Detective Sherlock Seven suddenly made a bold guess at this moment: "Hey~ They are tired from playing and still sleeping in, right? Hmm~ I feel a little sleepy when I think of the experiences these days~"

I really feel tired after playing March 7 these days. Although I am a little tired, from March 7, it seems that the Aether Front is still very interesting to play.

"Forget it, let me wake them up! If you don't get up, there won't be much to play with today~"

March 7th took a look at the time and decided to wake up Pei Guang and Xing. After all, yesterday we all agreed to go to the Finals Paradise together. Now it was getting late and it was too late to wake up, so naturally we had to wake them up.

March Qi hummed a little tune and walked back to the rest area. She came to Xing's room first. Just as she was about to knock on the door, she found that the door seemed unlocked, so March Qi opened the door directly.

But the moment she opened the door, her whole expression froze, and she saw Pei Guang and Xing lying on the bed in the room without any seriousness at all.

Xing's head was stuck under the pillow, and one leg was pressed directly on Pei Guang's body. Pei Guang didn't get any better. He lay with his upper body next to the bed and fell asleep with his head down.

"Okay! You two actually secretly played fun things behind my back, right?"

At this moment, March Qi felt a little angry. The angry person was naturally not that Pei Guang and Xing slept together, but that they didn't invite him when they had fun!

But soon March 7th discovered that she didn't seem to be angry because of this. This was just an excuse she made. The deeper reason seemed to be...

While she was thinking, Pei Guang, who was lying on the bed, sensed something and subconsciously opened his eyes. At this time, March Qi was already close to Pei Guang. At the same time, Pei Guang was lying with his upper body hanging in the air. The moment he opened his eyes, he saw Familiar scenery.

"Ah...familiar scenery."

March 7: "?"

Seeing Pei Guang suddenly talking nonsense when he woke up, March Qi was stunned for a moment, then looked at Pei Guang with wide eyes and blushing: "Does it look good?"

Maybe it was because of brain congestion caused by sleeping with his head down. At this time, Pei Guang subconsciously said: "It looks good!"

However, as soon as this sentence came out, Pei Guang suddenly realized that there was something wrong with this sentence. He hurriedly stood up and was about to say something. March Qi blushed and said playfully: "Humph~ It seems that this girl is still very foresight. You're wearing the right safety pants~ Okay~ Get up quickly, we won't be able to continue playing if we don't get up~"

On the surface, March Qi's words were normal, but her face was already red to the ears. Pei Guang calmed down when he saw the blushing March Qi. At this moment, the room fell into a strange atmosphere.

Just when the two of them were about to say something, they heard a turning sound on the bed at the same time. They subconsciously turned their heads and saw Xing holding a mobile phone and turning on the video and said to the two of them: "Don't worry, keep going." It’s okay if I’m just air!”

As he said this, Xing's face showed excitement, anticipation and impatient expression.

how to say? Xing is actually looking forward to something happening between Pei Guang and March Qi, so that she can learn from them and not say that she doesn't know what to do when she does it.

But unfortunately, nothing happened in the end. March 7 simply said: "Get up quickly! It's time to go~" and fled the room.

Pei Guang also tidied up and washed himself silently, and finally followed Xing to the hall. When he arrived at the hall, March Qi's condition had completely recovered.

Looking at the two people walking out, March Qi crossed his arms and asked curiously: "What did you two do last night? Did you get up so late today?"

Pei Guang recalled: "It's not about what we did last night, but the two of us were very busy yesterday. Specifically..."

Pei Guang explained what happened yesterday. Listening to Pei Guang's description of yesterday's experience, March 7 asked curiously: "In other words, there are ghosts on Luofu~ It's just that these ghosts Yang~Hey, I’m really curious about what these Suiyangs look like. I wonder if I can take a photo of them?”

Pei Guang: "If you want to take pictures, after today's fun, let's go to Suiyuan in Luofu to take photos of these Suiyangs. But having said that, there are still many Suiyangs wandering around in Luofu that need to be caught. I hope they will be caught." It’s Suiyang who is not allowed to chat with us on the phone.”

Listening to Pei Guang's words, March Qi trembled: "Eh~ It's so scary, isn't it? Suiyang wouldn't rely on this to attract people and then eat them, right?"

Through Pei Guang, March Qi also knew what Suiyang was. Because of this, after hearing Pei Guang's last words, she imagined a terrible possibility.

"For example, in order to avoid being discovered, Suiyang pretended to be a cute girl to attract young men, and finally sucked their yang energy, and finally!!! Oh! It's so scary."

March Qi said more and more, and as she spoke, she frightened herself.

However, Pei Guang felt that what March 7 said was reasonable, so he praised it: "Don't say it yet, your statement is possible, but then again, have you seen similar stories? Why do you think it is so similar?"

March 7: "Of course! I have watched the horror video tape. By the way, Aguang, have you watched the horror video tape? If not, how about watching it together tonight?"

Thinking of Pei Guang spending the night with Xing yesterday, March Qi felt a little unhappy. She decided to invite Pei Guang to watch something good tonight. Of course, she wouldn't say why she didn't dare to see Pei Guang together. After all, it was a bit embarrassing to say such a thing.

Hearing Pei Guang's invitation, Pei Guang's eyes lit up: "Of course! Let me tell you, I am very courageous and not afraid of those monsters at all."

March 7: "Humph~ I'm lying. I don't know who was frightened by some Shining in this hotel and screamed~"

Pei Guang pointed at March 7th: "Isn't it you?"

Xing proudly puffed up his chest at this time: "That's right! There's me too!"

March 7: "What's so proud about this!"

The three of them chatted and laughed. Today, the three of them planned to study various routines with the harvested ether soul. Now that the champion candidates have defeated them, they are waiting for the final day to face the remaining champion candidates and the previous champion. Challenged.

Regarding victory, it can be said that Pei Guang is bound to win. In addition to the perpetual motion flow, Pei Guang has also come up with strange gameplay methods such as ice fat nuclear explosion flow, permanent freezing flow, infinite goldfish flow, and patrol perpetual motion flow.

However, these gameplays still need to be tried with what kind of chips to achieve the greatest effect. After all, in the Ether spirit duel, the chip is the core of the core.

The place where the three of us came today was the space station of the Black Tower. Compared to Luofu, there were actually more players here. The reason is also very simple. Luofu is a place where you can go.

But the Black Tower Space Station is not a place that ordinary people can come to. It can become one of the decisive victory parks. Naturally, many people want to come and see it. It is naturally a good place to compete with experts here.

Pei Guang and his team had wonderful thoughts, but the reality was very harsh, because when they arrived at the Black Tower Space Station, they were found by Esta.

Esta: "Aguang~ You guys went to Luofu Xianzhou. I wonder if you have heard of the local [Beautiful Fox Fairy Chat Group] in Xianzhou?"

Pei Guang originally thought that some mission was about to happen, but when he heard this sentence, Pei Guang turned his attention to March Qi. At this time, March Qi also remembered the previous complaints in the hotel and swallowed his saliva. He spoke in a low voice: "Well, this beautiful fox fairy lady, do you want your employees to... look for her? Or go to the Luofu Fairy Boat to look for her?"

Esta: "Huh? You know this?"

Esta became excited. In her opinion, Pei Guang and the others were right to help. As soon as she opened her mouth, the other party knew what her purpose was. This was really great.

Seeing Esta's reaction, March 7th said to himself: "Isn't it right? Am I right?"

Chapter 283 Pei Guang: "Let me see your ***"

Seeing Esta's surprised words, March Qi shook her head hurriedly: "No, no, it's just... um~ After hearing A Guang say something about Luofu today, I randomly guessed something, but I didn't expect that I guessed something. If I win, I can also predict the future?”

What March 7 is wondering now is whether he has stayed with Pei Guang for a long time and learned Pei Guang's ability to predict the future?

Seeing March Qi's changing expression, Pei Guang reached out and tapped her head gently: "Stop thinking!"

March 7: "It hurts! It's not just a figment of the imagination, look! We have been to so many planets, and every time we never guessed what will happen next, but this time we guessed it right away, hehe~ I must have learned your magical prophecy ability, otherwise how could I guess so accurately?"

Seeing March Qi's triumphant look, Pei Guang said directly: "This is not a prophecy~ It's just a possibility that I thought of after hearing what I said about Sui Yang and combining it with the horror stories I have read. . But then again, Qi'er seems to say something casually every time. Although the process is completely wrong, the result seems to be right. "

March 7: "Is there one? Why didn't we find it?"

Star: "Yes, yes!"

March 7: "Hey! When this time is over, I have to try to remember what I said before."

Pei Guang looked at Esta: "Huh? By the way, Esta, what mission do you have here?"

After watching the two people finish chatting, Esta chuckled and said, "Your relationship is still so good."

Esta cleared her throat before opening her mouth to explain.

It turns out that because of the Aether Front, the originally relatively closed Black Tower Space Station has been connected with the outside world, and even the staff are communicating about the Aether Front.

From Esta's point of view, this is a great thing. The space station is currently recovering. Participating in an event can calm down the nervous and anxious heart, and at the same time, it can allow the staff in the departments that despise each other to communicate with each other. It is simply great. OK?

From being here as a competition venue to today, it only lasted a week, but this week people from various departments studied routines together and participated in the competition. It did not affect the original work and everyone was happy. Esta was happy.

But something happened because of the frequent communication between each other. An [Emotional Consultation Service] from Luofu suddenly appeared in the space station. This emotional consultation service actually made many employees want to go to Luofu Fairy Boat to meet with him.

It was okay at first, these staff members just applied to leave, and Esta also used her own methods to let them calm down first. But just after suppressing the application yesterday, three staff members were seeking death and survival today.

When something goes wrong, there must be a demon, and when something goes evil, there must be a ghost. After getting to know Pei Guang, Esta also understood this truth. She felt that something was wrong, but she had no time to go to Luofu Xianzhou, and she had no time to talk to the people there. people communicate.

We can only find Pei Guang, please help him investigate the situation.

After telling this, Esta sighed: "I'm not a stubborn person. Of course, I will fully support the staff's work, daily life, and love life. If the staff want to pursue freedom, I will not hold them back." Let go. But this thing is so weird, do you know? There were five people who applied to me to go to Luofu. All five of them were fascinated by this beautiful fox fairy, and one of them even had a family. , but ended up going to Luofu like crazy..."

Originally, Esta thought that the fox fairy lady was an idol, and several people were chasing the idol collectively, but today their reactions proved that this was no longer an idol issue.

Pei Guang began to think deeply: "It sounds like there is a problem. Your staff is not attracted to the vixen, right? You want us to investigate what is wrong with this [beautiful fox fairy lady], right?"

Esta nodded: "That's right, I can only leave this matter to you. I've already prepared the mission rewards and so on~"

Esta blinked at Pei Guang. Hearing that there was a mission reward, Pei Guang's interest suddenly arose.

"No problem! I promise to investigate this beautiful fox fairy lady thoroughly."

At this moment, Pei Guang became more motivated, and March Qi beside him also nodded and said: "That's right, that's right!"

Esta: "This... won't affect your ability to play the Aether Front, right?"

Pei Guang shook his head: "No, we have finished all the challenges that should be challenged. The next step is to wait for the final day to challenge other champion candidates and current champions. During this period, we just plan to play casually and study the routines. Don't study for half a day. No impact at all~"

Pei Guang gave Esta a thumbs up, and listening to Pei Guang's words, Esta breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good!"

Pei Guang: "But..."

Esta: "But?"

Pei Guang touched his chin and thought: "I don't care whether this is true or not, whether Suiyang is causing trouble or not, I feel that we need to let these people calm down completely before we act."

March 7: "Hey? Why? Why don't you find the culprit first?"

Pei Guang: "When you read a horror story, do those who are tempted by monsters and monsters cause trouble to the protagonist?"

March 7th recalled: "It seems so. Every time I watch a horror story, my heart beats wildly with fright, but sometimes the things those people do are really irritating. Huh? Wait a minute and let me make a guess. ~Hmm~ If we don’t deal with these people first, will they cause trouble for us? "

Pei Guang: "Yes~ Just look~ You are also very experienced."

March 7: "But, a story is a story, reality..."

Pei Guang complained: "Stories come from life. Believe me, sometimes things encountered in reality are more interesting than what happens in stories."

Xing: "Then what should we do?"

Pei Guang: "Let me think about it, since they are obsessed with the beautiful fox fairy, then let's pretend to be the beautiful fox fairy and date them, and then let them understand what the fairy dance is."

At this point, Pei Guang was already eager to try. Because there was no new map opened, Pei Guang had not encountered an enemy and touched a corpse for several days. If you can't touch the corpse, there will be no rewards. Without rewards, you won't be able to synthesize more special effects.

Whether it's the Xianzhou people, the Beloberg people, or the Black Tower Space Station, everyone's favorability is too high. Not to mention the fact that corpses cannot be shipped in a non-hostile state, just in case you finally get it. If my good feelings fall away, there will really be no place to cry.

Didn't you see that after you develop a good impression of these places, do you always come to him whenever there is something fun or when there is any task? A few broken special effects are not as good as a large mission or fun activity. You must know that these things are the most rewarding.

But it's different now that Esta has released a mission. Pei Guang can completely catch them all, squeeze them dry, and enjoy themselves. When he thought of this, Pei Guang felt that he had reached his peak.

Pei Guang found it boring to simply catch him and beat him up. Besides, Pei Guang actually had something else he wanted to experiment with.

Pei Guang touched a lot of corpses along the way and shipped a lot, but while shipping, Pei Guang also summarized the rules a little bit. He didn't know if his conclusion was correct or not. Anyway, the simpler the corpse was touched during the mission, the worse things would be obtained, while the more complex the corpse was touched, the better things would be obtained.

This simplicity and complexity is not a pure test of strength. After all, for players to obtain something has little to do with their own strength, it depends on the task process.

Because of this, Pei Guang wanted to make the task more complex, longer process, and do more things within the controllable range. In this way, he might be able to touch better things.

After all, according to various game settings, in addition to the toys placed on the ground for players to pick up and have a probability of being shipped, the length of the task process also determines whether the task can give good things.

Players like to skip classes, but this does not conflict with the idea of ​​running a complex mission process to obtain some good props.

Because of this, Pei Guang plans to strengthen the mission process and improve the playability of the mission.

But how can we make a deep impression on them without stopping ourselves? Pei Guang started to think. After thinking for a while, Pei Guang knew what to do.

What can you expect from multiple arrests? Dead by Daylight, of course! Some people may not know what Dead by Daylight is, what about Identity V? Pei Guang thought about it, and decided to make a similar map, throw them in and catch them as a butcher himself. This way he could prolong the task process and experience happiness at the same time. It was perfect.

"But here's the question? Where can I get this map? Yes, we agreed to sew it all together? Where's the mod editor? If I don't have a mod editor, why not just give me a map editor? I can't just create a big map, then Can you let me play the entire mini map at the beginning?”

While Pei Guang was thinking, a new prompt appeared in the system.

[Players get: Map Editor]

[Players can create a reverberation space in a designated area. The size, decoration, architecture, and characteristics of the reverberation space are unlocked according to the player's adventure progress and adventure level. Please note that once the map is created at the specified location, it cannot be destroyed or transferred. The map can only be edited at the specified location. 】

[Players can create a map with a remaining number of 1. 】

Looking at this prompt, Pei Guang nodded with satisfaction. The editor cannot be said to be standard for all games, but it is also standard for most games. Although it seems that this world cannot be modded, Pei Guangxun thought it would be good for him as a player to edit a map for fun.

Whether it is an online game or a stand-alone game, new maps, new gameplay, and new features can greatly extend the life of the game.

Seeing this, Pei Guang smiled on his face. March Qi on the side noticed that Pei Guang, who was chatting normally just now, suddenly had a mean smile on his face.

"Aguang...what did you think of again? How do you feel...your smile..."

Xing: "Needless to say? A Guang must have thought of some bad idea. Come on! A Guang, what do you want to do for fun?"

Pei Guang: "Huh? Let me keep it a secret for a while~ When I finish it, I guarantee that you will have a great time and at the same time, it will also give us a better experience."

Although he might feel sorry for these staff members, Pei Guang decided to let them make a small sacrifice for the sake of reward.

Pei Guang doesn't give any high-sounding explanations like "It's for your own good~". He just wants to find better rewards and complete Esta's mission at the same time. And it can help these people calm down and not be confused by monsters and ghosts, which can achieve multiple things with one stone! It’s a win-win! Win more.

Seeing that Pei Guang already had an idea, Esta breathed a sigh of relief: "Then I'll leave it to you, Aguang~ Don't worry, I'll give you a generous mission reward! Huh? Speaking of which, I remembered something Well, Aguang, aren’t you going to take a look at that galaxy? My mother told me that there is no sign of human activity in that galaxy so far.”

Pei Guang: "Huh?"

Pei Guangqian was stunned by Esta's words. Not only Pei Guang was stunned, but March Qi and Xing were also stunned.

March 7: "Stationmaster Esta? What are you talking about? There are no signs of personnel activity? How is that possible? There are many empty soldiers of the legions there?"

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