Gao Wu: Beginning With A Chaotic Body, Becoming A Blood Demon God In Prison

Chapter 212 Evil Spirit Resentment Sword, New Mark: Bloody Blade

A few cold lights flashed in Di Junlin's eyes.

Feel the madness blood prison barrier only 1.5 seconds left.

His heart was full of urgency.

The only way now is to light up the skill engraving of the blood blade.

Relying on his powerful formidable power, he killed the evil king in front of him with one blow.

"Opening the source crystal, broken!"

Di Junlin's own consciousness was condensed on the Prison Blood Demon Tree, and the remaining Kaiyin source crystals at the bottom of the skill tree were all shattered.

Several blood-red beams of light were differentiated toward the engraved patterns of skills such as the Blade of Blood Qi, Rage of Blood, Unyielding Will, Bloodthirsty, and Rampage.

Take these powerful skill imprint levels straight to their current limit!

With the improvement of the skill engraving level, the qi and blood on his body became more vigorous, and the breath also increased sharply.

In Di Junlin's mind, a huge inheritance information suddenly appeared.

The indomitable will comes into play, strengthening his will.

strengthen his soul.

The skills of the blood blade condensed were instantly absorbed and digested by Di Junlin.

A phantom of the demon god bathed in blood suddenly appeared behind him.

The phantom of the ancient giant elephant that was running and roaring in the sky suddenly dissipated the moment this figure appeared.

Return to Di Junlin's Chaos body.

The terrifying vision of the sea of ​​corpses and the sea of ​​blood and the sky filled with skeletons appeared in the phantom of the demon god bathed in blood.

His blood-red, ferocious hand, identical to Di Junlin's, suddenly lifted.

The blood around his body shone, and several blood-red giant swords condensed in his palm.

"This is?"

Di Junlin was slightly startled, and a flash of light suddenly flashed in his mind.

A special power descended in his heart.

The blood energy in the body began to flow along a special route along with this power.

He could actually feel his blood being excited.

Look from outsiders.

Di Junlin's movements at this moment are exactly the same as the demon phantom above his head.

Several giant swords with violent victories condensed in his hands.

There are unknown magic marks on the blade of each great sword.

These magic patterns are devouring the energy of the outside world, and the terrifying energy is gathering in them.

"turn out to be!"

"Is this the blade of blood?"

"Condense all the power contained in oneself to the tip of the blood blade!"

"Like the small star hand cannon before, gather energy faster, with the sum of these forces!"

"Magnify ten times or dozens of times, and explode on the enemy's body!"

Di Junlin slowly held the hilt of the blood-blade condensed in front of him.

It was as if all the blood blades were in his hands, and a feeling of water and milk blended in his heart.

What followed was the tyrannical power contained in the blood blade.

This force is growing rapidly.

Even Di Junlin himself was terrified.

The evil sword intent of the Sword Resentment was rapidly shrouded in Di Junlin.

The invincible and powerful sword energy continued to rise.

Falling on Di Junlin's frenzied blood cell barrier.

She could feel that the blood-colored barrier on the human body in front of her was weakening.

It seems to be completely dissipated in the next second.

Sword Resentment's eyes suddenly lit up, and a contemptuous smile appeared on his coquettish face.

Still want to die?

What if a human in the weather realm can exert the combat power of the four stars in the heavenly king realm?

Without the power of condensing artistic conception, there is no way to obliterate her body.

Not to mention killing it!

This human being is going to die after all!

"Ha ha!"

"Human! You can't last long!"

"Feel the despair!"

"Evil Sword Saint Lotus!"

Countless sword qi gathered in the air into a blossoming evil lotus.

Under the blessing of the evil sword intent, these evil lotuses are gathering even greater power.

The power is rising rapidly, and it has reached the six-star weather condition almost instantly!

There is no pause, and it is still growing rapidly.

Once the sword energy in these evil lotuses erupted.

Di Junlin, who lost the barrier of the mad blood prison, was bound to be killed in an instant.

The determination in Jian complained's eyes became stronger and stronger, but his heart was tight.

Do not know why.

She actually felt a strong threat from the blood blade condensed in the hands of this human being?

Does this human have trump cards?

One and a half seconds passed in a flash.

The sword qi that was still frantically attacking the mad qi blood prison barrier suddenly lost its way.

The mad blood prison barrier reached the limit of existence and then dissipated.

The sharp sword intent swung in the air, splitting Di Junlin's skin in an instant.

Pale golden blood sprayed out from it.

"Evil Sword Saint Lotus! Explosion!"

"Blade of blood! Kill!"

Sword resentment echoed with Di Junlin's roar.

The many evil swords and holy lotus that hovered beside Di Junlin for a long time drowned him in an instant.

The fourth-order evil sharp sword is intended to burst out its true power at this moment.

Thousands of evil sword shadows scatter all clouds and swallow all light.

The perfect power of the four stars of the Heavenly King Realm blends with the fourth-order sharp sword intent.

The space where Di Junlin was in actually made an overwhelmed crunch.

Sword resentment's eyes narrowed.

That human breath disappeared?

died? ?


Blood flashes?

A bloody light lit up behind the sword resentment.

Di Junlin's burly frame was revealed, with a wild smile on his face.

Dozens of blood blades had already condensed in front of him, and the magic pattern on the top of each blood blade flashed brightly.

There was also a crazy smile on the blurred face of the demon god above his head.

He stretched out his hideous bloody ghost hand and stabbed the blood blade in front of him suddenly.

Di Junlin is also a blessing to the soul.

Makes the exact same action as the demon god phantom above his head.

The sword resentment that was so close at hand couldn't be reacted at all.

It was instantly covered by several blood energy blades.

The chaotic energy in Di Junlin's body was exhausted, and his blood was almost exhausted.

Even the soul power was swallowed up by half.

Several blood-qi blades lit up one by one, condensing into a substantial blood light.

The blood blade that accumulated all the power of Di Junlin, at the moment when it touched the body of the body of Sword Resentment.

Boom ~ have a sound.

The terrifying energy burst that was magnified dozens of times, and all the sword resentment and evil body were involved in it.

Like a 10,000-ton missile blasting in the air.

The blood disintegrated.

The space could no longer withstand the destruction and began to crumble!

"Do not!"


"Such a powerful force!"


The sharp scream of Sword Resentment came from the center of the blood blade explosion.

In an instant, countless cracks appeared on her ten-meter-long sword, and spider webs spread rapidly around her.

The evil sword intent of Sword Resentment collapsed directly under this terrifying attack.

The evil spirits were severely wounded.

It can no longer maintain its own strength.

Bloodblade's attack wasn't over yet, Di Junlin himself multiplied his power tenfold.

It almost reached the full blow of the eight-star powerhouse of the Heavenly King Realm.

Even more terrifying.

The energy that burst out from several blood blades together.

Crazy destroying the vitality of swallowing sword resentment, the ten-meter-long sword body gradually shattered.

Her evil spirit gradually disintegrated.

Consciousness began to blur.


Unable to resist the fragments that come from the shattering of the space.

engulfed by space turbulence.

Totally lost life!

fall from the sky!


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