Gao Wu: Contract Twins School Girls Get Ten Thousand Times Return

Chapter 225 Brother Lu is so fierce, there are more women

"Brother Lu, are they back?"

On the fighter plane, Dongfang Qingtian asked with a smile.

"Yeah. 35

Lu Chen stepped on the fighter plane: "Brother Dongfang, will you send me to Longhou Mountain?

Lu Chen still has 8 tasks to complete, and the closest to the dark crack is Longhou Mountain.

There are 2 quests there that just happen to be done together.

"Okay, let's talk while walking. 55

Dongfang Qingtian knew that Lu Chen had received the meritorious task and did not delay.

After instructing his subordinates to take off the fighter plane, Dongfang Qingtian said with emotion: "Brother, I'm afraid it won't take a year before you are a general~! 99

The general has a lot of peak combat power.

It is the highest level among the Battle Stars, and further up are the top-level sects like Dongfang Qingtian.

And they did not participate in the Battle Star Ranking.

19 year old general?

Dongfang Qingtian didn't dare to think about it anymore.

20 minutes later.

Taking the free "airplane" Lu Chen quickly arrived at Longhou Mountain.

"Brother, I'm going to do the task first, and I'll find you after 3 days.

The Luan Bird fighter was flying in mid-air, Lu Chen turned his head and said.

"Okay, brother, pay attention to everything!"

Dongfang Qingtian seemed to have thought of something after speaking: "By the way, brother, if there is anything unclear about Dongwu Jiutian, feel free to ask me!"

"it is good!

To be honest, Lu Chen hasn't watched Dongwu Jiutian recently.

Mainly because I want to wait for the contract to rely on the unity of heaven and man to be directly consummated.

With that said, an officer opened the cabin door for Lu Chen.

Suddenly, a strong wind whistled, blowing Lu Chen's hair into the wind.

As for the top, in Nalan Qingqing, Lu Chen didn't have any spare clothes, so he was too lazy to wear it.


In an instant, Lu Chen's body was covered with golden light like a shooting star, blasting away into the mountains below.


Immediately after, Lu Chen fell into Longhou Mountain like a meteorite.

The earth trembled, rocks splashed, and a strange beast whimpered as if it had been directly crushed to death.

"Brother is amazing!"

Dongfang Qingtian couldn't help sighing when he saw Lu Chen who had disappeared in Longhou Mountain.

Lieutenant General... The fifth Marquis of the Dynasty will probably be born in a few years!

Suddenly, Dongfang Qingtian smiled: "Brother Lu is so fierce, you need more women, otherwise you can't stand it. 95

"Um...Should I be looking for one?"

"Forget it, that kid Xiaotu probably doesn't agree, hey. 35

Saying that, he sat back in his seat a little dejected.

Behind him, the officer was still staring at the bottom, as if he had been stunned.

3 days later.

A chariot loaded with exotic animal materials galloped.

Inside the chariot, Lu Chen took out his mobile phone.

"Weiwei, Xiaorou, I have completed the task safely, rest assured (love)

After sending a message to the trio, Lu Chen put down his phone.

He has been doing tasks for the past 3 days and basically did not look at his mobile phone.

The twins sent themselves dozens of texts and phone calls.

"It seems that you have to tell them in advance when you go out on a mission in the future, so you don't have to worry about it. 99

Lu Chen murmured.

Now the two sides are separated by thousands of mountains and rivers.

It's nothing to stay together all the time, but now Lu Chen still misses a little.

However, Lu Chen knows that this situation may last for a month at most.

After 1 month, the twins will be able to graduate after they have reached the Reiki realm and their points are up to the standard.

At that time, 4 people can continue to live together and live the life of yours.

Legion Merit.


As soon as Lu Chen got off the off-road chariot, he immediately saw Lu Jingzhe at the gate of the meritorious office.

"Just unload the car and pile it up later. 39

Lu Chen said to the group leader who was driving.

The head of the regiment, who appeared to be around fifty years old, looked very respectful: "Don't worry, Lieutenant General, I will leave when you are done.

"Good. 99

Lu Chen didn't say much.

He has actually accumulated a lot of good materials for the tasks in the past few days.

I really couldn't bear to waste it, so I packed it all up with a huge alien skin.

Fortunately, the last mission point met the head of the eighth regiment, otherwise it would be quite a headache to fly back all the way.


I haven't seen him for 3 days, Lu Jingzhe's breath is steady, and there is a trace of tiredness on his pretty face.

The blue-gold military uniform was covered with dried blood from alien beasts.

Compared to 3 days ago, Lu Jingzhe's evil spirit was also much stronger.

With the atmospheric and beautiful facial features, there is a feeling of a humanoid and beast.

In fact, Lu Jingzhe could indeed be called a humanoid beast, after all, it was an ancient dragon and phoenix.

Lu Chen hugged Lu Jingzhe in his arms and greedily absorbed the fragrance of Lu Jingzhe's body.

"Xiaochen, have you been doing well these three days?

Lu Jingzhe put his high nose bridge into Lu Chen's neck, and he didn't care about Lu Chen's sweaty red lips and kissed his neck.

Lu Chen nodded: "Not bad, all 10 tasks have been completed.

As for the riot of alien beasts, Lu Chen didn't mention it, for fear that Lu Jingzhe would be worried.

"Let's go, let's hand in the task."

Lu Jingzhe's fair and tender jade hand pulled Lu Chen's hand and said.

"it is good!

Lu Chen said while looking around.

The system contract time has come, and then we will see who can get the space bracelet!

In this mission, Lu Chen was extremely persistent with the space bracelet.

In the past two days, he has not fought once or twice with the materials of the alien beasts on his back.

Sometimes the opening is so narrow that Lu Chen can only enter by putting things aside.

It can be said that the torture was unbearable.

・・・・ Flowers 0・

【Name】: Lu Jingzhe

[Information]: The potential contract target will raise 700kg of punching power at 3 pm tomorrow.

Lu Chen first checked the green plus sign on Lu Jingzhe's head.

The result was not the promotion of the Nine Infants Divine Tome. After thinking about it, Lu Chen did not have a contract.

After walking to the task submission place, Lu Chen fixed his gaze on a middle-aged woman who had just arrived from outside.

【Name】: He Lian

[Information]: Potential contract targets will receive a low-quality space bracelet in 1 hour.

"Sure enough! 35

Lu Chen's eyes suddenly lit up.

There are many meritorious places to submit tasks and exchange resources, the probability is higher than Lu Chen thought!

Immediately, Lu Chen contracted He Lian directly.

Soon, both of them submitted their respective tasks.

Lu Chen's merits have accumulated to 158,000, and Lu Jingzhe's merits have also reached more than 140,000.


However, Lu Chen has no idea of ​​exchanging the tempering materials.

After Nalan Qingqing brings the blood essence of the eighth-order alien beast to herself, she will find a chance to use it for Lu Jingzhe.

Then make a contract with Lu Jingzhe, then Lu Chen will wait and watch Lu Jingzhe improve.

"Xiaochen, is there something on my face?"

Seeing that Lu Chen had been staring at him, Lu Jingzhe couldn't help touching his fair cheeks and said curiously.


Lu Chen said with a smile.

Lu Jingzhe seemed to have thought of something, so he leaned into Lu Chen's ear and breathed like blue: "I'll give it to you after I go back and take a shower, so I can satisfy you."


Lu Chen thought to himself, I really didn't think that way at first.

But...just right!

Outside the meritorious service, the eighth regiment leader had already unloaded all the materials and stacked them at the door.

Seeing Lu Chen come out, he quickly said respectfully, "Sir, do you ship these materials directly to the exchange office?

"Well, I'll do it."

Seeing that he was going to do it himself, Lu Chen said, "Thank you."

The head of the eighth regiment blushed slightly and said excitedly: "Serve the adults, it should be! 35

To Lu Chen's surprise, he actually exchanged 50,000 meritorious deeds for these exotic beast materials, which is more than he thought.

"200,000 merits!"

After Lu Chen finished speaking, he seemed to have thought of something: "Jing Zhe, have all your exotic beast materials been exchanged?"

Just now, Lu Jingzhe's merit was 150,000, not much less than himself.

"Well, I came half an hour earlier than you.

Lu Jingzhe said.

"it is good.

20 minutes later.

"grown ups."

The driver, Yan Xing, opened the door: "It's here.

Yan Xing arrived at the meritorious service after receiving a notice from Lu Chen.

After the two got out of the car, Yu Xiaoyue and Ning Shanshan said respectfully, "Sir, the meal is ready, do you want to eat first?" Jiu.

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