With this delicious food and powerful buffs, Pei Guang felt that he had to increase his food intake, otherwise it would be too much to eat and rest for three days.

But this will all happen later. Now Pei Guang just wants to find a deserted corner to digest food.

Heita: "That's a pity. I can only wait until I come back to try. Hey! Screwgum, do you want to give it a try?"

Screwgum: "Me? Is that okay?"

Pei Guang, who hasn't left yet: "Is that okay? Unlike the doll, you have the function of eating, right?"

Screwgum affirmed: "Yes, normal eating can also provide my body with the energy it needs." Compared to the boring direct acquisition of energy, Screwgum prefers this method of obtaining energy through normal life eating. This way it gives him a special feeling.

Pei Guang: "That's no problem, and machine life is also a life. As long as it can be eaten, it's no problem! But you should study this kind of thing yourself. I took the star away. It's too hard. Oh! By the way, screws Gum! Your body is a machine. If it works for you, please help me test it. Our body is choked by just one meal, and we can’t get any useful data from the test. Just test it casually. Just tell me when the time comes."

Screw Gum: "No problem, I'm happy to help~"

Regarding Pei Guang's request, Screwy Gum was very happy to accept it. Pei Guang's performance in the simulated universe made Screwy Gum very concerned. If possible, he even wanted to invite Pei Guang to his Screwy Star to communicate with him. The meaning of life.

Looking at the downed Xing beside him, Pei Guang picked her up and left the space station directly.

Pei Guang left, and when Pei Guang left, Screw Gumu decided to give it a try. Unlike Ruan Mei, as a machine, it could eat no matter how much food the chef provided.

And his mechanical body has a normal human taste perception system and can enjoy all kinds of flavors in the world.

Screw Gumu was looking forward to the food, but when he saw the meaty set meal made from cat cakes, he also felt a sense of suffocation.

"In terms of energy, this food is enough to keep my body moving freely for half a month."

Screwgum also began to enjoy this cat meal. Fortunately, once he ate Screwgum, he felt that his robot brain was a little down, because when eating all the previous foods, it could judge that his body was in addition to experiencing In addition to the deliciousness of the food, it simply has a little more energy.

But when it took the last bite, it discovered that its body had undergone earth-shaking changes. Its service life had been enhanced, and its calculation speed and computing power had been enhanced by an absolute percentage.

"It's really interesting. I didn't expect that the body of steel can still experience this unique 'property'. In addition to what Ruan Mei said, I seem to have understood something. If I use the professional terminology in the game, this dish can It’s really amazing to increase inspiration and understanding.”

Screw Gum is aware of some of Pei Guang's settings, and he is happy to use Pei Guang's common words for this unexplainable behavior.

Heita: "Is it really useful? It seems I have to find time to come over..."

Under normal circumstances, Heita is too lazy to use her own body to come to the space station. On the one hand, the research on the space station can be solved with dolls. Secondly, she has too many things to do on her own side. Her body can really do nothing unless necessary. I want to move.

But this dish is so amazing? Increase IQ? Increase understanding? If someone said it had so many functions in the past, she would just think they were bragging. If her IQ was so easy to improve, she would be a member of the genius club all over the world.

But if it was Pei Guang who did it, she believed it had this function, and she had to give it a try just for the pure improvement of intelligence.

It’s so funny that there is something in this world that allows geniuses in the Genius Club to eat to increase intelligence. If other people knew about this thing, they would probably go crazy.

Screw Gum: "My judgment is worth it. This dish is worthy of your visit in person, both in terms of taste and function."

Heita: "Okay, okay~ Got it, come here, let me finish the matter at hand, and I'll come over and try. But I can't eat so much, can you have less?"

Heita set his sights on Ruan Mei. Now that Pei Guang was gone, Ruan Mei seemed to have been with Pei Guang for a long time, so it was right to ask her.

Ruan Mei recalled: "No, it must be eaten first and cooked first, and it will be effective if you eat it all. This is the rule he mentioned. I can confirm that you have to eat it all. As for saying it must be cooked and eaten now... you can Give it a try.”

Heita: "Forget it, it's too troublesome. It's just some food, and it's not that I can't eat it." The amount of cat rice is huge, but Heita also has his own special method.

Besides, how could she, a genius from the Genius Club, be fed to death?

Then when the three people here were about to study the magical cat rice from the player, Ding Dong Cake jumped up to the three of them.


Dingdang Cake told the three people a painful news. Although Esta sent a batch of ingredients, but! There are not enough ingredients. The remaining ingredients are only enough to make one high-level set meal or two ordinary set meals.

This time Heita was unhappy: "What? Not enough ingredients? What are you missing?"

Heita frowned. She was interested in these dishes, and suddenly told her that there were not enough ingredients. How could the experiment continue?

Dingdang Cake: "Meow~"

Black Tower: "Huh? Esta has the ingredients you need?" Black Tower immediately contacted Esta.

Esta was helping Pei Guang buy ingredients at this time. Because Pei Guang was not in a hurry, she ordered a batch and then prepared to collect the rest in one go before sending them to the space station.

However, while things were going on here, she saw the message from the Black Tower.

"Pei Guang wants you to collect a batch of ingredients? Come on, I'm very interested in what he is going to make."

"Oh, by the way, tell me when you've collected them, and I'll come to the space station then."

"If someone doesn't cooperate, tell me and I'll have a good chat with that person."

"Remember, be quick!"

Heita made four consecutive speeches that stunned Esta. What happened today? Black Tower asked her to collect the ingredients Pei Guang wanted? Even faster? And Ms. Black Tower herself is coming to the space station! ! !

At this moment, Esta felt her heartbeat speeding up, her blood flow speeding up, and her whole body was in a state of excitement.

Black Tower only uses puppets to deal with things, and he rarely appears on any occasion. Now Black Tower himself is coming? Want these things? Collecting these ingredients is easy, because she helped Pei Guang collect them in her own name. Some very rare materials, such as dragon meat, are hard to come by, and they must be fresh. It's even harder to do.

There are a lot of rare meats like this. It’s okay to buy such rare things with money, but if you want fresh ones, you really need a little connection. But it would be different if Heita spoke. Heita said that whatever he wanted, the company could get it within its capabilities.

Of course, this means that they don't know what the Black Tower is going to do. As long as they know what the Black Tower is going to do, it is estimated that the ingredients that appear on the ingredient list given by Pei Guang will surround the entire space station and will be the freshest every day.

At this moment, Esta's actions speeded up. Being able to make Pei Guang and Heita happy at the same time, Esta felt that her whole body was full of fighting spirit. She has now begun to imagine how happy Pei Guang will be when all these materials are collected.

When all the ingredients were collected, Esta happily sent a message to Pei Guang.

Esta: "Are you there? With the help of Ms. Black Tower, we have collected all the ingredients~"

Pei Guang: "Heita? It seems like she wants to eat these cat meals!"

Esta: "Are you going to come over?"

If nothing happens, Pei Guang will definitely come over to see what effect these cat rice have, but by coincidence, something happened to him now. Luofu Xianzhou found another Suiyang on the run, and he planned to go over and deal with this Suiyang to get some points.

So Pei Guang declined the invitation to go to the space station: "Not for the time being~ I have something else to do here. You can just make arrangements for things like cat rice. We will contact you if necessary~"

Looking at Pei Guang's reply, Esta's mood dropped to a level that she didn't even notice.

Esta: "Okay~ Remember to tell me when you come~ Ahem, I also secretly helped you hide some of the ingredients you need through the light of Ms. Black Tower~"

Although Pei Guang didn't come over, the production and experimentation of cat rice continued. This cat rice successfully aroused the interest of the three geniuses of the Genius Club. Screw Gum was okay, because the machine didn't respond much.

But Heita and Ruan Mei were in dire straits. Although both of them had special means to digest the food, the food entering their stomachs still brought some changes to their bodies.

These changes were captured by Black Tower ‘fans’ when Heita was about to go back to rest, and this fan captured the information and posted it directly to all the Internet.

"Ms. Heita pushed the news alone, now insert an urgent news."

"A few days ago, the great genius club #83 Heita and #81 Ruan Mei appeared on the space station at the same time with their big bellies."

"So far, no one is responsible for the two people's belly becoming bigger. According to rumors, the person who did such a shameless thing is..."

In the news footage, apart from Ruan Mei and Heita walking together in the corridor of the space station with their big bellies, looking at the expressions of the two people in the photo, they look very happy, even a little happy?

Yes, these were two people who were inspired to take action after eating the cat meal. Because they thought of something about the Star God, the two exchanged happily. Logically speaking, no one could take a picture of this scene, but someone did take it and made it into gossip.

Tidbits from members of the Genius Club have always been a hot topic in the universe. Anyone who sees the photos with a little common sense can tell that someone is deliberately causing trouble, because Ruan Mei and Heita have big bellies. the top half.

Take another look at publisher positioning? Epselon's frontline reporter? Okay, it's okay.

Because the ingredients of the other party were found, everyone was no longer interested in this gossip. However, while the fake content was spreading, some special content was also spreading in the universe.

"Want to taste the most delicious food in the universe? Go ahead! Go to the space station of the Black Tower to find it! There are unique foods in the universe, delicacies that make geniuses linger. Go! Grab this from the hands of these geniuses The delicacies of all life in the universe completely break the monopoly of genius!"

"Shocked, Ms. Heita actually discovered food that can improve IQ. Does it mean that Ms. Heita's IQ has dropped and she needs to improve her IQ?"

The dissemination of various information has caused waves in the originally peaceful online world. Anyone with a discerning eye can tell whether this is someone causing trouble or a fool creating a rumor about a genius.

Forget about spreading rumors, the most evil thing is that every piece of information in these contents is actually true in some aspect.

Chapter 329: The Yunqi Army Clearing the Trash Can

What happens to geniuses is something that ordinary people pay attention to. For cat cakes, although some cat cakes don't like cooking, most cat cakes are interested in cooking.

Therefore, most of the cat cakes will learn a few tricks from Dingdang Cake when they come back. However, Yakashi Cake learned how to make dumplings from Dingdang Cake when he went home to rest.

So on the battlefield of the crusade against the abundant evil creatures, in addition to the massacre from all directions on the front battlefield from Yakashi Gao, the cloud riders who followed Cat Gao in the battle could also enjoy the delicious dumplings made by Cat Gao.

It was also from this time that eating dumplings on the battlefield while fighting against fertile creatures became something that all Yunqi had experienced. Later, according to statistics, retired Yunqi either particularly liked dumplings or hated dumplings.

In addition to the Medicine Cake, the other cat cakes have also mastered one or more cooking techniques, and the legend about cat rice has gradually begun to spread in the universe.

According to rumors, the Cat Cult has appeared in the universe. When you encounter the weird-shaped cats of the Cat Cult, just shout: "Meow Meow Meow Meow!" You can get cat rice made by the cats, and the delicious cat rice will be given to you. Various blessings for those who eat it.

Because too many people have experienced this kind of thing, this also leads to more beings in the universe looking forward to the arrival of cat cakes with delicious food! For most people, the chances of a cat showing up with food are much greater than the chance of being glanced at by a star god.

As for what Mao Gao brought back from each expedition? These things were placed by the cat cakes in the area where the black tower contained rare objects. The old black tower must have been disgusted by the fact that the place containing rare objects was filled with trash cans, broken cardboard boxes, and broken boxes.

But now Heita is looking forward to it, because she knows that the dishes made by Mao Gao are made by Pei Guang from these trash cans, and she is very interested in this kind of thing. At the same time, she is also interested in more cuisines.

The Black Tower doesn't care about putting trash cans, but the staff of the space station are confused. The staff will conduct research on some strange objects, but now there are a bunch of trash cans in the place where the strange objects are stored, and it's still dark. Approved by Tate? So rounding the trash can equals a wonder?

What can be studied in a trash can? Research their history? background? place of birth? Type of garbage? What? Are you still not allowed to touch this trash can? Once they were told not to touch them, the staff wanted to study these trash cans even more.

And what about the Black Tower? She was too lazy to explain anything, and Esta didn't know how to explain it. As a result, a group of staff on the space station began to study the trash can.

Instead of studying science and technology, these scientific researchers started studying trash cans? How interesting this is.

Pei Guang didn't pay attention to what happened to the space station and Mao Gao. In Pei Guang's opinion, it would be great if the Mao Gao could go on an expedition and come back safely. If they could bring back a few more, that would be even more perfect. .

When he was resting on the train, he casually browsed the urban legend website because he had nothing to do. As the website ran, there was more and more interesting information.

[The diners were haunted by evil spirits and broke into the restaurant to binge eat and eat twice their body weight in food. 】

"How could this be Suiyang causing trouble? Isn't it impossible to eat food twice as much as one's weight? What if it increases attributes?"

Pei Guang started to make random comments about the content on the website. After all, he was so full now that he had nothing to do. That's right, this time Pei Guang was really full and didn't want to move. It was not an adjective.

However, when browsing the website, Pei Guang also found some interesting things, such as [A supernatural event occurred in the fantasy show, and many renters were plagued with bad luck within seven days. 】

[A curse occurred in the mysterious old house, and those who entered the old house saw a terrifying mother and son. 】

After reading a lot of content in it, Pei Guang thought of the horror movies he had watched. When he thought of the horror movies he had watched before, Pei Guang lost all interest. What's more, there is also Gui Naifen with an account in these contents to refute the rumors.

Pei Guang was flipping through the pages when a message suddenly appeared that caught his eye.

【shock! The majestic Yunqi Army actually did such a thing in Dandingsi? 】

Accompanying this title is a picture. In the picture, the Yunqijun is holding a weapon and is extremely fierce. At his feet lie the corpses of two fertile creatures. However, the Yunqijun holding the weapon is not in contact with the people hiding nearby. They were fighting against evil creatures, and instead of killing their companions like crazy, they were beating trash cans.

The original Luofu Fairy Boat did not have a trash can. This trash can was a specialty bought by a resting Yunqi from his trip to Belloberg a few days ago.

Next to the photo of Yun Qi hitting a trash can, the photographer also made his own comments.

"Family members, let me tell you something. Just today when I passed by Dandingsi, I heard a strange noise at the door. I braved myself and looked inside. Guess what? I saw a Yunqi there. Walking around and then started picking up the trash can!"

"He seemed to be possessed by a demon, and he was smashing the trash can! What's even more frightening is that the trash can can't be broken. It's been a long time since he's been alive."

Under this post, a person named Xinghelishou was the first to comment.

"Does this trash can look familiar? Oh oh oh! Such a solemn trash can! Is this the dignity of Belloberg from around the Belloberg pioneers?"

Real-name Internet access: “Tell me more!”

A passing nose beast: "Somewhat seriously ill"

Guangfan: "Shut up! I won't allow you to insult the dignity of the Trail Blazers."

Love is like fire: "Yes! That day, I also became a trash can"

Big tail Bang Bang: "I just want Bang Bang to punch me twice"

Someone had already started commenting on this post, but the commenters didn't care about Yunqi punching the trash can, but started arguing about the trash can.

Some people think that liking trash cans is a bit of a disease, but others think that the glory of trash cans should not be tarnished. There are even people who became part of the trash cans as phantoms and fought against the swarm of insects one day and wanted to go up to them when they saw someone insulting the trash cans. Give him two slaps.

Pei Guang's expression became serious when he saw the post about the quarrel about the trash can. He knew about Yun Qijun. He grabbed the trash can and beat him. He looked a little obsessed when looking at the picture. This must be Suiyang's crime. !

Now that he has nothing to do, Pei Guang decided to go to Luofu Shang to see what was going on.

And just when he was about to take action, the ghost hunting team rang.

Huo Huo: "Everyone, check it out, the latest hot post!"

Gui Naifen: "I saw it! He actually beat the trash can wildly. This doesn't look right."

Su Shang: "That's right, Ah Guang! What do you think?"

Pei Guang: "I'm about to go take a look. After all, who is a normal person who always holds a trash can when he has nothing to do?"

When Pei Guang was complaining in the group, Xing, who was sleeping with a trash can in her room, had a happy dream. In her dream, she encountered countless trash cans, opening each one with a golden light, she was so happy that she was drooling.

Huo Huo: "That seems to be the case... How about we meet at the Alchemy Division?"

Pei Guang: "Okay!" After making an appointment at the meeting place, Pei Guang was ready to go to Danding Division.

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