domineering to look at the world.

Chang also couldn't see his head at a glance.

"Daenerys I'm sorry, I can't agree."

So Roland Dilost left this task to Garul.

Through this gap, Lu Chen saw a dark blue that could not be seen.

Its interior is layered with no wind and no light, so it is called a windless place.

The blue light curtain is high and geometric, as if connecting the heaven and the earth.

"Let's go.

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