Pei Guang's hand touched her body. The moment he touched her body, Sui Yang was transformed into a substitute-like existence by Pei Guang. He could gain strength through human emotions, maintain his original wisdom and Sui Yang's characteristics, and be free. Possession fights the battle of life.

Although there are many more functions, Tutu himself doesn't feel any changes, and Pei Guang has no intention of telling him. He has been exploring freely for so long, so it is normal for others to experience the feeling of free exploration, right?

Pei Guang was thinking this, but as he thought about it, Pei Guang's expression suddenly became serious: "Wait a minute? Is it because I have so much freedom now because my netizens have been cheated like this?"

The more Pei Guang thought about it, the more he thought it was possible. He decided that if he really had the opportunity to chat with his netizen, he must ask him if he had been cheated like him back then.

Pei Guang is too lazy to worry about these things. He is now preparing for the next step, using his own map editor to create a map.

Pei Guang had already thought about where to get a map, but this was Luofu after all, and it was Jing Yuan's territory, so Pei Guang and Jing Yuan had an understanding.

Jingyuan knew Pei Guang's needs, thought about it for a while, and agreed directly: "It's just a cave. You can do whatever you want! Just don't hurt others when you create something."

Pei Guang directly agreed to Jing Yuan's request. He wanted to continue touching corpses in this cave. Moreover, Pei Guang also had a plan to let the person whose corpse was touched spend money to find his own map. While spending money, Pei Guang If one's body is touched by oneself, one person will earn two cents.

When Pei Guang thought about this possibility, he felt that he was too bad, too evil, and too heartless. How could he be so heartless as a pioneer?

The Blazers can't have no conscience and say that they, as a player, can't do it? As a player? In the face of efficiency and conscience, this time efficiency trumped conscience.

Pei Guang set the map near Suiyuan. Firstly, it was convenient for the people of the Ten Kings to keep an eye on Tutu. Secondly, since there was indeed such an environment around Suiyuan, it would be really exciting to create a map with a scary atmosphere here.

As for why it is a scary atmosphere? Of course, the most obvious emotional changes are those of horror, which can make Suiyang happy and full. In addition, Pei Guang also has other ideas. If these ideas fail, Pei Guang will abandon this theme and edit other maps.

But Pei Guang feels that the overall problem is not big?

Arriving outside Suiyuan, Pei Guang selected the location and started map editing. Map editing is a top-down editing mode. Buildings and decorations will be automatically generated based on the user's ideas, but the generated decorations are all very ordinary decorations. There are no generation restrictions on these, you can generate them however you want within the specified range.

He tried to generate some special things. After trying, Pei Guang found that he did not have enough materials. For example, some special decorations and buildings needed to collect some materials. The system prompted what to collect, but because Pei Guang could not be used this time, he No special collection is planned.

After testing to confirm the usage and effect of this map editor, Pei Guang started editing the map happily.

If the map was built according to the Dead by Daylight mode, it would be enough space to create three floors with two maps on each floor. Pei Guang, who had such a large space, initially planned to use it all to make maps.

But when he thought about it, Pei Guang felt that this was boring. Why do players create maps? Completing the task is only a very small part, the real core purpose is happiness.

Is it fun to simply copy a game? It's fun, but not the most fun. This time, I have the authority to compile the map at will, and as a player, I am a stitch monster. So, wouldn't it be appropriate to create a real-life experience version of a horror game with some stitches?

When it comes to sewing, Pei Guang is still a bit confident about his abilities. He is afraid that if he makes it too difficult, he will break people's mentality. Therefore, Pei Guang should balance it a little. Half of the map is directly used and built according to the Dead by Daylight mode. A map.

This is a four-player game, what? The butcher is the fifth person? No! Pei Guang planned to let Suiyang be a butcher, and he would be a human being. As a spiritual body, Suiyang can change his form at will, and he can also feel a person's emotions. If he is particularly timid and is frightened into a mental disorder, Suiyang can still stabilize the other person's emotions.

Although he wanted to touch the corpse, a game is still a game. Although there were many people in history who died of fright and exhaustion due to playing games, Pei Guang wanted to prevent such things from happening on his map.

Another Stitch Monster is a survival game similar to Escape, but considering that it is not difficult for ordinary people to accept it, Pei Guang has combined the modes of escape horror games such as Escape, Pac-Man, The Fifth Night at Teddy Bear, etc.

Participants must collect supplies in a fixed map. After collecting enough supplies, they can leave the map. These supplies will be placed in very conspicuous locations for players to collect. During the collection process, terrifying creatures will appear to chase them.

Participants can hide in boxes, cabinets, and trash cans, but they cannot enter in front of the pursuers. As the collection continues, there will be more and more pursuers. When all the materials are collected, all the pursuers will capture the survivors. By.

Considering that the real mode is too scary, Pei Guang did not add skill settings to the pursuers, but simply used various horror forms such as dolls and ghosts, coupled with the dim environment, to ensure that participants experience unparalleled pleasure.

Of course, the simple environment and content of these two modes are not scary enough. As Suiyang, you can feel human emotions.

Just like several people entrusted by Esta this time, they were all influenced by women and fell into Suiyang's trap and almost became members of Suiyang factory.

To deal with such people, they must first think they have met true love, but true love requires their heart, liver, spleen, lungs, and kidneys, and their kidneys without giving them money. Pei Guang decided to let Sui Yang do the specific settings. Anyway, they can gain corresponding energy based on how much emotion the pursuer can bring to the participants.

If you don't do it yourself, you can't blame others.

But as he kept doing it, Pei Guang also discovered a problem. This world has destiny powers. Although people with these powers will also be affected by Suiyang, if they meet a brave person who is skilled in art or an idle person, If the envoys who are bored come over to play, wouldn't this thing be boring to them?

So Pei Guang added a feature to his map editor, [All foreign technology becomes invalid, and the power of destiny in this space becomes invalid. When receiving a fatal attack, it teleports to the safe zone and restores all states. Participants automatically understand the rules and features. 】

The first two features were added smoothly, and there were no restrictions on adding them directly. However, when the last three features were added, Pei Guang received requests.

[Please add all recovery props to keep the map running. It is recommended to use props: Jianmu Fruit]

Seeing this prompt, Pei Guang didn't think much about putting in a processed Jianmu Fruit. After putting it in, Pei Guang received a prompt from the map [Feature added successfully]

With the help of system assistance and the wisdom of an entire world of gaming, Pei Guang created such a map next to Suiyuan. However, it is called a map here, but it should be called Dongtian or Yuxiang Space here in Luofu.

The moment it was completed, Pei Guang said excitedly: "Tutu! My map is finished editing. Go in and take a look! You will know the specific rules when you go in. Try this map and see if you can figure it out. Hey, Jackdaw? Xue Yi? Huo Huo, why are you here?" When Pei Guang introduced Tu Tu, he realized that there were a lot of people around him. Except for March 7 and Sui Yang, who had been captured by him before, the people from the Ten Kings Division People are coming too.

However, Pei Guang didn't notice that when he completed the map and shifted his attention, the two fighting masks happily flew into the space they had just created. No one noticed this abnormality, not even Pei Guang. I didn't even notice that there was something interesting in my space.

Hearing Pei Guang's inquiry, Jackdaw said in a tired voice: "We heard that you arranged work for some Suiyang, so we came over to see what was going on. After all..."

The Immortal Boat Alliance is very tolerant of any intelligent life. As long as the Luofu Immortal Boat does not break through Luofu's bottom line and does not cause trouble to the Luofu Immortal Boat, there is absolutely no problem living here.

Although the Suiyang you ran out this time made some troubles, there are indeed some Suiyang who did not do anything that violated Luofu's morals and laws. Because of this, although many Suiyangs in Suiyuan were sealed, they were not. Able to move within a certain range.

Take Suiyang, an opera singer, for example. He has only been singing operas since he came out, and the activities of the Ten Kings are also coordinated. You can't suppress Suiyang who is so obedient, right?

Because of this, it is very troublesome to deal with Suiyang in Suiyuan. If it is released to cause panic, it is not appropriate to suppress it by force. No, these days they are sending people to Zhu Mingxianzhou to learn how to live together with Suiyang.

As a result, he had just sent out his own people, and Pei Guang had figured out how to get along with Sui Yang? Even let that Suiyang come to work? Then a few people from their Ten Kings Division must come over and take a look.

From the moment Pei Guang started working on the map with concentration, they came over to watch, on the one hand to see if they could learn anything, and on the other hand to protect Pei Guang along the way.

Pei Guang is very strong and does not need protection, but if someone can help stop some young people, it will actually help Pei Guang better complete what he has at hand. After all, Jackdaw also knows a little bit about games.

If Pei Guang were a player, the process of creating the map would be reading the text. If someone messed up during the reading process, it would be a very bad game experience for the player. Pei Guang has done so many things for Luofu and even for the Ten Kings. The people of the Ten Kings should prevent anyone from interrupting Pei Guang's reading.

After understanding the situation, Pei Guang nodded: "Thank you very much. After I finish testing this map, you can just pick some reliable Suiyang to come in and work. I even plan to make this map an open map. Put it here. If you have Suiyang you can get along with, you can put it here and let it work, but these Suiyang may become Tutu's subordinates, right?"

Listening to Pei Guang's words, Tu Tu suddenly became excited: "No problem! If you let me manage Suiyang, I promise to manage them clearly. As long as they are willing to work here, I will use the energy they produce every day. Part of the transformation power will be shared with them, but how much depends on their efforts.”

These words made March Qi, who had been listening silently, couldn't help but complain: "Ah Guang! I always feel that this guy will die in the future, either by our hands or by the hands of another Suiyang..."

Pei Guang: "I think she might not be beaten to death, but hung from a street lamp. Ahem! Okay Tutu, we'll talk about the specifics later. You go in first to get familiar with it. Don't worry. I'll add this space. Quickly understand the characteristics of the rules, and you will know how to play this thing as soon as you get in. ”

Tutu: "Got it~ Let me go in and have a look~"

As Suiyang, she is happy. She probably understands the operating model of what Pei Guang wants to do. Although it is much less efficient than her own factory, it is very good compared to being locked up, okay? ?

One of them doesn't make any money, while the other one does not have freedom but makes money. There may be some Suiyang who just want freedom, but she is different. As a Suiyang who has escaped from low-level tastes, she just wants to be industrialized and quantitative. Industrialization and efficiency will become stronger.

With this belief, Tu Tu entered the map edited by Pei Guang.

The way to enter the map edited by Pei Guang is similar to the way to enter the Yuxiang space. The only difference is that Zhou Ben's Yuxiang space requires the power of a pioneer to enter, but anyone can enter this space as long as Pei Guang allows it.

When Tutu entered, she discovered that there were two maps, one was a multiplayer map and the other was a single-player map. After thinking about it for a while, she decided to look at the single-player map first. When she entered, she knew what modes these two maps were. After thinking about it, she decided to check out the single-player map first.

After all, she has to play the role of a pursuer to scare the people who come here in the future, and she also needs to draw some strength from these people who are scared. As a dedicated Suiyang, she naturally needs to understand the operating logic and think about how to obtain more information. Much power.

"You can't reach a thousand miles without taking small steps. In the next thousand years! Just let me grow here little by little!"

Seeing that no one was around, Tu Tu became a little bit more arrogant when she entered to edit the map. Of course, she had no intention of disobeying Pei Guang's request. Having personally experienced Pei Guang's terror, she felt that this environment was ten thousand times better than being suppressed and doing nothing!

In the dark map where only a few meters could be seen, Tutu, who was Suiyang, said proudly, she was the same, how could she be afraid of the seemingly scary environment? According to relevant feedback, she felt that this environment was very useful for reference. When she left the game and started working alone, in addition to the Fairy Jump Farm, she thought she could work on this horror farm, which looked promising.

Tutu feels happy when she thinks that she can gain strength while being sealed. If she keeps doing this, she will be able to accumulate a lot of strength and be happy all over the universe when the Luofu Immortal Boat is gone.

Thinking of this, Tutu couldn't help but feel happy.

"Hahahaha! My road to invincibility begins!"

Tutu was proud. When she was feeling proud, she heard the sound of someone applauding. The applause seemed to say to her: "Look at your back."

"Huh? Is there anyone?"

As Suiyang, she turned around. As soon as she turned around, she saw a scene that made her heart stop. She saw a clown in front of her. The moment she saw the clown, Tutu felt her heart stop.

Damn it, Suiyang has a heart?

When the clown saw the scared Sui Yang, he took the lead and ran: "Go, go, go~ It's fun here."

It was strange. When she understood the other person's thoughts, Tutu, who was Suiyang, felt very happy. But she hesitated. She didn't know whether it was right or wrong to follow this clown.

In Tutu's view, this Suiyang is very interesting, exuding joy all over his body. Because he was synthesized by Pei Guang, this Suiyang can transform this joy into his own power.

But strangely enough, she found that the power she had transformed was filled with joy. When she became happy, she wanted to play with the clown in front of her even more.

At the clown's suggestion, she set up some traps here from the outside to the inside, and even arranged some scary gift boxes. She followed the clown and set up traps at every corner. Although the map originally designed by Pei Guang was scary, it was not suitable for ordinary people. Can be cleared.

But under the torment of this clown and Tu Tu, this map has become a purgatory on earth, but it doesn't matter that Tu Tu has felt unparalleled happiness in the process.

The clown didn't help during this process. Tutu, the little Suiyang, did everything by herself. Because everything was done by herself, she felt very happy, and she even felt that she was a lot stronger because of the joyful mood.

But then she will experience more joy, because when the last arrangement was completed in the deepest part of the map, turning the entire map into a disgusting map, she suddenly found that the smile on the face of the clown in front of her was even brighter. .

At the same time, the entire map changed. The originally gloomy map flashed with colorful fireworks. With the appearance of the fireworks, the clown's body disappeared, leaving only a floating mask looking at Tutu.

Although he didn't speak, Tutu understood a sentence from the mask.

"Prank target~This is fun~"

While reading this sentence, the clown mask started to act, opening its big mouth as if to eat Tutu. And Tutu could also feel that besides Pei Guang, the mask in front of him should be the second guy who could completely eliminate him.

At this moment, she was scared and wanted to run and leave here. But when she had this idea, the rules of this map appeared in her mind. To escape from this space, she had to collect props and avoid the pursuers.

However, just now, she and the guy who wanted to hunt her had laid traps and traps all over the map, from the outside to the inside...

Yes, it was none other than Aha, but what came in was not Aha's true form, but one of his masks. For Him, the map created by Pei Guang is very interesting, completely independent of the characteristics of this universe, and an interesting game mode.

The most important thing is that this map was created by the players themselves. There may not be interesting things in this map now, but in the future you will definitely meet interesting people and interesting things. It is a good choice to leave a mask in advance.

Of course, before encountering something more joyful, it is also very fun to play with this little Suiyang. What? Bullying? This is not bullying!

The traps here were all set up by this little cutie. He just suggested it and didn’t do it himself. He followed the rules of the game very much. He just played the role of the pursuer honestly. He himself had no control over this map. Do anything~

Chapter 286 Sound effects, Aha Amusement Park~

As Suiyang, Tu Tu experienced what pain is, and also experienced the horror of the map made by Pei Guang. It was obviously interesting when she arranged it before, but when she experienced it herself, she wanted to complain.

Why is it so dark here! Why do I have to set up traps and fear gift boxes here! Where's the trash can! My trash can! ! ! "

In the process of being chased by the mask, she was trapped by the traps she set. Who knows how these traps were useful to Sui Yang? But now is not the time for her to dwell on this, she can only dodge under the pursuit of the mask.

Turning left and right in this big map, Tutu saw a trash can when the opponent's line of sight was blocked.

When she became prey, she knew the evasive characteristics of the trash can. She looked back to make sure she was out of the opponent's sight. She opened the trash can and prepared to get in.

However, the moment she opened the trash can, she saw a floating note.

"You were deceived~ This is fake." As the note appeared, the originally shabby trash can was also painted with a clown pattern.


The moment he saw the floating note, three exclamation marks popped up on Tutu's head. What did this mean? It means that this trash can is not a trash can that can be avoided! Although the features didn't say there was a fake trash can, she didn't dare to bet on it.

She was just a little Suiyang. If she was eaten, there would be no place to cry, not to mention that the mask had already turned around and saw her.

When the mask saw that she still had the trash can, the smile on her face became even brighter, but Tutu could only shout: "Ghost!" and continued running away.

For Tu Tu, today is definitely the most unforgettable day in his life. First, he was jumped by others, and then he was cheated by himself after working for others.

Tutu ran away, but this time the mask didn't catch up in a hurry. He just put his eyes on the trash can, looked at the floating notes and then looked at Sui Yang who ran away in panic. His expression became even brighter. .

"She believed it~ She believed it~ Hehehe~"

Is this trash can fake? Of course not, this note is just a lie. This is a real hiding spot that Pei Guang made when he made the map. As for the pattern on the trash can? Pei Guang didn't stipulate that participants couldn't paint patterns on the trash cans, nor did he stipulate that they couldn't hide notes inside.

As for Tu Tu Xin? That is her own business. Of course, there are more interesting things waiting for Tutu ahead.

When Pei Guang is preparing to use this space, his mask can play games with this little Suiyang and experience this little joy~

For Him, big joy is joy, and small joy is also joy. As long as there is joy,

Pei Guang didn't know what was going on in the map he edited. After he explained the situation to everyone outside, he inserted a few big characters not far from the entrance of his map that read "Beautiful Miss Fox Fairy's Residence~" brand.

Then Pei Guang looked at Huo Huo, who had been watching from the side: "Huo Huo, can I trouble you with something later?"

"Huh? W-what's going on?"

Because Huo Huo successfully beat the Lord of Extinction yesterday, Huo Huo is very confident now. Of course, this refers to herself. To outsiders, she has but not much.

Pei Guang: "Do you know about the beautiful fox fairy lady?"

Huo Huo nodded: "Just now when you were busy, Sister Yue Yue told me about this. Do you want me to play the role of the beautiful fox fairy lady? I, I can't..., I'm not good-looking enough, and... and…"

Because Pei Guang took me to have so much fun yesterday, I was so excited after get off work last night that I ended up with dark circles on my eyes. Although it was not obvious, Huo Huo felt like he was pretending to be a beautiful fox fairy. Not quite.

Pei Guang: "No, no, no! I think it's best for you. You don't need to do anything. When people come, just say hello to them, and then tell them that they can just come in and chat. The place where you enter is here."

"I-can I?"

Pei Guang: "What's wrong with you? Qi'er, tell the truth, how is this little girl Huo Hao?"

March 7 came over and looked at Huo Huo seriously: "Super cute! Super charming!"

Huo Huo lowered his head and became shy: "No, it's not that exaggerated..."

Being praised by other beautiful girls, Huo Huo suddenly became shy, while Pei Guang patted her on the shoulder: "Qi'er never lies to others! Someone she recognizes must be cute." She’s so beautiful, it’ll be no problem for you to play her.”

Huo Huo: "Yes, but I..."

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