Gao Wu: Contract Twins School Girls Get Ten Thousand Times Return

Chapter 222 Love is born from the heart, something happened to the military seat Lu Chen

After all, it's a girl, so it's really not good to go out like this.

And Lu Chen doesn't care.

When Nalan Qingqing put on Lu Chen's blue-gold military uniform, a male masculinity rushed to his face.

Combined with the scorching temperature of Lu Chen attached to the military uniform, Nalan Qingqing's delicate body trembled slightly, feeling her skin was hot and hot.

It was the first time in her life that she wore clothes of the opposite sex.

Thinking of this, Nalan Qingqing couldn't help but raised his head and glanced at Lu Chen secretly.

At this time, Lu Chen, with his upper body naked, came into view with his perfect body and muscular outline like a creature created by God.

Coupled with Lu Chen's incomparably handsome facial features, Nalan Qingqing's little heart beating involuntarily accelerated.

"what's your name?"

After Nalan Qingqing finished speaking, he added: "My name is Nalan Qingqing."

Lu Chen's military uniform was quite loose on Nalan Qingqing's body, coupled with the pair of exposed fair legs, and Nalan Qingqing's pitiful and moving appearance at this time, it was quite different.

"Lu Chen.

Lu Chen jumped out of the passage.

Nalan Qingqing kept the name in mind.

The heart beating in the chest is even more powerful, as if there is some kind of emotion.

Begin to sprout and grow rapidly.

But before the "small sapling" grew, Nalan Qingqing suddenly thought of Lu Chen's age.

"The lieutenant general is in his 80s or 90s, maybe he's over a hundred years old.

Immediately, the "small sapling" stopped growing and withered.

Nalan Qingqing spat out her pink tongue cautiously, thinking Nalan Qingqing, Nalan Qingqing, what are you thinking.

The great-grandchildren of others may be older than me, and my father would not agree with such a big age gap.

"What are you doing?

When Lu Chen saw Nalan Qingqing and Rouyi's little hands touching his clothes, he sometimes smiled madly, and sometimes shook his head with a heavy heart.

Lu Chen couldn't help frowning.

This girl, although she looks very good-looking, always feels that her brain is not very good.


Nalan Qingqing had been thinking about whether she liked Lu Chen, and the military uniform had the smell of Lu Chen, so she touched it unconsciously.

Immediately, Nalan Qingqing's face was blushing and she was very beautiful.

"The crisis is over, so stay here for a while.

Lu Chen sat cross-legged.

Since the appearance of the breath of the eighth-order alien beast, Lu Chen has been under great pressure.

He has a faint feeling that if he cultivates the immortal divine tome at this time, the progress should be very fast.

After all, this is the first time that Lu Chen has felt such a strong life-and-death crisis.

Nalan Qingqing nodded, then looked around and suddenly blushed and whispered: "Then, that, I think."

"Thinking of what?""

Lu Chen asked.

"I want to make it easier."

Nalan Qingqing's voice was inaudible.

Although there is no overall collapse on the third floor, there are not many places to stand.

At this time, the two of them were on a platform with a diameter of three meters, and above it was the exit to the second floor.

Nalan Qingqing was so frightened that she felt a urgency to urinate when she was at the bottom, and she endured it all the time.

Now that I'm relaxed, I can't help it.

But she didn't dare to go to the aisle to urinate alone.

Lu Chen laughed a little: "You are the master, doesn't the master even have this patience? 35

"I was terrified just now and couldn't hold back.

Nalan Qingqing walked towards the passageway behind Lu Chen while bending her legs together slightly.

"Don't pee on my clothes.

Lu Chen said lightly, and then said: "Forget it, I don't need the clothes for you.

After speaking, Lu Chen continued to practice the immortal tome.

Nalan Qingqing glared at Lu Chen with her legs between her legs, thinking how could I possibly, I'm not a child anymore.


Nalan Qingqing stood up with a satisfied look on her pretty face.

There was a ticking sound on the passageway behind him.

Seeing Lu Chen sitting cross-legged seems to be cultivating.

Nalan Qingqing was not good at speaking, but the surroundings were dark and silent.

Nalan Qingqing couldn't help but move her little butt to lean towards Lu Chen.

Then, holding his cheeks in his little hands, he stared at Lu Chen with big watery eyes.

Although it was pitch-dark all around, Nalan Qingqing felt unusually at ease at this time.

And at the same time.

The ground above the dark crack.

"what's the situation!

Dongfang Qingtian held a silver long spear and landed on the ground like a bullet.

Nie Zhen's face was extremely ugly: "Military seat, just detected a riot of alien beasts!""

"Now the third floor and below have collapsed, and several of our grandmasters have not come up. 99

"Damn, didn't the riot just last week?

Dongfang Qingtian's face changed slightly, and immediately returned to normal: "Is there a breath of the eighth-order peak peak alien beast?"

Nie Zhen shook his head.

Dongfang Qingtian's expression was more calm: "Assemble troops and prepare to fight. 99

"Notify the divisions of the First Army to assemble immediately.

"In addition, immediately release the meritorious task."

"Sir, I have something to report to you."

Nie Zhen's face was still ugly.

"Say, what to do.

Dongfang Qingtian said solemnly.

Nie Zhendao: "Lu Chen and Lu Chen are also below. 99

"Boom! 99

Dongfang Qingtian's breath exploded instantly.

Then, the indifferent expression on Dongfang Qingtian's face disappeared, and his expression was gloomy and terrifying: "What did you say?"5

"He entered the dark crack before, and when he reached the ninth floor, I heard his subordinates report that he went to the dark stone lair.

"I found in the dark stone lair that the alien beasts there were cleaned up, and Lu Chen should have gone to the tenth floor later.

"But most of the soldiers came out just now, including two battle stars on missions, but Lu Chen never came up."

Nie Zhen quickly reported the matter: "Although Lu Chen has the strength of a lieutenant general, he has not come out this time the eighth-order alien beast riot, I'm afraid..."

Dongfang Qingtian's hanging heart suddenly paused.

what the hell?

Does Lu Chen have the strength of a lieutenant general?

However, Dongfang Qingtian didn't care to think about this, and his expression changed for a while: "I'll go down and have a look, you continue to do as I said.

After speaking, Dongfang Qingtian's whole body gushed out with 433 silver-white spiritual energy, and the whole person rushed down like a sharp knife.

"Brother Lu, don't have any trouble!

Dongfang Qingtian was in a heavy heart.

The eighth-order alien beast rioted, and Lu Chen was suspected to be on the tenth floor.

There are millions of alien beasts, even if he has the strength of a lieutenant general, he can't stop them.

Coupled with the collapse of the rock layer below.

The more he thought about Dongfang Qingtian, the heavier his mood became.

The strength of the top sect was fully displayed at this moment, just like a nuclear bomb was thrown into the dark crack.

In an instant, he came to the second floor.

Then the big silver spear in Dongfang Qingtian's hand smashed to the ground.

The earth opened a big hole directly.

The situation was critical, and Dongfang Qingtian was too lazy to find the entrance to the third floor.


After entering the third floor through the big hole, Dongfang Qingtian instantly disappeared in place.

But the next moment, Dongfang Qingtian's figure appeared out of thin air again.

Then, the spear in Dongfang Qingtian's hand suddenly pierced the boulder in front of him.

A gap with a diameter of 5 meters appeared.

On the opposite side of the gap, is a small stone platform.

On the stone platform, there was a man and two women. The man sat cross-legged with his upper body naked, revealing the outline of his explosive back muscles.

"Brother Lu!

At this moment, Dongfang Qingtian's hanging heart was instantly put down, and his ugly face was replaced by ecstasy!


On the stone platform, Nalan Qingqing exclaimed, thinking that a strange beast was coming, and hurriedly drilled into Lu Chen's arms.

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