Jackdaw got up and went to report to his boss. The Ten Kings heard that it was Jackdaw who was reporting the work, and they listened attentively. But when they heard that the Boshu Society was related to the secret leader of Medicine King, they might even be secretly connected. At that time, the ten kings were also confused.

Are the swords of the generals of the Immortal Boat Alliance dull, or is the Knowledge Society inflated? How dare you support the Immortal Boat Alliance’s taboo like this? And in front of the alliance's eyes?

Now the Ten Kings were energetic, and the Ten Kings gave Jackdaw a very simple task. Ask her to give Pei Guang a task to investigate Todd and see what the people from the Knowledge Society have done.

The reward is also simple. Whatever the learned scholar gives, their Ten Kings will pay ten times as much. In addition to material rewards, the Ten Kings will also give spiritual rewards, such as the ‘Courage for Righteousness Medal’ personally presented by the Ten Kings and the favor of the Immortal Boat Alliance.

Of course, Pei Guang has a reward, and so does Jackdaw. Taking into account the special nature of the players, the Ten Kings also specifically asked Jackdaw to give Xue Yi an extra day to return the sun this time if he did well.

Although the Ten Kings Si Huohuo has been linked to Pei Guang, one alone is not enough. It is very necessary to add a stable jackdaw.

After all, there are many people in Luofu Liuyu who have good relations with Pei Guang, so they, the Ten Kings, cannot fall behind.

Chapter 306 Pei Guang: "You don't want to either..."

After receiving the order from the Ten Kings, Jackdaw's tired expression suddenly became energetic. Originally, Jackdaw had a good impression of Pei Guang. It can be said that if Pei Guang asked her to do something, even if it was not work. She will help whenever needed. After all, looking at the entire Luofu, there are too few people who take the initiative to help.

Asking for payment? Isn't it appropriate to give a certain reward to someone who helps? Jackdaw was really not talking nonsense about cheap labor like Pei Guang, she was a little reluctant to take advantage of it.

After all, if Pei Guang hadn't been there that time in Suiyuan, who knows what would have been lost.

In addition to these reasons, I heard Shi Wang say that after completely solving this problem, can he give his sister one more day to return to the sun? She immediately became energetic.

Today she was going to investigate whether this member of the Knowledge Society really had a connection with the Medicine King's secret biography or if it was just his daily work. No matter which way it was, she had to investigate and get to the bottom of it.

After asking about this, Jackdaw ordered his men to go to Dandingsi to get what Pei Guang needed, and at the same time found Pei Guang waiting.

"I already understand your situation. I've sent someone to get what you need. They will get it for you soon, but I'm curious...how much mission reward did the person who entrusted you give you?"

If you don't plan to come to Pei Guang Jackdaw, just ask him directly.

Pei Guang: "I don't know? He only said that the reward would not disappoint me, but I am not short of credits or anything like that..., if I was really short, I could knock out a few people and get a few million. As for side missions, I just try my luck. If I get lucky, I can get some rare weapons, equipment, props or collectibles through the branch lines. "

Jackdaw: "That's just right, I have some commissions here..."

Pei Guang: "Good guy, you're asking me how much reward I will receive for accepting the mission, right? No need to ask, if it's you or a cute girl from your Ten Kings Division, just give me a good impression and I'll accept it."

Hearing this, Jackdaw couldn't help but complain: "The people in the Ten Kings Division... the youngest ones are probably dozens of years older than you, right?"

Pei Guang: "What about grandma?"

Jackdaw: "What you call me like that is most likely because your goodwill will directly become a negative number, right?"

Pei Guang: "That's still a cute girl~ But then again, what's your mission?"

Jackdaw thought for a while and then issued a task to Pei Guang: "That's it. When we were looking for the props you need, we found that the Secret of the King of Medicine was colluding with the members of the Knowledge Society who stayed in Luofu. I need your help to investigate the stay. What is the conspiracy of the members of the Doctoral Society in Luofu? If they commit heinous crimes, I hope you can stop them and catch them."

After a slight pause, Jackdaw continued: "Regarding the issue of rewards, if the results of your investigation are true and valid, the Ten Kings will increase their goodwill towards you and give you a [Courageous Medal] exclusive to the Ten Kings."

When the reward came out, Pei Guang suddenly paused. After a few seconds of pause, Pei Guang asked in a low voice: "I'm curious to ask, the favorability of the entire Ten Kings Division has increased? Is that because I saw the lovely women of the Ten Kings Division, including you, and wanted to Kiss whomever you want?"

Jackdaw is a veteran for many years, and due to work reasons, she said very calmly: "No, it's just to improve your favor, but as long as it's with the other person's permission, you can kiss whomever you want, even if the other person is willing. Under the circumstances, you can do anything that does not violate the rules and regulations of the Ten Kings and Luofu."

This is correct nonsense. Let’s not talk about the rules and regulations of the Ten Kings. Let’s just talk about mutual intimacy. As long as you don’t use coercion or various special methods to get consent, no one really cares about it.

But anyone with a normal mind would know that this sentence is wrong, but Pei Guang is not a human being? He is a player.

In theory, the player's thinking logic is similar to that of normal people, but sometimes players will also come up with some wonderful logic, just like now.

Although Pei Guang has decided to take the pure love route in the first week, doesn't it prevent players from increasing others' favorability before taking the pure love route? And the rewards for this mission are too exciting, right? As long as the good impression is enough? Who do you want to kiss?

Thinking of this possibility, Pei Guang's experience score for this game has been much higher. Although Pei Guang will not do this kind of thing in this week's game, for players, I don't have to do it, but I can't do without this function.

At this moment, Pei Guang jumped up and said, "I've taken over your mission, just wait! Favorability~ Favorability~"

Seeing Pei Guang leave happily, Jackdaw suddenly felt cold. Not only did she feel cold, but Shi Wang who was working suddenly also had a bad feeling in his heart. This feeling seemed to be that in the near future, Shi Wang would start from above. They will be captured wherever they go.

Pei Guang didn't know Shi Wang, so he didn't know what Shi Wang was thinking. With the help of Shi Wang Si, he easily got the book "Essence of Medicine" and Pei Guang was ready to go back and hand in the task.

Pei Guang's plan is very simple. Do Tao De's mission first, and then do the Ten Kings' mission after Tao De's mission is completed. Don't delay.

Back at the door of Tianbo Department, Todd was still sitting on the chair without moving: "I borrowed the medical textbook!"

Pei Guang's words made Tao De, who was a little tired, become energetic. He took the medical textbook and started reading it on the spot. After reading for a long time, he frowned and said: "From the book, the prescription she gave is indeed correct." There is something there, but what about the medicinal materials?”

Pei Guang: "The prescription she gave? In other words, Danshu has actually given you what you need, but you just want to verify it?"

When these words came out, Todd's expression froze. Recalling what he had said to Pei Guang before, he showed a somewhat embarrassed expression: "Ahem, I gave away a precious copy of an ancient book like "Resurrection of the Underworld". Of course I have to test the quality of her gift."

Pei Guang: "Oh~ I see. Then tell me what materials you are lacking. I'm sure I have them all."

Listening to these words, Todd suddenly became energetic: "Is it true? There is a medicine in the prescription called Tianren Golden Branch. I have searched around for the commonly used medicine in Xianzhou, but I can't find anything with this name. Can you help me find it? ?"

Pei Guang: "Huh? Don't tell me, I really have this."

Pei Guang looked at his storage space. When he and Bai Lu rescued Banxia, ​​they had obtained a prescription from Banxia. One of the medicinal ingredients was this. It was nothing else. It was dropped from Mo Yin. s things.

Pei Guang didn't collect much, just over a hundred. Pei Guang took out one and handed it to Todd: "This golden branch of heaven is not a common medicinal material, but something dropped by the demon body. Do you know that this thing is What? Did you mean to tell me that you don’t know? Old man, is the prescription Danshu gave you a prescription for immortality? You don’t know anything like you said, right?”

Todd was silent for a moment and then looked up. He was shocked and shocked why Pei Guang knew this.

"how do you know?"

Pei Guang spoke softly: "Not only do I know, I also have a prescription. Does the prescription contain a special medicinal material called the Marrow of Visibility~"

As soon as these words were spoken, Todd's pupils tightened: "What do you want?"

Pei Guang spread his hands: "Me? I just want the reward that belongs to me. If you want to pursue immortality, that's your business. I complete your task, you give me the reward, and then you can do whatever you like."

Todd took a deep breath. He was shocked that the man in front of him knew what he was going to do. Looking at Pei Guang's calm expression, he was afraid. He was afraid that Pei Guang would report him. If he did, he would not be expelled from the Xianzhou Alliance.

Todd: "It's easy to talk about. If it happens, I will share my research results with you."

Pei Guang: "I'm not interested in your research results. Again, reward~ Also, tell me all the tasks you are going to do next! I don't want to delay your task too much."

After Todd heard this, he thought that Pei Guang wanted to help him get a piece of the pie, but because this matter was too dangerous, he wanted to end it quickly, so he nodded and said: "I just want to use her to give him a piece of the pie." Danfang came to verify a conjecture made by my teacher and me. At the same time, I also wanted to confirm whether my conjecture was true through the photos left by my teacher on the Luofu. If it was true, I would become young again! Do you know? Aren’t you interested in cracking the secret left by the teacher and proving that my conjecture is successful?

Listening to the other party's inquiry, Pei Guang touched his chin and thought: "Don't tell me, I'm not interested, but I am interested in one thing. Old sir, can you give me the reward for the task?"

In Pei Guang's opinion, this Tao De must have gone in, colluded with the King of Medicine to obtain the prescription, and even wanted to rejuvenate himself? The pursuit of immortality in Luofu is even said to use the Immortal Boat people, the Mingzhu clan or the Vulper clan to conduct immortality experiments, which will lead to death.

Because of this, Pei Guang decided to blackmail the other party severely? What? Is this against the path of pioneering? In this regard, Pei Guang said that he was not blackmailing at all, but was asking for reasonable remuneration when helping the other party complete the task.

Thinking of this, Pei Guang continued to speak: "Mr. Todd, you don't want others to know about the treasonous things you did in Luofu, right? If you don't want to, let me see your sincerity!"

"Sincerity... sincerity?"

Todd swallowed, he had a vague premonition, but Pei Guang said calmly: "My request is very low, all your property, in exchange for me to help you complete your task, and my body As a qualified player, I promise you that as long as I get the rewards that belong to me, I will definitely help you complete everything you need to rejuvenate. If you refuse, I will report you."

Todd: "If you report me, I will report you!"

Pei Guang: "You reported me? Report me for what? Report me for hiding the elixir secretly? Do you think the Luofu people believe in me or you? I am the great hero of Luofu. What about you?"

This sentence was a critical blow. He had heard a lot about what Pei Guang and the Trail Blazers had done. As far as Pei Guang's reputation was concerned, even if he was reported, he would not be able to defend himself.

Todd's body suddenly softened. Looking at Todd's softened body, Pei Guang continued to seduce: "Think about it! After I help you complete the task, you will become a child again. Since you are young, you can rely on your IQ and knowledge." How long will it take to make this money back?”

After Tao De thought about it, he found that Pei Guang was right, so he criticized the relationship between Pei Guang and Luofu. If Pei Guang was really willing to help, then what he had to do would be much simpler.

Thinking about the consequences of being reported, and then thinking about Pei Guang's reputation and the reasons for his arrest, he was heartbroken: "No problem! I will transfer all the money in my name to you. My request is very simple. Take me to the Alchemy Division and the Linyuan Realm, I plan to see the Vigilant Egg in person."

Pei Guang: "Meet the Vidadhara Egg? What do you want to get from the Vidadhara Egg? No problem! I know a friend, the reward is in place, and everything is easy to talk about. But having said that, what I want is not just your money, but also All your research results. Of course, just give me a copy of your results."

At this moment, Pei Guang fully felt the joy of complete freedom. He could blackmail if he wanted to, and rob openly if he wanted to. He had to maintain his favorability and prestige in terms of people or forces who were close to him, but his hostile targets even said that he was a friendly force. The enemy's target is to be squeezed as much as possible.

Pei Guang's request was too much, but Todd took a deep breath. He knew that he had no chance of survival. In this case, he could only gamble. If he lost the bet, he would just lose everything. He still made some friends, and the Boshou Society would also give out some Wages, these wages are enough to survive until death.

But what if the bet works? Pei Guang's reputation has already determined that the only person he can find for help is Pei Guang. At the same time, doesn't giving money to the other party just tie the other party to his side? What will I do when the time comes? The other party will only threaten me with some money or the secret recipe for immortality. I have already left a way to leave. Can't I just run away when the time comes?

As the saying goes, people become better with age, and Todd had already begun to analyze the pros and cons of Pei Guang's proposal. After the analysis, Todd smiled: "No problem! As long as you can help me get what I want, let me become young again, and give it to you in advance It doesn't matter. Even if it fails, I won't blame you. People of my age don't have a few days to live. "

Pei Guang: "Happy cooperation!"

A few minutes later, Todd transferred all his money to Pei Guang.

"Credit points arrived, 300 million..."

Pei Guang no longer cares about the numbers after the decimal point. After the credit points arrived, Pei Guang immediately received some documents, which were the results of Todd's research over the years.

After receiving the information, Pei Guang sent it to Mei without much thought. Mei was one of his own or someone who specialized in research. He didn't care whether she would find it useful or not, but let her keep it first. After all, the villagers shared that things like controllable nuclear fusion were possible, and it was not impossible that the technology shared by Todd would be helpful in Mei's research.

After receiving these things, Pei Guang nodded with satisfaction, and Todd also said what he wanted to do.

What he has to do is very simple, find out the information about his teacher who stayed in Dandingsi and the Linyuan realm. His teacher once came to the Linyuan realm with the help of a vidyadhara. He is sure that his teacher must be in the Linyuan realm. Important information was left.

As long as he deciphers this information and combines it with his years of research, he believes that he can obtain the secret of immortality! Even if you can't live forever, you can still be rejuvenated.

When he mentioned this, Todd became excited. Although there was a problem with the immortality of the Immortal Boat people, if possible, he really wanted to borrow another five hundred years of life from heaven.

Pei Guang listened to Todd's request, thought for a while and then nodded: "No problem, but Linyuan Realm is under martial law for various reasons. I need to contact someone. If she is here, we will have no problem entering Linyuan Realm." Don't worry, I will definitely take you to Danding Division and Linyuan Realm and let you do what you want. And don't worry, I swear to the Star God that I will never report you in any way."

Pei Guang keeps his promise very much! As for which star god to swear to, only the ghost knows.

Pei Guang, who kept his promise, contacted Bai Lu immediately before taking action. At the same time, in Jinren Alley, Bai Lu, who was taking Alicia to enjoy a meal, saw Pei Guang's call on his phone and picked up the phone directly. : "Hey hey hey~Aguang~"

Before Pei Guang could say anything, Bai Lu on the other side said, "Are you looking for sister Aili? Don't worry, I'm taking care of her now. I'm taking her to enjoy delicious food in Jinren Lane~"

Pei Guang: "Huh?"

At this moment, Pei Guang suddenly remembered that he came to Tianbosi to play with Alicia, but he gave Alicia to the pigeon? And looking at the situation now, Alicia met Bai Lu and started eating and drinking with Bai Lu?

Pei Guang: "Is Alicia at your place? I'll be relieved if that's the case, but calling you is something else. I want to take someone to the Scale Origin Realm. Can you take us there? ?”

Bai Lu: "Huh? You can take people with you if you want! Wait?"

A question mark slowly appeared on Bai Lu's head, but at this moment, Bai Lu thought of the previous experience of being carried away by Pei Guang on Man Luofu's back. At this moment, Bai Lu suddenly understood something.

If Pei Guang wanted to take someone to the Linyuan Realm, he would definitely say hello to him, but he would never ask her to take him with him.

Now that Pei Guang asked her to take him there by name, it must be that Pei Guang wants to trick people, and he wants to trick people who don't know that he is Dragon Lord.

Thinking of this, Bai Lu suddenly became excited: "No problem! I will take you to the Source of Scales at a certain time! Huh? Wait, I promised sister Ai Li to go shopping..."

Pei Guang: "Shopping? You go shopping first. This guy here has bad legs and feet. It's probably almost dark by the time we get to the Scale Source Realm, right?"

Bai Lu: "Okay! But then again, A Guang, aren't you~"

Bai Lu's tone was filled with excitement and teasing, while Pei Guang said calmly: "As long as you know! Business is business, business is business!"

Bai Lu: "That's it! I understand, I'm sure business will be done."

Although the two were not together, they showed a knowing smile.

What? Trap Todd? Why is this called a pit? Pei Guang patted his conscience and said that he did not cheat Tao De. He really completed Todd's mission seriously and took him to the Scale Origin Realm, but when he arrived at the Scale Origin Realm, his behavior was reported by the Dragon Lord and led to him being arrested by the Ten Kings. What does that have to do with him as a player?

He, Pei Guang, has Aha-level credibility, and he will definitely do what he promises. He will not report it if he says to do so, but what does Long Zun's report have to do with him? He kept his promise and did not report it in any way, but it was only for himself. What did the other people do have anything to do with his pioneer Pei Guang?

Chapter 307 The Trash Can in the Linyuan Realm

While Pei Guang was taking Todd to cause trouble, Bai Lu, who was taking Alicia to the Linyuan Realm, rang. She took out her phone and saw that she was pulled into a group. Not only Bai Lu, Alicia Shia was also brought in.

This is a group created by Pei Guang called "Special Events of the Scale Origin Realm". As soon as they entered the group, Bai Lu and Alicia almost choked when they saw the group notification.

Group notification: "Let me tell you something. I took a scholar from the Erudite Society to the Linyuan Realm to seek immortality. I promised him not to report him in any way, so I am here to inform you to come and have fun. We will be there for about six hours. We will arrive later. If you are interested, you can come and see how this person obtained immortality through Vidyadhara eggs.”

Alicia found it interesting to watch what everyone said next.

Dan Heng: "?"

March 7: "Okay, let's watch the fun~ But Dan Heng, that person wants to use the Vidyadharmadhara egg to live forever. Will his actions harm the Vidyadharad egg?"

Xing: "Then let me get some sleep and go watch the fun in the afternoon. How strange is it that someone dares to pursue immortality in Luofu? Even if they pursue immortality, they also want to destroy the egg of the Vidyadhara? Who is so bold?"

Bai Lu: "Damn it! Someone actually wants to do evil to the Vidyadhi Egg! I'm going to send you a mission. Any one of you will give me a good beating for this bad guy."

Xing: "Okay, we've taken over your mission. As pioneers! How can we watch others hurt the lives that haven't been born yet? By the way, Aguang, do you know who this person is? What does he do?"

Pei Guang: "I learned it from Bo Shi, but he has given me a task, so I will try my best to help him come to the Scale Origin Realm to create opportunities for him to get close to the Vigilant Egg. By the way, please don't report it. I promised him, I will not report it in any way.”

Xing: "Good guy? Are you more ruthless than reporting? I understand. If he really dares to do something to the Vigilant Egg, I will let him know what cruelty is."

March 7: "You can beat him up, and I will record the evidence of his actions. Hum! The evidence is so solid that I can't even run away."

Pei Guang: "That's right! After you beat him and complete the Bailu mission, I can also complete the other mission here. By the way, send me a copy of the evidence you left behind~so that I won't follow this old man in. ”

Star: "Okay!"

Dan Heng: “…”

Xi'er: "Why do I feel that Aguang doesn't mean to just watch the fun? If any of you can make a summary, tell me what I will do then."

Pei Guang: "Nothing to do. If you want to see it, come and see it. If you have relatives and friends who are reliable and will not mess around, you can bring them to watch it together. After all, this is a scene that has been recorded in history in Luofu. Let's Being able to see it up close will also help us develop in the future!”

Ji Zi: "I think your purpose, Aguang, is not just to watch the fun, right?"

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