Gao Wu: Contract Twins School Girls Get Ten Thousand Times Return

Chapter 221 Overlord level above the 8 rank, I will help you (please customize it)

"What soft armor?"

Lu Chen turned his head for the first time.

Nalan Qingqing turned around with difficulty and said, "It's the skin of the dark dragon crocodile. My dad made me a soft armor. 99

It is very common to use exotic animal hides to make soft armor to wear close to the body.

For example, the tiger skin of the dead flame tiger king that Lu Chen peeled off earlier was planned in this way.

Just in order to improve the digging efficiency, Lu Chen threw away the tiger skin and the spider legs of the six-eyed magic spider.

"What level is the Dark Dragon Crocodile. 99

Lu Chen also turned around, looked at the poor Nalan Qingqing and asked.

Nalan Qingqing looked at Lu Chen and said quickly: "Overlord level.

After speaking, Nalan Qingqing seemed to think of something, her eyes widened.

"Quick, take it off and throw it away! 99

Lu Chen immediately understood.

This alien beast riot, maybe the eighth-order alien beast below smelled the breath of the dark dragon crocodile.

Then I want to use this to increase my strength.

"Wait, Overlord!"

Lu Chen suddenly realized that the Overlord level was the "four, three, three" alien beast level above the eighth level.

Overlord-level alien beasts are comparable to human beings... Marquis Wu!


Lu Chen was amazed in his heart, what is the identity of this girl's father?

Can you even get the skins of overlord-level alien beasts?

But this is clearly not the time to think about it.

Lu Chen looked behind Nalan Qingqing, and there was already a fifth-order alien beast crawling over in the distance.


Lu Chen shot out a spiritual energy, and the fifth-order alien beast's head exploded, and Nalan Qingqing's delicate body trembled in fright.

"Take it off and throw it away, what are you still doing!"

Seeing Nalan Qingqing biting her tender lips, Lu Chen couldn't help urging.

"But...but the soft armor is worn under someone's skirt."

Nalan Qingqing lowered his head involuntarily, with a voice like a mosquito.

Lu Chen looked at Nalan Qingqing, she was wearing a one-piece white dress.

If you want to take off the soft armor inside, you can only take off the skirt first...


At this moment, a violent explosion sounded suddenly from the passage below.

The terrifying impact even affected Lu Chen's side.

"Oops, it's the seventh-order alien beast!"

Lu Chen looked at Nalan Qingqing: "Sister, I don't want to die if you want to die."5

"How can I take it off?

Nalan Qingqing was both shy and anxious.

The corpse of the fifth-order alien beast killed by Lu Chen behind him has been eaten by other similar animals.

If this delay continues, other alien beasts will come up again.

However, 19-year-old Nalan Qingqing not only never fell in love, but even had few opportunities to talk to the opposite sex.

She has been practicing in the imperial palace all these years.

Apart from Xiao Hongyu, there are all female dependents, and even her father, Emperor Wuhou, she rarely sees.

Now let her take off her skirt in front of Lu Chen, I don't know how embarrassed and shy.

But if he didn't take it off, in case what Lu Chen said was right, when those seventh-order alien beasts came up, both of them would die.

"The aisle is too short for me to take off.

Nalan Qingqing looked at Lu Chen weakly.

"That's offended!"

The aisle is only half a person high, and if you can't stand up, you can't take off the one-piece skirt.

After Lu Chen finished speaking, Nalan Qingqing stretched out his hand in confusion.

"Shit!" 5

The white long dress was instantly torn in half by Lu Chen.


Nalan Qingqing let out a coquettish cry.

The long white straight legs and the pink panties with cartoon patterns come into view.

The upper body is wrapped in a soft armor that exudes a metallic color.

There are fine scales on the black soft armor, and at first glance it has a strong defense.

Nalan Qingqing couldn't take care of the shyness in her heart, and quickly unbuttoned her soft armor.

At this time, Nalan Qingqing was like going to the beach for a swim.

Lu Chen grabbed the soft armor.

The soft armor looks heavy, but it is light in the hand.

A breath and warm touch that is unique to a girl passed over.

"Whether it's successful or not depends on now!"

After Lu Chen finished speaking, he suddenly threw the soft armor out.

And the eyes of the fifth-order alien beast who had just climbed over behind Nalan Qingqing instantly flashed a thick greed.

Instead of taking care of Nalan Qingqing, he put the soft armor in his mouth instead.

"There's a play!

Lu Chen's eyes brightened, then he turned around reluctantly and continued to dig the passage.

Nalan's green and pink arms were clasped together, and she gave Lu Chen a weak look.

She knew that she might stay like this for a while.

"Oh, it's so embarrassing.

Nalan Qingqing murmured, wanting to cry without tears.

"How about you, a little bit, but not much.""

Lu Chen said without looking back: "So, I forgot after seeing it.

As soon as these words came out, Nalan Qingqing was stunned.

"You, you are too embarrassed to say that you forgot! You clearly remember it so clearly!

Nalan Qingqing suddenly became anxious.

He looked down and pouted, but didn't speak.


Suddenly Lu Chen turned around abruptly.

Nalan Qingqing wanted to cover it up, but when she thought of what someone said just now, she didn't cover it like she was angry.

However, Lu Chen never went to see Nalan Qingqing.

"The alien beast in the passage is gone?"

"I guessed right! 35

The passage at this time was extremely quiet, and the alien beasts that had come in crazily seemed to disappear in an instant.

"Hey, really!"

Nalan Qingqing's eyes lit up: "That's great, you are so powerful, how did you come up with this method...  

Lu Chen ignored Nalan Qingqing, but said solemnly: "Maybe the eighth-order alien beasts will not come out, but I remember that there are quite a few seventh-order alien beasts underneath. 35

"There are so many alien beasts, even if they want to retreat, they can't be retreated all at once. If a few ranked seventh-order alien beasts see this passage, we still can't do it.

At this time, Nalan Qingqing has long regarded Lu Chen as the backbone: "Ah, what should we do?"

"What else can I do, get out of here now!

Continue to dig holes.

Thinking that there might be a seventh-order alien beast coming, Nalan Qingqing hurriedly moved her little butt to Lu Chen's place.


In the quiet and dark passage, Lu Chen's eyes were as fast as water fists.

In the blink of an eye, the passageway extended upwards more and more.

Below, it was extremely quiet.

Lu Chen knew that all the alien beasts should have retreated.

This crisis is over!

Thinking of this, Lu Chen's speed also slowed down a little: "It should be close to the ground.

Nalan Qingqing was delighted when she heard the words, but then quickly dimmed.

There was water vapor in her beautiful eyes: "Aunt Hong..."

"She's not necessarily dead. 99

Lu Chen said: "The alien beasts retreat very quickly, and your Aunt Hong is not bad, maybe it's just too late to respond to you."5

Lu Chen said.


Nalan Qingqing raised her head and wiped away the hot tears, with a hint of hope on her beautiful face.

Lu Chen didn't speak, Mad and I just said it casually.

You look at me like this, if she really dies, wouldn't I be beaten in the face?

As he spoke, the stone wall above suddenly loosened.

Lu Chen quickly stood up.


The big stones that were stacked together were pushed away by Lu Chen in an instant.

And when Lu Chen looked around, he found that he had come to the third floor!

"We're out!"

Lu Chen's hanging heart completely let go.

After reaching this third floor, he only needed a minute or two to reach the ground.

"Then... do you have any extra clothes?

At this time, Nalan Qingqing, who was behind him, crouched under Lu Chen and raised his head weakly.

"Oh, I didn't bring it."

This time, Lu Chen wore the military uniform on his body in order to be as light as possible.

It was empty inside.

"Then what should I do?"

Nalan Qingqing had a headache.

Aunt Hong has a space bracelet on her body, but there are no clothes that can be changed or washed inside.

After all, Nalan Qingqing originally thought that she would be able to go back soon this time.

Lu Chen glanced at Nalan's pale and pink skin and flat and smooth belly.

"Forget it, I'll give you the clothes.

(Seeking a wave of flowers, evaluation tickets, monthly tickets).

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