Gao Wu: Contract Twins School Girls Get Ten Thousand Times Return

Chapter 224 You are only a young age, Emperor Wuhou's favor

"Since this matter is over, Nie Zhen asks the soldiers to go back."

Dongfang Qingtian glanced at Lu Chen and said with a smile: "Brother Lu is very charming, you deal with personal affairs first, I'll be busy for a while."

He thought that Xiao Hongyu was also one of Lu Chen's women.

Lu Chen didn't understand this meaning and nodded: "Okay.

Soon both of them left.

"Auntie Hong, are you awake?"

Nalan Qingqing said happily.

Compared to Nalan Qingqing's youthful appearance, Xiao Hongyu's figure is explosive.

Being held by Nalan Qingqing in his arms, the perfect hip shape wrapped in the cheongsam is undoubtedly revealed.


Xiao Hongyu got up and stood on the ground, subconsciously covering her mouth with her hands and yawning.

Immediately, Xiao Hongyu's expression froze.

Then looking at Lu Chen, the jade hand raised high and was about to shoot Lu Chen: "How can you defecate anywhere, it smells bad, it smells bad."

Nalan Qingqing rubbed her feet awkwardly in an instant.

Lu Chen turned sideways to avoid Xiao Hongyu's slaps and said lightly, "I'll start after I figure it out."

"When you're old, don't be so mindless?"

"Who do you think is your age, you are only as old as you are, and the old lady is only 35."

Xiao Hongyu was stunned for a moment, and then spit out: "It's all big, even... I can't even control that. 99

"Three-year-olds all know that they can't defecate anywhere, and you still pee in the passageway, really!

Nalan Qingqing buried her head in her chest, thinking that Aunt Hong should stop scolding 433.

"Isn't 35 years old?"

Lu Chen chuckled: "And please ask Nalan Qingqing who urinated anywhere.


Xiao Hongyu looked at Nalan Qingqing with beautiful eyes.

Although he didn't speak, his low head had already betrayed himself.

"Qingqing you!

Xiao Hongyu stomped her feet angrily.

"Aunt Hong~ I didn't do it on purpose, I was so frightened that I couldn't hold back."

Nalan Qingqing hurriedly pouted and apologized, coaxing and acting like a spoiled child.

Xiao Hongyu's face turned slightly red, as if she was embarrassed for her unreasonable vexation against Lu Chen just now.

Then, Xiao Hongyu said dotingly: "Silly child, you were always the diaper that Aunt Hong changed for you when you were young.

"When you were 5 years old, you even urinated on Aunt Hong's leg, Aunt Hong has never seen anything, it's fine.

Who would have thought that Nalan Qingqing's face turned even redder: "Aunt Hong, stop talking.

Lu Chen looked strange: "At the age of's amazing."

"Lu Chen!

Nalan Qingqing was so ashamed that she couldn't wait to find a crack to get in.

At this time, Xiao Hongyu was stunned for a moment, and she realized that Nalan Qingqing seemed to be wearing Lu Chen's military uniform.

Thinking of this, Xiao Hongyu quickly took out a piece of her own cheongsam from the space bracelet.

"Qingqing, return your clothes to others (aiaj) and wear mine first.

Xiao Hongyu loves cheongsam very much, and there are dozens of different styles of cheongsam in the space bracelet.

"Ah? Aunt Hong, that... I'm fine wearing this."

Where is Nalan Qingqing willing to take off the clothes with the smell of Lu Chen, her big watery eyes rolled and she immediately thought of an excellent excuse: "And it's not convenient to change here. 99

Xiao Hongyu thought about it too.

Then he leaned into Nalan Qingqing's ear and whispered, "You don't use what your father gave you, right? 35

Nalan Qingqing shook her head again and again.


Xiao Hongyu was stunned for a moment: "Then how could that beast riot? 35

On the tenth floor, she saw the strange beasts around her recede like a tide, and she didn't even care about her. Xiao Hongyu thought that Nalan Qingqing had used the life-saving talisman given by Emperor Wuhou.

"Aunt Hong, thanks to Lu Chen, if it wasn't for his good idea, I might have died."

Nalan Qingqing said: "And Aunt Hong, you will definitely not be able to come out."

Although she has a life-saving talisman, she can only use it once. Once there are other sixth- or seventh-order alien beasts, Nalan Qingqing will surely die.

Moreover, this alien beast riot was also caused by the soft armor on her body.

Lu Chen did save the lives of both of them.

Then Nalan Qingqing told Xiao Hongyu about the soft armor.

Xiao Hongyu was a little surprised, but she forgot about it.

Immediately, Xiao Hongyu looked at Lu Chen, who was a head taller than her, with her legs slightly bent, and said in a serious tone, "Lu Chen, I, Xiao Hongyu, owe you a big favor, and... and Qingqing too.

Lu Chen took a slight step back: "You don't have to go forward."

Xiao Hongyu knew what Lu Chen meant, and glared at Lu Chen angrily with the back of her hand behind her back: "You, you are so old, how can you even care about children... Really.

"Haven't you changed your grandson's diaper? 99

"Aunt Hong, Lu Chen is only 18 years old.

Nalan Qingqing was a little embarrassed.

1 year younger than me.


Xiao Hongyu opened her mouth wide in surprise, as if her red lips could fit an egg.

"Ten, eighteen years old?"

Xiao Hongyu looked at Nalan Qingqing in shock: "Qingqing, are you sure?

18-year-old bulk midterm?


What a shock this is!

Nalan Qingqing glanced at Lu Chen secretly, pursed her red lips and nodded: "It's absolutely true.

Xiao Hongyu immediately had a feeling of being drunk, and the whole person was dizzy.

"Okay, I have to leave beforehand."

Lu Chen looked at the two women and said, "If you want to repay my life-saving grace, you can give as much blood as the eighth-order alien beast.

"It's still rank eight, why don't you go grab it.

Xiao Hongyu glared at Lu Chen, then rolled her eyes and said, "I'll go back and ask, Emperor... there should be a little left in the house."

"Aunt Hong, isn't there still several liters left in the imperial palace?"

Nalan Qingqing said subconsciously with doubts on her pretty face.

As soon as these words came out, Xiao Hongyu immediately felt as if he had met a pig teammate.

Silly boy!

How can you tell the truth?

Didn't Auntie Hong keep it for you?

"Imperial Palace?"

Lu Chen thought about it, as far as he knew this was the residence of Emperor Wuhou.

"Could they be the family of Emperor Wuhou?

Thinking of the soft armor of the overlord-level alien beast, Lu Chen understood in an instant.

Wait, several liters!

Lu Chen's eyes suddenly flickered, FUCK!

Xiao Hongyu gave Nalan Qingqing a frantic wink, and quickly changed her words.

And Nalan Qingqing also reacted, she has always had so many hearts in the imperial palace.

But after reacting, Nalan Qingqing couldn't help but said loudly: "Okay you, Aunt Hong, and Lu Chen have all saved us, but you even lied to Lu Chen.

"Isn't it just a few liters of the blood of the eighth-order alien beast, is it important to have our lives?

"I don't care, I'll give it to Lu Chen anyway.""

Xiao Hongyu turned her back and patted her forehead, her face full of helplessness, this child is too sincere... It seems that she has to practice more outside.

However, Xiao Hongyu also knew that what she did was wrong.

She doesn't care, it's just an accident.

But Qingqing is different, as close as a daughter, and the only daughter of Emperor Wuhou.

Her life is worth everything in the world.

"I'm sorry, but I was overthinking just now.

Xiao Hongyu looked at Lu Chen and said sincerely: "I will bring you the blood of the eighth-order alien beast as soon as possible. In addition, if Lord Emperor Wuhou knows, he will also remember your favor.

Xiao Hongyu can call the shots himself, that is, the 3 liters of blood essence, and the other emperors and Marquis have their own discretion.

To make Emperor Wuhou owe a huge favor, this is actually more effective than any return.

Lu Chen nodded and didn't linger.

As soon as she turned to leave, Nalan Qingqing hurriedly shouted: "Lu Chen, what's your contact information?"5

Lu Chen turned his head.

Nalan's green and fair face was covered with a layer of blush: "I will come with Aunt Hong to send you blood and essence, without your contact information, we will not be able to find you. 35

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