A few minutes later, the ghost hunting team gathered at the gate of Dandingsi. After the gathering, a group of four people went directly into Dandingsi and found the Yunqijun who was beating up the trash can.

At this time, the Cloud Cavalry was surrounded by other Cloud Cavalry, and the Cloud Cavalry who beat up the trash can also showed Pei Guang and the others the strength of the Cloud Cavalry.

I saw him wielding the weapon in his hand vigorously, dragging and slashing with great force. You can imagine how terrible damage such a powerful attack would cause to the creature.

But unfortunately, all his attacks were on the trash can, and this specialty product from Beloberg only suffered a few scratches on the barrel when it was attacked by enough to kill the rich creatures.

As a trash can, why don’t you know how an iron pestle can be ground into a needle? It is only a matter of time before its body is broken by this kind of attack without limit, but as a trash can, especially a trash can that has responded to the call of the trash can, it will never give in for the majesty of the trash can! It won't even make a sound.

When Pei Guang and his party arrived, the Yunqijun shouted in a crazy tone: "I have learned another move, and I will use this move to take your life!"

The trash can just stood there quietly waiting for Yun Qi's attack. Looking at the still stern trash can in front of him, the Yun Qi felt that he was being despised. He wanted this trash can to see what cruelty is!

He was about to wave his weapon. The surrounding Yunqi saw this and wanted to stop it, but they were unable to stop it. Compared to a random hacker grabbing a trash can and hacking away at it, it was already a very good result.

This somewhat crazy Yunqi didn't know why he became extremely strong. It would be bad if he was caught and injured rashly. Anyway, he was picking up the trash can and there was no danger. Everyone gathered around him and waited for him to finish the trash can. When you have enough strength, catch him again.

However, when this move was about to cut down, Pei Guang, who saw this scene, shouted: "Leave the bucket!"

This shout made everyone look here, and Su Chang took a breath: "Why does this sentence feel wrong?"

Seeing Pei Guang's appearance, the surrounding Yunqi became excited: "My dear benefactor? Why are you here? This is... why are you with people from the Ten Kings Division..."

Huo Huo: "Brother Yunqi, this place is currently taken over by people from the Ten Kings Division. Please cooperate."

Yun Qi: "I understand, but please show mercy to the judge and benefactor, he..."

The Yunqi turned his head to look at his companion who was in a bad mood. As Pei Guang shouted, the crazy Yunqi turned his eyes from the trash can to Pei Guang.

He felt strong, yes! In his eyes, Pei Guang was a very terrifying strong man. Although he seemed to be full of flaws, an instinct told him that his attack could not penetrate Pei Guang's defense just like cutting through a trash can.

At this moment, he was not convinced. He wanted to show Pei Guang how powerful he was, so his body rushed over.

Looking at the crazy Yun Qi who was rushing over, Pei Guang looked at the people on the side and said, "Get out of the way."

Su Shang: "Is it okay for you to be alone?"

Pei Guang: "No problem, it's just a little monster..."

Huo Huo looked at Pei Guang worriedly: "Please don't hurt him..."

Pei Guang turned to look at Huo Huo: "Am I the kind of person who likes to hurt others?"

This sentence made Taiwei couldn't help but complain: "Does it look like it? Do you want to see what it looked like when you did it? And see what Huo Huo has become under your leadership?"

Faced with Tai Wei's complaints, Pei Guang chose to ignore it.

During this time of complaining, the crazy Yun Qi came to Pei Guang with a jumping chop with his weapon. Facing Yun Qi who jumped towards him, Pei Guang just took out his wooden sword.

The moment before the opponent's weapon hit him, Pei Guang raised the weapon in his hand and deflected his attack. Facing Peigang's flick knife, the crazy Yunqi felt numb. He wanted to attack again, but his body was completely unable to do so. Be at your command.

Seeing this scene, Pei Guang calmly took out a bottle of coffee and complained: "Did you see it? With one flick of the knife, you get erect. This is a standard monster. Come on! Have a cup of coffee and calm down."

Pei Guang skillfully pinched the Yunqi's mouth, then opened the bottle cap and slapped it, "Hey!" That's it.

A cup of coffee enters my stomach, and my fate is determined by God and not me!

These were the last words that Yun Qi thought of, but as the coffee entered his stomach, the crazy Yun Qi calmed down. At this moment, he felt that the so-called strongest was just a passing cloud.

It doesn't matter whether he has dull qualifications or a piece of rotten wood. Now he just wants to sleep. As for the future? Then leave it to your future self.

At this moment, he felt that his brain was extremely clear, and he wanted to sleep clearly, but before going to sleep, he vaguely felt a call.

Responding to the call, his body moved a few steps before falling. These steps brought him back to the trash can and lying at its feet.

Seeing Pei Guang subdue the Yunqi with one move, everyone around him clapped excitedly, but Pei Guang knew that he came here not to listen to their praise but to find Sui Yang.

In order to know whether it was related to Suiyang, Pei Guang and his party waited here for the Yunqijun to wake up.

When the Yunqijun woke up, he felt that his brain was extremely refreshing but his body was extremely weak.

Watching him wake up, Hao Hao came over and asked, "Brother Yunqi, are you okay? Can you answer a few questions for me? Do you remember what happened to you?"

Hearing Huo Huo's inquiry, the Yunqi took a deep breath: "I... remember, let me recall. I received a report today that something evil was infested here in Danding Division, but what happened after that... was like a dream. "

The Yunqijun began to tell his experience. After he came here, he found that his weapon was talking to him, saying that he wanted to teach him martial arts. However, in the process, he saw Belloberg's specialties that were temporarily placed here.

Then he witnessed something even more unimaginable. The trash can actually spoke to him. The trash can said that he was trash and that trash should stay in the trash. Then he felt angry, very angry, as if his dignity had been insulted, and he started to attack the trash can crazily.

The weapon he was originally talking to complained about Yun Qi's poor talent after being unable to break the trash can. Just then, Yan Qing passed by, so this guy stared at Yan Qing and followed Yan Qing away.

After listening to Yun Qi's description, Su Chang couldn't help but complain: "Is this a tragedy caused by a trash can?"

Pei Guang: "Probably not. This Yun Qi is not a trash. How could he be summoned by a trash? On the contrary, that Sui Yang actually broke through the defense by looking at a trash can. He is indeed qualified to become a trash!"

Pei Guang is now sure that this is definitely Suiyang's trouble. What evil intentions can there be in the trash can? Just decorate the trash and use it as a container to give yourself some treasures. How can you call people trash when you see them?

Su Shang looked at Pei Guang with a very serious expression: "What should we do next? This Sui Yang seems to be targeting..."

Gui Naifen: "That's right! Where should we find him?"

Pei Guang: "Simple, let's look for clues nearby. There must be clues nearby for this kind of person-finding mission."

Looking at the people taking action, Yun Qi, who was watching from the side, said, "Hurry up and chase him, I will take care of him."

A few people started to take action, but after walking a few steps, Pei Guang saw a sword floating in the air not far away. Seeing the sword, Su Chang complained: "Is there really a clue?"

Pei Guang: "Of course. How can we find someone without giving clues? How can we complete the task? Come on, let's take a look."

Pei Guang and his party came to this flying sword. This is Yanqing's sword. It is painful today because its user is controlled. It wants to help its user, but it is just a sword. Sword, can't even help with a hammer.

At this moment, it felt that its swordsman was unqualified, that is, it did not see the trash can. If it had seen it, it might be Yunqi knocking the sword inside the trash can and painfully realizing the swordsman's garbage.

It was feeling pain when it suddenly noticed Pei Guang's appearance, and at this moment it made a buzzing sound. Being spiritual, it sensed that Yan Qing was saved and that it no longer had to go into the trash can. Before Pei Guang could get closer, it excitedly rushed towards Pei Guang.

Chapter 330 Yanqing’s sword: “Obviously it’s me first!!!”

This is a frost blue short sword, it is buzzing in the air, and its buzzing sound expresses its dissatisfaction. However, its dissatisfaction is not directed at Yanqing, but at Suiyang who occupies Yanqing's body.

It directly found Pei Guang when it felt Pei Guang's appearance, because it knew that Pei Guang could definitely make it return to its master's hands.

Looking at the sword, Su Chang said nervously: "This is Brother Yanqing's sword. I saw him wield it when Yun Qi was performing martial arts."

Pei Guang: "Hey, Yanqing, why did he lose his wife?"


This sentence immediately stopped the few people present, and Huo Huo asked in a low voice: "Old, wife?"

Pei Guang nodded: "Yes! A master once said that you should treat your equipment like a lover. For warriors, mass-produced weapons are tools that can be used and thrown away, but if you want the best weapons, you should carefully prepare them yourself. She protects and maintains her, just like a wife."

Gui Naifen: "Huh? This seems to be the truth, and there are many fantasy plays that also have this kind of fantasy..."

Pei Guang: "This is not a fantasy! Besides, when it's all sewn, it's normal to sew some weapons into personifications, right?"

Pei Guang also fell into memories: "Sword girls, swords, gun girls, etc., weapons can all turn into beautiful girls. Of course, if you like beautiful boys, sword boys and ship boys also have them. But let me tell you, My favorite is Cong Yu, the God of eternal love!”

"But one code is another code, and there must be some people who are dissatisfied with the pure girly version. I guess such a personification of weapons in the free world may be based on the user's interests and hobbies?"

When Pei Guang thinks about the girly version of weapons, he thinks of the many games he has played. Of course, in addition to girly weapons, there are also masculine games, but Pei Guang is not the audience for such games, he has only seen them and never played them.

Su Shang took out her sword: "Can a sword turn into a human?"

Pei Guang nodded: "Isn't this natural? As a weapon that accompanies you throughout your life, it will definitely change into the shape you like. I feel that sooner or later my weapon will turn into a cute and beautiful girl. Wait, I already have It’s Qi’er, forget it, don’t change.”

Although before experiencing this world, Pei Guang only wanted to change me, but on March 7th, Pei Guang no longer had any desire to change me.

Faced with Pei Guang's words, when everyone was still thinking, Yan Qing's sword body shook humanely as if agreeing with Pei Guang's words.

The buzzing sound of this sword expresses its dissatisfaction. As a weapon, if the owner does not need it, it will naturally leave here.

But it and Yanqing are living a prosperous life, and he is getting stronger with its company! Then Suiyang comes out to pick peaches?

You said that you Suiyang is a sword stronger than it, and it will accept it, but you Suiyang is a **, and you actually control Yanqing to do things he doesn't want to do?

Yanqing can endure it in order to become stronger, but it can't. As a sword, it can't hurt its master even if someone controls it. That's why it flew out to find someone who can help Yanqing. Unexpectedly, it saw Pei Guang as soon as it arrived here.

What makes it even happier is that Pei Guang is actually someone who can understand their existence! But wife or something, it sounds strange and makes the sword shy.

As a sword, it has never asked for a wife or not, just wants to be held in Yanqing's hand to defeat the strong enemy together, and it will fight until it falls or Yanqing no longer needs it.

Pei Guang felt the will of the weapon, and he encouraged it: "I'll take your mission, let me help your master regain consciousness and be himself again!"

"What? Can't cut Sui Yang? How is that possible! You are a sword, and you and your master have not reached the realm of unity of man and sword. Let your master try to communicate with you or you and you take the initiative to hook up with your master."

"Oh~ Don't be embarrassed, a man chasing a sword is like a mountain, and a sword chasing a man is like a layer of gauze. Be bold! Be proactive and show the momentum of the sword."

"It's hard to find people with talent and strength these days. I think that kid is very talented. If you don't hurry up now, won't you be overtaken by other swords in the future? You see, it's because you and your master haven't reached the peak, and there is no real unity of man and sword, that Sui Yang took advantage of the opportunity Son, otherwise Sui Yang will be chopped by you at will? "

"What? Strength problem? Don't worry, if you feel you are not strong enough, come to me, I am a professional in strengthening, remember to bring concentrated ether!"

"What? The highest realm of swordsmanship is to turn everything into a sword? This is your limitation, wait until he reaches that time and you will become what he needs. Little boys are attracted by big sisters, you should change according to his ideal big sister and defeat him."

Yan Qing's sword gradually went astray under Pei Guang's words. After all, Pei Guang was the only one who could understand its thoughts and communicate with it. Although what Pei Guang said didn't feel right, it made sense after careful consideration. In addition, as a sword, it had also seen Pei Guang's strength. It just so happened that it didn't have a direction for development, so it didn't lose to try.

The interaction between one person and one sword stunned the people around. Everyone only saw the sword buzzing, but from Pei Guang's meaning, this sword was not as simple as having some induction, but it could actually speak?

Huo Huo, who was frightened, swallowed his saliva: "That... A Guang, can you talk to the sword? Or does the synesthesia beacon have a new function now?"

Pei Guang: "No! I use the Chinese patch, and I also installed the Chinese patch!"


Several people had question marks on their heads. What the hell is the Chinese patch?

Pei Guang: "Don't worry about it, let's go! Let's help this sword regain its master. Tsk, think about it, one person and one sword were living well, but the person was taken over. How painful it is for the sword. I will never allow such a plot to appear as a pure love line!"

As a player in the first week, Pei Guang still has a certain bottom line in his heart. In the case of the pure love line, Pei Guang can accept the harem line caused by accidents, but Pei Guang is still not interested in the NTR line. In summary, your sword is still a sword.

What? Let yourself go? That is, your sword is my sword, and my sword is still my sword.

Feeling Pei Guang's momentum, the sword hummed even louder with excitement. It was full of confidence at this moment, and found the majesty of the sword!

Following the sword forward, Gui Naifen whispered to Su Shang, "Shang Shang, is the sword really so magical?"

Su Shang was confused at this time: "I don't know? My mother didn't tell me that the sword can talk when she gave me this sword?"

She picked up her sword and asked seriously: "Hey! Are you there? Are you there? Are you there?"

Su Shang asked several times in a row, but her sword didn't react at all.

Su Shang: "Look, I have used this sword for a few years, and there is no reaction at all."

Huo Huo "Could it be that you are using the wrong method? How about letting A Guang try it?"

Su Shang looked at Pei Guang on the side: "I'll let A Guang try it after it's over~"

Su Shang was very interested in Pei Guang's ability to communicate with the sword. If her sword could communicate like Yan Qing's sword, and even become one with the sword, would she become stronger?

Su Chang was very happy when she thought that she could become stronger.

Under the guidance of Jian, Pei Guang and his party came to the ferry leading to Qilongtan. Looking in the direction of Qilongtan, they saw the wind and clouds surging in that direction as if something big had happened.

Looking at the direction pointed by Jian, Huo Huo introduced to Su Chang and Gui Naifen: "This is the ferry leading to Qilongtan. According to Jian, Brother Yanqing should be on Qilongtan?"

Su Chang was a little nervous at this time: "Should we rush in like this? Even if there is no Sui Yang, Brother Yanqing is still a first-class swordsman?"

Pei Guang: "No problem, just go directly. If it's a one-on-one fight, I am still sure to take him down."

Pei Guang has observed Yanqing's fighting style in detail. There is no magic attack, just pure physical attack. If he plays one-on-one with elite monsters or small BOSS, Pei Guang still has the confidence.

The current skills, equipment and combat experience have given Pei Guang the confidence to face the mini-boss alone, not to mention that he is not alone now.

Su Shang is somewhat capable of fighting. If Huo Huo and Tai Tai transform, they can also perform a wave of numerical crushing. Gui Naifen's lively atmosphere is even better. Such a four-person attack team may not be able to bully the weakened version of the background board. , but bullying elite monsters is not easy.

However, when taking the flight to Qilongtan Xingcha, Pei Guang still tidied up the storage space.

As a player, Pei Guang is a waver, but at the same time, he also has a unique character that all players have, that is, caution.

Of course, this caution depends on the content of the game. In the game, there are infinite resurrections and no drops after death. There is no need to wait for the third day. Things like "I don't eat beef" may happen in the first minute of entering the game.

But if there are no or limited resurrection times, although there will still be waves in daily life, in battles or some important events, players are definitely the most cautious existence in the world, and they cannot be without injury or personal injury. Sufficient weapons, equipment and props are definitely not enough.

During the preparation process of Pei Guang, the group had already arrived at Qilong Tan. As soon as they arrived at Qilong Tan, everyone was shocked by the scene in front of them.

I saw countless swords in the sky circling with Yanqing not far away...

Su Shang: "Why are there so many swords on Qilong Altar?"

Pei Guang: "So many swords can be sold for a lot of money, right?"

Gui Naifen: "It must be an illusion generated by Sui Yang, right?"

Tails: "What else? Huh? What are you doing?"

Tails' confused voice attracted everyone's attention, and everyone subconsciously looked at Pei Guang. They saw Pei Guang taking out a chair at the edge of the sword array, and then he stood on the chair and took out a net to start fishing.

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