For Black Tower, it doesn't matter who comes, since they can't help with what they want to do anyway. It is even said that all the staff of the entire space station are similar to ordinary people in the eyes of Black Tower. What do the two people Pei Guang brought say? It all looks very pleasing to the eye, so if you want to stay, then you can stay. The space station is good for one or two people.

Alicia and Mei had no problem with matters related to the Black Tower. Alicia was not interested because in her opinion, this doll was not as fun to play with as the doll on Earth.

Mei's words have always been in this state. At the same time, although she is a scientific researcher, she still knows a little bit about the world. She knows that Pei Guang uses his connections to give her a chance to complete her plan and even says that she can bring more to the earth. thing.

With Black Tower's permission, Pei Guang took two people to find Esta.

"Hey? You're here, what do you want from me?"

As soon as she saw Pei Guang, Esta felt like laughing very much. She recalled that Pei Guang entered the wrong coordinates of the galaxy given to him, and then thought that he had really passed by and even truly owned it. Or, it is so interesting to recall what Pei Guang did and then imagine Pei Guang's embarrassment at the time.

Listening to Esta's inquiry, Pei Guang directly told him his purpose of coming, the permission from the Black Tower, and what he wanted to do.

"Is that so? If Ms. Black Tower agrees, I don't have any problem, but although this Honkai Impact is very unreliable... but if it is your person, it will be no problem! What does she need to follow while she stays here? I promised that as long as I can buy it with money, I guarantee it will be fine. If I can’t buy it with money, I can still get it, but that’s it~”

Esta looked at Pei Guang with a smile. Pei Guang suddenly had a bad feeling. How could he be manipulated by an NPC as a player? Pei Guang was about to stand up, but Esta's subsequent words stopped him.

"But if I have any tasks then, you have to help me complete them~ Well~ I haven't decided what to do yet, I will tell you when the time comes. Don't worry, I will have enough rewards for my tasks!"

When these words came out, the expression on Pei Guang's face changed instantly: "No problem! As long as I can do it, if you want to be a Star God, I will help you kick the Star God down!"

If an ordinary NPC said that the rewards were sufficient, Pei Guang would remain skeptical, but when Esta said the rewards were sufficient, she really meant that the rewards were sufficient.

Looking at the prices of the various props he sold to her, Pei Guang had never seen such a conscientious price after playing so many games. The credits given were so many that Pei Guang almost thought that the credits in this world were worthless.

But actually, credits are very valuable, let’s put it that way! If you have 5 million credits, you can arm and strengthen Hook to the point where he can compete with virtual soldiers. What's more, in addition to credits, there are also various materials. In this case, when Esta said that the quantity is large, it means that the person is full.

Compared to Pei Guang, who is excited inside, Esta's heart is very complicated. Maybe in the eyes of outsiders, she is just a rich woman who has no brains to spend money. After all, what Pei Guang gave him looked like that.

But in fact, Esta is very aware of the value of these things. Apart from anything else, just talking about the firework attack special effects, Pei Guang is really the only one in the universe.

But Esta also knows that this kind of thing cannot be measured in money? What's the use of money? It has no use except making money, but it comes from Pei Guang's sincere emotions, which no amount of money can buy.

She was also worried that Pei Guang would suffer a loss. Every time she thought about this, she felt a little embarrassed and even thought about how to make up for Pei Guang more. But the problem is that she has nothing but money, and more things are in the hands of her mother.

Thinking of these, Esta smiled: "No problem! I will definitely come to you when I need you for anything~ But when I have nothing to do, you can also come to me to play~ But having said that, you have been there to deliver That galaxy of yours has a lot of resources!”

This sentence made Pei Guang's expression freeze again: "Ahem! Aren't you not done yet? Aren't you still free? When I have free time, I will, um, I will go when I have free time."

Esta: "Okay~ I will arrange a guide to pick you up at that time~ I will definitely not go the wrong way!"

Pei Guang: "Ahem! I have something else to do. I still have some tasks on Luofu. I won't talk more. I'll take the people away first. Alicia, let's go~"

Pei Guang left with Alicia. If he stayed any longer, wouldn't it be Esta's public execution of him? This won't work! Must leave quickly.

Pei Guang and Alicia left, and Esta smiled again: "It's so interesting~"

Esta looked at Mei while smiling: "Mei, right! My name is Esta, just call me by my name. If you need anything in the future, you can come to me directly, but please note that if you do The project is very dangerous. If you want to do experiments, you must tell me in advance. Our space station happens to have a planet dedicated to this kind of experiments. If you want to do human experiments, that’s no problem~"

Ordinary planets may require human experiments, but for Esta, there is no need at all. The company has the ability to create bionic human body materials. Through these materials, experiments can be conducted directly and the real feedback of the human body can be tested.

However, these materials also have shortcomings. Because this material is not considered a living thing, it cannot be used for drug experiments. It can only be used for similar physical reaction experiments. But for Mei, this material is very useful.

At the same time, on the other side, Pei Guang and Alicia fled the space station in embarrassment. After all, it was really embarrassing for such dark history to be revealed!

As soon as Esta mentioned this matter, Pei Guang thought of what he had done in the past, and he felt so embarrassed that he wanted to dig his toes into the ground.

Alicia felt Pei Guang's embarrassment. Recalling some of the things Pei Guang told her when he came here, Alicia suddenly realized: "I remember you came back and told me this time, well~ you still have A galaxy with extremely rich resources, combined with the galaxy that the cute girl said to give to you, oh! That’s it, I understand~”

Alicia didn't know anything. Although she knew some rules of the entire galaxy, and even more information about the Star God and the Envoy, she didn't know anything about what happened between Esta and Pei Guang.

But that doesn't stop her from 'knowing'.

Seeing Alicia's knowing expression, Pei Guang was shocked: "What? How did you know?"

Alicia: "Girls' intuition~ Do you know? Girls' intuition is very accurate! Ahem! You don't have to let me tell others if you want. This time... you are going to take me to a particularly interesting place! If it’s not fun, I’ll get angry~”

Pei Guang: "No problem! I guarantee it will be very fun for you!"

Pei Guang had a smile on his face at this moment. How dare the adjutant threaten him? She decided to take Alicia to experience the two maps she made, and to experience what "pleasure" means from the heart.

Looking at Pei Guang's expression, Alicia smiled happily.

The two people came to Luofu, and after explaining the situation to the people from Tianbo Division, Tianbo Division sent someone to take Alicia to go through the relevant procedures.

While Alicia was going through the formalities, Pei Guang was wandering around the Tianbo Division out of boredom. As he wandered around, Pei Guang discovered an old man. The old man sat on the chair and sighed. Pei Guang seemed to see the exclamation mark coming out of this strange old man because of his obsession, and he approached excitedly.

As soon as Pei Guang got closer, he heard the old man named Todd talking nonsense.

"Hey! There are traces of history everywhere in this fairy boat, but the people of the fairy boat don't know its value, hey!"

There was helplessness and unwillingness in his sigh. Pei Guang dared to say that this old man would definitely have an exclamation mark on his head in a normal game. Although there is no exclamation mark now, Pei Guang can smell the mission.

"Why are you sighing?"

Hearing Pei Guang's question, Todd turned his head: "Who are you?"

Pei Guang: "My name is Pei Guang!"

Todd was surprised: "You are the famous Pei Guang. I have heard your name. I heard that you saved Luofu and became a close friend of General Luofu. If it were you..."

Todd has heard about Pei Guang's deeds, and the nameless guest who helped Luofu solve the star core crisis. If he is the unknown guest, he is indeed a good person to help him. What's more, this unknown guest has some relationship with Luofu and is also a personalized foreigner. Asking him to help do something will definitely not be suspected by the Luofu people.

As for the information about Pei Guangguo, it has not been leaked. Things related to the secret biography of the King of Medicine, the Demon Yin Body and Sui Yang are the secrets of Luofu and even the Xianzhou Alliance.

how to say? There are some things that the Xianzhou Alliance has made public, but not only the outsiders don't believe it, but the people below also don't believe it, so they have to try it. This feels like telling others that light bulbs cannot be put in their mouths or that the monitor resolution cannot be adjusted by 500%.

It's just a matter of telling people that they can't do this, but some people still want to do it. Compared with swallowing light bulbs and adjusting the resolution, the things that the Xianzhou Alliance hides are big things. People with common sense can just die on their own, anyway. Even if the Xianzhou people die a few more people who do not believe in evil will not cause any chaos.

The problem is that people who come into contact with these things have very terrible damage, and finally hide them after going back and forth, and now this Todd wants to investigate what his teacher investigated back then. Just when he thought that he would not be able to investigate the hidden things on the fairy boat in this life After some revelations, Pei Guang's appearance gave him new hope.

Todd had some thoughts in his heart, and Pei Guang put his hands on his hips proudly after hearing the other party's compliment: "Thank you for the compliment. By the way, why are you sighing here?"

Pei Guang's question made Todd sigh: "Hey, you don't understand even if I tell you. Huh? Are you dressed like a foreigner?"

Pei Guang puffed up his chest as a matter of course and said, "That's right! I'm not a fairy boat person, let alone a fox person or a vidyadhara!" After saying that, Pei Guang sat down next to Tao De and was ready to listen to Tao De's story background.

While Todd was talking, Pei Guang squatted down and jumped up and down. Although jumping can't skip the plot, it can help Pei Guang pass the boring time for a while.

Todd told all his thoughts about why he came to Luofu, but Pei Guang only remembered roughly. What about the Erudite Society and about the lack of assistants? I didn’t understand the background of the story at all. Because Pei Guang doesn't want to waste too much time on the old man, if the person talking to him is a cute girl, Pei Guang can barely listen.

Todd didn't notice Pei Guang jumping around on the spot, but kept talking to himself about how the Xianzhou people didn't respect history, and how the Xianzhou people had long lifespans.

Pei Guang said that his brain was not working well and he did not want to listen to the old man talking about the plot in the side mission, so he danced even more vigorously.

After talking for a long time, Todd noticed that Pei Guang had been jumping around beside him, so he asked curiously: "Why are you jumping around beside me? What are you doing?"

Pei Guang: "It's okay, it's just that I don't want to watch the plot now. I want to jump to the plot quickly. After all, I still have a cute lieutenant going shopping with me."

Although Pei Guang firmly follows the pure love route in the first week, this does not prevent him from properly gaining favor with other characters while taking this route. Besides, Alicia is his adjutant. Once he is favored, he can better help him command his troops. .

He didn't want to listen to his adjutant's announcement all day long when fighting in the future: "Your SCV, worker bees, and exploration planes have been attacked, and I don't want to hear the voice of my lovely adjutant saying, "I bought a car."

Although Alicia is beautiful and has a beautiful voice and a beautiful heart, Pei Guang would only feel sweaty after hearing these voices.

"Young people are restless!" Todd said to Pei Guang and then continued: "I am looking for foreigners who are familiar with the local conditions, enthusiastic, well-educated, and daring to take risks to serve as guides to help me complete the task. Investigation project on the fairy boat.”

At this moment, Pei Guang couldn't help but complain: "Are you looking for an assistant? Or are you looking for the protagonist? It's a coincidence. I'm satisfied with you, but what about the reward!"

"Is this a high requirement? This is just a basic requirement. Our bachelors from the Erudite Society must conduct in-depth research on various foreign races and win the trust of the locals; they also have to risk natural and man-made disasters, and the risk is no less than that of unknown guests. Look, Star Core comes here Unfortunately, my opportunity to investigate the history of Xianzhou medicine was in vain."

Pei Guang: "Stop! Stop telling these useless plots. Just tell me what you want to do, and I promise to do it for you."

Pei Guang didn't want to listen to the person in front of him having a long talk, so he just told him what to do.

"It's not enough for young people to be impatient. Let's start from the simplest. We only need to run an errand and go to Danding Division to bring something back for me. It's easy. I want you to go to Danding Division to pick it up. I won’t take you long to get some research information. For the sake of everyone being foreigners, please do me a favor, young man.”

These three simple words made Pei Guang's expression serious. He felt that the old Biden in front of him had no good intentions, but it was not a big problem. As long as the task was given and rewarded, he could do it no matter how simple the task was.

It would be an insult to the player's status if he didn't take on some missions that only idiots take.

"No problem! Please elaborate."

Pei Guang chose to skip the boring plot, but he still listened carefully to the specific task content, and Todd said seriously: "Speaking of which, I want to first get a copy of Xianzhou Medicine called "Yao Yao Di Dose". Dian, can you please go to Danding Division and bring it to me?"

Pei Guang: "Hey? Are you trying to peek? That's not okay. I'm quite famous in Luofu. If I help you steal things and ruin my reputation, it'll be a loss!"

Pei Guang is very vigilant, because while doing force tasks, there will always be tasks issued by hostile forces. The completion of these tasks will reduce the favorability of the forces that have been refreshed and increase the favorability of the hostile forces.

Todd: "These are not secrets, and they are not for you to steal. These medical classics are just dictionaries for the doctors of the Alchemy Division to browse casually. What's more, they agreed to my borrowing. When they met with the Alchemy Division's Chief Dan, , she approved my request. According to the society..."

Pei Guang's head was buzzing when he heard Todd's background introduction. He didn't know whether it was because of this mission, or because the NPC liked to talk too much because he was too old. Anyway, these introductions made Pei Guang's head hurt.

It's not that he doesn't like to read the background, but he prefers to read text rather than listening to people beeping, because reading text is faster. Of course, sometimes the Crimson King situation will occur because it is too fast, but generally speaking Not a big problem.

Although he didn't hear the background of the story, Pei Guang probably knew what was going on. Danshu had approved this person's application, but now that Danshu had gone in, the approved items could not be obtained.

Pei Guang: "I understand! Isn't it because you didn't get the things you were approved for? No problem, just leave it to me and I'll get it for you within a day."

At this moment, Pei Guang was a little lucky. Fortunately, he didn't directly kill Danshu when he faced her, but chose to listen to Fu Xuan's suggestion and let her endure the torture of the Ten Kings, which was worse than death. He never expected that listening to Fu Xuan's advice at that time would actually help him complete his mission this time.

And Danshu was captured by the Ten Kings, and he had a relationship with the Ten Kings, so he could ask the people from the Ten Kings to take him to see Danshu for interrogation, so that he could easily obtain him. Do you need the mission props?

Taking a closer look, Pei Guang found that this line was really vicious. He couldn't imagine how troublesome this task would have been if he had casually killed Danshu as a monster.

But in fact, Pei Guang misunderstood, and his idea turned this task into trouble.

After accepting the mission, Pei Guang swaggered to Suiyuan to ask for someone from the Danding Division. However, Pei Guang obviously forgot one thing, and that was that Alicia was still undergoing identity verification. After completing the mission, he forgot about the adjutant.

No, when Alicia finished making the ID card and left Tianbo Division, she looked around and felt a little confused.

"Hey? Isn't Aguang waiting for me at the door? Where is the person?" From the time he entered to the time he came out, it only took ten minutes, and Pei Guang was not someone who couldn't wait for more than ten minutes.

According to her understanding, Pei Guang was very active and patient at the same time. He would even do things by himself when he was bored. How could he leave without saying goodbye?

While she was thinking, a man who had a horn on his head and a tail on his butt sneaked out to play and passed by Tianbosi. He heard the key words and heard the key words in front of her.

When Bai Lu heard the word A Guang, she subconsciously stopped. When she saw a cute pink-haired girl next to her, she made up the relationship between Alicia, March Qi, and Pei Guang in her mind. .

When Bai Lu stopped, Alicia also looked at Bai Lu subconsciously. At this moment, the gear of fate began to turn. Although the place where it turned was a little wrong, it turned.

The moment she saw the white dew, Alicia seemed to hear a white creature shouting in her ear: "The maggot in front, come and explore in the next life!" It was obviously the area in front that she would explore later, but Alicia But I don’t know why this simple sentence is spread astray.

The moment Bai Lu saw Alicia, her appetite suddenly increased, and she even felt like she was going to be the mouthpiece of the golden retriever who couldn't speak.

Of course, Bai Lu was curious about whether the Alicia in front of her was related to Pei Guang, so she asked carefully.

"You were talking about A Guang just now, right? Are you and the A Guang I know the same person?"

Hearing the sound, Alicia looked over curiously. The moment she saw Bai Lu, Alicia happily poked Bai Lu's face: "What a cute kid~ Yeah~ I mean Ah Guang My real name is Pei Guang~ He just said that he was waiting for me at the gate of Sichen Palace, but now he has disappeared, and he let me, a beautiful girl, pass. Let me introduce myself~ My name is Alicia, and I was brought to Luofu by A Guang. Traveler of the Immortal Boat.”

Bai Lu: "Hello traveler! My name is Bai Lu. It seems that we both know the same person. Don't worry! A Guang will not let others go. If you are A Guang's friend, then you are my friend."

Alicia: Nice to meet you~ Bai Lu, what a nice name~”

Bai Lu sighed and said: "So what if it sounds good? It can't be eaten as food. You don't know that after I became the leader of the Vidyadhara clan, I have so many things to do that I can't handle it. Why don't I sneak out today to let off steam? I met you here. Just in time, I will take you, a traveler, to eat the most authentic food in Luofu.”

Alicia: "Yeah~"

Alicia's name is very nice, but to Bai Lu, Traveler is just three characters, while Alicia is four characters. Traveler sounds easier to pronounce, and she feels more comfortable.

And what about Alicia? I also feel very comfortable with the name Bai Lu. Although it is the first time to meet, it feels like two people have met in different worlds and have gone through half of the adventure together.

Bai Lu also felt this way. She muttered: "When I heard your voice, I felt as if we had known each other for a long time. If we don't care about anything else, just this point. Let me be fierce today." If I treat you to a meal, you can open your belly and eat as much as you can without saving money for me!”

Bai Lu is now a rich woman of the Vidyadhara clan. After all, she has brought too much money to the Vidyadhara clan. Plus, now that she is a Dragon Master, her pocket money will naturally be much larger. But to prevent Bailu from spending money indiscriminately, there is still supervision on large purchases.

But inviting people to dinner is totally fine.

Looking at Bai Lu, Alicia smiled. She obviously had a lot to say, but when Bai Lu said it, she felt like she didn't want to say anything. And there seemed to be a narrator complaining: "When you don't want to talk, no one can force you to talk! Wait? Is the script wrong?"

Compared to the unexpected but not unexpected encounter here, the Jackdaw who heard Pei Guang's request in Suiyuan felt a little confused.

Just now, Pei Guang came to Shiwangsi with sparks and lightning, and said something in front of her that made her head feel buzzing.

"I accepted a mission from an old man from the Knowledge Society. The mission was to get back from Danshu what Danshu had promised. I remember he also said that Danshu passed the review and approval after he gave Danshu some ancient formulas. Now that Danshu has gone in, he can't get what he wants. I want you to help me contact Danshu and tell me the "Medicine Distribution" for him, so that I can complete the task. "

Because Pei Guang didn't listen carefully to what Todd said and just remembered some key words that were helpful for the task, what he said was a little vague.

But this vagueness does not prevent anyone who hears Pei Guang's request from understanding it, but precisely because he understands it, Jackdaw feels that this matter seems a bit big.

Who is Danshu? The secret leader of Medicine King was captured by Pei Guang himself and sent to the Ten Kings Division.

If Pei Guang wanted to see Danshu, Yu Qingyu would definitely let him see him, but the message Pei Guang expressed made Jackdaw feel bad. Is there any connection between the Boshu Society and Danshu? And also provided help to Danshu recently?

There is no need to round up, the Boshu Society must have something to do with the Medicine King's Secret Tradition. This suddenly made Jackdaw, who was already a little sleepy and tired, energetic. The effect of this energy is better than all the refreshing products on the market.

Jackdaw almost wanted to curse. It didn't matter that the insiders of the secret biography of the King of Medicine believed in the Longevity Plague and the Bane of the Ancestor. It didn't matter that the Mingzhu clan was secretly helping them. Does it have anything to do with the Boshu Society?

Jackdaw: "Wait a minute, let me calm down..."

Pei Guang: "Why calm down! What's our relationship? We already have good feelings, so let me meet you. Besides, Danshu is just a little monster. I definitely can't run away, and I won't let her die. I'm After confirming it, entering the Ten Kings Division is much worse than death."

Jackdaw: "According to the procedure, you are qualified to meet and communicate with her, but... um! Please wait for a few minutes, please? Let me report some things. After the report is over, our Ten Kings Division may need you to help with some things. matter…"

Pei Guang: "Oh? You also have missions? Don't worry, just leave them to me! I happen to be quite free recently, so I'll take on any mission."

Jackdaw: "Okay! I'm going to apply for rewards and task content for you. Please wait a moment."

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