Gao Wu: Contract Twins School Girls Get Ten Thousand Times Return

Chapter 125 Brother Lu is joking, it's good for us to eat standing up

"By the way, have you ever had that before?"

"No comment."

"Are you going to have children, children are fun.

"No comment.

"Then when are you going to tell your parents?"

"No comment."

"Okay, you dare to speak to your sister in this tone. 35

"Ha ha!

Along the way, Lu Jingzhe was quite excited and asked.

I even asked what it felt like.

"Sister, do you really want to know? 99

Lu Chen stopped and narrowed his eyes.

Lu Jingzhe looked at the handsome boy who was much taller than himself, and his expression froze.

Immediately, he said with a half-smile, "Guess. 35


Lu Chen made a cut and continued walking.

"Good morning, Brother Lu.

"Good morning, Brother Lu." 5

"Brother Lu is going to class?"

On the way to the cafeteria, both freshmen and seniors took the initiative to say hello to Lu Chen.

A few old students looked at Lu Jingzhe in amazement.

Last night, the fact that Lu Chen's sister is Lu Jingzhe really caused quite a stir among the old school community.

And this also shocked the old students and felt their scalps numb at the same time.

One Lu Jingzhe, one Lu Chen, if these two ruthless brothers and sisters get into trouble, I can't imagine it.

I really don't know how powerful these freak parents should be.

Meanwhile, the school cafeteria.

"Newborn, isn't this where you should be sitting?"

Chen Ao, who was devouring food, suddenly trembled.

A big dark hand clapped on his shoulder, and Chen Ao turned around to see Mei Liwen from the student council staring at him with a bad expression.

"Mei, Brother Mei, there's no place left.

Chen Ao nervously pointed around.

Now is the peak time for meals, and both new and old students are full.

Moreover, although this place was exclusive to the student union before, didn't Vice President Liu Xinran say to cancel this rule a few days ago?

Hou Qin, a slightly fat girl next to Mei Liwen, stepped forward and said, "Sister Xinran said it was canceled, that's what she said to Lu Chen."

"Do you think you are qualified to compare with him?"

Chen Ao's expression froze.

A freshman who ate with him was even paler, and the rice in his mouth fell unconsciously.

Seeing this, Hou Qin stepped forward and scolded: "What are you still doing, waiting for your sister Hou to wipe your mouth?"

The freshman stood up with a frightened squeak, and even forgot to serve his plate in horror.

Although Lu Chen was obedient to the students in the student union.

But that's just Lu Chen after all.

The status of other freshmen in the school is still very low, and it is okay to meet old students with good temper.

If you encounter someone with a bad temper, if you walk with your head down and don't say hello, you may be beaten up.

This situation is even more obvious in these freshmen with average strength.

Although Chen Ao felt aggrieved, he didn't dare to say anything.

Can only walk to the side with the plate.

After seeing this scene, many new and old students around them lowered their heads and continued to cook.

"Mei Liwen, Hou Qin, you two are more domineering than me! 35

At this moment, an indifferent voice came from behind.

Mei Liwen and Hou Qin, who originally had brutal expressions on their faces, shuddered like electric shocks.

The body tensed involuntarily.

"Lu Chen is here! Crap!

Melvin's heart sank.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Chen and Lu Jingzhe were seen coming side by side.

"Lu Chen! 35

Chen Ao was overjoyed.

Under the tension of Mei Liwen and Hou Qin, Lu Chen's big white and slender hand patted Mei Liwen's shoulder.

Melvin's body bent involuntarily.

This might not seem like much, but don't forget that Lu Chen's punching power is now as high as 380.9 tons.

Every single shot made Meliwen feel like he was hit by a big rock.

"Since you two are so domineering, then I, a freshman, will eat while standing.

Lu Chen's eyes narrowed slightly.

As soon as he came in, he saw the two of them bullying Chen Ao.

The other freshmen were fine, but Chen Ao was in the same school as him after all.

Mei Liwen wanted to cry but had no tears, and Hou Qin, who was lawless on weekdays, was even more somber.

"Lu, Brother Lu, you are joking."

Mei Liwen turned around, and the man who claimed to be inhuman showed a smile that was uglier than crying: "You, where do you want to sit, I'll eat while standing.

Hou Qin nodded frantically: "Yes, yes, we eat while standing, it's good to eat standing up."

"Really? But you are old students, and you are still in the Student Union.

Lu Chen looked embarrassed: "It's not good to break the rules like this. 55

"It should be, the old student should lead by example.

Melvin smiled.

"Okay, from now on, the two of you will eat standing up to help digestion.

Lu Chen patted Mei Liwen on the shoulder again.

Melivin nearly fell to his knees when his knees bent.

"Chen Ao, who else, sit down."

Lu Chen pointed to the place where he was sitting just now and said to Chen Ao and the freshman who couldn't name his name, "I'll go get dinner first."

Chen Ao was already stunned, and the waves in his heart continued like a tsunami.

Lu Chen... actually helped me get ahead!?

Immediately, a great sense of happiness, pride, and pride, as well as the extreme adoration, flooded into my heart.

Chen Ao was excited and even shivered.

 …・・ Flowers 0.

This emperor is right!

And Cai Kunxu, who came to eat with Chen Ao, was full of envy.

I envy Chen Ao and Lu Chen in the same school, and envy that a big man like Lu Chen took the initiative to help Chen Ao out of the siege!

Hit the meal window.


When Lu Chen and Lu Jingzhe came side by side, whether they were freshmen or seniors, they couldn't help but step back.

Some old students even saw Lu Chen coming to their window, so they turned their heads in fright and ran to the back of the team at the next window.

"Brother Lu.

"Brother Lu..."

New and old students greeted Lu Chen one after another.

In the team, Cui Jitian looked excited and called Brother Lu.

Look, this is our new king!

You are old and old, don't you respect Brother Lu like a god, and you are afraid of Brother Lu like a ghost?

When I think of myself and Lu Chen in the training camp, they are the same students.


Cui Jitian also felt a sense of pride, excitement and glory in his heart.

Lu Chen was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "Thank you.

Several old students in the front row of the team were immediately flattered when they heard the words. Lu Chen actually said thank you to me?

This location is so worth it!

Soon, Lu Chen and Lu Jingzhe had a meal.

Both of them have a plate in one hand, and the food on the plate is piled up like a mountain.

Really hungry.

Seeing Lu Chen coming back, Chen Ao and Cai Kunxu stood up subconsciously.

"Chen Ao, what are you doing, sit down. 35

Lu Chen sat next to Chen Ao: "Eat your food, we are from the same school, why are you afraid of being here with me.

Chen Ao scratched his head a little embarrassed.

In fact, he also knew that Lu Chen wouldn't do anything to him, but the aura of Lu Chen's body made Chen Ao unable to look at Lu Chen as just a classmate.

Chen Ao was fine, he started to eat after he sat down.

But Cai Kunxu was different. He found that he couldn't eat anymore!

The chopsticks can't hold it steady, and can't hold it!

It made Cai Kunxu anxious and helpless.

As for Mei Liwen and Hou Qin, who were left hanging by Lu Chen, they couldn't tell the bitterness in their hearts, so they could only continue to stand there.

After a while.

Lu Chen put down his chopsticks.

"You know my classmate Chen Ao? 55

Lu Chen asked.

Mei Liwen and Hou Qin came back to their senses and nodded frantically: "Know, know too well."

"Okay, let's go eat. 35

"Thank you Brother Lu.

"Thank you Brother Lu."

Mei Liwen and Hou Qin hurried away.

As for Meliwen's back, the blue vest was soaked with sweat.

(Thanks to the "Holy Night" boss for the 1864 VIP point reward, thank you local tyrants.) Nine.

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