Didn't Xingxing expect that Pei Guang was not wearing any clothes? Then when the placer gold is gone, she will have to take a good look at Pei Guang's development and health.

Just when Xing smiled evilly, Pei Guang, who was standing by him, seemed to see what Xing was thinking and continued: "I am a harmonious man! Although I am not wearing clothes, I am wearing underwear! And my underwear is absolutely Underwear that won’t break and can’t be taken off.”

This is a lie. It is true that his underwear cannot be damaged and cannot be forced to be taken off, but he can take it off by himself. He didn't wear anything before Xing entered the room. After Xing opened the door, he put on such a thing. He knew Xing, a little pervert, very well. Under his leadership, Xing's perversion gradually increased, and he could definitely do things that he didn't even dare to think of.

Unlike Pei Guang, Xing really wore this outfit from beginning to end and never took it off once. I always change my equipment when I have nothing to do. Xing always wears the same outfit from beginning to end. At most, I wear equipment with attributes outside this outfit.

Pei Guang even doubted whether the clothes on Xing's body were part of her body, or did the clothes have special properties?

However, Pei Guang understands Xing's behavior very well. Some games allow you to take off your clothes at will, while others have a designed set of how to change clothes.

After all, I sewed everything in this game, and I could change all my clothes at will. Xing sewed and couldn't change anything, which made sense.

But there is a question in Pei Guang's mind. Xing has been wearing this kind of clothes since he was born, but all beings are naked when they are born? How about rounding it off? Is it true that Xing is always naked?

So astringent! ! !

No one knows how Pei Guang became agitated looking at the fully clothed Xing.

If Kafka and Silver Wolf knew about Pei Guang's wild idea, they would have to give Pei Guang a thumbs up. Only Pei Guang could think of such an abstract and unrealistic idea.

As for wearing clothes all the time and maintaining good health, how do you deal with it? Xing is not worried about this at all. With the power of Xing Core, Xing's body is in the cleanest state every second.

Thinking of these, Pei Guang looked at Xing aside. Thinking of this, Pei Guang felt so astringent even if Xing was wearing clothes now!

Xing also felt Pei Guang's gaze, and she looked back with eyes full of desire and interest.

The moment the two looked at each other, Pei Guang trembled. For some reason, he felt that Xing was a bit scary now. He felt that the existence of Sand Gold suppressed some special thoughts in Xing's heart. If this was the case, he could not let Sand Gold go under any circumstances.

As the saying goes, it's hard to guard against a thief. Who knows what Xing will do secretly? ?

Sand Jin felt that now was a good time to insert himself, so he looked at Pei Guang and introduced himself. : "Hello, let me introduce myself. I am a non-performing asset liquidation expert affiliated with the company's strategic investment department and in charge of Diamond's subordinates, Pei Guang, right? I heard Topa mentioned you, and the result of my contact today is really extraordinary ~ I heard that as long as there is a task I can come to you, I don’t know…”

Before Sand Jin could finish his words, a voice interrupted him.

"Hey! What are you doing in my room?"

The door that was originally closed was opened again, but because the placer gold came in, it was not locked, so the people outside opened the door easily.

And this time the person who came was none other than Huang Quan.

The moment Huang Quan opened the door, she saw a scene that made her brain tremble. She saw three people soaking in a trash can in the room. She sniffed the air and caught a scent in the air.

etc? Why do you know it's a trash can? Huang Quan didn't know why. She only knew that when she saw a bucket with people soaking in it, she was sure it was a trash can.

Even if they fell asleep in a trash can, these three actually lit a fire and boiled themselves? Are you really worried about your longevity?

Boiling in water was not unacceptable. She knew that the three people in front of her were not simple, but they would not be cooked in water at 50 degrees Celsius. But the question is, why are there completely different scents in these three trash cans?

There was a sweet smell coming from Xing's bucket, and even she felt that she had an appetite.

There was a long, bitter aroma coming from the gold placer barrel, and there was a third smell that she couldn't smell.

And Pei Guang is different from the other two. His body smells of fragrance, umami and spices. The combination of these three flavors makes Pei Guang the most dazzling among the three? No, it should be the one I want to try the most.

Pei Guang was stunned for a moment when he saw the sudden appearance of Huang Quan. Just as he was about to explain, he saw Huang Quan rushing over and looking down at Pei Guang.

At the same time that Huang Quan was approaching, Xingshou quickly stood up and looked down at Huang Quan.

Huang Quan looked at Pei Guang, who had no clothes, and then looked at the liquid that was the same as the dream pool. She was silent for a moment before speaking: "What are you doing?"

Pei Guang: "Are you preparing to fall asleep? I slightly modified the dream pool. The water in the dream pool was too cold. I felt uncomfortable so I heated it up. Soaking in the warm water to fall asleep is a real pleasure~"

Listening to Pei Guang's explanation, Huang Quan glanced at the blazing flames under the barrels of the three people: "Won't it be cooked if you bake it like this?"

Pei Guang raised his index finger: "Tsk tsk tsk~ Absolutely not. This is my unique skill. I can maintain a stable temperature, and also enable friendly damage to be invalid. When friendly damage is invalid, this flame brings direct and Indirect damage has no effect on us~"

Seeing Pei Guang so confident, Huang Quan didn't know what to say. Could he tell Pei Guang: "You are stewed very fragrant now. If you raise the temperature a little higher, you can enjoy the boiled pioneers."

Facing the doubtful Huang Quan, Xing Ze stood up and took Huang Quan's hand: "Huang Quan, you're here, why don't you try the special dream pool made by A Guang? Let me tell you, this trash can is not an ordinary one. The trash can is a trash can with the power of preservation. The combination of the liquid in the dream pool and the three flavors of real fire is slow-cooked, and the whole person will be happy. "

Upon hearing Xing's invitation, Huang Quan began to make a rational judgment, but Xing learned fine traditions from Pei Guang.

Huang Quan is an acquaintance. Although he has no memory of the dream, how did he say that sentence? Are you here? Just don't leave.

Huang Quan wanted to refuse, but it was obvious that Xing's hands were faster. Xing took out a bucket, quickly filled it with water and then directly pulled Huang Quan in. After Huang Quan entered, Pei Guang lit the fire.

In this way, what was originally a room for one person turned into a room for four people.

Huang Quan didn't understand what happened until she entered the barrel. At this moment, her brain was still making rational decisions.

Pei Guang is also very happy to have her join him. After all, the more people there are, the happier he is when taking a bath. This time taking a bath also made Pei Guang like the liquid in the Dream Pool. This kind of good thing did not affect the bathing experience while wearing clothes. Pei Guang decided to take the opportunity to get more.

That is to say, the family didn't know what Pei Guang was thinking and doing at this time. If they knew, they would definitely kill Pei Guang. So, such a precious liquid for dreaming was actually used by Pei Guang as bath water? This is simply insulting!

But unfortunately, no one can know about this, because no one who has entered this room so far has left.

However, just as Pei Guang was enjoying himself, he suddenly discovered an embarrassing thing. Huang Quan did not close the door when he entered the room. Now the door is wide open. It can be said that anyone passing by this room can see that the room is slowing down at low temperature. Cooked for four people.

Seeing this scene, Pei Guang's expression became much more solemn: "Xing! Go! Close the door."

Xing: "I don't! You still have to get out the barrel after closing the door. Cutting off this comfortable enjoyment is simply more painful than killing me. By the way, why don't you go?"

As Xing spoke, she opened her arms and leaned comfortably against the bucket. She had to admit that Pei Guang really enjoyed it. The special liquid that enters the dream pool, combined with Pei Guang's three-flavored real fire, exerts an unexpected effect.

She feels more and more energetic, and her skin seems to be getting smoother and smoother?

Pei Guang looked at Xing: "You told me what to say, what did I say?"

Then Pei Guang set his sights on Huang Quan. Because Huang Quan was the last one to come in and didn't close the door, Pei Guang hoped that Huang Quan would take the initiative to close the door.

But at this time, there was a problem with Huang Quan's rational judgment. Now her eyes were dull, as if she was leaning on the trash can and looking up at the sky.

Seeing this scene, Pei Guang was sure that Huang Quan had no hope, so he turned his attention to Sha Jin. Feeling Pei Guang's gaze, Sha Jin smiled at him, and at the same time, there was reluctance in Sha Jin's eyes.

However, Sha Jin knew that this time the harvest was already very big. This simple contact had already pulled Pei Guang's bargaining chip towards him. The two sides were really facing each other. This bargaining chip also allowed him to explain the situation to Pei Guang.

He can be sure that his purpose of coming here does not conflict with what Pei Guang wants to do. As long as there is no conflict and communication can occur, everything is possible. Although there is an element of gambling, probability events are better than impossible events, right?

"It's getting late, it's time for me to go back to my room. Pioneer, I hope we can meet again in our dreams ~ I look forward to our next meeting."

Sand Jin stood up and was about to leave the barrel and close the door. However, when he stood up, the sound of a camera shutter came from the door of the room. The sound of the camera shutter made several people who were originally looking at each other look towards the door.

At the door of the room, March Qi was holding a camera and looking at the scene in the room with a frozen smile on his face.

At this time, Pei Guang, Xing and Huang Quan were being slowly cooked in the room, and Sha Jin stood up and said goodbye to Pei Guang. He was obviously a man, but March 7 saw reluctance in Sha Jin's eyes?

Just imagine, in a room, two men and two women are together, and one of the men looks at the other man with reluctance in his eyes? And the quality of these two men is surprisingly high! Even one of the men's clothes was gone, exposing his body?

One person has clothes and the other person has no clothes, and they still look at each other affectionately? Is there a man who wants to steal someone from me? ? ? The smile that had appeared on her face unconsciously because she wanted to see Pei Guang froze.

While March Qi's brain was running rapidly, March Qi, who was a camera expert, instinctively pressed the shutter button and recorded the scene.

How could this be a scene that I couldn't even dream of? Two unknown guests, company executives, and a patrolman were stewed together? Or is it simmered slowly, or even fragrant?

After all, it’s such a wonderful and memorable scene that I absolutely must record it with my own camera on March 7th.

What March 7 didn't know was that he had recorded a scene that was precious enough in the universe. Looking at the entire universe, no order had yet been stewed in the trash can.

If you were an ordinary person, you would definitely be embarrassed when faced with this scene, but the four people in the room would not. Sha Jin looked at Pei Guang with a smile on his face: "It seems that your companion is here to find you, so I won't disturb you." ~Goodbye~"

Sha Jin was about to leave, but Pei Guang stopped him when he was about to leave: "Wait! Take your things with you! And, reward! Reward~"

Sha Jin took out a chip. After playing with it for a while, the chip suddenly appeared in Pei Guang's hand.

Sha Jin looked at Pei Guang with a smile: "With this, you can exchange for a large number of credit points in any company's management scope. Of course, besides credit points, this has other functions~"

Pei Guang took the chip, looked at the peach blossom pattern on it and asked curiously: "Oh? A lot? How big is it?"

Sand Gold: "Let me think about it? Tens of billions of credits? Or~ownership of a planet? Who knows?"

Hearing the reward content, Xing's eyes lit up: "Are there any more? Give me one!"

Sand Jin smiled and shook his head: "No more~ This is Mr. Pei Guang's 'mission' reward. If you want, you can complete my task~ I like the gift you prepared for me very much, thank you~"

Sand Jin felt that this trash can was magical. There was obviously a fire underneath, but the flames did not feel any discomfort. The entire trash can is in perfect condition, and Sand Jin is very satisfied with this trash can.

Compared with the Belloberg trash can that Topa obtained, the trash can produced by Pei Guang was stronger and more perfect. When holding the trash can filled with liquid, Sha Jin even felt the pure will to protect it.

Regarding this point, Shajin felt like laughing. How many people talked about their will to protect, but in the end, their will to protect was no matter whether it was right or wrong, it was not even as good as a trash can.

Sha Jin hugged the trash can and left. It could be judged from his expression and actions that he felt good getting along with Pei Guang. Because no matter what, he connected with Pei Guang, and at the same time, through contact with him, he also determined part of Pei Guang's character.

Pei Guang's character is too simple, so simple that even a child can target him, but at the same time Sha Jin also understands that such a simple character is easy to target when applied to ordinary people, but when used in an abstract manner that has the ability to tie everyone up and play tug-of-war with penises. In terms of existence, this thing may be too long-lived.

The appearance of March 7th and the departure of Sand Jin finally made Huang Quan make a rational decision: "I'm sorry, I can't stay here for too long. It's time for me to go back. Thank you for the invitation! Farewell!"

Huang Quan also left, but Huang Quan's departure did not take the bucket with him.

Xing originally didn't want to leave, but when she saw March Qi's awkward expression, her eyes sparkled with joy.

She put away all the buckets and water: "Oh~ I should go back to my room to sleep, Aguang~ I'm leaving first~ I'll see you in my dreams." After saying this, Xing walked away.

Stay here? Forget it, Xing felt that the most important thing now was to leave private space to Pei Guang and March Qi. After all, I had fun taking the first step, so it’s time for March 7 to have some fun~

Xing left, and March Qi walked to Pei Guang's side expressionlessly.

Looking at the expressionless March Qi, Pei Guang swallowed: "Qi'er! What's wrong with you? I'm afraid of your expression!"

March Qi walked up to Pei Guang and looked condescendingly at Pei Guang, who was wearing only large underpants in the bucket. Feeling March Qi's gaze, Pei Guang had a rare and wonderful emotion.

Before this wonderful emotion could ferment, March Qi suddenly leaned over Pei Guang's face and whispered softly: "Ah Guang~ you smell so good~"

While March 7 was preparing to enjoy Pei Guang's fragrance, Xing, who left without closing the door, secretly took out his camera and recorded the scene on March 7.

At the same time, in another room, Truth Doctor Veritas wanted to say something when he saw Sand Jin, but when he saw Sand Jin coming back with a burning trash can, he suppressed all the words he wanted to say.

In addition to the words that were suppressed, Viritas also found something wrong, that is, when did placer gold become so fragrant? This fragrance is not the smell of perfume but the attraction of male and female pheromones, but a mixture of three fragrances after stewed meat.

What the hell? Pei Guang stewed the placer gold? Are there any spices? But don’t tell me, it smells really good.

Chapter 355: Hanabi withdrew in shame

In the room, Pei Guang and March Qi had a lot of fun, and finally the farce ended with March Qi becoming addicted.

When March 7th left Pei Guang's room, he helped Pei Guang close the door. Pei Guang, who was in the room, looked at his own room. After making sure that there was nothing to do, he prepared to fall asleep.

In the warm trash can, Pei Guang adjusted his position. After finding a comfortable position, Pei Guang turned on his system.

Just like there are prompts when players enter a dungeon, there are also prompts when Pei Guang enters a dream. As long as he doesn't click to agree, he won't enter the dream.

The moment he was sure he was dreaming, Pei Guang entered the dream world, and the picture changed for a moment. At this moment, Pei Guang vaguely heard a strange sound. But because he loaded it too fast, he entered the dream world without even hearing what it was about.

Pei Guang fell asleep. If March 7th had not touched her randomly just now, Pei Guang would definitely remember that he was only wearing a pair of underwear. But because March Qi touched his chest randomly, Pei Guang's mind was filled with March Qi's soft and cold hands.

This made him forget that he was wearing big pants! At this moment, Pei Guang had an aura of freedom and a wanted aura~ But when Pei Guang came here, he first focused on this space and did not notice any difference in his body.

It can't be said that he didn't notice that Pei Guang just felt more free at this time. This comfortable state and the joy of the new map made Pei Guang forget his useless state.

Pei Guang in the dream world noticed that he had arrived in a room that was the same as his own in the Daydream Hotel. It was obviously the same room, but it gave Pei Guang a strange feeling.

"It's a bit interesting here..."

There was no burning trash can here, and the Dream Pond became normal. Approaching the Dream Pond, Pei Guang heard the prompt on the radio.

The broadcast was intermittent, but Pei Guang understood the general meaning from the intermittent broadcast. The dreamland he was in needed to be guided into this dreamland by others for special reasons.

It sounded reasonable, but in the face of the intermittent broadcast sound, Pei Guang couldn't help but complain.

"Is this intermittent? Are you sure you haven't turned on the horror dungeon? Will Uncle Freddy pop up from the dream world and kill me all over the world?"

If this broadcast was broadcast normally, Pei Guang would not feel anything, but it was intermittently like a horror movie.

Pei Guang continued to look around, and saw a note on the table that made Pei Guang go over to it.

This is an advice from the [Watchmaker].

"There are also impossible things in dreams. Find it and you can see it."

Looking at this advice, Pei Guang touched his chin and thought seriously: "Looking for the clockmaker? It seems that this task is related to Ji Zifa's task~ But the impossible things in dreams? That's too much. But dreams world..."

If it were a normal game, the player could think of what the character in the dream couldn't do, but for Pei Guang, because of the ridiculously high degree of freedom, he now thought of a few things that he couldn't do even in the dream. .

If I don’t go into too much detail, just say that my system has an extra exit key, which I can’t do in Dreamland!

Pei Guang took a look at his system, but there was still no exit button.

In addition, Pei Guang actually has some bad guesses about the dream world. Things like something happening in the beautiful dream world cannot be said to be bad, but he has also played several good games.

It's just that these games are horror games. Considering that I'm completely sewn up, it's not impossible to make myself a game that combines horror, decryption, combat, and werewolf killing.

While Pei Guang was thinking wildly, Misha's crisp voice attracted Pei Guang.

"This way~ can you see me? This way~"

Following the sound, Pei Guang saw a resting painting. There was a crack in the painting, and there were several arms around the crack.

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