Gao Wu: Contract Twins School Girls Get Ten Thousand Times Return

Chapter 235 The Helicarrier, Roland Dilos, Caesar

"Everyone, sit down."

The kingship in a white linen shirt is only average in stature among all.

But everyone felt that Wang Quan was as tall as a mountain, and his gestures seemed to contain endless galaxies, which was daunting.

"Lieutenant General Lu, sit with me."

Wang Quan first looked at Lu Chen and said with a smile.

If it was someone else, everyone present might be very envious, and even feel a little jealous and dissatisfied in their hearts.

But this person was Lu Chen, but everyone didn't feel the slightest bit.

Even thought it was reasonable.

Lu Chen... Now it is the mid-term battle power of the large sect, but in the future, it will be Tianzong, and it will be Fenghoujing~ Great Master.

In this way, everyone else is sitting opposite Wang Quan, while Lu Chen is sitting on the spot - next to Wang Quan.

Wang Quan looked at the 280 people present and said calmly: "Many of you have participated in the Grandmaster Battle once, or even twice.

"There are also a small number of first-time participants.

"Now let me tell you the relevant information about this Grandmaster Battlefield.

"In this Grandmaster battlefield, there are about 30,000 tier eight alien beasts, no less than 100,000 tier 5, 6 and 7 alien beasts, and less than one million tier five."

"The eighth-order alien beasts are mainly distributed in the windless land below the seventh floor, and the rest of the alien beasts are mainly in places such as Glacier Mountains. 99

Speaking of this, the royal power paused for a while and looked at everyone: "The star core is within a range of 200 kilometers to 3000 kilometers behind the windless land. There are also many eighth-order alien beasts in this area."

"So, try to clean up most of the eighth-order alien beasts in the windless land in the early stage. During this time period, the countries are mainly cooperative. If you encounter danger from other countries' representatives, you can not save them, but try not to fall into the trap. 39

"Even if you fall into the trap, try not to leave behind a handle, everyone understands, right?

"Hey hey, I know.

Dongfang Qingtian smiled, and at first glance, he didn't do anything to get in trouble when people didn't pay attention.

Zhiyuan also put his hands together and smiled slightly: "Amitabha, Lao Na will not fall into the trap, but will only send them to the West.

"This monk is reliable. 55

Lu Chen nodded secretly.

"I am in charge of the four Roland Dilos. I don't dare to take action against them, so my main task is to keep an eye on the four of them, and the same is true for the four of them."

"And Dongfang Junzuo, Principal Lin, you are the same, staring at the super-first-class sects of other countries. 35

"Try not to let our people show fearless sacrifice."

Speaking of this, Wang Quan said solemnly: "However, sacrifice is inevitable.

"In previous years, 30% of our representatives stayed in the Grandmaster battlefield forever, and almost all of them fell. 99

"Minister Wang, why do you say almost? 35

a battle star asked.

"There are also people who are trapped inside and can't get out for various reasons, but after the grandmaster battlefield is closed, a large number of eighth-order alien beasts will be sent in, so those who are trapped inside will have a hard time surviving.

Wang Quan said: "I know that some of you have personal grudges with each other, but in the Grandmaster battlefield, I hope you will put your petty grudges aside.

"The star core is related to the strength of the four Lord Wuhou, and only by getting more star cores, the adults will be stronger.

“Compared to me, they are the key figures in the situation of the country.99

Everyone nodded earnestly.

After Wang Quan told everyone about several important figures from abroad who were worth noting from the Tianzong and below, he slowly got up.

Everyone got up at the same time.

"That's all, let's go."

After Wang Quan finished speaking, there was a sound of propeller turning outside.

Everyone walked out of the tent in a quiet and orderly manner.

"Lu Chen, it is the first time to participate in the Grandmaster Battlefield, are you nervous?"

Wang Quan walked beside Lu Chen and asked.

Lu Chen shook his head.

It should be them who are nervous, why are you so nervous?

Even, Lu Chen trembled with excitement...

Yep, that's how it feels.

"Girl Hongyu, you and Lu Chen also know each other?"

Seeing Lu Jingzhe and Xiao Hongyu walking beside Lu Chen, Wang Quan couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Although Xiao Hongyu's strength in the imperial palace is not the top, but his status is extremely noble.

Because she took care of the people Nalan Qingqing grew up with, and she has been taking care of Nalan Qingqing since she was 16 years old.

Although Xiao Hongyu claimed to be old, this sentence was said in front of Lu Chen and Nalan Qingqing.

In front of Wang Quan, she is not even a great-grandson.

Xiao Hongyu thought that I didn't just know him, I knew him all the way up and down.

But this can only be kept in mind.

"Yeah Minister Wang, Lu Chen saved me and Qingqing before. 35

Xiao Hongyu said politely.

Wang Quan was a little surprised, and immediately said with a smile: "Lu Chen, I am afraid that this favor is greater than what you have gained in the Grandmaster battlefield.

After walking out of the camp, a giant battleship like an air carrier came into view.

This is the most advanced and top-level aerospace airborne platform of the Dynasty, named after the mythical beast Yinglong in ancient mythology.


One after another silhouettes rose into the air and entered the interior along the cabin door.

0........ ask for flowers 0...

The Yinglong air carrier has only 5 swishes in the entire dynasty.

The other four ships belonged to the Four Great Marquis and were said to be used by the Marquis during their interstellar travel.

And the last one is taken out for everyone to use.

Everyone heard the words with honor, and the fighting spirit in their hearts became more high-pitched.

"Minister Wang, interstellar travel, which planets do they go to?"

Lu Chen caught the interest of the keywords.

Minister Wang smiled slightly: "You will know later."5

Soon the group sat down separately.

Lu Chen and Lu Jingzhe sat together.

Xiao Hongyu also wanted to sit with Lu Chen, but the seats here were 2 people in a row.

Xiao Hongyu pouted, thinking about the design, not human at all.

"How about you sit on my lap?"

Lu Chen turned around and joked.


"Hehe thinks too much."

Xiao Hongyu rolled her eyes, although she did this 2 days ago, she could never take advantage of me.

Then she sat down with a female boss in the back row of Lu Chen.


The female sect greeted Xiao Hongyu quite politely.

Xiao Hongyu also nodded, her demeanor was gentle and elegant, and she was completely different from the hunger and thirst in the training room two days ago.

at the same time.

Giant Eagle Country, in the battlefield of alien beasts.

A red and blue sky carrier rose into the sky and disappeared into the sky in a blink of an eye.

Inside the air carrier, a middle-aged man with blond hair and extraordinary bearing said with a gentle expression: "Everyone knows their respective tasks, right?

"Don't worry, Lord Tianzong, we will definitely go all out to exceed it.

"Yes, you must know that our Giant Eagle Country is the strongest.

"The Marquis of Wu are with us, Amen.

There are also old acquaintances of Lu Chen in the Eagle Country team.

Such as Moro of Zeus International University, such as Vice President Hoy.

In the front row of the battleship, there are four super-first-class giants of the Giant Eagle Country: Caesar, Senlong, Moro and Duronde.

Roland Dilos smiled slightly after praying: "It's still the same as before, on the premise of not leaving a handle, try to kill the geniuses of other countries. 55

"Don't worry, Lord Tianzong, we all have experience.

The crowd responded.

Rolandillos turned his head and looked at a brown-haired young man sitting in the second row: "Galul, that Lu Chen will be handed over to you."

The brown-haired youth stood up, put his right hand on his left chest and said respectfully: "Don't worry, sir, Lu Chen will not be able to walk out of the Grandmaster battlefield. 35 Nine

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