Gao Wu: Beginning With A Chaotic Body, Becoming A Blood Demon God In Prison

Chapter 211 Madness Surging, Suddenly Blasting Away

Outside the mad blood prison barrier.

All the attacks made by this evil spirit of the Heavenly King Realm were completely blocked.

"Clang clang clang!"

The icy evil sword qi attacked even more frantically.

It collided with the barrier of the mad blood prison, and the spark went straight.

In mid-air, there was a sound of gold and iron hitting one after another, and the energy roared.

The pure black tip of the sword above Di Junlin's head fell suddenly, stabbing him in the head.

Bang~ a loud bang.

Evil fills the space, engulfing Di Junlin's body.

The huge power plunged the space where Di Junlin was in chaos, and the power of heaven and earth was scarce.

Di Junlin's body tumbled and flew hundreds of meters.

Under the impact of the violent sword energy, the skin of his whole body was ripped apart.

Pale golden blood splattered and scattered in the air.

A ten-meter-long black giant sword appeared beside Di Junlin, and the blade was engraved with evil runes.

These runes swallowed all the energies around, and transformed into a sharp and unparalleled evil sword qi that madly bombarded the mad qi blood prison barrier on the surface of Di Junlin's body.

An illusory female figure condensed at the top of the sword, staring at Di Junlin under the barrier of the mad blood prison.

The terrifying momentum that is dozens of times stronger than Di Junlin is unabashedly released.

Huge pressure rolled towards Di Junlin.

She didn't believe it, with her four-star perfection in the Heavenly King Realm!

Can't kill this damn human?

Her stupid brother, Broken Blade, died at the hands of this human.

Today, she is going to slaughter this human being!

Use this human flesh and blood to see him off.

"He has obviously been hit hard by me!"

"Why can you condense such a powerful defense method?"

"Is this a life-saving element refined by human powerhouses?"

"But so what!"

"This kind of life-saving element must have a time limit!"

"It's just to let you die later!"

A mad and evil smile appeared on the bewitching face of Sword Resentment, and the sword energy emerging from the body was even sharper.

These sword qi hovered in the air, condensing dozens of sword gang vortexes!

It seems to be gaining momentum!

Prepare for the moment when Di Junlin's body surface barrier disintegrates.

Give it a fatal blow!


The mad blood prison barrier blocks all the attacks of Sword Resentment.

Di Junlin's consciousness finally returned to his body at this moment, and an extremely strong sense of weakness lingered in his heart.

He can feel that his soul has been severely damaged, and the originally powerful vitality in his body has also dropped to freezing point.

If his madness blood prison barrier condenses a little bit later.

Probably really dead.

The frenzy surged to level 50, increasing its blood lock time to 2.5 seconds.

So Di Junlin finally has the ability to fight back.


Di Junlin controls the deep chaotic energy in the dantian to pour into the imprint of the source of light!

A gentle force flooded his Chaos body.

Quickly heal broken meridians in the body.

The chaotic divine body, which was swept away by the sharp sword energy of Sword Resentment, suddenly recovered.

Golden light flickered all over his body.

The flesh began to rise, and the golden muscles began to swell and clump.

The blue veins on his arms are knotted, and a fierce and violent aura overflows.

The blood roared in his blood, making bursts of explosions.

One thousand and eighty-one acupoints lit up with golden light.

The majestic blood gushed out from it frantically.

"Blood Rage!"



Di Junlin let out a growl like a beast.

In a state of madness and severe damage, he appeared more dangerous like a wounded lone wolf.

An incomparably sharp divine light burst out between the blood-red pupils.

Terrifying power filled his flesh. The golden light shone on the chaotic body, but there was a wisp of demonic aura lingering between Di Junlin's eyebrows.

Change his temperament.

It seems a little mysterious.

"Get out of here!"

Di Junlin's arms were stained with blood under the lingering spirit of the devil.

Like a ferocious ghost's hand, the demonic energy is swaying.

The five fingers suddenly joined, and the arms clenched into a fist.

The 140,000 ancient giant elephants in the body let out an earth-shattering roar.

Behind Di Junlin condensed a huge shadow of an ancient giant elephant, the trunk of which was rough and stabbed to the sky.

His fist gathered all the power in his body and suddenly enlarged in the air.

He blasted away at the ten-meter-long black giant sword in front of him.

The violent blood and chaotic energy are suddenly compatible.


A huge fist print suddenly appeared on the sword body of Sword Resentment.

The incomparably tyrannical power almost burst all the energy in this space.


Sword Resentment let out a scream.

She did not expect that the power of the human being in front of her was so much stronger than before!

Even her evil body comparable to the five stars of the Heavenly King Realm could not fully bear it.

The tyrannical force swept along her blade and swept away everywhere.

Let the evil sword intent gathered by it be vented.

Most of the power can only be withdrawn to block Di Junlin's terrifying punch.

"Soul Eater!"

"Devil Sealing Slash!"

In the palm of Di Junlin's left hand, the aura of the devil and the body of the gods lit up together.

The Chaos Divine Body seems to have a special fusion with the Demon God's Qi gushing out of the Prison Blood Demon God Tree.

A small part of Di Junlin's body has undergone wonderful changes.

One of the first to change was his left arm.

A blood-red vortex condensed in his palm, and a gluttonous force swept out.

For the first time, the body of the sword resentment was shrouded.


"What power is this?"

"He is devouring my evil soul power??"

"Evil sharp mood! Break it for me!"

The Sword Resentment hasn't completely undone the impact of Di Junlin's terrifying punch just now.

Suddenly I felt my soul power being swallowed up involuntarily.

It seems that there is a soul-devouring gluttonous gluttonous, devouring the world without any scruples.

Even her resentful sword body was sucked and pulled by a huge force, rushing towards the human being in front of her.

The closer you are to that human being, the faster your evil soul will flow.

Sword Resentment tried desperately to activate the evil sword intent, and this time it was no longer aimed at Di Junlin.

Instead, it integrates into the body of his own sword.

To break free from Di Junlin's Soul Eater control.

"Hehe, want to go?"

"Didn't you play well just now?"

"It's too late now!"

The state of feeling the surging madness is quickly dissipating.

The hostility in Di Junlin's eyes became deeper and deeper, and the roar resounded throughout the world.

Just now, his full-strength punch only slightly injured the evil king in front of him.

The evil body of this heavenly king is stronger than "Yan Hei", I don't know how many times!

With the means of killing he now controls.

It is absolutely impossible to kill it in one hit.

Uranus Nine Stars, one star and one heavy sky!

Every time a small realm is improved, the strength of the increase is almost comparable to several realms in the weather realm.

What's more, the quality of the mood of this evil spirit is extremely high, and the rank has reached at least the fourth rank.

If the mad blood prison barrier dissipates.

The Primal Chaos Conception, which he has not yet completely transformed, can't stop his evil sword intent.

I'm afraid I'll be dead by then!

"How to do?"

"How to kill it??"

"Perhaps!? That's all!"


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