Watching the exchange between Pei Guang and March Qi, Mockingbird chuckled and said, "Your relationship is really good~"

Xing akimbo: "That's right! Because we are a gang that burns, kills, and loots! We do everything, we take whatever we see, and we smash whatever we see!"

Pei Guang also nodded and said: "That's right! We are the good guys who commit crimes in a gang!"

Xing turned to look at Pei Guang: "A Guang!"


Pei Guang and Xing's eyes shone with the wisdom that only pioneers can have, while March Qi on the side rubbed her head. She wanted to refute, but after listening to Xing and Pei Guang's words, she didn't know where to refute.

Because what Xing summed up seems to be exactly what happened. Although Pei Guang and Xing both did this purposefully against the enemy, they were really doing these things.

Robin listened to the two people's speech, with a polite but embarrassing smile on her face. She didn't know what to say at this time, she just knew that smiling at this moment would be fine.

While a few people were chatting here, Sunday came over: "Don't worry, I have asked Miss Ellie to solve the [system failure] as soon as possible and upgrade your room type as compensation. The hotel will arrange suitable rooms later."

"As the de facto administrator of Pinocchio, I would like to apologize to everyone at Stardome Train and look forward to working with you."

"We won't bother you. If you need anything in Pinoconi, the family is always ready to help you."

It can be said that things were done perfectly on Sunday, but Pei Guang always felt that the person in front of him had something to say. Pei Guang even felt that there was a big problem with this Pinocchio.

It’s not a big problem. As a player, it’s normal for you to get into trouble wherever you go. If nothing happens, it can only prove one thing: the game has been cleared.

The robin also said to everyone with a smile: "I hope you all have a wonderful time~"

Sunday and Robin left, and the two of them walked away. Only on March 7th did he whisper to Pei Guang: "Huh? Something's wrong. If it were normal times, you would have gone up to win people's favor? That's Zigeng. Bird, why don’t you take the opportunity to increase your favor?”

Pei Guang: "What's the hurry? It's too late to gain favor after we officially experience the characteristics of this world~"

March 7: "Hey, you don't want to sneak up on yourself to gain favor with a cute girl, do you?"

Pei Guang: "To correct your misunderstanding, in addition to cute girls, I also want the favor of cute boys. I also don't dislike the favor of strange intelligent beings. I want them all~"

Jizi: "Okay~ We'll talk about these things later. There's no one queuing up in the lobby now. Let's go find Miss Ellie!"

This time when the group found Ellie, her attitude changed directly.

"Dear Star Dome Train guests, check-in procedures have been completed. We apologize for the inconvenience caused previously."

"This is your [Dream Passport]. It is a room card for your hotel room. It also integrates all the functions and information you need in Daydream Hotel and provides intelligent assistance."

Ellie took out the dream passports with the clockmaker's stamp on them. These dream passports are the key cards of the Daydream Hotel, and they are also a souvenir. At the same time, through the check-in function of this passport, you can check in and create people and scenes in the dream world. A handbook can be said to be a very interesting souvenir.

After receiving the necessary props, under Ai Li's guidance, Pei Guang and his team prepared to take the elevator to the guest room.

On the way, March 7th looked at Pei Guang expectantly: "In the dream world, I heard that Pinoconi transformed the dreamland into a magnificent metropolis. What will it look like? I'm really looking forward to it~"

Pei Guang: "Since it is a dream, it must be something that does not exist in reality. But to be honest, I am still looking forward to the dream world. I have some bold ideas that I want to do."

When Pei Guang said this, the expressions of everyone present changed. On the contrary, Xing looked at Pei Guang expectantly: "Oh? Ah Guang, do you have any good ideas?"

Pei Guang smiled: "Allow me to keep it a secret for now, and I will definitely call you when I succeed."

Several people chatted and took the elevator to the lobby. In the lobby, Jizi looked at everyone with a smile: "We are finally here, but before leaving for the dream, I have to issue a commission here, please help Aguang to investigate."

Originally, Pei Guang just wanted to fall asleep quickly and explore the new map quickly after falling asleep. But when he heard that there was a mission, Pei Guang became excited.

"Mission? What is it?"

Xingya came over and said, "I want to listen too!"

Jizi: "That's it..."

The Star Dome Train was invited to Pinoconi to participate in the celebration, and the invitation was a music box. Himeko discovered that the music box had a discordant noise, which exactly matched the frequency of the gravitational waves when the train jumped.

By analyzing this noise, Himeko discovered some special words.

[See all the impossible things in the dream, find the legacy of the ‘clockmaker’, the father of Pinoconi, and then answer: Why does life sleep? 】

Himeko: "I want to ask Hikari, if you find these clues when you explore Pinoconi's dream, don't miss them. Regardless of whether you can find relevant clues or not, I will give you the coffee I made myself~ I promise it’s made with all my heart~”


This mission reward made everyone take a breath except Pei Guang. March 7 asked Ji Zi in a low voice: "Is this a reward?"

Before Ji Zi spoke, Pei Guang stretched out his hand: "No! One cup is not enough, I want a pot!"

March 7 was shocked: "Aguang, are you going to die? Sister Jizi made the coffee with all her heart, cough cough cough cough!!!"

March 7 reminded Pei Guang by pretending to cough that Jizi’s coffee is just like his song, free of charge but life-threatening. But for Pei Guang, Jizi’s coffee is more tempting.

Pei Guang: "It's not a big problem. If this is really the reward, I will accept this task. I can't even imagine how great the coffee you made with all your heart, Jizi, is."

Jizi's ordinary coffee was deadly enough. If it was the coffee she made wholeheartedly, Pei Guang couldn't even imagine how deadly it would be.

Pei Guang is also very satisfied with the reward of this mission. The coffee that Jizi made wholeheartedly~ Collect it and it will become a rare mission reward. It can be used as a consumable to torture the enemy and as a consumable. Pei Guang is very satisfied.

In fact, he was willing to complete Ji Zi's commission even if Ji Zi didn't give him a reward, let alone give him a reward this time. Pei Guang's fighting spirit was directly ignited at this moment.

"No! I can't help it anymore. I want to enter the dreamland and complete the task quickly!"

Himeko: "Don't worry. We can focus on the conductor's request for now, collect information and enjoy a wonderful vacation at the same time. After all, Pinoconi is a world-famous resort, and many people will never be able to come."

After a brief chat among the group, everyone was ready to fall asleep.

When he came to his room, Pei Guang saw a large shell filled with liquid.

"Is this the Dream Pool?"

Pei Guang poked at the water in Mengchi with some curiosity. The moment his finger touched the water, Pei Guang shivered.

"Is the water a little cold?"

Pei Guang took a look at the Dream Passport, which contained instructions on how to fall asleep. But feeling the cold temperature, Pei Guang had no idea of ​​falling asleep.

"No, it's too cold. I'm here to enjoy myself. I don't want to soak in cold water and enter the dungeon."

If he was in front of the computer, Pei Guang wouldn't care about how to enter the new copy, but he could feel the warmth and coldness in his body. Although warmth and coldness have no effect on body movements, if he had a choice, Pei Guang would like to be warmer.

Thinking of this, he suddenly had a bold idea. Pei Guang took out a trash can, poured all the water from the Dream Pool into the trash can, and then set up a fire under the trash can.

After everything was done, Pei Guang got into the warm water. The moment he entered the water, Pei Guang felt that his whole body had been sublimated.

"Sure enough, the warm water is still comfortable, oh oh oh~ so good~"

Pei Guang, who was soaking in the bucket, put all his clothes into the storage space. Since he was taking a bath, how could he put on clothes? What? Dream passport says you can’t sleep naked? He didn't fall asleep either? He was just taking a bath.

There is no need to worry about the temperature. He is using his own Sanwei True Fire. Now Pei Guang can control the temperature of the flame. He keeps the flame at a stable temperature to ensure that the pot of water is stable at around 50 degrees.

While entering here, Pei Guang also received a notification from the system.

【Whether you are dreaming】

"It seems that I can choose whether to get in or not? In that case! No! This hot bath is so comfortable~"

Compared to falling asleep, Pei Guang felt that the feeling of soaking in hot water at this moment was more exciting.

However, his wonderful time was short-lived. While he was enjoying it, there was a sudden knock on the door of the room.


Upon hearing Pei Guang's inquiry, Xing outside the door shouted: "It's me~"

Pei Guang: "Come in, the door is unlocked."

Xing opened the door and walked in. As soon as she walked in and saw Pei Guang soaking in the bucket, her eyes lit up.

"What are you doing? What kind of game are you playing?"

Xing noticed that all the water in the dream pool was gone, but there was an extra bucket of water in the trash can that could hold a whole person. At this time, the trash can in which Pei Guang was soaked was being roasted on the fire, and Pei Guang was enjoying the gradual heating process in the water.

Pei Guang: "Oh~ I don't like the water in the Dream Pool being too cold. I think this warm feeling is just right."

Xing curiously stretched out his hand and touched the water temperature. The water felt a little hot, but seeing Pei Guang doing this, Xing also wanted to imitate it.

Xing: "I want to get a bucket of it too, is it okay?"

Pei Guang: "Of course! It just so happens that taking a bath is fun when there are so many people."

So Pei Guang took out another bucket, put the bucket next to him, poured the water into the dream pool, and finally lit the three-flavored real fire to keep the flame at a stable temperature.

The water was about the same temperature, so Xing got into the bucket. The moment she entered the bucket, the slightly hot water made Xing shiver, but soon she felt an unprecedented sense of comfort.

This comfortable feeling made her couldn't help but close her eyes. She felt like she was about to fall into a dream, but before she was about to fall asleep, Xing seemed to have encountered a multiple-choice question.

"Are you dreaming? No! I want to take a bath with A Guang~" He put his arms on the edge of the bucket in enjoyment.

Pei Guang: "How's it going? Are you excited? Let me tell you, if we fall asleep at this temperature, not only our consciousness will be relaxed but our body will be relaxed when we wake up. I can't even imagine how cool it would be to stay at over 50 degrees!"

Xing: "Indeed, but soaking like this always feels like something is missing?"

Pei Guang: "Of course it's snacks~"

Pei Guang took out the snacks and shared them with Xing. Then while the two of them were taking a bath and eating snacks, there was a knock on the door of the room.

When he heard the knock on the door, Pei Guang shouted: "The door is unlocked~"

Along with Pei Guang's voice, the door of the room was opened, and it was Sand Jin who opened the door.

After knowing that Pei Guang had moved in, he was ready to meet his special pioneer in person. He was already ready to meet Pei Guang. But he never expected that when he opened the door, he would see two people stewing themselves in an iron pot? No, is it stewed in the trash can?

Sha Jin felt that he had seen enough, but when he saw this scene, his mind also shut down for a moment.

Pei Guang noticed something unusual about Sand Gold. He remembered that this was the person who looked at him before. He didn't understand why this person was stunned after looking for him.

Pei Guang thought carefully about all the possibilities, and then he realized that in many games there are indeed some NPCs who are set to be shy. Maybe the person in front of him is shy?

So why is he shy? Yes! He must have known that he had a unique skill in using the dream pool, and wanted to entrust him to help create one, but he was still embarrassed.

After thinking about this, Pei Guang nodded with satisfaction.

Pei Guang: "Oh ~ this strange NPC, you saw our dream pool and you like it and want to have one? No problem, we accepted your request, remember to reward~"

Pei Guang stood up and quickly took out an ordinary bucket. After filling the bucket with water from the Dream Pool, he lit up a fire. This flame could last for a whole day under Pei Guang's control.

After everything was done, Pei Guang placed the bucket in front of the placer gold: "Come on! Don't be shy, give it a try!"

At this moment, Sha Jin didn't understand what was going on, because he just thought about it for a moment, and in just a moment, Pei Guang placed a bucket in front of him.

Looking at the bucket and the water inside, Sand Jin became serious.

As for Pei Guang, he is bound to win. Even if he can't bring Pei Guang to his side, he can't let Pei Guang become his enemy.

And what does the other party mean? Is it a test? Test whether you are honest or not?

He glanced at Pei Guang and Xing who were soaking in the water, pondered for a moment and then smiled: "I'll give it a try."

Since there is a chance to win over, he is naturally willing to give it a try. As for humiliation? Putting aside whether he cares about this kind of thing, just by looking at Pei Guang and Xing soaking in it, one can tell that this must be some kind of acquaintance from Pei Guang or from the pioneers?

Placer Jin tried to enter the water. He thought it was Pei Guang's test, but when he entered the water, he found that although the water was a bit hot, it was quite comfortable to soak in?

Just as Sand Jin was feeling it, Pei Guang handed over the snacks: "Here! Try it. I'm telling you, if you take a bite of snacks while taking a bath, even the gods won't change them!"

Placer Gold: "Indeed~"

Sha Jin savored this wonderful feeling carefully. It was amazing that after soaking in the water, he could completely choose whether to fall asleep. Moreover, compared to the dream pool where he could only lie down, this roasted trash can was actually very comfortable. .

However, just when Sha Jin felt comfortable, his expression froze, because at this moment, he suddenly remembered that he was not looking for Pei Guang to take a bath.

From the moment I walked in, I was put into rhythm by the other party without saying a word. What’s even worse is when did dreaming in the dream pool become a multiple-choice question? ? ? You can actually choose whether to enter? ?

This special pioneer is really terrifying, and he is worthy of being a special existence that Topa and Doctor Truth told him to take seriously.

Chapter 354: Huang Quan: "I have entered the bucket and feel good"

Sha Jin's face was solemn. This kind of contact like a friend made all his previous plans go to waste, because the original plan was to get the other person's favor after some contact, and then find an excuse to get the other person to come to his side.

But less than a minute after I came in, I was pulled into this strange bucket by the other party?

Not to mention, the temperature and the feeling of being protected in the middle made him unable to help but enjoy it even though he had countless enjoyment experiences.

The only regret is that you still have to wear clothes while soaking in such comfortable water? But fortunately, the liquid in the Pinoconi Dream Pool is a specially made liquid. Even if you soak in it while wearing clothes, you will not feel any discomfort, and there will be no residue on your clothes or body after coming out of the liquid.

But he soon discovered something was wrong. He saw that Xing on the side could still see his clothes even if he was soaked in the bucket, but Pei Guang seemed to have nothing on him? In Pinoconi, dreaming naked is a dangerous thing.

Sha Jin: "I have to remind you that it is very dangerous to not wear clothes when dreaming~"

Pei Guang: "It's not a big problem! The worst thing is to wear it again after falling asleep!"

Pei Guang didn't care, but Xing's expression froze when he heard it, and then quietly turned his back. When she turned her back on the two of them, she licked the corners of her mouth excitedly.

She never expected that Pei Guang would play so wildly. The dream passport clearly said that he should wear clothes when dreaming, otherwise he would be naked in the dream world, but Pei Guang was still wearing nothing?

"Hey? A Guang is not wearing any clothes???"

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