Huo Huo: "I don't!"

Pei Guang: "Haha! You have been brought here by me, and you still have the right to refuse? Change it for me!"

Huo Huo took out the transformer with tears in his eyes: "Change, I will change, woo woo woo..."

If it were normal, his tail would definitely push back. He could bully Huo Huo, but others couldn't. But the oppression brought by Huanhui has caused him to lose his vitality throughout his life.

This is the absolute suppression of the Great Suiyang against its ordinary Suiyang. Facing Huanhu, it is like a moth and can only let Huanhu ravage. Even if this Huanhu is a memory, this absolute suppression makes It’s hard to do anything with the tail.

However, neither Huo Huo nor Tai Tai noticed that when Huo Huo was scared, the green gem or the transformer was converting Huo Huo's emotions into power, and the green light completely covered Huo Huo and Tai Tai.

At the same time, in Huo Huo's inner world, Huo Huo, who had seen the illusion appear with his own eyes, was crying in his conscious world.

"It's so scary. It's really scary. Can I really face this kind of enemy?"

In the conscious world, Huo Huo's fearful mood has reached the extreme. This means that Pei Guang has already taken Huo Huo for a lap before. Otherwise, Huo Huo might not have cried when he saw Sui Yang. Already stunned.

The Great Lord of Extermination is an unattainable existence. Even if the most powerful people in the Ten Kings Division can't do anything to the Lord of Extermination, what can she, an ordinary fox-man trainee judge, do? I can only pray that the other party cannot see me.

However, just when she was frightened, she found that there was an extra existence in her conscious space. She subconsciously looked over and saw the tail. Huo Hao once again felt at ease in her heart.


Tails: "Oh, it's me."

At this moment, Tai Wei didn't know how he got here, but the moment he got here, he looked at the crying Huo Huo and comforted him: "Why are you crying? Can crying solve the problem?"

Huo Huo: "Yes, but I just can't help it...and it's just a fantasy...why don't we eat one bite at a time?"

Seeing Taili next to him, Huo Huo felt at ease.

Looking at Huo Huo who had calmed down again, Tai Wei began to analyze seriously: "She? If it is true that she is here, you can fill in the gaps between her teeth and I can be the toothpick. It's perfect."

Huo Huo: "Huh?"

Taiwei analyzed carefully: "Although we have known that boy for a short time, I have a good feeling about him during this period. There is no need for him to trick us. Think about it! With his methods, I won't do it if he gets angry." Why did you bring us to Huanlong and let him bully us?"

Huo Huo: "Huh? Uncle Tai, you are right."

Tails: "Call me King! Ahem! Then let's think about what we are here for?"

Huo Huo: "Mr. Aguang wants us to try the power after transformation?"

Tails: "That's right! Think about it, until now we've known him, are all the things he taught you useful?"

Huo Huo: "It seems like this..."

Tails said seriously: "What do you mean it seems? That's it. Since he brought us here and asked us to transform, doesn't it prove that after we transform, we can definitely kill this guy?"

Huo Huo: "But...but...I'm just afraid, I just don't have confidence..."

Tails: "But what? Have you forgotten? He told you that transforming can improve your self-confidence. Anyway, with him here, let's transform and see. Besides, if the other party is really hallucinating, we won't Take the chance to run."

Huo Huo: "You're right, I'll listen to Tai Tai! Just let us..."

Tails: "Fight her! Anyway, with those two guys here, we don't have to worry about being in danger. After all, they handle the main body of the illusion!"

Huo Huo: "You are right!"

At this moment, Huo Huo and Tai Wei became one, and the two of them triggered a special linkage mode. The two of them cooperated and fought together.

In reality, Huo Huo completed his transformation in an instant. But when Huo Huo completed his transformation, both Pei Guang and Xing were stunned.

At this time, Huo Huo just stood up straight compared to the moment when he was squatting with his head in his arms.

Xing pointed at Huo Huo who had completed the transformation and asked: "Is this... the transformation is completed? Do you feel there is no change?"

When Pei Guang was also wondering what was going on, he discovered the change in Huo Huo: "It has changed! And it has changed a lot! Look at Huo Huo's tail. It is no longer the king of tails, but nine tails."

The Huo Huo in front of him has completed his transformation, but the clothes on his body are still the same as before, and the weapon is still the familiar toilet pusher. The difference from before is that light green flames are coming out of Huo Huo's body, and the flames in his hands condense into A claw-like existence.

The nine tails on the back are not real tails, but false ones. These nine tails are actually the nine unused skill slots. Because there are no special buffs, they become pure power.

The claw-like eyes no longer had fear, but were filled with confidence.

That's right, at the moment when the transformation was completed, Huo Huo also remembered what Pei Guang said just now [Confidence Bonus after Transformation]. Although it was a lie, with the support of psychological suggestion and tail, Huo Huo took it seriously, and I still feel that this bonus is quite powerful, and I am really not afraid at all.

Pei Guang, who saw this scene, didn't know how to complain: "Fuck! After the transformation, it's the nine-tails mode? Huo Huo? How do you feel now?"

Huo Huo: "It feels good."

The two voices that answered Pei Guang were Huo Huo and Tai Tai. As if sensing Pei Guang's doubts, Huo Huo spoke again: "We already understand what the special bond is. Next, let you see what's going on between us. Bond!”

Next, Pei Guang and Xing will also see the powerful power brought by the Suiyang Transformer.

Huo Huo \u0026 Tai Tai were seen rushing directly towards Huan Wu, and when they rushed towards Huan Wu, the half-buried Huan Wu also appeared in front of them.

While rushing towards Huanhuan, Huo Huo also spoke: "Tail, this guy doesn't seem to be as scary as you thought?"

Tails: "Of course, don't you know who we are? Next, I will let you see how powerful I am."

Huo Huo: "That's right! Let her have a taste of our power!"

At this time, there was a flag in Huo Huo's hand, and there was a phantom of floating smoke on the flag. Of course, the above is from the perspective of Huo Huo \u0026 Tail. From the perspective of Pei Guang and Xing, Huo Hao was holding the toilet pusher. There was a floating smoke on it, so it went up.

At the same time, in Pei Guang's Star Destroyer, the TV that was originally turned off suddenly turned on. Seeing the TV light up, Huan Wu flew over directly.

Ever since he was captured by Pei Guang as an energy source, Huanwu has never had a good day. After all, in terms of status, he is the lowest among everyone. Those people who came to have fun came by themselves, and they came and left when they wanted.

It has nothing but hardship, and may be locked here forever like Sui Yang in Zhu Mingxianzhou.

Because of this, the TV that was turned on from time to time to watch live broadcasts became the only time she found to kill time.

But how to say it? Maybe it's because of the influence of these guys these days, or maybe it's because watching Pei Guang every day has affected his enjoyment, but now Huanhuang looks forward to the joy when the TV turns on every day.

However, when the TV turned on, Huan Hu's non-existent expression froze, and while she was watching, several familiar beings gathered around her.

Seeing these guys gathering around, Huanhuang had a bad feeling. Then when she saw the content on TV, her expression completely froze.

"Let me go! Let me go, I won't look!"

"Do you have the right not to watch? Press her and let her watch!"

That's right, it was Huo Hao fighting Huan Hao that was live on TV at this time! The transformer provided by Pei Guang is not enough to make Hao Hao qualified to compete with the Lord of Extinction. Although he cannot compete with the real Lord of Extinction, he can still bully and bully the weakened version of the first-stage illusion in the Yuxiang space. no problem.

If it was a simple battle, Huanwu wouldn't care anymore. Ever since he appeared in the Aftershock Space, Huanwu knew that he would definitely be ridden on his head.

But looking at the way Huo Huo \u0026 Tai Wei fought, she really didn't want to see it. It was torture, it was too torture.

In the video, Huo Hao confidently waved the toilet lash, and there was still smoke on the toilet lash. Every time he attacked, a phantom of smoke would stick to the phantom memory, and then This smoky phantom will laugh at the hazy memory and absorb its energy.

The laughter of this floating phantom is really cheap. How to describe this laughter? That's the combination of Fuyan's voice and Teemo's laughter. Just listening to it makes people feel itchy inside.

The phantom of smoke and laughter fluttering out of the toilet bowl is still stuck to your body and you can’t take it off? The most terrifying thing is that this phantom is bullying his own memory? At this moment, I felt like I wanted to die.

She didn't want to see this scene, but the enthusiastic spectators around her said: "Everyone is invited to enjoy this beautiful scenery."

Chapter 282 Jealous March 7? Beautiful fox fairy lady?

Huanhui was easily defeated by Huohao and Weiwei in the first stage. However, when the two were about to fight in the second stage, their transformations were suddenly lifted.

At the moment when the transformation was released, Huo Huo still looked confident, but when he suddenly saw the tail next to him and felt the disappearance of his power, Huo Huo was suddenly stunned.


Tails: "Huh?"

One person and one tail looked at each other, and then Huo Huo spoke first: "Tail... why are you here?"

Tails: "I don't know, but according to my guess, it must be that the strength is not enough, right?"

Just when the two people looked at each other, the second-stage Huanhuan had completed her transformation, and part of her body had already come out of her half-buried body. Feeling the disappearance of power, watching the illusion become stronger.

Huo Huo and Tai Wei froze at the same time.

Huo Huo: "Tail, what should we do?"

Tails: "What can I do? Run!"

After the transformation, when the two minds were united, Taili felt that he and Huo Hao were invincible, but now that they were separated, Taili didn't think he could outdo Huanhu with his current strength, even if this Huanhu was a weakened version.

Huo Huo and Wei Wei were about to escape, but Pei Guang and Xing were a step faster and took the two of them directly out of the copy, Linyuan Realm, at the entrance of Huanhu Zhouben. When Huo Huo and Tai Wei were sure that they were safe, Huo Huo and Wei Wei were sure that they were safe. He looked at Taitail in fear.

"It's so scary, I almost thought I was going to die in there."

Although Huo Huo is still talking about being scared this time, compared with before, Huo Huo's condition is much better now.

Tails: "Yeah! Thanks to that guy, it's not real. If it were real, we would probably be doomed. But then again, you bastard, there's something wrong with what you gave her! Why did it end so suddenly while she was using it?"

Faced with Tai Wei's questioning, Pei Guang explained helplessly: "It's not because it takes a short time and doesn't have enough power. This transformer converts emotions into power. Huo Huo takes a short time and stores less power. In addition, Huo Huo is particularly emotionally stable after the transformation, which also leads to a lack of strength after the transformation, but it is not a big problem. Fighting does not happen every day. You can accumulate some strength and when you need to take action, you can Take action."

In the use of Huo Huo, Pei Guang also discovered this shortcoming. How to describe this shortcoming? It's nothing to ordinary people, but a bit fatal to him as a player.

Think carefully about the days since you came to this world to experience the game content of this world. If you count them all, it has been almost two months, right? As a result, these days I am either fighting or on the way to fight.

Based on the strength shown by Huo Huo, Pei Guang believed that the transformer was just a toy, fun to play, but not very practical.

However, in countless games, what are toys to players are actually top-notch equipment to many NPCs or local people. Pei Guang also understands this. Because of this, Pei Guang did not follow these words. Huo Huo said that this was just a deviation in personal cognition, and there was no need to use his own cognition to affect Huo Huo's mood.

Didn’t you see that Huo Huo is very happy now? Fighting Huanwu with Taiwei in person, even if this Huanhuang is just a clone, is enough for Huo Hao to have a certain degree of confidence when getting along with Weiwei.

But having confidence is one thing, being afraid is another. But compared to before, her condition is much better. After all, she really has something to rely on this time.

Thinking of this, Pei Guang looked at Huo Huo and encouraged her: "This time, Huo Huo, you can knock out Huan Hu's memory in one stage by charging it in such a short time. I believe you can accumulate enough energy in the future." Queen of Power and Tails can definitely become the strongest combination of humans and Suiyang, let other Suiyang and humans see the bond between you!”

I don't know why, but when Pei Guang said the word "bond", Huo Hao felt his blood boil all over.

"That's right! I want everyone to see the bond between me and Taiyi, let's go, Taiyi! Let's go back to Suiyuan and seal all the Suiyangs that haven't been sealed yet!"

Huo Huo had a little bit of fighting spirit at this time. Although what she said was very impressive, the way Huo Huo held the flag felt a little weak no matter how you looked at it.

But compared to the past when he didn't even dare to go, Huo Huo has evolved a lot now.

Looking at the confident Huo Huo, Pei Guang waved his hand: "Okay, then you can go back to Suiyuan! Xing and I have also decided to go back to rest. As for Suiyang and other things, if you have the seal, there is no rush. As for Speaking of people outside? If you find someone outside and still can't solve it, just contact me directly. We are famous pioneers and can take on any task. "

Huo Huo: "Okay, I really want to thank you this time. I..."

Huo Huo wanted to say something to say thank you, but Pei Guang shook his head: "Thank you is not necessary. I just hope you! Don't hurt us when you give us tasks in the future."

Huo Huo shook his head hastily: "I won't give you a knife."

Looking at the misunderstood girl, Pei Guang just smiled, and then continued: "Okay~ Then we have decided on the reward for your mission~ This is it, don't give us a knife~"

Pei Guang is in a very good mood at this moment. Pei Guang can understand that many game plots need to feed the audience knives for conflicts, but this does not mean that players like this ending.

Especially when he is personally involved, Pei Guang prefers a slightly happier ending. Pei Guang is also self-aware of himself. He is not capable of saving everyone, but he can make himself feel pleasing to the eye, feel comfortable when in contact, and like to know him. Just don't feed yourself the knife.

Seeing how happy Huo Huo is now, and thinking about Huo Huo's current combat effectiveness, Pei Guang feels that there should be no big problem on Huo Huo's side. Wudi didn't dare to say it, but when faced with enemies below the rank of commander, Pei Guang felt that it would be okay to persist until he, the player, triggers an emergency mission and rushes over after the transformation.

Pei Guang and Xing left, and after parting ways with Huo Huo and Wei Wei, they returned to Beloberg. When they returned to Beloberg, the city was still late at night.

On the streets of the dark night, some silver-maned iron guards were on duty. Affected by the etheric front and the upcoming festival celebrations, there were still scattered outsiders on the streets admiring the unique snow scene of Belloberg even late at night.

Walking on the streets of Belloberg, Xing felt an inexplicable sense of relaxation. She turned to look at Pei Guang: "I have experienced so many things this night, but if March knows what we have done, You must be extremely envious, right?"

Pei Guang spread his hands: "Who could have imagined that so many things would happen? At first, I just wanted to see what happened to Fu Xuan. Who would have thought that I would receive the task of matryoshka dolls, but overall it was okay. I gained quite a lot this time. Big~"

After trying out Suiyang's ability for himself, Pei Guang was still very sad about collecting Suiyang to make props. However, based on the current number of Suiyang and his own collection method, it may take some time to collect 999 of them. .

It’s not a big problem. As a player, you have a lot of patience. Whether it is online games or stand-alone games, Pei Guang has played many exciting games. It was not unheard of for him to spend several months polishing a piece of equipment.

But what is the equipment that has been used the longest these years? That must be the trance set from the dnf level 90 version. Pei Guang remembers it very clearly. He went into the abyss for a year and finally collected the fragments to redeem it.

As for this nine hundred and ninety-nine-year-old yang combined with one super thing, Pei Guang also set a small goal that can be completed in at least one year. With the small goal, Pei Guang feels that he is full of motivation.

Listening to Pei Guang's words and looking at Pei Guang's expression, Xing Ye showed a smile: "Indeed~ let's go! Let's go back to the hotel~ But before going back to the hotel, do you want to come to my room? Today I am challenging the decisive victory park with March At that time, I played a few interesting games.”

Pei Guang's eyes suddenly lit up: "Oh? Playing games within the game? This is great, let's start walking!"

Under Xing's deception, Pei Guang came to Xing's room, and the two lay on the bed and started playing games happily. Although the games on the mobile phone are only single-player fighting games, Pei Guang and Xing had a great time playing them.

Because he was too tired from playing, Xing fell asleep unconsciously when it was almost dawn. Looking at Xing lying on the bed and falling asleep, Pei Guang also felt extremely tired today. Go back to the room? He was too lazy to go back. Xing occupied a small area and the remaining space was enough for him to lie down, so Pei Guang lay directly on the bed.

The moment he lay on the bed, Pei Guang fell into a deep sleep.

In the early morning, March 7 in the next room still woke up full of energy today.

After getting up, March Qi dressed up, happily walked out of the room and went to the hall to wait for Pei Guang and Xing to come out. March Qi was very patient at first.

But as she waited, she also discovered something was wrong, because three hours had passed and neither of them came out.

"Something's wrong, this is very wrong. The two of them won't secretly go out to play behind my back, right? Huh! You didn't even tell me to get up so early and go out to play. This girl will be angry~"

Thinking of Pei Guang going out without her, March Qi felt very unhappy in her heart, so she took out her mobile phone and sent Pei Guang a message.

The message has been sent, but Pei Guang has not responded after ten minutes? This made March 7 show a puzzled expression: "Huh? Isn't it there? It shouldn't be? Wait? Could it be that..."

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