Gao Wu: Beginning With A Chaotic Body, Becoming A Blood Demon God In Prison

Chapter 186 Suffering From Crouching! Divine Refinement Space

"Blood Rage!"

When the Skeleton King saw this barrier condensed, he obviously entered a state of rage.

As long as he withstands this blow, he can enter the palace in front of him.

"Come in?"

Covering the entire palace of the gods, the souls full of death rush towards this palace.


In weather conditions!


A world made entirely of souls!

Is this the place where the gods choose their servants?

He can't go!

The death bone gun finally fell on his back at this moment!

The brand of the Hell Blood Demon Tree in Di Junlin's palm flickered wildly.

Several lavender lines appeared on the gun body, and a powerful death energy filled the space.

Still haven't stopped attacking.

"I! God of elements! Control the origin of the elements of heaven and earth! Set up a tower of gods and choose god servants!"

Di Junlin could feel the familiar force on the bone gun behind him, akin to the force of his own death.

Above the palace in front of him, there is a huge power of faith circulating.

The purple soul flame in the skull of the Skeleton King suddenly trembled.

One after another, the energy of the undead hit the energy barrier that enveloped the palace.

The death bone gun in his hand trembled wildly, forming countless gun shadows in the air.

The chaotic force dissipated on his body, replaced by a faint white light.

The head of the Deathbone Gun shattered, failing to break through the rippling spatial power of Di Junlin.

There are countless undead armies also began to charge under the control of the Skeleton King.

At this time.



It can crush its head.

But there is no tendency to break in the slightest.

Even the defensive ability is even better.

Instantly collided with the blood-red barrier behind Di Junlin.

Di Junlin immediately fell to the ground, the whole person crouched down, and most of the powerful Yuan force in his body instantly became more than half!

The golden light shines in the soul space!

Now the strengthened talent skill tree has a faint golden light.

The body fell on a special node, and a colorful mysterious light wrapped his body.

"Soul burst..."


The gray elemental force in Di Junlin's body suddenly moved according to a special line.

Di Junlin's ancient double pupils were revealed, and golden light flickered in his pupils.

next second!

It is comparable to the pinnacle of the Nine Stars of the Emperor Realm.

Di Junlin can clearly feel the mysterious power flowing in it, which is constantly being nurtured.

The blood prison barrier formed by Di Junlin's gray vitality condensed unexpectedly failed to block a single breath of time.

The souls that fell to the temple became even crazier.


But he was unscathed.


bang bang bang~

Didn't wait for the Skeleton King to react.

The purple soul flame shone and fell on the energy barrier.

"Crouch down!"

Crush the surrounding skeletons and zombies.

Di Junlin couldn't help rubbing his numb back and let down a harsh word in the air.

There seems to be obsession, so they have been persistent.

But the energy barrier is like a rock.

Di Junlin clung to the magic sword Alyphis and landed in front of a tall tower.

The Skeleton King uttered intermittent soul thoughts.

Each spirit carries a strange weapon.

The dark red pupils were full of madness, but they did not lose their minds.

"So strong?"

He wants to get out of here!

Blast the shrouded area to shreds.

A roar.

This barrier is exactly the same as the energy barrier that enveloped the floating island before.

The power of the source of death bloomed immediately.

The undead spirit erodes it.

"Sooner or later kill you!"

The ancient double pupils had already been opened, and the red and golden double pupils looked around.

Must withstand the attack of this Skeleton King.

The momentum of the whole body is enhanced by the three skills of blood rage, rampage, and bloodthirsty!

But this source of death holy force is countless times stronger than the force of death he controls.

It seems to be isolated in another space.

The explosion of gold and iron colliding resounded.

Instantly disappeared in front of the Skeleton King.

A glare flickered.

The terrifying soul thoughts swept the entire floating island, and countless skeletons exploded in an instant.

"No! It is the holy power condensed from the source of death!"

A floating island that has lost the power of faith to maintain it can't withstand such a bombardment.

The Skeleton King did not stop, the purple light condensed on his arms.

The impacted area shattered instantly.


The bone meal floating in the air seemed to be endless dynamite.

A cold voice sounded in the colorful space.

There may still be no response.

In the hands of the escaped creature in front of him just now, there was something he needed.

White bone meal floated in the air, almost covering most of the floating island.


The weapons in the hands of countless souls collided with it and shattered directly.

The violent blood energy filled the chaotic divine body, and the gray yuan force that accommodated ten different attributes and powers was vented wildly.

And this moment.

There was a roar, and an energy storm formed between the two.

Just like they have been for countless years in the past.

In the nick of time.

Just a tower that looks like an evil trial tower?

Countless souls let out a piercing howl.

He is invincible!

Countless soul bodies condensed in the air!

Enter the palace of the gods.

Did not produce any effect.

A blood-red giant tree instantly condensed behind him.

Purple soul flames rise from the Skeleton King's skull.


"Bro... God..."


The soul world suddenly fell.

The moment it touched the death bone gun, it was easily shattered.

"Those who have passed the three levels can be the ninth-class servants!"

Pushed by the power of the death bone gun, Di Junlin's figure fell into the dilapidated palace in front of him.



Violent death energy impacted the floating island.

The purple soul flame in the skull of the Skeleton King was still shaking.

There was not even a trace of turbulence!

"Dead skeleton! You wait!"

The tip of the bone gun was no more than half a meter away from Di Junlin's head.

"Is this the power of death??"

He wants to destroy this floating island!

The anti-injury thorn also appeared on Di Junlin's body.

The huge soul power is used in the origin world of its own soul.

Let Di Junlin's strength completely explode, and it has increased several times on the original basis!

Soul power storm surged beside them.

How come it doesn't feel magical at all?

But before they touched a corner of the palace.

A small energy barrier instantly enveloped the entire palace.


The bone gun thrown by the Skeleton King has fallen!

This is the origin world of the Skeleton King!

A blood-colored barrier instantly enveloped his body from top to bottom.

Doom Bloodthirsty Armor, Doom Bloodthirsty Boots, all appeared on his body.

Under the blessing of Chaos, a powerful force filled Di Junlin's body.

Let the surrounding space begin to ripple through layers of waves.

In a space filled with colorful lights.

The palace is just around the corner!

Just keep shaking.

"You should..."

As for the test that exists in it, he doesn't look down on it at all.

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