Pei Guang left, and Xing and Sanyueqi discussed it for a while, and the two of them also acted separately. This time, intuition told Sanyueqi that something very interesting would definitely happen. As for how interesting it would be, we would have to see it later.

According to the words of the fox fairy lady, Pei Guang came to Xingchahai to meet this fox fairy lady.

Just as Pei Guang guessed, this fox fairy lady was Sui Yang, no! It is a bit wrong to say that the fox fairy lady is Sui Yang. If it was before Jianmu was revived, then the fox fairy lady was a liar.

But after Sui Yang escaped, this Sui Yang occupied the body of this liar, and then this fox fairy lady became the vest of this Sui Yang, not to mention that it is no problem to say that she is the fox fairy lady, because the last body she occupied was a fox man.

At that time, she got along well with the fox man, so she also used the name of the fox man and called herself Tu Tu.

And this Sui Yang is not an ordinary Sui Yang. Before fighting with the general, she had been in the bodies of countless pua masters and learned a lot of human knowledge.

As for the lives that were harmed? She is not bragging. Since she became conscious, she has never killed anyone. Because she learned a truth when she was studying with the fox girl.

As long as no one is killed, disabled, or missing, human society does not care if a person suddenly disappears for a few days. At the same time, hurting people and disappearing will cause humans to be alert and increase the action bar, while killing people will directly make humans alert and start to act directly. After a meal of learning and weighing the pros and cons, she believes that her growth plan is more cost-effective to keep people alive.

Most Sui Yang do not care about the lives of the possessed people. Isn't it enough to suck them dry and replace them with another one? But under the guidance of the former possessed person, Tu Tu has a different way of thinking from ordinary Sui Yang.

No? It should be said that every Sui Yang has different ideas. If you don't talk about anything else, just look at Sui Yuan. There are those who sing operas, those who fall in love with people, those who don't do Sui Yang, and those who are scared by ghosts. Counting Tu Tu, it seems that the entire Sui Yang family does not look serious? Or, Sui Yang like Fu Yan and Wei Ba are the unserious ones among Sui Yang?

Because of her experience, Tu Tu, the blue Sui Yang, has a very different way of getting energy from life. After escaping from the furnace of creation, she imitated the fox-man woman, snatched the fox fairy lady account of this person, and began to spread her net all over the universe.

Pretending to be a fox lady, she contacted people outside the Xianzhou Alliance and used various purification methods to let the outsiders meet her. When the time is right, she invited the other party to gather in Xingcha Sea.

Xingcha Sea itself has a very large flow of people, and gathering here will naturally offset suspicion to a large extent. In Xingcha Sea, she also bought a property and took the other party home after transforming into a fox man.

Absorbing his emotions to make him unconscious, and then creating an almost real environment in his mind. As for what the environment is like? It depends on what the person thinks. Anyway, from pure love to 18r to heavy mouth and ntr, she has witnessed the richness of human imagination.

During this process, she will absorb human emotions and transform them into her own power. If she finds that someone is looking for this person or that the person is about to be damaged by the absorption, then she will let this person go. Anyway, with Luofu's technological level, this level of weakness can be restored by random supplementation.

Most people will only think that they have kidney deficiency when recalling their experiences these days, and ask the doctor to prescribe some tonics and go home.

During this process, Tu Tu will not lose contact with the other party. When the other party recovers, she will let the other party come over and absorb again. It can be said to be sustainable development.

If you don't have money to see a doctor? Tu Tu will also use her personal connections to help arrange work. Work during the day, be absorbed at night, and then go to Dandingsi to get some tonics to restore the body before going to work. It is a perfect automatic process.

However, there is a very big disadvantage of doing this, that is, the energy obtained each time is very small. If you are unlucky and encounter a person who is too weak, you may even lose some points. After all, it takes energy to create a real dream for the other party.

But the advantage is that it is sustainable development! And as the development time and scale go by, even if a person obtains less power, there will be no problem with more people.

Just look at her current residence. From the time she ran away to now, she has been laying out and seducing people. Her three-story residence in Xingcha Sea, including the basement, is already full of people. From the entrance to the deepest part of the room, it is neatly filled with people, and the arrangement is very neat, and there is a passable road between each area.

These people are lying on the ground with a happy look on their faces, and she Tu Tu is always checking their physical condition. She will let them go when they are almost done, and will never suck to the limit.

As a qualified Sui Yang, she insists on sustainable, mass-produced, and mutually beneficial development. Even as a Sui Yang, she has ambitions that should not belong to Sui Yang, such as gathering 10,000 people for her to suck in a cycle.

According to her calculations, if she gathers 10,000 people, the power she absorbs in one day can replace other Sui Yangs who possess others for one day. But for other Sui Yangs, possessing one person is already the limit, and those who are slightly determined may not be able to take it down for several days.

But it is different for me. It is not the limit for me to gather 10,000 people. There are so many people in the universe, 10,000, 100,000, and 1 million! It is even not difficult to create a world for yourself to breathe.

Although it is very tiring to attract so many people, compared to directly plundering, the growth rate is appallingly slow, but the victory is long-lasting! According to her calculations, as long as she is given ten thousand years, she can surpass Sui Yuan. If she is given one hundred thousand years, surpassing Sui Huang is no longer a dream. What if you gave yourself a million years? Thinking of this, as Suiyang, her mouth was watering.

As Suiyang, she is Suiyang who has ambitions, dreams and is still implementing them. It's a pity that in one mistake, she became a fragment of the Great Sui Yang Liaoyuan, and her dream was completely shattered.

But this time the furnace of creation was broken, she saw an opportunity. She felt that she could once again make a comeback and build her own super empire that sucked in yang energy.

Humans eat and drink to restore their bodies and absorb their own energy. Humans eat and drink again. At this moment, Tutu feels that he has contributed a lot to the economic flow of Luofu Xianzhou.

No, just when she was entering the fantasy moment, she happily sucked everyone in the room and then came to the computer room to control fifty computers and chat with 2,500 people at the same time.

With the passage of time and the accumulation of strength, every time she speaks, she will add the power of Suiyang to her words. This technique is not difficult for her, who is skilled in Suiyang.

Because the spread of information within the scope of the universe can essentially be regarded as the transmission of energy, Suiyang is energy, but it is a little difficult to bring some power that will not be discovered in words.

But it’s just difficult! Brave Suiyang is not afraid of difficulties and creates miracles!

Under the influence of words with their own power, the people who receive them will go through the first wave of purification. Those with a strong will will only think that this is some nonsense? A person with a loose will will fall into the trap of her tenderness and sooner or later become a qualified employee in her emotional factory.

Just today, Tutu found out that she met a pervert! Usually the people she attracts online are polite, but today she met someone who came to look at their breasts?

But it wasn't a big problem. Tutu was experienced in luring this pervert to come to Xingcha Sea, but the other party's speech after arriving at Xingcha Sea left her speechless.

"After looking at the breasts, you still want to look at the underwear? What's so good about human underwear? It's full of bacteria, mites, various microorganisms and excrement residues? You want the original flavor? Are humans really perverted? Oh, really, I really don't understand. Why do humans like this kind of thing? Isn’t it so clean?”

Tutu is not a fussy Suiyang. In order to become stronger, she doesn't mind having another pervert in her factory.

Tutu happily guided this pervert to her gathering point. According to her experience, as long as people come and use her power, those who can come here after several waves of purification by herself will definitely be affected by her.

She is really not bragging. As Suiyang, except for the legendary Ten Kings of Lingshi and the Ten Kings, anyone who comes to her after purification can be influenced by her and become a member of her factory!

Don’t you just want to see underwear? She collected a lot of photos and sent them directly after some photoshopping. She also left a message while sending the photos.

"Little brother~ come on~ sister can't wait, sister misses you so much, hehehe~"

This is Tutu’s true expression. Every time there is an extra person in his factory, his power becomes stronger. This person seems to be a particularly emotionally abnormal person. Although abnormal people are unpalatable, they are better than eating too much. If you want Growing up, she was not picky about food.

However, she just replied here, and after seeing what was said there, she became even more speechless.

"Miss, where are you? Why didn't I see you? I can't wait to 'play poker' with you!" Affected by the power of great harmony, Pei Guang's speech seemed very strange to outsiders. obscure.

But for Sui Yang, it was not a problem at all. Seeing Pei Guangfa's location information, she went directly to the door and spoke to Pei Guang: "The red door on the right ~ knock three times and they will open the door for you ~"

Although you can see the outside through your own abilities, this is the Sea of ​​Stars after all. The power inside the room has been arranged so that it will not leak out. However, if you go out, you may still be discovered. As the saying goes, be careful when sailing a thousand-year ship. For the sake of your own great cause, Care must be taken in early development.

Half a minute after sending the message to Pei Guang, there was a knock on the door, and Tutu randomly selected a lucky employee and controlled his body to open the door. While opening the door to welcome the new employee, she also activated her own Strength, ready to control Pei Guang's body.

Open the door, activate her power, and control Pei Guang's entire set of movements smoothly and smoothly, as if she had practiced them thousands of times. No one has ever been able to resist her move.

Of course, she has never been proud. She knows that there must be many people in this world who can resist the influence of their Suiyang. She has been purified like this, and the other person is so lustful? Still can’t control yourself? How is that possible?

But then she discovered something serious. She failed to control Pei Guang. Seeing Pei Guang smiling, she tried to possess him directly without believing in evil.

However, at the moment of possession, she screamed.


At this moment, Pei Guang, who followed Tutu's instructions to find this place and found that Suiyang was happy, knew that Suiyang must have caused trouble in this matter.

Not to mention, the place that Sui Yang chose is really awesome. It is less than three thousand meters away from Sichen Palace and there is a commercial street in front of it. And here, there is Sui Yang who has not been touched by human beings. Discover? Even Pei Guang couldn't help but want to praise the other party's ability.

When he opened the door, Pei Guang felt that the other party was trying to control his body.

[System log: Suiyang Tutu tried to control your body. Your mental power is far greater than that of Suiyang Tutu, so the control failed. 】

Pei Guang was initially elated when he saw the system prompts, but when he saw Sui Yang, who looked blue as if he had a mask in front of him, suddenly yelling "Ghost", Pei Guang was stunned.

"Ghost? Where are you? Aren't you a ghost?"

Tutu was not happy to hear Pei Guang's words: "Who is the ghost? Who is the ghost? This girl is Suiyang!"

Pei Guang: "..."

I met someone who called myself my uncle before and finally changed my name to my king. This time I met someone who called myself this girl? This Suiyang... is quite interesting.

Compared to Pei Guang, Suiyang Tutu really felt like she had seen a ghost, because the moment she came into contact with Pei Guang, she seemed to have seen something very strange. She could not understand the existence of Pei Guang at all. He clearly looks like a human being, but after contacting him, he becomes a human being. Even his body is a standard human body, but it doesn't look like a human being.

At this moment, she seemed to hear someone greeting her.


Yes, this was the information she read. This weird information and weird existence made Suiyang only think of one kind of existence, and that was ghosts!

"Uncle Ghost! I was wrong! If you like this site, this site will be given to you, but please don't hurt these people. These people are my high-quality employees. If they die, the blame will be placed on me. I will be completely sealed and will never be able to come out!”

For some reason, Pei Guang looked at Sui Yang in front of him and listened to her words. Why did he feel that she was about to cry?

Looking at the people lying on the ground, and then looking at Sui Yang in front of him, Pei Guang was wondering whether he was the bad guy or she was the bad guy? etc? The other person doesn't seem to be a human, so that's okay.

Pei Guang: "I'm not a ghost! I'm Pei Guang, Suiyang, the pioneer of the Star Train! You've been arrested! Now tell me why you arrested so many people! If you confess and be lenient, I will also It can give you good results.”

Tutu was scared at first, but after listening to Pei Guang's words, she suddenly lost her fear: "Hey? What did you say? I was arrested? Great. As for what I am going to do with these people, please listen to me. Talk slowly."

Pei Guang: "?"

Pei Guang needed to admit that he was helpless by this Suiyang, and after hearing what Suiyang had experienced and done, Pei Guang showed a shocked expression.

Awesome! Really awesome. After hearing her experience and her plan, Pei Guang could only describe it as awesome. He never expected that Suiyang would have such great ambitions and take action. The most awesome thing is that Suiyang is really using this plan to become stronger, which is awesome.

Pei Guang admitted that this was the first time he had encountered such an awesome NPC after being a player in this world for so long.

That's right, in Pei Guang's view, this Sui Yang is not an enemy or a villain, but a special NPC with ideals and ambitions. We put our efforts into practice for our ideals. Although we did not pursue mutual understanding, we also considered sustainable development and peaceful development.

According to the traditional plots of various games, there is a high probability that this kind of idealistic and ambitious being will be framed and eventually become a villain. There is a small probability that he will give up his dream and sacrifice himself to save the world.

At this moment, Pei Guang imagined many endings. Are you lying? Pei Guang thought that the Suiyang in front of him was not a liar, because if he really didn't lie to her... Pei Guang wouldn't mind having another grilled Suiyang tonight.

Tutu, Suiyang, talked about her ideals and ambitions. While talking, she also took out her thick notes to show off: "I will record every failure. I will review it countless times when I am sealed, like this By restarting the car, I avoided more than 3,000 accidents that could have caused me to roll over, but I never expected it, never expected it!”

As she talked, she was about to cry. She didn't expect that her road would be so difficult. She also knew that according to human values, her behavior was wrong, but she just wanted to become stronger!

She was wronged, she was in pain, and she wanted to roar.

But it doesn't matter, as Suiyang she has endless time, she can wait for the Luofu Immortal Boat to be destroyed, and then find a good place to implement her plan. She decided that next time someone like Pei Guang, who behaved particularly abnormally, would not be accepted. She could not take the risk of subduing such a person with ulterior motives just for a little more power!

Pei Guang: "Don't be sad. As Suiyang, you are really a talent! I see that you are extremely talented. I have a project here that allows you to transform human emotions into power without any burden. I wonder if you are interested. ?”

Pei Guang admitted that he cherished his talent. This Sui Yang was obviously a talent. Pei Guang did not want to hand over such a talent to the Ten Kings Division for suppression. Instead, he planned to bring this Sui Yang to the map he was going to build next. What he would do next was Make a Dead by Daylight map and have a happy hunt for those officers to get better rewards.

After playing it myself, it would be perfect to hand over this map to Sui Yang to take care of it, right? Transform her so that she can gain strength through human emotions, and let her stay in the map she built to absorb human fears.

While being able to obtain special effects stably, it also allows this talent to realize his dream. It’s a multi-purpose achievement! Pei Guang could see that the core purpose of the other party's Immortal Dance was to gain strength and make himself stronger through small profits but quick turnover.

He could definitely give the other party this opportunity to eliminate the possibility of her becoming black or dying. Thinking of this, Pei Guang also explained his plan to Sui Yang.

Listening to Pei Guang's plan, Suiyang Tutu and the whole Suiyang were excited: "Good man! You are a good man. Let's not talk about whether your idea can be realized or not. I just have this attitude towards you. You don't want to see breasts and panties. I want you to see enough!”

Pei Guang was a little happy to see Sui Yang happy, but when he heard these words, his expression suddenly became serious.

Because he noticed that the symbol of March 7 appeared on the small map, and according to the map prompts, March 7 seemed to be behind him? ? ? ?

Chapter 285 Horror Game~Aha is here to have fun~

At this moment, Pei Guang felt as if the time of the whole world had stopped. Looking at March 7th getting closer and closer on the mini map, Pei Guang's breathing and heartbeat almost stopped.

"Aguang...what are you...doing..."

March Qi's voice appeared behind Pei Guang, and March Qi's voice was so curious.

Yes, March 7 came over curiously, looked at Suiyang who was transforming, and said curiously: "Hey? This is the Suiyang you are talking about, right? What is she doing?"

Pei Guang: "She took my fishing remarks seriously, and she wanted to show it to me."

Although Pei Guang was nervous, when he really faced March 7th, he felt relieved. He felt that when he saw her, his whole heart was healed, and he even felt relaxed. .

Listening to Pei Guang's words, March 7's eyes widened: "What! No!!!!"

When March 7 came to Pei Guang, she didn't just follow him. She believed in Pei Guang's character. She came here to tell Pei Guang that the matter was settled. She sent a message to Pei Guang, but the message could not be sent, so she came over to see what happened. .

Now I suddenly hear why Suiyang is so shameless? She became nervous for a moment, and Liu Xiangbing instantly wrapped the entire Suiyang. While wrapping it, March Qi looked at Pei Guang nervously: "Don't look! Don't look! Don't look!"

Pei Guang: "I won't watch! Suiyang! Don't do this in front of me. If you make Qi'er angry, I will kill you."

At this moment, Tutu's entire Suiyang froze. It was obvious that the text messages were all about wanting to see her breasts and underwear, but she didn't look at them?

TuTu muttered dissatisfiedly: "You humans are so difficult to understand. You will want to look at it for a while and then stop looking at it, but..."

Tutu put away her magical powers and looked at March 7. The moment she saw March 7, she became excited all year long: "Oh no, no, no! This is the first time I see such a pure and beautiful person... "

Originally, March 7 was very angry, but when she felt Sui Yang's gaze and heard her praise, March 7 blinked: "Huh? Really? A Guang, this Suiyang is so nice to talk to?" Is she fooling me?"

Pei Guang shook his head: "No, Suiyang has the ability to sense human emotions, and she has no need to lie now. Not to mention Suiyang, we all think you are such a beautiful girl~"

Listening to Pei Guang's praise, March Qi became a little embarrassed: "It's true~ We also know that I am a young and cute girl, but I am still a little shy to say such things in front of me."

Pei Guang: "Why are you shy? Be high-profile! Be high-profile!"

After the two of them chatted for a while, March 7th remembered the business: "Hey! Ah Guang, I forgot to mention the business. Your mobile phone has no signal and can't be contacted, so I came over to explain the situation to you. Xingjiang and I We have talked and brought them to Luofu, but she...has not sent the gathering message yet..."

Thinking of business, March Qi quickly explained the situation there. Listening to March Qi's description, Pei Guang looked at Sui Yang: "It's not a big problem. Just ask her to send the gathering address. As for saying there is no signal, Maybe it’s because of Sui Yang’s influence? I just think that Sui Yang is quite capable and I’m going to recruit him as our employee.”

"Employee? I mean Aguang~ You're not being evil, are you?"

March 7 looked at Pei Guang seriously as if she was possessed by a great detective, and Pei Guang gently pinched her cheek: "How is that possible? Her appearance is just a copy of others, but yours is unique~ Besides, if I’m really that lustful, how many people, starting from Belloberg, can escape my clutches?”

March 7 recalled seriously: "Then you often say you are lustful and you are honest?"

Pei Guang: "Isn't that a good thing for you~"

Tutu, Suiyang, seemed very energetic at first, but as she listened, she suddenly felt something was wrong. Why did she suddenly stuff this dog food into her mouth? As Suiyang, she is not picky about food, but because she has been working for a long time, she still feels a little uncomfortable watching this kind of scene.

Tu Tu: "Okay! You guys are fighting each other over there, take me away quickly! I will hang out with you now! Make sure you let me eat! I want to be Sui Yang, the most powerful Sui Yang !”

As a qualified Suiyang, she has unique ambitions. Although she also doubts the authenticity of Pei Guang's previous invitation, what should she say? She has no choice now.

Pei Guang: "No problem! But before that, let me make a transformation on you."

When she heard the word transformation, she trembled, but when she thought of the terrifying feeling when she invaded Pei Guang, she chose to obey.

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