Gao Wu: Contract Twins School Girls Get Ten Thousand Times Return

Chapter 124 Violet air, ice and fire polarities

(Please ask for a wave of flowers, evaluation tickets and monthly tickets, it is the Jiuying Divine Canon, the previous one has been changed)

In the room, the purple mist filled Lu Jingzhe's delicate body like a work of art.

Even so, Lu Jingzhe's face was still pale, and his breath was extremely sluggish.

At this time, Lu Jingzhe was like a burning candle in a windy weather, and could be blown out or knocked down by the strong wind at any time.

Although Lu Jingzhe's teacher had been working hard, even though Lu Jingzhe had prepared enough for the Divine Book of Nine Infants.

However, the severe pain that penetrated into his soul, and the double scorching of the cold and heat still made Lu Jingzhe miserable.

"Old...Teacher, didn't you say it hurts a little? It hurts too much!

Although Lu Jingzhe lost control of his body, his soul was still his own.

In Lu Jingzhe's senses, her soul seemed to have been torn apart.

That kind of pain, ordinary people can't imagine.

"Don't talk, settle your mind, and strengthen your willpower! 39

The female voice snorted softly.

It seemed that she was struggling herself, and after saying this, she fell into a long silence.


After a while, an extremely hot and extremely cold breath burst out from Lu Jingzhe's body.

Lu Jingzhe's red lips parted and he couldn't help but let out a low moan.

At the same time, the stinging pain that penetrated into the soul was finally greatly reduced.


The female voice was a little tired, but said excitedly: "Apprentice, from now on, your Tao will be different from the other 400 people! 39

"From now on, your light will officially begin to bloom!"

Lu Jingzhe, who had regained control of his body, lay on the soft bed, sweating profusely on his skin.

Incomparably weak, she murmured: "Yes, my myth of Lu Jingzhe has officially begun!

"That's natural, the Nine Infants Divine Tome is the supreme cultivation technique, unless you encounter someone who cultivates the Void Divine Tome or the Immortal Divine Tome, you will be invincible! 99

"Teacher, are the Void Divine Tome and the Immortal Divine Tome so powerful?"

Lu Jingzhe was a little puzzled, she heard the teacher mention it more than once.

"Void Divine Tome is fine, it is only slightly stronger than your Nine Infant Divine Tome, but that immortal Divine Tome is much stronger. 35

The female voice said: "But you don't have to worry about anything, those two have already disappeared in the long river of time.

After listening to the teacher's words, Lu Jingzhe showed a smile on his amazing face.

"Teacher, I'm so tired..."

As soon as the voice fell, he fell asleep.

And Lu Jingzhe's teacher was also extremely weak and fell into a deep sleep.

the next morning.

"Why isn't the old lady awake yet? 35

Lu Chen walked out of the room, it was 8 am now.

According to Lu Jingzhe's usual personality, he would wake up at 6 o'clock at most.

In addition (aiaj) plus Lu Jingzhe's strength, he didn't need to sleep for so long.

In doubt, Lu Chen walked to Lu Jingzhe's door.

But then, Lu Chen's expression changed slightly.

He smelled blood!

This bloody smell is very light and light, if not for Lu Chen's strength as a warrior, he wouldn't be able to smell it at all.

"Crap! 39

Lu Chen quickly pushed the door open.

What catches the eye is the lavender mist that fills the room!

The mist was rising, making the atmosphere in the room with a hint of eerie and dreamy.

Lu Chen saw Lu Jingzhe lying on the bed from the fog at a glance.

I also saw the unobstructed view of the tender body that made the blood flow.


Lu Chen's face changed again and he didn't think about anything else, he hurriedly stepped forward.

"It's hot! It's cold! 35

When Lu Chen put his hand on Lu Jingzhe's forehead, a strange feeling of extreme cold and heat passed over.

At this time, Lu Jingzhe, although his appearance was still beautiful, his face was pale, and there was a trace of pitiful in his weakness.

Lu Chen probed his nose and found that although the breathing was weak, there was still breathing.

Now Lu Chen is relieved.

Lu Chen ran out quickly and took out a few pills from the freezer.

These are all healing medicine pills he obtained from entering the Martial God Tower during the training camp, but they have been useless.

After putting a Huiyuan Dan into Lu Jingzhe's mouth.

Seeing that Lu Jingzhe didn't swallow, Lu Chen stretched out his index finger and stuffed it into Lu Jingzhe's mouth.

Then, the pale golden aura wrapped the Yuan Dan, and the Yuan Dan immediately slid down Lu Jingzhe's throat like a slide.

Just when Lu Chen was going to continue feeding the pills in this way.

Lu Jingzhe's long eyelashes moved.

Then the eyes slowly opened.

At this time, although Lu Jingzhe's face was still pale, his tiredness had almost disappeared.

But the next moment, Lu Jingzhe saw Lu Chen.

As well as the fingers in the mouth, and the fiery golden aura.

Suddenly, Lu Jingzhe trembled slightly like an electric shock.

When Lu Chen saw that Lu Jingzhe woke up, he was completely relieved, and then said, "What's the matter with you? Have you cultivated like this?"

It was the first time that Lu Chen had seen Lu Jingzhe in this state, and he was both worried and unhappy in his heart.

Lu Jingzhe's face flushed red, and he quickly covered the quilt over his body.

Then he said: "I'm cultivating a practice method, and I'm careless.

"How do you feel now?

"Okay, much better."

Lu Jingzhe's beautiful eyes showed a trace of dazedness and shyness and embarrassment he had never felt before.

So much so that his voice trembled when answering Lu Chen's question.

Lu Chen nodded and left the room without further questioning.

After a moment.

Lu Jingzhe dressed neatly and walked out of the room.

The fair and slender legs seemed to contain a blazing cold energy.


The same is true of the air that Wei Wei exhales.

Lu Jingzhe knew that her Nine Infants Divine Tome had already entered, and the first level was about to be completed.

The Nine Infants Divine Canon allows him to control the meaning of the two martial arts of ice and fire.

When she reaches the fifth floor, this power will reach its limit, and at that time she will shock everyone!

Putting away all his thoughts, Lu Jingzhe looked at Lu Chen on the sofa for a moment.

At that moment, she actually felt an indescribable momentum fluctuation from Lu Chen's body.

Lu Jingzhe shook his head slightly and thought, it seems that I still haven't recovered, and I have hallucinations.

"Brother, don't look at me like that."

Lu Jingzhe sat next to Lu Chen, stretched his waist, and showed his delicate body: "Don't worry, this time is just an accident, and it will never happen in the future."

"It's fine."

Lu Chen's eyes retracted.

In fact, he is not too worried, after all, the system prompted it last night.

Lu Chen estimated that it should be caused by Lu Jingzhe's cultivation of the Nine Infants Divine Tome.

Even Lu Chen was in such pain with the help of the system, not to mention his sister alone.

But Lu Chen was still frightened at first.

This sister is not a real sister, but she is better than a real sister.

"What about your two little girlfriends?"

Lu Jingzhe asked as he walked towards the stairs.

"Go to class.

After Lu Chen finished speaking, he added: "Su Xuerou is not yet.

Lu Jingzhe's beautiful eyes widened involuntarily: "You and Su Xuewei have already..."

"It's a bit too much to ask."

Lu Chen ignored it: "Go, eat, I'm starving to death. 35

Every time the immortal divine tome is tempered with the source of life, it will consume a huge amount of energy.

Although Lu Chen had eaten all the food in the refrigerator at night, his hunger was still very strong.

"I happen to be hungry too, let's go!"

After Lu Jingzhe woke up, he felt more uncomfortable than Lu Chen, and at this moment, he wanted to eat a whole strange beast.

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