"It's useless to think about it now."

"If you can continue to strengthen the Prison Blood Demon Tree in the future, you can..."

Di Junlin shook his head, thinking no more.

He glanced at his current system information.

【Target】: Di Junlin.

[Realm]: Mid-term four-star weather realm!

[Physique]: The thirtieth layer of the Chaos Divine Body, the ninth layer of the ancient double pupil (2323/90000).

[Cultivation method]: God's Elephant Suppressing Prison Force (99999 Giant Elephant Reality).

[Talent Skill Tree]: Hell Blood Demon God;

[Lighted up skill imprints]: Lv44. Blood Fury, Vigorous Vigor, Unyielding Will, Anti-Injury Armor, Blood Prison, Extreme Swordsmanship; Lv40. Bloodthirsty, Soul Eater and Sealing Demons; Lv20. Ancient Memory, Blood Prison ·Proficient in Heavy Armor; LV20. Rampage, Lv5. Blood Prison Block, Blood Prison Leap, Blood Prison Wave Sword, Blood Prison, Split Wave Slash, Blood Prison, Collapsing Mountain Strike, Blood Prison, Cross Slash, Blood Prison, Three Stages Slash, Blood Prison, Outbreak of Rage, Blood Prison, Soul Eater, Silver Light Falling Blade, Top Pick; Lv1. Spear of the Underworld God, Wings of the Devil.

[Remaining open source crystals]: None at the moment.

[Lottery Card]: No.

[Origin point]: 6,213,400 points.

【College Points】: 17521.

[Currently comprehended: the power of chaos (the power of gravity, the power of thunder, the power of light, the power of blood prison, the power of death, the power of the five elements!), the power of darkness 50%, the power of space 0.05%, the power of destruction Potential 0.01%]

Note: (The current on-hook upgrade speed: 10,000 points/hour, and the condensation speed of the open-print source crystal is 20 minutes/piece).

"My own combat power has not been tapped to the limit at all, as long as there are enough opening source crystals!"

"I can continue to improve! Especially those active skill marks, the level has always stayed at Lv5!"

"But there are only more than six million left at the origin?"


"It's time to get out of here!"

Di Junlin looked at the remaining origin points with a sudden sense of urgency.

For the sake of Chu Qianyuan, he has been reluctant to use the origin point.

There was an accident this time, and it was used as a last resort in order to restore the cultivation base.

As a result, five million origin points were lost in an instant.

Blame the Seven Desires Evil Saint!

If he hadn't been killed by someone, he would definitely have his head screwed off in the future!

"Xue Li, if you want to leave here, can you only enter the palace in front of you?" Di Junlin asked in his heart.

"Master...you broke through so quickly?"

"What was that black oven just now?"

"Why do I smell a familiar breath on your source tree?"

"It seems that there are two different origin powers awakening?"

Xue Li didn't answer Di Junlin's question, instead he looked at the bulge on the Hell Blood Demon Tree in surprise and asked.

Di Junlin frowned slightly.

The source tree refers to his own Hell Blood Devil Tree?

There are still two source powers awakening?

Is it the two drum kits?




The sound of the crash was getting faster and faster.

The army of corpses outside the floating island is still tirelessly hitting the floating island energy barrier.


And now!

Several tiny cracks appeared on the energy barrier of the floating island!

The energy barrier supported by the power of faith obviously cannot continue for long.


It was as if he felt the changes that had taken place on the floating island.

The purple soul flame in the skull of the Skeleton King became brighter and brighter.

Intermittent soul thoughts radiated from his body.

Promoting the entire undead army's offensive even more crazy!

The entire floating island began to vibrate under their impact!

"not good!"

"Blood Li!?"

"The strength of that Skeleton King is too terrifying!"

Di Junlin's face was dignified, and the energy barrier of the floating island was cracked.

Through the cracks that just appeared, the breath of the Skeleton King poured out.

It made the hairs all over his body stand on end.

The breath on it is almost comparable to the Heavenly Sacred Realm?

At least it is much stronger than Su Anguo's breath!

"Master! Enter those few intact palaces!"

"This is the inheritance place where the gods choose their servants, and there must be a teleportation formation in those palaces!"

Xue Li's voice sounded immediately, and she also sensed the terror of the undead army outside.

If they don't leave here as soon as possible, I'm afraid they will be easily crushed by this army of undead.


"The undead army outside locked my breath!"

Ariffith's surprised voice resounded in Di Junlin's heart.

Di Junlin looked down at the blade of the magic sword Alyphis, and there was a ray of death lingering on the original purple-black blade? ?

How did you do it?

What was the Skeleton King staring at the magic sword Alyphis for? ?


The sound of the energy barrier breaking sounded again.

A bone claw drilled into the floating island through the tiny crack!

explode directly.

Countless gleaming white bone powder was scattered and fell inside the energy barrier.


These bone meal are like tiny dynamite.

Covering the energy barrier around the crack, a powerful impact burst out in an instant.

A crack that just appeared suddenly burst out a half-meter-high gap.

The huge army of undead seems to have found a way to clear it!

A skeleton with a short body rushed into the floating island in an instant and exploded again!

Expand the half-meter-high gap again to form an entrance of nearly one meter.

The eyes of the rest of the skeletons and corpses flickered with green light, all rushing towards this gap.

For a moment.

Dozens of undead rushed to the floating island!

And the impact of the undead army on the energy barrier has not stopped.


Seeing this, Di Junlin's wings of demons fluttered violently.

It turned into a black streamer and rushed towards the most well-preserved ancient palace not far in front of him.



At the feet of the Skeleton King, countless bones swayed.

A huge bone dragon was pieced together in the air, and a faint lavender soul flame ignited in the head.


The Skeleton King stepped on the bone dragon's back.

The bone dragon took the Skeleton King and chased towards Di Junlin at an astonishing speed.

Appeared behind Di Junlin almost instantly.

A two-meter-long Senran bone spear condensed in the hands of the Skeleton King, and the purple soul flame lit up.

Shine this bone gun, the purple pattern on the bone gun flashes, and it is suddenly thrown at Di Junlin's back!


"What grudge?"

"Do you have to kill me?"

Di Junlin accelerated frantically, and the ten source powers contained in the Chaos Force worked to the extreme.

But the horror of death behind him is getting closer and closer to him.

A terrifying soul thought locked it.

he seems?

Can't escape?


(PS: Big guys, happy Qixi Festival~~Thank you for your support and your company!)

(I will definitely not eat dog food today!)

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